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Beesan's E- Journal (Read 123047 times)

Posts: 677
st. louis, MO
Gender: female
Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #15 - Dec 17th, 2005 at 1:39am
Got my Secret Santa gift today from maggie SmileyI will post pics tomorrow.

I will get my trim on Monday hopefully.

The pain in my hip has NOT gotten any better, and has moved to my lower back Undecided, if i go on Monday to get my trim  then i won't go to PT. Hard choice...LOL Roll Eyes

Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone! Cheesy
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #16 - Dec 18th, 2005 at 2:03am
Yay my second page Smiley

Nothing much for today- it was supposed to be wash day, but we had some friends over for dinner/supper (they came late Roll Eyes) so between helping with the cooking, and cleaning there was absolutley no time!
As a result of the cleaning and slaving around the house all day- more pain Cry Cry, i think i'll call an emergency appointment for Monday

I'm very disappointed in my self cuz i didn't finish my Goal of the Week thing, but my mom was finishing writing up her masters thesis, i had to take care of the house.

I couldn't post the gift pic today, so by Monday i will. As for now goodnight- i'm so sleepy ::yawn::
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #17 - Dec 19th, 2005 at 11:06pm
Hi, Beesan!  Essential Oil of Wild Marjoram is very helpful in easing body aches-you can mix it in a carrier oil (almond, jojoba, coconut) and apply it to the spot or (my personal favorite) put a couple of drops in a hot bath.  I hope you are pain free soon.

BTW-have you tried yoga asanas to keep your body healthy?

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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #18 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 12:06am
Thanks Sakina Smiley hmmmmm...i think we maybe going to Whole Foods tomorrow...

Actually, i have given yoga a thought, and tried it, but my legs and inflexibility(is that a word ???) always come in the way. I can NEVER keep my back straight, but i'm working on that in PT, so maybe if i get better, and loosen up in PT then i can take yoga... Cheesy

Hair- still haven't washed it, and i decided to experiment and see how long it takes to get oily- actually that's just an excuse, but it's soooooo cold that if my hair gets a little wet i get headaches, and a cold Undecided

Books- i have finished Annies Baby and So B. It.
So B. It was a sad book toward the end, but i won't give it away, in case someone wants to read it.
Annies Baby was a tipical pregnant 14 year old story. But what annoyed me the most was how naive girls were- or maybe it was the society they lived in. Her boyfriend kept slapping her and abusing her, and she thoght that was because all boys do it, and he loves her. I really felt sorry for her Undecided. I have found several other diaries edited by Dr. Beatrice Sparks so i will be going to the library soon...

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #19 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 3:33am
Dear Beesan,
You do not have to be flexible to do yoga.  You become flexible through the practice of the postures, breathing and meditation.  When I took my first yoga class I was a few years out from having a very serious back injury.  I had misalignments in my thoracic and lumabar curves and my sacrum was fractured.  I was getting regular chiropractic and deep tissue massage treatments, but the yoga consistently helped me be comfortable in my body and kept me mostly pain free.  When you practice yoga: if you can meet your body where it is-no matter what your range of motion, you will slowly get more flexible, stronger and have better balance.  The purpose of the postures is to master the mind by mastering the body-so that our consciousness is in charge and our mind is the servant of the consciousness instead of the other way around (which is how we are when we begin the practice).  This leads to harmony of the spirit, mind and body.
Its OK if you can't make your back straight to begin.  If you seek out a teacher, be sure she/he respects the current limitations of your body but will gently encourage you to explore the "edge", the depth of your range where change can occurr.  I found it a real challenge not to compare my limited range of motion to the other students in class.  When I surrendered to the fact that my limit was what it was, my body relaxed, my mind relaxed and I really came to enjoy the experience of just being with myself in the pose-wherever that was, without judging myself or comparing my pose to anyone elses.  Before I knew it I was much more flexible.  I've been practicing off and on for about 12 years now.  For someone with the level of injury I suffered, I can now do full backbends, headstands and pretty much anything else but above all I feel good in my body and it is a rare day that I have pain or discomfort in my back.
I hope you'll reconsider yoga, and take the time you need to find the teacher you feel comfortable with.  In your case, I would not recommend using videos at home because you won't be able to tell if your alignment is correct.  Not to be alarmist, but you can get injured if you practice incorrectly.  Perhaps reading about yoga will help: I wholeheartedly recommend Erich Schiffmann's book "YOGA the Spirit and  Practice of Moving into Stillness".  There are many other books on postures out there, and there are postures in his book but, for me the introduction speaks to the heart of the practice.

