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juri monogatari, part deux (Read 146978 times)

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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #195 - Apr 30th, 2008 at 4:58pm
Huh, I would've never guessed that Japanese men could be openly pervy.  I thought their culture was more proper and subdued. Huh

I wouldn't have eaten the tart either.  Not because I'm badass or anything, I'm just a germophobe. Roll Eyes  I would've most likely held it in my hand and thrown it away later. Tongue

Anyway, I hate perverts and have had the misfortune of running into far too many in my lifetime.
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #196 - May 1st, 2008 at 8:38am
Trisha--Yeah, I wish I could have done that, but I think I could have said goodbye to my job. Or maybe not. It costs the town around $5000 to replace an ALT so maybe they would have docked my pay or something.

Angel Spun--I'm glad someone thinks it was sexual harassment. I thought it was, but given everyone's (the teachers, Nurse A-though perhaps she was actually offended and didn't show it) non-reaction to what was going on, I wondered if I was being melodramatic. Thanks for the suggestion about what to do. Some other guy tried to feed me later that month so I'm sure there's going to be another opportunity to use what you told me. I'm so sad that I had to write that. What is it with this country and sexual harassment?

La Diosa--That's what I thought as well. I knew about women getting groped on packed trains, but I wasn't prepared for such blatant perviness. I wondered about the tart thing too, except it was after I ate it. Tongue But for me it's not so much a germ thing (since I've been here I've had to try raw horse meat, raw whale meat, deep fried fish intestine, sea squirt mixed with raw egg, baby fish with the head still on, etc.) as a power issue.

I've been wondering about the picture taking and feeding issue and I think guys are under the impression they can get away with being perverts because it seems like inappropriate behavior is excused if you're drunk, and no one talks about what happens at parties so they don't have to worry about people bringing it up later on.

After the second instance when some guy tried to feed me, I asked a teacher I'm friends with if that's culturally acceptable here (that and the incident with Nurse A). She asked if he had been drinking and I said yes. She got a look that read "yeah, that explains it" and nodded, but didn't seem particularly disturbed at what had happened. She did say, though, that even here feeding near strangers is "dirty". I'm not sure if she meant dirty as in unsanitary or inappropriate. At any rate, at least I know it's not okay.

And it seems like sexual harassment in general isn't taken that seriously. I mean, Nurse A and the teacher sitting next to her laughed about the dad trying to take pictures of her cleavage. Perhaps Nurse A was hiding her true feelings, but outwardly it didn't seem like she had a problem with his behavior. And when the dad tried to feed me, the school councilor was standing between us, but she didn't try to stop him or say "what do you think you're doing?" It doesn't help that the school treats the parents with kid gloves so I don't think the guy would have been thrown out if I had complained (the school hosted the party). Gah, this country, I swear... But I must say this, not every guy I've met here is a pervert. Most are normal and not given to such inappropriate behavior.

And now for something completely different: I want to take ballet again when I move back home so I've been trying to improve my ankle and foot strength. It's only been a week or two, but I can already feel and see an improvement. Each day I write the alphabet from A-G several times with my feet and much to my surprise it actually works. I think if I keep this up and continue to do the NYCB ballet workout, I'll be in good shape when I finally get to resume ballet lessons. Maybe after a year or two I'll get to go on pointe again. woo!

I'm going to be gone for a few days. It's Golden Week and I'm going to Iwate and Akita prefectures. I'll be back next week. Have a good weekend!

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Angel Spun
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #197 - May 1st, 2008 at 12:57pm
Ah, a fellow former ballerina. I've always wanted to get back into it too.  Smiley

As for sexual harassment in Japan, well, all over Asia, women are viewed as very secondary to men. That's the way their culture has been for thousands of years. But rather than stand up for themselves, the women stand by and take whatever treatment they're given. Their role is to be provided for - not to provide for themselves. This is why the men feel that they can get away with whatever.
   Asking women who have lived there all of their lives won't help you because the gender roles have already been imposed upon them from birth. You, however, are an American and were not raised with such roles...hopefully. And as an American, you were taught to recognize sexual harassment and put a stop to it immediately (again, hopefully). At home, you have rights and laws that protect you from unwanted advances...that is your background.
   Other countries don't work that way. So this is where you have to rely on your instincts. No matter where you are, if someone is doing something that you're not comfortable with, don't let them!

