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The prodigal hair grower (Read 150455 times)

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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #210 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 9:58am
interesting...i tried writing down one of my dreams recently and i got all confused. as soon as i tried to remember specific elements of it, they faded from my memory, but when i didn't try to focus on specifics and just thought of the general mood of the dream i could kind of remember it. dreams are so interesting.

i remember as a little kid i'd try to "program" my dreams. if i wanted to dream about horses, i would sit up at night thinking about horses and looking at my horse books until i fell asleep. sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.  i'm sure my subconscious mind was just sifting through whatever i'd been thinking about that day.

i haven't had a hair dream recently, but they tend to come more often when i'm frustrated with the growing-out process and right now i'm being patient with it, so maybe i don't have additional hair thoughts that i'm mulling over.

oh, i almost forgot to mention this...when i was in france (two weeks ago, as i mentioned on an amazing trip) we of course went to the Louvre. i am a complete art nut about classical Greco-Roman sculpture, and about Renaissance paintings. so we walked around for five and a half hours, sitting down on the floor for small breaks so my brain would not overload from the sheer volume of gorgeous sensory input Smiley . it was really interesting to see how many subjects of paintings had long hair, both male and female. i kept finding myself drawn to those paintings and sculptures. there was one sculpture of summer embodied, and she had long wavy hair down to her waist with flowers and branches woven into it. the marble was so luminous, she really looked alive. i'll see if we have a photo of her...just beautiful. hubby joked that if it weren't so many security guards standing around everywhere, he knew i would try to unpack my little back pack and secretly live in that museum quite happily for the rest of my life, sneaking out occasionally to restock on baguettes and coffee.

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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #211 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 11:10am
interesting...i tried writing down one of my dreams recently and i got all confused. as soon as i tried to remember specific elements of it, they faded from my memory, but when i didn't try to focus on specifics and just thought of the general mood of the dream i could kind of remember it.

Yeah, I've found that it helps to just write and not think too much about it as you write, the details just come.  Sometimes you may have to go back and revise the beginning or details that you may have left out but they typically do come.

i remember as a little kid i'd try to "program" my dreams. if i wanted to dream about horses, i would sit up at night thinking about horses and looking at my horse books until i fell asleep. sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.  i'm sure my subconscious mind was just sifting through whatever i'd been thinking about that day.  

Usually, if I watch a movie right before bed I wind up dreaming about it when I go to sleep.  Sometimes I even have dreams that aren't based on any movie but it would seem as if they would be, like once, I had a dream that I was posing as a nurse to keep myself out of jail durning ww2, really weird. Roll Eyes

it was really interesting to see how many subjects of paintings had long hair

I can imagine.  

Reading books on Greek mythology is what gave me a desire to grow my hair long.  I loved all of the illustrations of the beautiful goddesses, nymphs and other characters with long thick wavy hair.

there was one sculpture of summer embodied, and she had long wavy hair down to her waist with flowers and branches woven into it. the marble was so luminous, she really looked alive.

Sounds like something sculped by Pygmalion of the Greek myths.  I bet it was beautiful! Cheesy

I like the thought of you living in a museum maintaining on a diet consisting of only coffee and baguettes! Grin

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Angel Spun
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #212 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 11:29am
Oh, RTG, you are my heroine, babe. I have always wanted to visit the Louvre because 1.) I too am a total art freak, and 2.) I speak French and have always wanted to visit France. It must be completely amazing to see priceless original masterpieces of all the ages face to face. And you have lived my dream, sistah, so therefore, you rock.  Cool
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #213 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 12:14pm
yes-la diosa, i would happily do that if i could. btw, now that i'm back i am not satisfied with the bread i've been getting at the local market. i need to either find a good bread place or make my own. Smiley

thanks-angel! you should definitely go at some point. i plan to pool my tiny funds and return again some day (in the distant future). perhaps by then my hair will be nearing classical-length! i am a total art freak and amateur painter as well. to give you a hint...i got an old dining room table and sanded it down (the original wood was kind of an ugly color) so i painted an entire scene in blue, gray and other night tones. then i glossed it with a finish so it is heat resistant and can be wiped clean with a damp rag. now it is my dining room table. of course then i had to paint five other paintings on canvas to go around the dining room-to pull it all together. Smiley  good thing hubby is pretty laid back about me sanding and repainting furniture.
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #214 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 3:15pm
That table sounds nice and creative! Cheesy  Perhaps you could post a picture of it sometime.
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Angel Spun
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #215 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 6:19pm
Sounds pretty cool, RTG.  Smiley

Painting is definitely not my forté.  Grin  But I still do a little here and there...few and far between. My paternal grandmother was a master with acrylics and we have a few of her originals displayed throughout the house.
    My usual mediums were pencil, charcoal and photography, though I've not touched any of them for quite sometime. These days, I mostly write and sing.

good thing hubby is pretty laid back about me sanding and repainting furniture.