Good Luck on your journey to freedom from pain.

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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #20 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 10:50am
Just a little HELLO  Smiley

I hope you enjoy this time of the year with your friends and family  Smiley
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santa barbara, ca
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #21 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 7:37am
Wow Beesan, you read fast!  My neice got me a couple of books off my wishlist.  I hope to get through them over the break.  My concentration isn't as good as it used to be though.  Smiley

I agree with Sakina about flexibility.  Find your limit, remember to breath slowly, and as you exhale and relax into the stretch you'll find that you will naturally get a little further.  For me, if I haven't stretched in a while, it takes about a week's worth of stretching before I feel the same limberness as before.  But it also depends on body type.  My ex-boyfriend was heavy set and muscular.  Muscular people have a harder time with flexibility.  We took martial arts classes together, and I remember he couldn't even touch his toes in the beginning.  But after several months, he could  fold over flat like a piece of paper!  Smiley 

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Posts: 677
st. louis, MO
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #22 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 2:07pm
Wow, that clears up alot of misunderstanding Tongue, thanks Sakina, and Khrome Kiss, i will try as hard as i can to find a teacher, i would never get those DVD or VHS stuff, i can't even do those excercise videos alone, i always end up with back pain Undecided Embarrassed

Khrome- sometimes i read two books at a time, and if i REALLY like the book then i won't sleep till i finish it.

I spent last night in the hospital (till 2 am anyway) with my little brother. He gets croup several times a year. About three weeks ago he spent the night, but thank god we took him early this time before it got worse.

Hair- no washing, and i really need a ACV rinse but i'm soooooooooo tired, and it's soooooooo cold, i wish it would snow... it's starting to look like i have EVOO in my hair, so i think it's time for a hairwash....but after i take a little nap

more later Smiley
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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #23 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 5:09pm
Hope your brother is doing better.  This is a tough time of the year to be ill!
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Global Salon Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #24 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 5:56pm
I"m sorry your brother isn't feeling well.  Embarrassed

Merry Christmas to you and your family, and here's hoping you're all well and happy for the holiday.   Kiss
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This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible. This was terrible with raisins in it.----Dorothy Parker&&Life is pain...anyone who says differently is selling something--The Princess Bride
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Posts: 677
st. louis, MO
Gender: female
Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #25 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 7:10pm
Thanks Bikerbraid, and 13bodies Smiley and Merry Christmas to you Kiss

He is better now, and he has to take steroides(sp??) for three days. But we have gotten used to it now-and so has the ER nurses and doctors- this is like the 5th time he gets it.
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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #26 - Dec 22nd, 2005 at 10:25pm
It is good to hear that he is making a recovery.  Happy Holidays, Beesan.

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Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #27 - Dec 23rd, 2005 at 10:30pm
Get well soon to your brother Beesan! Happy Hollidays to you and your FAMily.
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Posts: 677
st. louis, MO
Gender: female
Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #28 - Dec 24th, 2005 at 1:19pm
Thanks Pan, and Curlygirl Kiss Happy Holidyays to you too
He's getting better but the cough is still there.

I washed my hair the day before yesterday, i don't think my hair likes the Natures Gate shampoo anymore- when i washed it, it felt like i had honey in my hair, i couldn't even put my fingers through it Undecided even after the oil and leave-in conditioner

Anyway, i went to a wedding yesterday- didn't go to the reception- cuz my mom couldn't go because her cousin died on Tuesday so... anyway, i didn't do much with my hair just put it in a braid with a nice little scarf cuz it was still wet/damp from washing the night before.

Going to the mall in 'bout two hours with Silver_Twilight, so more later...
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Posts: 677
st. louis, MO
Gender: female
Re: Beesan's E- Journal
Reply #29 - Dec 27th, 2005 at 1:16am
I guess now is later... Roll Eyes

Went to the mall on Saturday, as planned. We shopped around, but didn't really buy anything..it turned out that she was planning to cut her almost waist length hair up to shoulder length Shocked Shocked and wanted me to introduce her to my mom's friend, who works at JC Penny. (i hope you don't mind me mentioning this S_L Kiss)

Anyway, we went for lunch at California Pizza Kitchen. Then went to claire's for a last look. I got two pairs of hair sticks. One is black with little silver flowers with glitter printed on them, and the other one is clear and knoted at the top. I was planning on getting only one except they had a sale "buy one get the secong 50% off" it wasn't very tempting except that they were only $4.50 so i got both for $7, right on my "hair and fun" budget Roll Eyes.
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