Of course, in every country, there are a lot of guys who are just plain clueless. They act on their instincts and don't even realize that they're being inappropriate (especially if they're drunk). Guys like these are just lost causes IMO and your best course of action is to avoid them.

As for Nurse A, she could very well have feelings for this pervert dad...God only knows why. Her actions would certainly suggest that she does (although she may have had a few drinks as well). Or she may be quite accustomed to drunk men perving on her and it might not bother her that much. But...that's her, not you.

You're also absolutely right about the pervy dad's motives being about power. Kudos to you for recognizing that. Remember what I said about gender roles? This is why you shouldn't have taken his tart. This man was not trying to offer you something - he was trying to force it.
Unfortunately, men getting drunk and making unwanted advances on women is as old as time itself and happens everywhere, regardless of culture. This is why it doesn't matter where you are or what the circumstances. Trust yourself and protect yourself 'cause in the end, you're the only person you can rely on. Savvy?  Wink

Have fun this weekend, kid. Oh and *ahem ahem* take your camera with you if possible *ahem*  Grin
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #198 - May 2nd, 2008 at 9:13am
So this is where you have to rely on your instincts. No matter where you are, if someone is doing something that you're not comfortable with, don't let them!

Quite right!  Of course accidents happen...  I'm one of those clutzy people who might ACCIDENTALLY dump a cup of hot coffee in such a man's lap...  Or spill a cold drink down his back.  Ahem.   Roll Eyes   Cool 
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Angel Spun
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #199 - May 2nd, 2008 at 1:19pm
Grin  lol Trisha
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Kami wa onna no inochi
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #200 - May 3rd, 2008 at 8:44am
I've been thinking about what you had to see and I am sorry.  I have known that the Japnese culture can be very different then ours.  Sex is looked at in a different way.  A friend of mine when to Tokyo a few years ago.  He was shocked to see young children reading Henti in the streets.  Kelly Osborne had a TV show of her trip to Japan and she was most up about some of the going on as well.  This also had to do with pictures being taken of women.  Again I am so sorry you had to see this side of Japanese culture....
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #201 - May 14th, 2008 at 11:01pm
The Japanese have a different sense about sex than us raised in Western culture.  If some man treated me that way it would be extremely offensive, and I'd probably wig out.  For the nurse and father though, it didn't seem to be an issue.  Undecided
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #202 - May 22nd, 2008 at 7:20am
Angel Spun--I didn't know you took ballet. Neat! How long did you do it? About the other issue, too true. From an incident at a PTA and teachers' party this past weekend that involved a parent pressuring a teacher to do something she didn't want to do, I noticed that both here and back home people tend to side step issues to avoid confrontation, myself included. I really need to learn how to put my foot down and just give a direct "no". Sorry to be so vague and abrupt when you wrote such a fabulous post, but I'm trying not to think about this too much at the moment.  Undecided

Trisha--lol! I wish I had your guts. I know I'd have the urge to do those things, but wouldn't because I'd feel guilty after. yeesh

Lisabelle--Thanks for the hug. Please don't feel sorry, it's not as if you were responsible. Eww, I'm so glad I've never seen any of my students reading hentai. I think I'd probably shout "OMGwhatdoyouthinkyou'rereading???!!!!" and then have an aneurysm.  Tongue

Citrine--Hullo! I'm not sure if we've "met," but nice to have you here! Yeah, no kidding. I kind of knew things would be different here, but actually experiencing those differences is something else entirely. I try not to judge some events from an American standpoint, but it's hard to do that in situations like this.

Sorry to have been away so long. I had just expected to be away for a few days during Golden Week, but it obviously ended up being a lot longer than that. I blame laziness and an addiction to YouTube.