Grin  No kidding. Mine would freak out if I even moved a piece of furniture without his consent (naturally, I am no longer married  Grin).
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #216 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 10:45am
yep-he's a good sport about that-fortunately.  Smiley

well it's a wash day for me so i'll do that later...it's been three days and usually my head would be more oily by now, but it this case i think it needed the extra oil not to frizz out in the super hot weather we've had. so my hair actually looks pretty good today but i'm going to wash anyway.
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #217 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:35am
well we recently went to a ren. fair with some friends. it was a blast, even with rain. i dressed as a pirate of the east indies seas (lots of color and jewelry) and even bought myself a beautiful velvety maroon buccaneer hat (very soft and  worn looking) while we were there. i wore my hair up with a sheer black bandanna threaded through it.  i had about two hundred long hair sightings on men and women-i think the renn fairs attract people who love long hair and beautiful historical fashions ( myself included) and hubby was really laughing at me saying "ooh, look at that braid-how did she do that? oh wow, that's amazing!" about everyone's hair. he was just as excited to see all the different types of armor  and antique weapons men were sporting, so we were both happily surrounded by things that fascinated us. he'd say "wow" and point to a man carrying a huge battle axe and i'd look that direction and agree "it's amazing," referring to the same man's long hair, not the axe. Smiley  maybe next year i'll go to the hair braiding booth and get something fancy done (they weave silk ribbons into thick multi-strand braids and kind of show you how they do it as you go along.) this was also where i ran into the woman i described in the "brushes with long hair" thread today. she was very cool and friendly. my friend was asking about her music and i asked her about her hair. she was happy to explain both.

la diosa and angel, not sure if you guys have ever gone to one of these but you would probably dig the clothes. la diosa, they sell a lot of belly dancing outfits and even have belly dancing around the drum circle at night. angel, i was also seriously tempted to buy a full hand-woven gossamer fairy dress and leafy corset, but it was too pricey and i think i'm going to try to persuade a sewing friend to make me one instead. Smiley
well, i guess i'd better get dressed and going for the day.

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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #218 - Jul 21st, 2008 at 1:27am
I'm glad you had a good time at the ren fest! Cheesy

As for me, I've yet to go to one, although everyone is always saying how much fun they are.  I'm sure I would love the bellydancing around the drum circle!  Hopefully, I'll make my way to one next year. Smiley
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Angel Spun
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #219 - Jul 21st, 2008 at 2:28am
I've been to a few. A friend of mine was active with the SCA and she made period garb to sell at the local events. We had a lot of mutual friends, so we would all go as a group. And we also knew one of the fighting competitors, so sometimes we'd watch him.
    All in all, I thought it was kind of interesting, but not really my thing. It certainly would've been an expensive habit to maintain.  Shocked

The dress you describe sounds cute, but you're probably better off having a friend make something similar for you. Handmade, custom garb is seriously expensive.
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #220 - Jul 21st, 2008 at 10:38am
yes-it would be expensive to keep up with. which is why we only went once Smiley . a little renaissance goes a long way.
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #221 - Jul 29th, 2008 at 1:42pm
i'm still here...and i still have hair. this is a busy week-err, month. i've been doing lots of french braids since its hot and i want to practice at them so they don't look wonky on the sides. they are getting better.
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #222 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 6:09pm
still here-busy summer but getting better with french braids!
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #223 - Aug 20th, 2008 at 2:02pm
ahhh, the vacation is over. i really love my summer breaks as a teacher, even when i work part time jobs, it's still such a refreshing couple of months. and it's over tomorrow. i head back for school meetings and school. i'm excited about it and also enjoying my last day of break today.

the hair is good. i'm out of my good shampoo so i'm using the stuff hubby uses until i get to the store. his is alright, just the store brand from whole foods but not as nice as the jason lavendar that i'm addicted to now. it's growing slowly, but at a length where i can pull it back, french braid it more easily and just feel like i have some length to work with (and that's only with it just past shoulder length-can't wait til it's BSL.)

well i've also been watching the olympics when i can as i think they are so exciting. i like watching most of the sports, but i've seen a lot of swimming and gymnastics as those seem to be the two with most coverage due to the celebrity status of some of those athletes. i'm going to try to catch the closing ceremony on fri. or whenever it is.
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Re: The prodigal hair grower
Reply #224 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 10:22am
i hate contacts! i wore them last night to dress up, instead of wearing my usual glasses. then when i got home i got a phone call late at night and ended up getting very distracted. i talked until i went to bed, and forgot to take out the contacts. now i'm searching for them on my eyeball, under my lids, and while i can't see them, my eyes are definitely dried out and uncomfortable. the contacts may have fallen out over night, but arrgghhh. this is why i switched to glasses. because you just take them off and can clearly tell if you have remembered to take them off or not.

my hair is doing well. i need to deep condition it today, maybe when i sit down to do some reading later-which will hopefully happen. i've been trying more braids, although a regular three strand braid (starting at the base of my neck) still highlights how relatively short my hair is, while a french braid makes it look longer since it starts at the top of my head. i say "relatively" short simply because my hair is still much longer than it has been in any recent years-so i'm proud of that-but it is still too short for some of the longer ornate braids i'd like to do.

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