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Debr's hair fixations (Read 152102 times)

August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #120 - Nov 29th, 2008 at 12:17am
(((hugs))) I'm sorry you dad isn't the dad you knew.

Congrats on becoming a Diamond!!!

Did your new job start yet?  Please let us know how you like it!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #121 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 9:39pm
YES!!  I have stared my new job and I love it.  It is a smaller branch of the sherrifs office soo not as "busy" (arrests wise).  My job is to scan and feed file info into a laserfisch.  I work part time 19 hours a week.  M- T, 8 hours each, and then Wed is only 3 hours long.  Yea, for long weekends.   There is talk from various corners to lengthen my hours and put me on county payroll.  I would simply love that.  The only problem is every two years my job would come to vote (budget issues) So, if the projected budget for the county doesnt pass, I could lose my job.  With the economic crisis and people losing their jobs, I am not sure how long I will be able to keep mine.  I am leaving this up to God, an He is in control anyway.  I love going to work now.   Grin.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #122 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 9:43pm
I did an s & d in the sunlight today and I plan (weather permitting) to do a small trim tomarrow.  I like to do them outside cuz of rhe better light.  It was cold here today, my favorite kind of weather, clear and crisp.  Gonna do some Christmas shopping tomarrow afternoon also. 

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #123 - Dec 5th, 2008 at 9:24am
Yay, I'm so happy you're enjoying the new job!!  And yes, everything is in God's hands, so try not to worry too much.  *hugs*
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #124 - Dec 5th, 2008 at 3:07pm
Thanks Trisha!

This morning I decided to trim my ends. 1st, I was only going to take off the very tips, I wound up taking off 1/2 inch.  Sooo much better, the ends swing, they feel better, AND get this.  I can NO LONGER see my hand thru my ends.  They are finally full and thick.  So, perhaps trimming a 1/2 inch every 3 months in 2009 is a very good idea for me.  I am gonna try it.  Yes, I know that is cutting off 2 inches a year, but my hair grows soo fast anyway that I wont miss it.  I will gain 4 + healthy inches each year which I would rather have.  I am still undecided as to how much longer I want my hair to grow.  Fingertip seems to be where I have been keeping the length.  I had to go and buy claw clamps again today.  My hair ate my last one tuesday nite for dinner.  Glad there is a $ store in my town.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #125 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 4:37pm
Weather is cold and delightful, blizzard warning in effect until tomarrow afternoon.  Never had the experience of a blizzard before.  We can be cold here, or have some snow, there is the black ice to contend with, but a blizzard? other than DQ!!  To my knowledge never here. 

I have been putting a drop of Neem oil in my shampoo & conditioner each time I wash my hair and that is really working for me.  The scalp has been responding very well (less itching) and my length just loves it (less dry feeling).  Hair all over is softer and better looking.  I like it.  I am going to continue with this until my hair starts to hate it. 

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #126 - Dec 13th, 2008 at 2:55pm
HHMMMM---- been having some new year hairsolutions thoughts today  Grin.

                                             HAIRY NEW THOUGHTS FOR 2009

1.  maintaining length as it is. continue to thicken ends.
2. let grow to fingertips (3 inches to go) and maintain there.
3.  go on past fingertips.
4.  grow to btw fgtp and knee, maintain there, see what I think, and grow on.

I have always gotten to fingertips and cut.  The 1st time I cut back to tailbone and the 2nd time I cut back to classic.  So, going past fgtp would be a new length for me.  I have always dreamed of knee length, but have been a little afraid of going there.  I have sooooo much hair, and caring for it just seemed like more than I wanted to take on.  But lately my point of view on my hair has been changing.  I know I can cut back if it becomes more than I can handle.  Also, I have learned soo much more about caring for my hair, that I might just take this on.  As I write this, the idea of going past fgtp to the area btw fgtp and knee is possible. What is that length called anyway?   Hmm, who woulda thought? 

If, I decide to go only to fgtp, I would grow to 1 inch past fgtp, and maintain at that length.  The important thing is for me, a.  be able to care for the length, b. maintain the ends at their thickest.


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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #127 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 4:00pm
Ya know what??  The last time I washed my hair was last Sunday!  Today is friday, my scalp feels itchy, but not nasty or anything.  My hair does NOT look the least bit oily either.  I will wash again on Sunday, but I might try to let it go again for another week.  I like not having to airdry for 12+ hours.  Wink.

We have been having snow storms here.  I rode to work tues morning with a deputy in my dept. and the capt (my boss) took me home and I rode to/from work with her wed.  I was able to drive on thurs.  It is not the snow that scares me to drive in, but the black ice under the snow.  Most folks here drive waaaaay to fast for the ice conditions.  Some of them are transplants from other areas of the country and dont have annnny idea about that ice.  So, if I cant walk, I dont go. I enjoy staying home and watching the snow come down.  It is sooo pretty, and kinda romantic too. 

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #128 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 4:36pm
Another snow storm is expected late this afternoon so I maybe offline again for a while. 

I did the final Christmas shopping stuff this morning.  I got my friend a gift card from a favorite clothing store of ours.  I got my dad and his family a nice Christmas card.  And I bought my hair some things.  Tiny clamp barretts from the $store, hair elastics (multi-colored)..  I like the $store cuz my hair eats these things on a daily basis.  Some folks have tried to get me use the more expensive ones, but when I do, my hair still breaks them.  I dont like spending the excess money when I know the purchase will only last a week or two at the most. 

