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How to post pic? (Read 4341 times)

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Posts: 205
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How to post pic?
Dec 23rd, 2002 at 7:51am
Is there any possibility to post pictures if the pic is actually not at the www?
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Itīs easy to be a winner. Just never lose.(André Agassi)
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Global Salon Moderator

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East Nottingham, PA
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Re: How to post pic?
Reply #1 - Dec 27th, 2002 at 7:37pm
Don't you have any FTP space at all where you can put it?  It doesn't have to be on a web page, just on a server that you can point to.  Usually you get some kind of web space from your ISP.
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Susan Maxwell Schmidt
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Posts: 154
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Re: How to post pic?
Reply #2 - Jul 11th, 2004 at 10:47pm
ok, I'm not that great with computers besides an occ. hack. helpness
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Anais Satin

Tailbone in March 2006,
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Bill Gates' backyard, WA
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Re: How to post pic?
Reply #3 - Jul 12th, 2004 at 2:41am
It seems that "free" webspace servers such as FortuneCity and Yahoo Geocities.. directed links to them don't seem to work. Especially when I tried linking a Zhang Ziyi picture as my avatar; it came up for awhile then disappeared when I logged out of FortuneCity. The avatar became a little red and white error square.

Often, to have people access my pictures in general, I have them log into a public-access Yahoo Photos or Briefcase account. I just email the username and password to my viewer friends... Nothing fancy, just some random account that can be cleared and tossed when done.. Anne-Marie does this too apparently, so it's worked here at Longlocks.

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Ottawa, Canada
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Re: How to post pic?
Reply #4 - Jul 13th, 2004 at 2:46am
An internet service provider (ISP) is what just about everybody uses to access the internet (people surfing from work excepted). Most ISP accounts come with a certain amount of web space. If you need a place to put avatars and pictures this space is ideal. You just have to contact your ISP's technical support department and ask them to give you the exact steps to:
(1) upload a file from your computer to your web space
(2) link to that file from the internet
If the first tech you get is not patient enough or helpful ask for a supervisor and explain that you want someone to walk you through it. Good luck.
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