Well, I have a fun trip. On the first day I went to Hirazumi to see their spring festival that honors Minamoto Yoshitsune and the Fujiwara clan. Yoshitsune's an extremely famous person in Japanese history and he had fled to Hiraizumi in Iwate prefecture to escape from his older brother who wanted to kill him. I had learned about Yoshitsune in my pre-modern Japanese history class and was able to see the parade that recreates his procession to Hirazumi. Amazingly, Hirazumi was the northern seat of power of the Fujiwara clan (the most powerful family in the Heian period, about 1000 years ago), but now it looks rather like my own sleepy little town. In fact, I was walking down one street and thought, "Man it's like I never even left N----- town."

On the second day I went to Geibikei gorge to go on its famous boat ride, but a lot of other people had the same idea and I didn't feel like waiting in line. I just took some pictures of the area, ate zunda (some sort of plant) soft ice cream, and bought more Hello Kitty cell phone charms that are exclusive to Iwate. Then I took the train to Morioka and checked into my hotel.

On the third and last day I went to Kakunodate in Akita prefecture. Kakunodate is an old samurai town and is one of the best places to see cherry blossoms. Unfortunately, the cherry blossoms bloomed early this year so by the time I got there, there weren't any in bloom. Still, it was a really nice place and I took a lot of pictures. And bought more Hello Kitty charms. Tongue 

I'll post pictures from my trip and write more about what I did in another post. Until then!
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Shooting Star

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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #203 - May 22nd, 2008 at 8:42am
It must be facinating to see the places in history that you have read/studied about.  Just curious, are you doing this traveling alone or do you have a travel buddy?  I hate traveling alone, especially to scenic/historic places.  I'd much rather have someone to share the experiences with.  I look forward to your pictures.
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Angel Spun
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #204 - May 22nd, 2008 at 11:19am
Angel Spun--I didn't know you took ballet. Neat! How long did you do it?

Yup, when I was young. I only did it for a year or so. My mother decided that it was an inconvenience to drive me back & forth to lessons, so she stopped signing me up.  Cry  Which sucks because it was something that I loved to do - I was one of the lead ballerinas in the class.  Smiley
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #205 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 8:48am
BB--It is rather neat and makes my trips more meaningful. But I think it would be a little better if I could remember more of my pre-modern Japanese history. I do almost all of my traveling solo. Sometimes it would be nice to have a companion, but I kind of prefer traveling by myself.

Angel Spun--That's cool! It's too bad your mom made you quit. I hope you can start again one day. It's never too late! I did it off and on during elementary school and then for 5 years during high school and college. I stopped because I was becoming too busy with school and needed a break.

Travels--Here's some pictures I took last month in Iwate and Akita.
This is a poster for the Spring Fujiwara Festival. The guest of honor was Ryo Kimura. I had no idea who he was, but apparently he's a well-known actor in Japanese dramas.

Here he is as Minamoto Yoshitsune. It was funny how large crowds of people followed him down the parade route.

One of the parade participants. I almost shouted, "Wow, a woman!" because the vast majority of the riders were men.

And a back shot of some of the riders.

After the parade I went to Motsuji temple. This is the famous pond/lake at the temple complex. The rocks are supposed to represent something, but I can't remember what.

A large statue of a bodhisattva at Motsuji. According to legend, the jewel in his hands is supposed to grant a person's wishes if he/she believes in the bodhisattva's power.

There was a park next to Motsuji and there were a bunch of food booths and places for people to relax.

This is from Geibikei Gorge. I have macro skillz. haha

One of the many types of bullet trains in Japan. I took this while waiting for the Akita bullet train. This is the same model of train that I take when I go to Tokyo.

The view from the Akita bullet train. Nice, yeah?

One of the cool things about Japan is that a lot of the man hole covers have elaborate designs, though not all of them are painted. This is from Kakunodate, Akita.

One of the many traditional-style gates in Kakunodate.

I went to one of the samurai houses that are open to the public in Kakunodate and this is the view of one from the street.

A well from the samurai house I visited. I'm really glad for indoor pluming.

The outside view of part of the samurai house.

