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Godyssey's Journey to Longer Lengths (Read 845895 times)

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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #210 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 11:38am
Ugh, I miss my Giovanni shampoo and conditioner!!   Cry  All right, that's it...when all these "guests" finally move out of my house, I'm going back to Giovanni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #211 - Feb 26th, 2007 at 4:31pm
Trisha: I feel for ya!  Hope you get your Giovanni fix soon! Wink

HAIR: I'm going to wash in a few days but I'm very low on my leave in so I'm trying to ration it until the new one arrives.  Today, my hair is feeling soft but would be softer if I had more condtioner in it.  Yesterday I couldn't get over how nice and bouncy it was!!!  I don't recall ever having "bouncy" hair!! Smiley It's so great!

I was belly dancing all this morning and gained an extra motivation to take care of my hair and grow it long.  Watching myself do hair flips in the mirror really made me desire the waist long hair that the belly dance instrutors on my dvd's have.  

I'm noticing that my hair is oxidizing which I find weird.  The top and sides of my hair are turning a lighter shade of brown. I'm not outside in the sun much, not that it's been very sunny lately and I have a very good shower filter.  Hmm... not quite sure whats going on here. Smiley

I've been able to whittle down my product usage and I feel that I finally have the best products for my hair.  

Hair Polish or Glycerin work well prior to washing to help me detangle prior to and post wash.  I may need to use a clarifier every so often because of this though.  
Giovanni 50/50 Shampoo And Conditioner work very well for me.  I still haven't used the reconstructor but I feel it will help with breakage and to stregthen my hair.
Giovanni Direct Leave In Conditioner for after washing and applied daily to dry hair for additional conditioning.
Coconut oil, I had given oil up for about two weeks only to reincorporate it into my regimen again.  I really don't feel that I need it for hair health, but I do like the shine that it provides.  It's the only product that I've found with the ability to make hair shiny that doesn't have cones.
I've also made the decision to only dust from here on out.  It's somewhat of a miracle I suppose, but I can honestly say that I'm done trimming.  I just need to purchase a new pair of good hair scissors.

I've also learned that I can't "play" in my hair too much.  I like experimenting and trying out new styles but I realize that all of the excess combing and manipulating is causing breakage.

BODY: I've been working out everyday since I discovered my weight gain.  I've lost a few pounds but also realize that I'm gaining muscle so I may not be as light as I originally was which is fine.  I'm loving the exercise, it's making me feel really good about myself.  Not just for asthetic reasons but I feel good that I'm being active. I feel as though I'm accomplishing something.  I hope to adapt my exercising into my way of life from now on and not have it be something thats only temporary.  Working out also motivates me to eat healthier.  When you're working out so hard, it's really difficult to be comfortable with eating junk.
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #212 - Mar 6th, 2007 at 4:46pm
I just had a wonderful wash day!  My replacement water filter cartridge and my Giovanni conditioner both arrived in the mail today.  I had to buy a few bottles of conditioner, this time I can't run out in between shipments this way I'll always have some in stock.

I decided to do an experiment to see which method I like better either washing my hair loose or in plaits.  First, I applied glycerin to my hair and then proceeded to detangle with a wide tooth comb.  Then, I parted my hair down the middle as usual, but this time I plaited one side and let the other side be. 

I began to wash and loved the fact that the plaited side was just so neat.  My worry was that I wouldn't get the plaited side clean but I continued on only taking the plait out to apply conditioner and then I replaited.  After 10 minutes, I took the plait out again to rinse then I applied leave in, detangled (very easily), and again replaited.  It was a dream!  The other side wasn't as tangled as it appeared however the plaited side was definitely easier to detangle.  Of course, I will be washing this way from now on.

I forgot to mention that I used a turbie twist to pat my hair dry.  I loved the softness of the turbie twist and I also liked how effective it was in drying, it's actually unbelievable that that little thing did such an efficient job.  When I was finished, the turbie twist itself even felt pretty dry, absolutely amazing! 

I happened to catch a glimpse of my hair in the mirror while I was in the shower and I couldn't believe how much longer my hair looks when it's wet than it does when dry.  It appeared to be about 3 inches longer. Huh
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #213 - Mar 9th, 2007 at 5:32pm
My husband noticed that his naturally very dark hair is also changing to a lighter brown.  I'm convinced now that it's the humidifiers that are oxidizing our hair.  Fortunately, very soon it'll be time to put them away.  I'll have to decide what to do about it by next fall though.

