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is this possible? (Read 4380 times)

Posts: 135
Gender: female
is this possible?
Aug 9th, 2004 at 1:20pm
So, I know that it is pretty much impossible to make fine hair coarser...if the individual strands are very fine, they are going to stay that way. At least, that is what I've always been told. Which is fine (no pun intended!) with me because that makes my hair very soft and I like that.

But what about the thickness of hair as a whole? As in...some people have individually fine hairs, but they have a LOT of them, so their hair as a whole is a reasonable thickness. I not only have fine hair, I don't have that much of it.

Is there any way that anyone knows of to cause MORE HAIR to grow...more hairs per square inch of my scalp, or whatever it would be? Am I even making sense? I can totally deal with fine hair, but I just wish I had MORE of it, because I don't really have that much hair. Is there any way to remedy that or am I just doomed to not have very much hair and to try to plump it up in any way possible?   Tongue

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1bFi hair&&Dark blonde
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Posts: 426
Gender: female
Re: is this possible?
Reply #1 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 1:35pm
Unfortunately, genetics is usually the limiting factor for both texture and thickness of hair.

If your hair has been that way all your life, there's probably not too much you can do to change it. Consider your diet: if you weren't getting enough protein, I'd say eat more. Some people say they have luck with supplements (biotin, silica, msm), other people say they can't tell the difference.

Silicone rinses such as Pantene Pro-V add a coating to the hair that makes it feel thicker. You might want to try that to see if it helps. Just remember that these products build up. You should rinse with vinegar (1/4-1/2 cup to the quart of warm water) occasionally, or the buildup itself can cause damage. I use Pantene, and I love it.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 492
Gender: female
Re: is this possible?
Reply #2 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 2:24pm
I know what you're going through. My hair is VERY fine
and there's not a lot of it.  It has always been that
way.  I try to eat a very healthy diet, take vitamins
(one a day, MSM, Biotin) and treat it with TLC so it
doesn't break or fall out.  I've tried all kinds of products
to thicken hair, but frankly, I didn't like a lot of the volumizing products.  They made my hair feel all stiff
and sticky instead of soft and silky and they dryed it out.
I think because they had alcohol in them.   You could
use a mousse(without alcohol) and try blowing upside
down on a low setting. (not too much blowing, though,
hard on hair) maybe just for a few seconds.
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Posts: 135
Gender: female
Re: is this possible?
Reply #3 - Aug 10th, 2004 at 1:48am
The reason I was wondering is that I saw a thread down there about L-Cystine and hair growth...does anyone know anything about that? I'm probably going to look it up and see if there have been any studies done on it, but I was wondering how many people here had tried it and what they thought...ah well, at any rate, I will look it up.

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1bFi hair&&Dark blonde
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Posts: 42
Re: is this possible?
Reply #4 - Aug 13th, 2004 at 8:35am
I'm in exactly the same posistion as you - extremily fine hair and not alot of it! Last winter through to spring i used a L-cystine treatment and i have to admit it worked really well on my hair (nexxus vita tress ) i used it in conjuction with their shampoo and a treatment you rub into the scalp and after about a month I notciced when I massaged my scalp (which I've heard from this site is a good thing to do) that there were little short tufty hairs coming through and now it is a little thicker (and growing quicker) i stopped using the whole system for summer as I have heard hair naturally grows quicker during this time and also I wanted a rest from the routine - you have to wait about 10 mins altogether before you can wash those products out - very time consuming when you wash your hair every day!

Anyway I still have very fine hair but a little more of it - I also take biotin and a regular vitamin (would like to try MSM but I am a little unsure of it) Unfortunately I don't think there is a great deal us fine girls can do about the thickness of our hair except not worry about it as i have found if I'm stressed at all my hair falls out! We'll all just have to love it for what it is, eat well and hope for the best. I'm going to go back on the vita tress system for the winter as I do really think it makes a difference - give it a go if you want (however it is quite expensive)

Don't give up and don't worry Smiley
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