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Someone help me-please! (Read 16908 times)

I love Long Hair!

Posts: 380
Los Angeles, CA
Gender: female
Re: Someone help me-please!
Reply #15 - Oct 21st, 2004 at 9:56pm
My aunt had really really long hair passed her knees (I come from a long hair loving family Grin ) and she used a variety of 'rats'. My aunt made them from her own hair combings that she removed from her brush. I guess she would just take the hair out of her brush each time after using add it to what she already had and kind of work the hair together to form it into whatever shape she wanted to have as a foundation. I never did it myself but I know the 'rats' she made worked because she gave me a couple that I still have and use. (when I'm not to lazy to give myself a nice 'do')  Cheesy
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sleepwalker by day

Posts: 112
Central California Coast
Gender: female
Re: Someone help me-please!
Reply #16 - Oct 22nd, 2004 at 3:08pm
oh, Babyfine - PLEASE listen the the sage advice of your fine-haired 'sisters' in regard to perms!!!!!

I have finally, after 8 years cut the last of a spiral perm from my hair - this summer a 5 inch 'trim' saw the end of the dry, broken, constantly splitting, miserably dull and perm-discolored ends that I have been dealing with these many years.  It had finally come to the point that my hair could not be worn 'down', but had to be up - for almost 2 years - to distract from the terrible discoloration/fading/dullness brought on by the harsh perm solution on the then very old ends.

It was a moment of madness that led me to the perm - though I have much density in my hair, it too is baby fine.  (thanks, dad - why couldn't I have gotten mom's abundantly thick, curly auburn hair..... Undecided  )  My cousin in south dakota has a salon.  She and my other cousin, her sister (also a stylist) took an entire day spiral curling my then hip length hair....  They had to go to the beauty supply twice to get more loop-rods, and it took 3 people supporting my head to get me to the rinse out basin because of the weight.  The perm was absolutely stunning, and I adored it.... Wearing it down was an event that always brought pleasant compliments........

BUT.... the maintenance:
coating it with nasty, sticky (alcohol-based)gel after each washing.....then "scrunching" it dry in front of a high powered space heater - which despite my hair's fineness - took nearly an hour every other day....   Embarrassed

Because of the perm, the less than nourshing post-perm shampoo and conditioners, the never-ending 'coating' products, the heat needed to maintain the "bouncy" look, so I didn't have lanky pulled out curls...(if air dried, the sheer length of the hair distorted and pulled the curls till they were quite ugly) Undecided

My hair was in the worst shape that it had been in 15 years - since highschool (when I "brilliantly" chose to go from my natural medium brown to a blindingly white blond - which I followed up with a "crimped" perm - to my waist-length hair  Shocked ...... but that horror is another story - when I was 17 and completely sure that I had a never ending supply of quick-growing healthy hair...)

At 41, I have resolved NEVER AGAIN to so disregard my hair.   I'm pleased that my existing length (tailbone at present) is healthy, smooth, free from splits or discoloration and HAPPY. Grin   It never regained it's pre-perm density, however - no matter the vitamins, supplements, hair-friendly diet, strict care regime and  TLC  - quite probably due to my age and general health... but I am finally pleased with it's appearance - and am able to wear it down once again, when the mood hits me Smiley

So, Babyfine - PLEASE trust us, and run, screaming from the salon!

nightowl Smiley
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 492
Gender: female
Re: Someone help me-please!
Reply #17 - Oct 22nd, 2004 at 3:56pm
Thanks, nightowl.  I know I don't REALLY want a perm.
As you said, it looks great for a few months until  it
starts looking ratty.   I have no perm in my hair right
now- The last of the old perm was cut of Jul'03 when
I got my chin length bob.  But I've been getting highlights put in.  The last of the highlights was in May
so I have 3" of virgin hair, mousy brown with a few
grays coming in.   I'm tempted to just highlight with
color(No bleach) the roots.  Like you I think I've lost
density, too.  My hair has always been ultra ultra fine,
but I think I have less of it now.  Could be all the
chemical things I've been doing although the last six
months I've been giving it lots of TLC.  My age could
definatly be a factor.  I hate to wear it down, now, because it is so flat and thin looking.  It looked OK
until it got below the shoulders.. Then it lost
volume.  How long is your hair now?  Mines about an
inch below the shoulders.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 492
Gender: female
Re: Someone help me-please!
Reply #18 - Oct 22nd, 2004 at 3:59pm
Never mind the last question, I see you hair is tailbone
length.  That's my goal, or waist length blunt cut all
one length.   I'm 48, so I'm sure hormones are going
to be affecting my hair.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 492
Gender: female
Re: Someone help me-please!
Reply #19 - Oct 22nd, 2004 at 4:18pm
The only reason I ever permed my hair was because
it was suggested to me as a necessity by stylists from
the time I was 21.  I went on a crash diet and my hair
thinned out some.  I had BSL length hair, the longest
its ever been in my life.  My hairdresser said you need
a perm or you should cut it, so I permed it.  I was a perm addict for many years, about once a year, when
I didn't cut  it short. I wore it short all through the 80's
and until 91 when i decided to grow it long.
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sleepwalker by day

Posts: 112
Central California Coast
Gender: female
Re: Someone help me-please!
Reply #20 - Oct 22nd, 2004 at 5:11pm
My favorite way to get body when I know I'm wearing it down is to wash or wet it several hours before bedtime, and braid it snugly once it is just dry. 

I apply a tiny amount of Jojoba oil to the last 12 inches of hair. Then, I do my Hair Hairband (from another thread), and either one high braid in the back or sometimes two. 

I then wrap the braids around hair friendly rollers high on the head, or rag roll the braids to the top of my head.

In the morning I let out the curlers and then the braids and finger comb my hair - Sometimes I'll do a very loose single french braid, or a high pony tail, or just pull the front section back into a clip and wear it loose.  The braiding of fractionally wet hair gives me about 75% more volume, and it stays that way until washed, and looks very soft and 'fluffy' if 3 braids total were done, deeply wavy if 2 braids were done. 

Once or twice, on occasions when I had WAY too much time on my hands, I've done a "water perm".  Using the larger sized loop perm rods (I use about 25 of them) I rolled up my hair using endpapers and rods when it was just dried.  I keep the rods in overnight (no, not a good night's rest with that monstrosity on my head and I sleep on 4 down pillows when they're in, just to prevent any strain or pressure on my hair) ... but the morning result is a head full of long bouncy, beautiful spiral curls.  I just finger through them once, then leave them alone.   It's great for a REALLY special occasion - family photo day, attending wedding, etc - but the invested time is quite ridiculous, as they only last about 8-12 hours before looking stringy and limp.  But - it is a nice change of pace for a day, and once every year or so it appeases my desire for curls Grin

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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 492
Gender: female
Re: Someone help me-please!
Reply #21 - Oct 22nd, 2004 at 7:05pm
Thanks nightowl, those sound like some good ideas.
I've thought of buying some perm rods and doing
a water perm myself, but like you said its hard to
fine the time and I don't think I could ever sleep on
them. I have a hard time sleeping even on soft rollers,
but sometimes when I have time in the a.m. I wash or
wet my hair and wait until its 90% dry and set it on
solar rollers (bought at Claire's) and it comes out with
some body.
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