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Trisha 2010 (Read 134007 times)

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #180 - Aug 24th, 2010 at 11:26am

Tuesday 24 August 2010
Hair  Hair is unwashed and up in a clip today; I just didn't feel like dealing with it. 

Other  Thanks, gals, for the congrats on hubby's job.   Smiley  I haven't mentioned this to him, but I hope he's able to do this job with his physical limitations.  Keep your fingers crossed. 
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #181 - Aug 27th, 2010 at 11:45am

Hair  I should snap a hair photo this weekend so y'all can see where my length is (making myself a note).  Nothing new to report.  Still using the new formula Pantene for fine hair with no adverse reaction. 

Other  First payday from the new/old (hmm..) job for hubby.  He won't get rich working this job, but it'll pay more than enough for us to cover all of our bills and still have some for savings, etc.  --Which is all we want.  He's going to have to buy more locksmithing tools, though, since he sold most of his.  Thus far, any back pain he's encountered seems to be remedied with a couple of ibuprofen before beddy bye time. 
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #182 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 12:21pm

Tuesday 31 August 2010
Hair...is up in a clip today.  Gosh, tomorrow is a new month and time to measure again. 

Other  I'll be taking off from work this Friday and next Tuesday, giving Yours Truly a 5 day weekend.   Cool  Nothing planned, although I badly need to vacuum.  Hmm, I wonder if hubby gets Monday off? 

Official names for the grand twins are Forrest Scott and Lucy Mae.  Hubby says he can live with Lucy Mae instead of Zettie Mae.   Smiley 
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #183 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 7:31pm
Sorry I'm so late in offering my congratulations to you and hubby on his new/old job!  I couldn't get LongLocks to properly download in France so I just got caught up on your journal.  Yay, no second job for you!!!

Enjoy your 5 day weekend!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #184 - Sep 9th, 2010 at 2:45pm

Thursday 9 September 2010
Hair  is down today.  Still need to take a picture. 

Other  There is only one thing wrong with having five days off in a row:  I never want to come back to work.   Wink  I told hubby, I have no grand aspirations for retirement.  It's the simple fact of having the freedom to do what you want, when you want.  If I wake up and feel like mopping the floors, I can do it that day, without having to wait for the weekend, etc.  Or if I want to take a long walk in the middle of the day (a cloudy day, of course! ha ha), I can do it.  --That's what retirement will mean for me.  Anyway, had a very enjoyable holiday.  On Monday, hubby took me on an impromptu drive.  We headed north on Route 61, at one time the only way to reach St. Louis before I55 was constructed.  My goodness but it's gorgeous country along that highway.  Farm country still, which is what I like.  We ended up in Perryville, only about 30  minutes from where we live, around noon and ate at the Park-et, a little diner where the common-man's grub is oh so DEE-lish. 

Oh, I started wearing mascara again.  Hmm, now I'm wondering if I mentioned here that I had stopped?!  LOL  Oh well.  *shrug*  I went two months without wearing mascara, beginning on the first Friday in July and ending the first Friday of September.  Why?  Heck if I know.  I guess I just wondered if I could do it.  And while it certainly was nice not having to bother with putting it on every (week)day, I have to admit that I missed the way it makes my eyes look.  --That and I had a lipstick urge.  I have a personal rule of not wearing lipstick without mascara. 

What else?  Oohh, weather has been LURVlee the past few days, cool and overcast.  A preview of fall, my favorite! 
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #185 - Sep 9th, 2010 at 3:14pm
What else?  Oohh, weather has been LURVlee the past few days, cool and overcast.  A preview of fall, my favorite!

Ours is the same, strangely enough. Is it raining out there yet? I read that your area was supposed to get rain today & tomorrow.
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #186 - Sep 10th, 2010 at 10:51am
Angel wrote on Sep 9th, 2010 at 3:14pm:
What else?  Oohh, weather has been LURVlee the past few days, cool and overcast.  A preview of fall, my favorite!

Ours is the same, strangely enough. Is it raining out there yet? I read that your area was supposed to get rain today & tomorrow.

