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Tales of a Happy Blackbird (Read 8742 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

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Tales of a Happy Blackbird
Aug 30th, 2010 at 1:40am
        First day doing a hair journal.  What an ingenious idea for staying motivated! 

Hair Stuffs:
        Since applying henna the 25th, my scalp seems to have cleared up a lot and my painful spots feel better and not as ichy.  I'd really like to see that trend continue.  It's so disheartening to feel as if my scalp is ugly!
        Discovered the band Eyefear thanks to someone's post on another thread.  They bring a new and amazing meaning to the term 'hair band' and will be one of my favorites now!  I love being introduced to new bands and musics.
        Everytime I turn around I keep reading about cider vinager rinses and evoo.  I. Must. Try. These.  I think next Wed. night would be the best time to try the evoo and then rinse it the next morning.  Yaay!
        I should have new hair thingies coming in the mail this week or next, I can't wait to retire my hair picks!  I'm going to take the skulls off first though and put them on blank hair pics or maybe make them a pair of earings for a friend.  I might not particularly like skulls, but she loves them!

Life Stuffs:
        The kitchen I'm working at has decided that they need me more!  Yaaay!  I'll be working five days a week now, so psyched.  Apperently the crew keep telling the kitchen manager how much they need me now.  Big Woot for making myself indispensible!  I was afraid I'd have to go get a respectable job because of the lack of hours, but because of this I won't have to now.  I was originally supposed to only work there for one week, this was back in April.  It went from me having one day a week too this!

3 Blessings:
1) Chibi - he is an Amazing kitty who always surprises me with his constant begging for affection and attention.
2) Orange juice - it's tasty and healthy, what's not to love about that awesome combo?
3) Life is so sweet right now.  I keep trying to hit the pause button so I can just absorb it while it lasts.  Smiley
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"Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris."
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Tales of a Happy Blackbird
Reply #1 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 10:42am
Congratulations on starting your hair journal, Elaine84!

Congratulations on your indispensability!

A note on the oil.  I know that hot oil can diminish hair color when applied after a commercial hair color treatment.  I don't know if this is true with henna, but I just wanted to mention it.  I think you'd be OK with room temp oil, but hot you might want to stay away from.

I am a huge fan of apple cider vinegar rinses.  They help my scalp when it gets itchy or too dry.  I especially like to do them before a deep treatment, after shampooing-I think the conditioner penetrates better and my hair is much wavier with it.

I also recommend neem for an itchy scalp.  You can get the oil as well as shampoo/conditioner from the health food store.  I particularly like Max Green Alchemy:



Good luck!
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Re: Tales of a Happy Blackbird
Reply #2 - Aug 30th, 2010 at 7:18pm
Congrats on starting a journal!
As for the oiling after henna, I'd only use it on the ends and just a few drops in the palms of your hands first,rub them together and then apply to the ends.  Oil will cause your henna to fade quicker.  I usually wait about a week after I henna and indigo my hair before I put oil on my ends.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Tales of a Happy Blackbird
Reply #3 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 3:30am
Sakina:  Thank you for the tip and I will have to try the neem oil!  I'd never heard of it before, it sounds wonderful.  I think I'm gonna have to talk my hubby into letting me get some slightly pricier shampoo and conditioner because the Max Green looks right up my ally!

Curlgirl64:  Eeps!  Glad I didn't try it right away, I think I might even wait an extra week just to be on the safe side.  I'm afraid I'm a little green behind the ears when it comes to henna.  It's such a beautiful and simple, yet complex, process.  Thank you for giving me the heads up!

Hair Stuffs:
        Washed my hair today.  I know it was kind of soon, but when ever I have a cold it just feels so refreshing to have clean, happy smelling hair.  To apologise a bit I gooped on the conditioner and cholestral.  After my shower I let it dry about halfway and then put on Paul Mitchell's Super Skinny Serum and Nioxen's Silk Elixer.  My hair is so soft right now!  I'm probably going to order my first boar bristle brush tonight because I miss brushing my hair.   Grin
        Hubby took pictures of my hair today!  But I was wearing my favorite T-shirt, and apparently my hair blends with it.   Tongue  So I'll try again tomorrow.  Just as well, I wasn't totally happy with the lighting.   Smiley

Life Stuffs:
        I have tried to reply to all the wonderful comments to my introduction, but four times now something has gone wrong and the whole post has been deleted.  Shocked  My sincere apologies!  I've never been on a forum before and apparently I'm as clutzy in the internet as I am in real life!  Rofl!
        Work went well today.  I got to work with Big John, which is always a treat.  My cough was a little annoying, but it's way better than it was yesterday!
        Some friends of ours came by to visit today which was a total blessing!  We don't get to see them enough.  *hugs friends*

3 Blessings:
1)  DH cleaned the kitchen and living room for me without me even hinting or anything!
2)  Peppermint tea has helped so much today and yesterday.  The yummiest medicine ever!
3)  We got blueberries at Kroger today, it's been ages since I've had fresh blueberries!  Nom nom nom.   Grin
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"Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris."
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Re: Tales of a Happy Blackbird
Reply #4 - Aug 31st, 2010 at 9:57am
Wink you're welcome!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Tales of a Happy Blackbird
Reply #5 - Sep 2nd, 2010 at 3:12am
Hair Stuffs:
        Washed hair tonight so I won't have to deal with it over the weekend.  Shampoo and co with TRESsemme Naturals Moisterizing.  Used Nioxin's Silk Elixir and PM's Super Skinny Serum again.  I have to admit, since I've had this cold I haven't wanted to do to much with my hair.  Poor hair. 

