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hairline hair (Read 4672 times)

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 16
hairline hair
Aug 6th, 2005 at 10:22am
I noticed that when I shed hairs the little hairline hairs shed as well.  moreso, as I've aged. Is  this normal?  How can I keep these hairs strong?  thanks in advance!
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Re: hairline hair
Reply #1 - Aug 6th, 2005 at 8:17pm
Darnit - I think it is normal for some of us (me, for example Grin).

I've looked at pictures of myself at age ten and lo and behold I had a ton of them then too.  Of course now it's all a bit thinner and a bit more solid wispies.

I find that massage, I do finger and horncomb scritching, that starts just a trace lower than your hairline gives them the best chance ... yup, that means you have to massage or scritch your face *snork* but just a little ...g
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 16
Re: hairline hair
Reply #2 - Aug 6th, 2005 at 8:57pm
If you don't mind , tell me more about horn combs?  Do they work?  can I just buy the comb and use my olive oil or jojoba oil, I looked on the site and it says they recommend their own oil.  How are your results?  thanks,
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Posts: 187
Hot and humid...For now.
Gender: female
Re: hairline hair
Reply #3 - Aug 7th, 2005 at 1:41am
I have a lot of whispy hair along my hairline and the back of my neck...When I used to color, they were always really short and almost nonexistant. Now that I am no longer dyeing, they have multiplied and become longer...Some of them are even a few inches! I kind of like them, they're blonde and soft. My hair is naturally a brownish hue.
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Re: hairline hair
Reply #4 - Aug 7th, 2005 at 6:28am
If you don't mind , tell me more about horn combs?  Do they work?  can I just buy the comb and use my olive oil or jojoba oil, I looked on the site and it says they recommend their own oil.  How are your results?  thanks,

Sure.  That site is the only place I buy horncombs, well, because they are just really good and I trust them.  I would not recommend not using the lanolin - but you can buy some at a whole foods store and I believe it's de-fractionated that they say to use if you aren't using their's, I'll double check that.

I didn't do any oiling of one of my horncombs for about two years after I bought it and it certainly survived but the difference when I got a few overnight soakings in the lanolin was tremendous.  They became (and stayed) translucent and a bit more pliable.

If you like scalp massage/stimulation and like to exfoliate you'd probably really enjoy using a horncomb for this.

I certainly can't say anything will change or stop wispies - but I enjoy horncombing very much ...g
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