Yep!  The rain began yesterday afternoon, falling softly but steadily, and it continues today, a bit more forceful.   Smiley  Love it, love it!  Of course, the area district fair begins tomorrow and we ALWAYS get rain sometime during that week.  This time the moisture arrived a bit early! 
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #187 - Sep 10th, 2010 at 12:38pm
Sounds lovely. Smiley

This time of year we're usually right on par with AZ weather-wise but temps are in the 80's all this week. Huh
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #188 - Sep 16th, 2010 at 9:54am
Thursday 16 September 2010
Hair  Growing.   Smiley

Other  This being September and ovarian cancer awareness month, I thought it befitting to paint my nails teal.  Loving Sally Hansen's Complete Manicure line the way I do, I gave them $7.00 of my money and purchased Fairy Teal, a nice flat shade.  It went on great, like the other shades have, and lasted fine, again like the other shades have.  The tips of my right hand nails were looking pretty worn this morning though, so I wanted to remove the polish before work.  Alas, now my nails have a faint teal tint!  If I'd had time, I would have simply soaked them in polish remover and I'm sure everything would have been fine.  But I did not have time, so now I'm hoping nobody spots the faint hint of green on my fingernails and thinks I'm sick!
  Shocked   Grin
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #189 - Sep 16th, 2010 at 11:01am
If you continue to have a stain on your nails, try apple cider vinegar.  Put it on a cotton ball and hold it to your nail for a bit.  I wouldn't recommend soaking your hand in it-too drying.
Be sure to put oil on your nails afterward.  Lotion is not as well absorbed and your nails and finger skin could be dry.

Have a great day!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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carpe noctem

Posts: 366
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #190 - Sep 16th, 2010 at 3:40pm
Eeeek! Never soak your nails in polish remover, you crazy? Next time use a base coat. Tongue
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #191 - Sep 17th, 2010 at 11:49am

Friday 17 September 2010
Hair  is up in a ponytail.   Smiley

Other LOL  Okay, perhaps "soak" wasn't the word I wanted there, Angel child.  Calm down, all is well.  Your online mama knows the ins and outs of nail varnish.  It's just been so long since I've worn polish that I forgot--dark shades require a clear base coat before the color goes down (as my flesh and blood daughter reminded me last night--cheeky little thing!).   Cool  Confusing though, since I didn't have this problem with the plum shade, which is darker than the teal.   Huh  Oh well, now I know.  Apple Cider vinegar, aha!  Thanks for that tip, Sakina--I'll keep that in mind! 

Word is the president of our university announced yesterday at the annual fall assembly that we must cut $2 million in benefits somewhere.  I didn't attend--haven't attended one of those things in years because I refuse to sit anywhere for an hour and a half and be lied to.   Angry   Obviously everyone is wondering/worrying where this insane amount of money is going to come from. 
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #192 - Sep 17th, 2010 at 4:24pm
$2 million?!?! Shocked  Is this Yale?! Shocked  I don't blame you for not wanting to sit there,even for a minute!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #193 - Sep 21st, 2010 at 4:48pm
Tuesday 21 September 2010
CG, I know, right?!  Two million is a lot of money and I'm afraid those of us who are worker drones will bear the brunt of it...as usual.

Nails are sporting Sally Hansen's Plum Luck this week.  I'll probably leave them naked next week, just so they breathe for a bit. 

Between his job and his Masonic duties, I'm not seeing much of hubby lately.  --And it's going to get worse.  Next month he'll be installed as master at the second lodge to which he belongs (he was already master at the first lodge he joined).  Which means I can count on lots of alone-time on the second and fourth Tuesdays and Thursdays of every month (that's when his 2 "home" lodges meet).  Plus lodge #2 has something going on this Saturday (I forget what), AND!  He'll be leaving Sunday for a Missouri Grand Lodge meeting and won't return until Tuesday night.   Sad   Okay, I'm starting to whine, I need to stop.  It's just that...I'm suddenly very aware that I have no peeps to hang with. 
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2010
Reply #194 - Oct 11th, 2010 at 9:31am
Monday 11 October 2010

My sky this morning:


About 15 minutes later:


And one of Guggenheim, who was feeling rather Fallish:

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