My left knee has really been bothering me since I began working out.  I'd rest it for a day, maybe but then I'd be back to my 20 minutes a day on the ellipical regardless of the pain.  I've tried Tylenol but it doesn't work.  My husband recommended that I rest my knee for an entire week.  I've decided to try that out but it's killing me not to do the elliptical.  I've still been doing dumbells and leg lifts though.  In one of my yoga magazines they listed some poses that are good for the knees so I will try those out in the mean time.

In just the past 2 months I got news that my neice and youngest sister are both expecting babies. Shocked  I was shocked and didn't know what to say.  All I could do was wish them well.  Hopefully, everything will be and they'll find happiness in their choices.
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #214 - Mar 12th, 2007 at 2:27pm
I was shocked and didn't know what to say.  All I could do was wish them well.

Sometimes that's all we can do--even, or especially, when we don't agree with their choices!   Grin
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #215 - Mar 13th, 2007 at 11:12am
You really shouldn't mess with knees - I agree with your husband - time off would be a good thing.

I'd focus on upper body work for a while, maybe do some low-stress restorative yoga poses to keep the flow going.
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #216 - Mar 13th, 2007 at 4:42pm
berkanna wrote on Mar 13th, 2007 at 11:12am:
You really shouldn't mess with knees - I agree with your husband - time off would be a good thing.

You're right.  My mother had really bad knees so you'd think I'd know better.Embarrassed  

I've read that stretching the knees first is necessary before doing workouts and doing that has really helped me.  That may be common knowledge to most, but I did not know to do that.  I always stretched afterwards.  Now I do yoga poses that are good for my knees before and I stretch again afterwards, and so far so good.   I'd felt that since 30 minutes is such a small increment of time out of an entire day, that I could work my legs 7 days a week but I guess not.  I've decided to only do the elliptical 4 or 5 days a week.
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #217 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 3:14am
I've finally had a successful CO.  First, I applied the last of my Hydra Silk TLC conditioner to my dry hair and I let it set for about 20 minutes and then I rinsed.  Then I conditioned again with a combo of Giovanni's 50/50 remoisturizing conditioner and their nutrafix reconstructor.  I let that sit for about 5 minutes then I rinsed again, dried with my turbie twist and then applied my leave in so all in all it was actually a CRCRC. Wink  I decided not to do my normal plaits as it dries because I may be going away on Monday and if I do I want my hair to be straight and not wavy.  It dries so much faster when it's loose and right now it's so soft, I'm very happy with it! Smiley
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #218 - Mar 17th, 2007 at 7:36pm
Okay, so yesterday was not a good day.  I had to take my cat to the vet early in the morning, he's fine just a bit of sneezing.  Anyway, we had to get going and I couldn't find anything to wear.  I put on my size 2 khaki's and I could NOT get them fastened.  That has never happend to me before.  I've had my pants be too tight but never to the point where I couldn't fasten them! Shocked  So then, I got my size 4 jeans (jeans that I purchased last summer to be my "fat" jeans) out of the dryer and they were sooo tight.  So my husband is like well just put on some sweats.  So, I'm looking all over and can't find them and he's looking in the laundry room for any pants with an "elastic" waist, of course now I'm feeling great! Tongue  All the while my husband keeps trying to explain to me that my metabolism isn't going to be what it used to be because I'm getting older.  Now I'm feeling wonderful! Roll Eyes  In the end, I just put on a roomy dress and off to the vet we went.  

I've been working out like mad for over a month now, I can't believe I'm not getting any smaller.  I am firmer though, but I want to be able to get back into my size 2 clothes.  I'd tried on my other pants and I could get them fastened but they're all too tight to be comfortable.  I refuse to give up though, or else I'll have to get rid of alot of clothes that I love.Cry

On another note, at least my hair is doing okay. Roll Eyes
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #219 - Mar 17th, 2007 at 10:32pm
1.  Yes, your metabolism does slow down as you get older.
2.  Many of us would love to have size 4's as our "fat" size!
3.  The body stores fat during the winter months, but with exercise and eating right, you will lose your "winter weight" once again.

Hang in there!  (and I'm glad your kitty is OK).
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WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #220 - Mar 18th, 2007 at 4:31am
Yes, everything you said is absolutely true bikerbraid.  

I think I'm either PMSing or having a pre midlife crisis or both.  

I've been natrually a few pounds underweight my whole life which was something I had to come to terms with (because of teasing and such) and accept it as a part of who I was, so now putting on weight is such a radical change for me.  I'd always expected to take after my mother and her father who remained very thin even into older age without dieting or exercise, but I guess I'm now beginning to take after my fathers side.  I know it sounds weird me complaining about not being able to fit my size 2's, but in a small way I feel as though I'm losing a part of my identity. My hope is that it is just winter weight which will fall off with a bit of exercise.

