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juri monogatari, part deux (Read 146980 times)
Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #210 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 4:26pm
Beautiful pictures, Juri!  Cheesy  Can't wait to see more!

Honey, don't worry about not being as thin as the natives. Their diet and upbringing are much different than yours has been. You'll probably also notice that the general population is quite a bit shorter there than in the States. This is also diet-related. So don't sweat it. It's just a difference in culture.

Hope you feel better soon. Sinus infections are nasty things!
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #211 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 7:18pm
Beautiful pictures!  Thanks!  I hope you fell better soon!  Sinus infections are the pits!Sad
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #212 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 6:16pm
That looks like an awesome trip to take, the pictures are great!
I completely relate about seeing skinnier women, those same thoughts run through my mind too.  Sometimes I would simply stare at my Japanese Sensei because she was so little  Shocked
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WWW kittygirl35226  
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #213 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 7:41am
Hi, all! I'm really glad so many of you liked the pictures. Posting more will be this weekend's project. Thank you for the get well messages! The sinus infection is gone. yay

And thanks a lot for all your comments about weight. They made me feel better and I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with those types of thoughts. I know in my head that since I'm a little taller than the national average, of course I'll need to buy bigger sizes. On the other hand, since I'm 5'3" with a BMI of 20 (on the smaller side back home), it's annoying that most of the time I need to buy a large over here. I feel like I'm stuck in the junior department when I go shopping. Oh well. At least I can find clothes that fit. I feel bad for one of the teachers because she's about 5'8" so she has a really hard time finding clothes.

Work--I'm really glad this week is over. It was so hectic! On Monday afternoon I found out that I was supposed to do a presentation on Thursday for the students who are going to Hawaii next month. So on top of my usual classes, prepping for my elementary school visits, and reading students' English diaries, I had to throw together a talk about Hawaii. I was going, "Aaaaaaaaghhhh!"

But everything came together and the presentation went really well. I managed to make a 3 page handout for the students and the two other ALTs who were there to help yesterday were impressed. I hope the kids have fun and get to practice their English with native speakers. Most of them should be fine, but some...I wish them luck.

Fitness--Didn't get to exercise yesterday because of the Hawaii presentation, but I had exercised Sunday-Wednesday so I counted that as my day of rest. I think I need to work cardio into my routine because I was playing tag with one of my 4th graders during lunch and after 5 minutes of chasing him around the gym, I was going, "Okay, I need a break." Tongue

Life in Japan--On Saturday I went to a mall named JUSCO in Shimoda town (about 13 miles from my place). The train and bus ride to get there took about 40 minutes, but it took me almost 3 hours to get home! When I was done shopping, I thought the bus I took from the train station to the mall would go directly back to the station, but it went all over the district. At one point it stopped at a train station that's 6 miles away!

It took about an hour to reach Shimoda station and then I had to wait another hour for the next train to come. After that I had to wait 45 minutes at Hachinohe station for the train that would take me from Hachinohe to the station in my town. I was so tired by the time I got home. But I wasn't too tired to call my mom and say, "You won't believe how long it took me to get back to my apartment!" And she laughed.
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Angel Spun
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #214 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 5:15pm
lol Ahh, public transportation.  Roll Eyes  Grin
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #215 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 11:56pm
it took me almost 3 hours to get home!

That sounds like a nightmare!  Is that normal, or was there another train that would've gotten you there sooner?
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #216 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 7:37pm
La Diosa--Well, in the more rural parts of Japan, it's not unusual for many local trains to only run once an hour. Because I had missed the train I intended to take, I had to wait about that long for the next one to arrive and then I had to wait another 45 minutes in order to catch the train from H station to my town. Tongue

So another three months have passed since I last wrote in my journal. I hope when I move back to the States, I'll start to write in it more regularly. Anyway, my mom came over for three weeks in late June/early July. We went to Hokkaido for a week and had a lot of fun. Then after that I went to Tokyo for a few days to see the American Ballet Theatre (awesome) and went to Tokyo Disney Resort (also awesome). And earlier this month I went to the Nebuta festival and the Sansha Taisai (another festival) in Hachinohe.

Hair--It's now approximately 33.5 inches. While having classic length hair was cool and made me feel slightly goddess-like, I think this is a good length for me. It's still long, but at least I don't have to worry about sitting on it nor do I have to use as much conditioner. Also, I think I've finally gotten rid of all the bleached portions. Not having to constantly look for little white dots and split ends is rather nice.

Fitness--Totally messed up schedule in July. Prior to last month I was exercising 5 or 6 times a week, but since I was doing so many things it went down to 2 or 3 times a week. That kind of sucked because I felt like I was losing what I had gained and it's not like I gain muscle very easily. Anyway, this past week I've been pushing myself to get back on schedule and had 6 exercise sessions. Woo!