        You might notice I wash my hair fairly frequently, on average about three times a week.  A big part of this is do to the fact that my job is fairly arduous and the kitchen can reach temps of over 110 degrees farenheit during the hottest parts of the summer.  Thankfully we just had air conditioning installed!  (First time this restraunt has ever had air in its kitchen, its been around for 20yrs!)  By the time I get out of work all I want to do is wash my hair!  Tongue  I've been thinking about different things I could do to help my hair and scalp from drying out.  After I finish this entry I'm going to explore around the forum, I bet I find lots of amazing ideals and recipes!  *squee*

        The boar brush has been shipped!  The mebco comb hasn't, but I'm sure it will soon.

Life Stuffs:
        Work was so slow today!  Today my job was definitely not arduous.  I'd rather be busy busy busy.  Ah well, I'm sure we'll be packed Saturday!
        I've been contemplative lately about how I portray (not the right word but too tired to think of a better one!) myself to people.  Words, facial expressions, mannerisms, actions, re-actions, clothes; anything and everything!  I hate how I dress.  Absolutely 100% not happy with it.   Not too long ago, about two years, I had to take hormones.  In three to four months I had gained 40lbs.  Safe to say I got off of the meds.  Not only is that not healthy, but I think that could even be dangerous, though I'm no where near an expert!  Anywho, before all that jazz went down I had beautiful floor length skirts I would wear all the time and feminine floaty tops and corsets.  I miss them.  Even typing that I feel ashamed.  I should be happy no matter what size I am.  I am beautiful no matter what size I am or what I wear.  It's a mantra.  But I miss feeling feminine, graceful, the swish of my skirts, the softness, the elegance.  Now all I wear are my hubby's cammo cargo shorts and t-shirts.  Gah!  And then I had all my hair chopped off.  That's why I need my hair.  I need to reclaim that part of me.

        Totally did not mean to get introspective!  I blame it on the late/early hour.  Glad I did though.  It's always a good feeling to know yourself better.   Smiley  That also makes me even more determined to lose a little of that weight.  Even if it's five or ten pounds.

3 Blessings:
1)  Kellie is coming tomorrow!  Don't tell anyone, but she's my favorite sis-in-law!   Grin
2)  My hubby.  I can't think of any particular reason why.  He's just that awesome.
3)  Chibi running to the door to greet me when he heard me on the other side.  Who says kitties aren't as affectionate as their canine counterparts?   Wink
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"Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris."
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carpe noctem

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Re: Tales of a Happy Blackbird
Reply #6 - Sep 2nd, 2010 at 11:05am
You might notice I wash my hair fairly frequently, on average about three times a week.  A big part of this is do to the fact that my job is fairly arduous and the kitchen can reach temps of over 110 degrees farenheit during the hottest parts of the summer.

Please. I hardly consider three times a week "fairly frequently." Of course I wash mine every single day. Roll Eyes
    My sister works in a restaurant as well and after a full day (or night) of hot kitchens, messy restrooms, having all manner of substances landing on you and dealing with so many people, I completely understand how the first thing you would want when you get home is a shower. Tongue You needn't justify anything.

Not too long ago, about two years, I had to take hormones.  In three to four months I had gained 40lbs.

Were you by any chance taking prednisone? When my aunt first started taking it to control her Still's Disease the same thing happened to her. I myself have had it happen once or twice from different things that I've been on over the years. The weight seems to creep up overnight but takes its sweet time going away. Tongue Totally sympathize.

Even typing that I feel ashamed.  I should be happy no matter what size I am.

Says who? I honestly don't know many overweight people who are happy with the fact. It's not a healthy or attractive way to live. But it's also not hopeless. It's a starting point. Wink In any case, I'm quite sure there are still many ways to rock your style and feel more like yourself at any size. Most of our limitations are the ones we impose upon ourselves.

Totally did not mean to get introspective!  I blame it on the late/early hour.

Again you have nothing to be ashamed of. Self awareness is one of the most important traits one can possess. Besides, I become quite the philosopher in the wee hours too. More so than usual. Grin

Who says kitties aren't as affectionate as their canine counterparts? Wink

Ignorant people. Wink

Side note, I like your idea of listing 3 blessings. In this economy, perhaps you'll see having a job as being one of them. Cheers!
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Believe and whatever you
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Re: Tales of a Happy Blackbird
Reply #7 - Sep 8th, 2010 at 7:03pm
Love your kitty.  Looks just like my Frisbee, who died 4 yrs. ago.
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