I visited the optometrist last month and she mentioned that eventually my (now just about perfect)vision will deteriorate and I will need glasses all of the time in order to see. Shocked   And I know that my first gray hair is right around the corner even though I still feel so young.  I'm not afraid of aging, but I will admit my fear of oneday looking in the mirror and not recognizing myself anymore.  I always looked at aging as as being sooo far off but now here it is.  I just have to get used to the idea of it happening now thats all, but there are more important things going on in the world right? Wink

Thanks for your concern about my kitty.  He is clearly allergic to something in our apartment yet we have no idea what.  We left him at the vet all day so that they could monitor him and he didn't sneeze once.  As soon as we brought him home he began sneezing again immediately.  We'll have to put him on antihistamines if it doesn't clear up in a week, which I doubt will happen.

He's been through so much but, I'm so glad I have custody of him.  My mom hadn't taken him to the vet in years and he really was long overdue.  Now his teeth are great, his coat is shiny, he no longer has bowel problems, he has other cats to interact with...now all we have to do is get this sneezing under control and he'll be the happiest kitty!  He's such a sweet boy! Smiley

Oh and I gotta thank Berkana again for reccomending the FURminator!  I soooo love it!  It removes SOOO much fur and an unexpected bonus is that my cats feel so much more soft!  
My cats have a chair that only they sit in and my husband and I go through maybe 2 of those tape lint rollers things a week to get the fur off of that chair, our clothes, and our other furniture.  Now my cats hardly leave any fur behind.  This thing will definitely save us money on lint rollers.  Those things are about 4.00 ea and buying 2 every week really adds up!
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #221 - Mar 19th, 2007 at 10:38am
Yay FURminator!   Grin  I'm also glad your kitty is OK.  You can test kitties for allergies, the most common feline allergies are food-related.

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #222 - Mar 19th, 2007 at 3:18pm
I really need to get a FURminator!!  If you do get some build up of shed hair on the cat chair, use a rubber glove to remove it!  Just a plain glove like for washing dishes will do the trick-just put it on your hand and wipe the fur away.  I don't know if it works on clothing, but for sure on furniture.

BTW, I completely understand what you're saying about identifying with your size.  I, too, was naturally skinny & underweight (and all the teasing that goes with it) until I was 21.  Then I had a super bad accident and have been gaining weight since I couldn't exercise like I did before the accident.  I slowly went from a size 4 to an 8 where I seem to be kinda stuck.  I had to take some prednisone and went from a 6 to an 8 overnight!  OMG!!  I cried and had to send my mom to the store to buy me some pants so I could got to a doctor's appointment.  I don't feel like this size is me-and I can't wear so many of what I consider my cute clothes.  Totally depressing.  Good luck!!

I hope you find out what's making your kitty sneeze.

Vitamin B6 in fairly large dose (50mg I think) is a natural diuretic.
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #223 - Mar 19th, 2007 at 8:11pm
Berkanna: My vet didn't recommend any testing, I'm not sure why.  They just offered to put him on medication.

Sakina: Thanks Sakina! 
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Re: LaDiosa's Journey to Longer Lengths
Reply #224 - Mar 20th, 2007 at 11:49pm
Sakina:  Sorry my response was so short, I'd been going through a funk the past few days and didn't really know what to say.  I was glad that you could relate to what I was feeling, but at the same time of course, not happy at all to hear about your accident.  What happened?  Is that why you began yoga?

Exercise: When I first began working out I did loose a few pounds, but then I put on pounds and felt that I was fighting an uphill battle.  I realize now (well I'm almost 100% sure) that what's going on is that I'm gaining muscle which is making me heavier, but I'm not loosing enough fat to offset it.  So basically, I just need to do less strength training and do more cardio which I've already implemented yesterday.  Also, I gave up my low fat dip that I had been snacking on a lot lately.  Regardless of anything, I do need to learn not to let such things get me down.  I still have my health and all else important to me so, there you go!. Smiley

Hair: Doing really well.  I tried trimming it up a bit the other day.  I didn't take off much, I just wanted to even it a bit so the side where I lost hair (from alopecia) doesn't look so much shorter than the rest.  I trimmed off an inch, but that side is still about 2.5 inches shorter than the rest, I usually just tuck it behind my ear to get it to blend better.  I'll even it up gradually, I could't bear to do it all at once.  Anyhoo, I'm back at 25 inches long, it seems as though I'm never going to let it grow longer with all of my trimming but, we'll see.  I don't know if I'm going to continue reaching for my goal or if I will just let it hang around this length as I even it up.  So far, I've been doing the latter.

I'm still waiting on the cassia to arrive in the mail, I can't wait to try it.  The only thing is, I'm wondering if I should've purchased 2 bags instead of one.  I hope it's enough.
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