Guys--Trying to stop myself from majorly crushing on J, one of the other two ALTs in my town. I've kind of liked him (romantically) for the past two years, but recently I been thinking about him a lot more. It's so annoying.  Physically, he's my type--tall, lean, kind of lanky--and he's really, really nice and makes me laugh a lot (two major pluses in my book). But he's so much more active than me. For example, he biked from our town to Tokyo in a week (389 miles!), does marathons, and wants to do triathlons, whilst I tend to debate going outside if it's too sunny. While I think it's great that he can do those types of things, I'm not at all an outdoorsy person. Yeah, we'd last for about a week if we actually did start to date. Tongue
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #217 - Apr 28th, 2009 at 3:14am
Well, despite the unexpected snow fall on Sunday, spring is in full swing in my part of the world so I guess it means it's time for one of my sporatic updates.

Hair--Not much going on with that. I've been keeping it around waist length and it's looking a little worse for the wear. I've gotten lazy and stopped doing CWCs and don't normally use shea butter on it before putting it up for work. However, I still look for split ends and refrain from heat styling it.

Guys--Started to go out with J not long after my last entry. I thought it would only last a week. Boy was I wrong; we've been going out for nearly 9 months! I'm the first girl he's dated for more than four months and he's my first boyfriend. Ever. Today's his birthday so I made him a card and treating him to dinner tonight.

Work--My contract as an ALT is over in August and I'm looking forward to going back to America. Japan has been nice, but it's time for a change. I don't envy my superviser. Since J, me, and the other ALT in the town are all leaving, he will have to take care of the paperwork for three departing ALTs and our replacements.

This update is a little shorter than I'd like, but I need to get going. Tomorrow is a holiday so I'll probably finish it up then. Until, next time, take care! Smiley
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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #218 - Apr 28th, 2009 at 9:25am
Juri  *hugs*  Nice to hear from you!!   Smiley  I'm happy for you and J.  What will you do, jobwise, when you return to the states?  Or have you thought that far ahead?
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Midnight Angel
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #219 - Apr 28th, 2009 at 12:59pm

Great to hear from you again! And great that you'll be coming home this summer! And great about you & J! Sometimes, it's the guys that we don't think we have a shot in Hades with. Grin Wink

Have a good holiday tomorrow!
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #220 - May 3rd, 2009 at 1:37am
Trisha--Thanks! *hugs to you* I'm still thinking about what I want to do. Right now I'm thinking that I'll go home, get my driver's license, and move to the mainland US by August 2010. Any job I get before August would probably be temporary to help pay for living expenses and the used car I'm going to buy from my cousin.

Angel--lol. I suppose that's true, except I don't have any other experience with this! haha. Although he's dated a few other girls before me, J said this is the best relationship he's been in. Given my earlier doubts about how long we'd last, I was really surprised at that. I think it's because we both hate drama and try to resolve our issues by talking things through.

Okay, this follow up is a few days late, but I've been unexpectedly busy. On Wednesday J and I went to Hirosaki castle for the cherry blossom festival. The weather was awesome and the cherry blossoms were beautiful.




And yesterday J and I went to Mt. Osorezan. This is a pretty good description of the area. In a nutshell, though, it's the Japanese version of the River Styx. It's Golden Week in Japan, so there were a lot more people than I expected. I mean, the parking lot was pretty full.


Oh, over the winter J, some ALTs, and I would go to the Hakkoda mountain range. J tried teaching me how to snowboard, but I couldn't really get into it. Here's some images from Hakkoda, though. The first one is of the famous "snow monsters". Can you believe those are actually the TOPS of pine trees?!


This one was taken in January so it was still early in the season. The snow walls on that particular road get a few feet higher.

This pic below was taken the first day a road that had been closed all winter was opened. For the first three days it's open to foot traffic and a lot of people come to walk down it. Two ALTs we know are on the left and I'm the one in the orange jacket on the right. It looks empty because we were there before the official opening hours and, er, hopped the fence.

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1b MC ii/iii&&14.5/42/39 14.5/33.5&&"Bring me my pendulum, kiddies, I feel like swinging!" Vincent Price  &&
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #221 - May 3rd, 2009 at 8:21am
Wow! What awesome pics!  And I thought Canada got alot of snow... Roll Eyes  The cherry blossoms are so lovely, it must have been so romantic for you and J Smiley  I am trying to win a trip to Japan!  Cool
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #222 - May 3rd, 2009 at 8:31am
Juri!  Good to hear from you!  Sounds like you've been busy!  I'm so happy for you and J,congrats Smiley  The pics are awsome!!  The cherry blossoms festival must have been wonderful,they are so pretty.  Glad you'll be home soon,change is good.
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #223 - May 3rd, 2009 at 12:03pm
Hi ya, Juri!  I'm glad you're doing well.  Thanks for the pics-gorgeous!!
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Midnight Angel
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Re: juri monogatari, part deux
Reply #224 - May 3rd, 2009 at 1:48pm
I think it's because we both hate drama and try to resolve our issues by talking things through.

That is key. And it's actually a huge part of why my first marriage didn't last.

Beautiful pix, girlie. Japan is such a lovely place, even in the frenzied, urban areas. What an awesome experience for ya. Smiley
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