I put my hair into a banded ponytail this morning.  I certainly like that style.  It took 7 elestics, a hand-span apart to go down my length. This style is great for shopping, it stays out of the way, but its not up.  In this kinda weather, my updos die anyway.   Yaaaaaaah  Shocked.  I think I've grown back the 1/2 inch I cut off on Dec. 5. 

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #129 - Dec 26th, 2008 at 4:42pm
The storm is over!!  It blew over my area of the state, we did get ice but not as bad as the northern 1/2 of the state.  My pastors son & daughter in law got stuck at her parents and maybe they will be home today.

I visited my dad yesterday for Christmas.  He has really aged in a week!  Cry.  He intoduced himself to me yesterday and asked me how it felt to not be dead anymore.  Well, after looking thru some family pictures, I can understand where he might be coming from.  I look EXACTLY like his aunt who has been dead for over 50 years.  He was a young man when she passed away.  No wonder he is confused.  He thinks I am her.  It is kinda odd tho to have him introduce himself to me, then I call him dad.  His wife says he sleep alot now.  It seems as tho living makes him tired  Cry.  Hearing things like that make me sad. 

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #130 - Dec 26th, 2008 at 4:50pm
Considering a change to my hair resolutions for 2009  Roll Eyes.  I am seriously thinking of letting grow 3 more inches this year which is to the hemline of my favorite wool sweater (1/2" past fingertip). Once, I reach that length, I will cut it every 3 months back to that length.  I believe that is a total length of 44 incihes.  My hair is sooo thick, that any longer maybe too hard for me to maintain. 

OOOOOORRRRRRR NOT!!!  Wrings hands, paces back and forth. I could come up with many more ideas before I decide on one.  I am soo fickle.  We'll see.   Undecided  Undecided

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #131 - Dec 27th, 2008 at 12:44am
I fluctuate a lot with my ultimate goal length too, Debr.

Sorry about your dad's condition.  My grandma has Alzheimer's (I'm not saying that's what your dad has) and it just makes me sad to witness her deterioration.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #132 - Jan 1st, 2009 at 4:33pm
I have been sick this week.  This is the 1st day I actually feel like being a person.  I had to miss church last Sunday nite and again last nite (New Years Eve watch nite service).  My cough is still horendous, I sound like a fog horn when I cough.  I did work as I couldnt afford to miss.  I went to bed at 1:30pm yesterday and slept until this morning at 8:00am.  I did get woke up once at midnight (fireworks going off). 

My mom measured my hair for me this morning and it is at 42 inches  Smiley Smiley Smiley.  I am still sooo undecided about hairs length for the next year Embarrassed Roll Eyes Undecided Undecided.  O well.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #133 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 9:29pm
Just thought of another new idea.  I printed the new morrocco method lunar hair cutting chart for 2009.  I might consider trimming each month on the thickening cycle or maybe the lengthening cycle.  I would only dust the ends with my scissors.   Roll Eyes.  Doing this type of dusting wouldnt really remove length the way my hair grows, but it would keep the ends thicker and quite probably in better condition.  Then, I wouldnt have to cut soo much every quarter.  It probably would keep my hemline more even too.  Hmm.

I did an s & d today.  We had a brief moment of sunshine so I took advantage, my scissors, comb and a lawn chair and sat in the sun and did my thing.  Hardly any splits, a couple of knots, one weird I dont what to call it, but they are all gone for now.  I will continue with my normal cycle s & d's for the general length/body of my hair for 2009.

So many new ideas, soo very little time to try them all.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #134 - Jan 3rd, 2009 at 4:44pm
AAHHHHH!!  Finally  Smiley  I have decide what I am gonna do for this next year's cutting schedule.  Since my hair's longest ever length was/is fingertip, I have decided to continue with the every 3 month-take off 1/2 inch schedule.  Does that make sense?

I realized this morning that there is still some damage from when I blowfried/straightened many years ago.  I would like to get all of that off.  I have also noticed that my hair is in better over all shape by doing the ends every 3 months.  So, I aint gonna mess with success at this time. 

I am also wondering if I can grow PAST fingertip.  Knee has always been my goal length but fear has been holding me back.  Yea, I am afraid I wont be able to properly care for that much hair.  Whenever I think about my hair and its care, I still visualize it at knee length. 

I have approximately 6 inches to remove so that all of my length is virgin.  2 years cut/grow?  I wonder if I can do it.  Huh.  That would mean I would be maintaining at my current length (almost fingertip for 2 more years), then grow on.  Hmmm-I dont about that.  Lets do the math.  Cutting off 1/2" every 3 months, 4X yearly, = 3", I would gain 3 inches yearly if I grow an average of 6" a year.  Cutting off 1/2 of my growth each year, in 2 years I will have cut off the remaining damage and still have gained 6".  I cant think where that puts my final length.  Oh wait, that might just put me pretty close to knee.  YES!! Smiley Smiley  OK, I'm game, I am gonna try it.  All dilemmas solved.  I can get on with my hair growing llife.

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