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maggie. (Read 219617 times)

Posts: 799
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Re: maggie.
Reply #345 - Feb 19th, 2009 at 2:49pm
Hello, hello  Smiley  Figured I was do for a pop-in and update, it's been so long!

Well, my hair is still short, I'm not even going to bother with measuring, it's pointless at this stage Tongue, it's easier to say that it's above shoulder length and below chin length.  I had it cut again right after the new year, I actually felt that I wanted it a little shorter than it already was, believe it or not.  I went a little more dramatic, I had her cut my bangs short and straight across, and had more of a blunt cut made up to my chin.... she actually had to shave my neck hairs!  Weird, never had that done before.

I'm still not sorry that I did it, but I do miss my long hair from time to time, being able to pull it up in different ways and especially using my hair sticks.  I love hair sticks!  It was a needed change in my life and I will admit that it was really cool to not have to be hair obsessed for a while, not worrying about wind, knotting or tangling, dry and abused ends, not to mention the amount of time it took every day to carefully wash, condition, and wait for it to dry.  I wasn't enjoying it anymore and it was feeling like an unnecessary stress in my life, and lord knows that I don't need anymore stress in my life than I already have!  I think the reprieve did me good and I might be ready to start growing it again.... I might have one more cut in store just to reshape it and prepare it for it's new journey, but I think I got all this short hair stuff out of my system for now.  I wonder how long it will take to get back to where I was??

As for my life and business, well, ugh.  We put the building, just the building...not the business, up for sale before Christmas and let me tell you that it's been a slow-go.  We had one looker weeks ago but haven't heard any offers from him, so it's safe to assume that he's not interested.  A friend of mine is possibly interested in buying it as a rental property, she and her husband are coming to see it on Sunday, so we'll see how that goes.  If it does sell then that'll be the end of my little flower shop, I'll use that money to get out of some debt that this last year has incurred for me and then I guess I'll have to find a job.  Blech.  I must say that these are very depressing times for me, I keep trying to look for the positive things, but it's hard sometimes.  I'm just really hoping to not have to declare bankruptcy.  I've been frequenting an online community dedicated to helping people find ways out of debt, personal and business, and it's really been helpful for me, it's also comforting to know that others out there are in the same boat as me looking for answers to.  Seems we're all learning from each other.

Sorry to be such a downer, but this is where things are at in my life right now.  I hope that a year from now I can look back at this post and say "Thank God all that's over with and things are better now".... "And my hair is so much longer, too!"  Wink

Well, love and best wishes to all of you who read this, I'll keep updating.  Smiley
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Re: maggie.
Reply #346 - Feb 19th, 2009 at 6:50pm
Hey Maggie!  Welcome back!  Don't worry things will turn out ok,chin up!!
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Head Board Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: maggie.
Reply #347 - Feb 20th, 2009 at 12:29am
Welcome back, Maggie! Smiley  Hope everything works out for you!
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: maggie.
Reply #348 - Feb 20th, 2009 at 9:34am
Good to hear from you, Maggie.   Smiley  Listen, if huge corporations like Ford and GM and Bank of America, etc. are having financial problems then you, as a small personal business owner, have no reason to feel bad.  You've done the best you can under adverse conditions and that's all any of us can do.  Our best. 

As to your short hair, I just got a lot of mine cut off, too.   Wink  The thinning sitch, doncha know.  Mine is now collar bone length.  Short enough to disguise any potential problem areas yet long enough to still wear combs and clips and ponytails.  It seems to be the perfect length for me and I love it.  I hope you find your perfect length and/or wish you luck should you decide to grow again.  *hugs*   Cool
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