That's about it for the pictures that I resized. Agh, I'm so lazy. I'm going to put up a few more on another day.
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #206 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 9:25am

Hair--Don't have a rant or anything for this post. Just an update on my current regimen.
-CWC every 3-4 days
-shampoo: Shiseido's Tsubaki. It works well, but has SLS
-conditioners: Lush (not sure what the American equivalent is, but the Japanese version translates to something like "South Island Coconut") and Ichikami. The Lush condish is REALLY thin compared to what I'm used to. I don't think I'll buy another bottle when this one is gone. The Ichikami works very well, but I'm concerned about all the cones in it.
-leave in: my own batch of shea and cocoa butter whipped with camellia and rosehip seed oil.
-deep conditioning: none because I'm too lazy to do it.

Health and Fitness--Couldn't exercise as much as I would have liked this week because I had a fever last Sunday and am currently fighting off a sinus infection. The sinus infection is nearly gone so yay. I hope tomorrow I can get back to doing my full core and upper arm routine.

It's kind of frustrating being in this country because so many of the women are so friggin' skinny. I try to exercise 5 days a week and I think I look good the way I am, but when I look at the other women--argh. I don't feel like I'm fat, but I definitely feel large-ish compared to other women my age. Intellectually, I know I'd rather be muscular and fit (which I'm trying for) than just skinny with no muscle tone. But when I go out, a stupid part of my brain shouts, "Good grief, look at that girl! Does she eat? Does she exercise 10 hours a day? Her waist is so tiny!...Why can't I look like that?" I'm repulsed/annoyed at how extremely thin women are in Japan, but at the same time I'm envious that they are so tiny. I don't know. I'm just rambling now.

On the positive side, after months of almost daily stretching, I can do this:
Not me (obviously), but you get the idea. I could never do this before, even when I had four ballet classes a week, so I'm extremely pleased at how flexible I've become. Still can't to the splits, though.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #207 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 10:22am
I used to be skinny and you know what, most of the time I hated it Shocked  Mainly for the reason that some people would say, "You are so skinny" as if I didn't know it Angry
And, back then I would eat a lot more than I do now but then I was a lot more active mainly riding my BMX (Bicycle Motorcross) bike and/or my mountain bike a lot.

But, now I am older and less active so I have put on some weight.  For my height I am a little overweight and I would like to lose a few pounds but I am satisfied with my weight.

I don't know about other guys but personally I am not attracted to skinny ladies.  In fact, if they are very skinny like most of the supermodels I think it makes them look less attractive but that is how that industry is ran Roll Eyes
As the saying goes, I like some meat on the ladies bones.  Obese and very obese is very ugly to me but ladies such as Camryn Manheim  are pretty especially since she has long hair.  And Oprah was not that bad when she was overweight and there are other examples I could give.

What really annoys me is when a lady looks not skinny but not overweight but she thinks she is fat Tongue  To me, that could lead to anirexia (sp?) and/or bulemia (sp?).

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Shooting Star

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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #208 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 10:22am
Your pictures are fantastic!  Our own travel guide.  Cheesy

I totally understand your image issues.  You are a product of the advertising you were exposed to growing up.  "you must be skinny, thin, tiny, petite".  Plus you are in a country where the general female population will be tiny and petite.  I know I would feel like an elephant compared to the women there.  But you are right to remind yourself that there is more to it than appearance.  HEALTH is more important.  If you are eating right, exercising regularly, your vitals are in a good range, then you are healthy.  (My doctor keeps reminding me about this - she tells me that I am healthier than most of the women my age, yet I still have 30 pounds that I'd like to get rid of.)

Hang in there!  I hope you recover from your sinus infection soon.
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #209 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 12:46pm
I love your pictures!

When I see skinnier women, I often feel the same way...unfortunately.  It's my own fault though.  When I was skinnier, I couldn't appreciate it because I was teased about it as well.  Now that I'm no longer as thin, I try to exercise and keep in shape but I know that I'll probably never be as thin as I was because I'm getting older.  I just wish that I could've ignored the people who said that I was too thin and just enjoyed it.

I hope you feel better soon!
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