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Debr's hair fixations (Read 152073 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #45 - May 22nd, 2008 at 10:07pm
How to explain the morrocco method:  well ummm----  Cutting your hair based the moon cycles.  See Morrocco Method.  It is hard for me to explain.  The year is divided into four parts based on the solstices, winter, spring, summer, fall.  Sections such as: growth, strength, beauty, length.  Certain days during each solstice are good for what you may want to obtain.  If you are growing for length, then following this chart you could cut/trim your hair on the lunar days connected to trimming for growth.  By doing this, some results might be your hair could grow faster, be stronger, thicker.

If this sounds confusing to you, please go to the Morrocco method site.  That would be a better explanation for you.

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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #46 - May 22nd, 2008 at 10:17pm
I am starting to see some early results on my experiment  Shocked.  I have noticed my scalp is really clearing up.  It does not burn or hurt anymore, and the flakking/itching cycle has almost stopped.  I do shampoo now only when I do an all-nite oiling as my hair is too oily for CO only.  I then follow up with a CO *shampoo* then condish as normal, rinse as normal.  Hair and scalp are by far happier doing it this way.

I have also noticed ends are shinier than they ever have been.  Hair overall seems to be healthier.  I dont know tho if this is cuz I finally cut the last 1 1/2 inches that was damaged.  There isnt anymore damage on my ends that I can see.  Ends and length are full and thick now.  Wiil continue on with experiment.

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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #47 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:35pm
I bought a differant condish for cleansing purposes and a differant oil based moisturizer for after cleansing.  I am not sure which I/my hair doesnt like.  I used these to wash my hair yesterday and I am a GREASEBALL ALREADY!!!  YUCKY!  That means I have to wash my hair b4 I go to work tomarrow  Roll Eyes.  I will wash with the new condish and then use the olive oil for the moisture.  My hair LOVES the olive oil condish ---- so I will make it happy.
Then next time I will wash with my reglar condish and try the new after wash moisutizer to see which one my hair doesnt get along with.

The CO experiment is going very well.  My length is softer than it has ever been before.  I did an S & D saturday, and I had fewer split ends.  The ends arent dry either.  I could probably use and all-nite oiling, but with the weather still cold, and I am sooo suseptable to sinus infections, I will wait until warmer weather.

My hair is starting to curl on the pew again which means I am gaing back the amount I cut off in May.  I am just sooo excited about this gain of length.  Fingertips here we come!!!  Grin.

Once I reach fingertips, and I am at this time still going for the knees, as my hair in better condition I may have to rethink that length thought.  We'll see.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #48 - Jun 14th, 2008 at 7:07pm
I washed my hair last nite and b4 the ends got dry, I put some oil in it and then left the rest of the head to dry.  I left the hair loose for the rest of the evening and braided b4 bed.  This morning my ends were sooo soft.  It really felt nice.  I braided to go to work as I am finding leaving my hair loose is too dangerous.  It gets caught on stuff as I walk by.  That hurts!!  I have been braiding b4 bed every nite now and I am finding almost no tangles in the morning which is very nice.  I am tired.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 182
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #49 - Jun 14th, 2008 at 10:26pm
The no tangles from a night braid were nice, but I started noticing a LOT of breakage.  A sleep cap helped.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #50 - Jun 16th, 2008 at 5:41pm
Today is monday and a great day.  I visited my dad yesterday, in some ways is doing good and some ways not!  Dad cant seem to remember about 1 1/2 years worth of time.  What years time I dont know.  He got a puppy from his wife for fathers day.  It was suggested to do that so he would have a focal point.  Something he has to take of and do each day on a regular basis.  Dad also talked alot about missing money.  My dad was wealthy when he retired, had a good retirement income.  He married his wife 5 years prior to having his house paid for.  Last year they sold that house and bought a new one, since then they also bought a new car.  She seems to having a gambling issue too.  My dad is determined to find out what has happened to the missing money.  If she is gambling their retirement, there could be a whole lot of trouble stirred up. 

My hair is doing good too.  I did an S & D thru the body today while sitting in the sun.  The light was great for seeing what few splits I had to cut.  Since I have working on my experiment,  my hair is responding to the good care.  I hardly have splits anymore.  My ends are in better shape.  I am planning to go to a barbar and have a professional shaping done.  I am thinking I would like have an 1/8th of an inch removed.  I could do it, but perhaps it would look better having it done.  Then if I like it, I can continue doing the professional thing or do it myself.  Sometimes allowing some else to do it feels sooo good.  I am thinking going to a barbar cuz when you tell them an 1/8th of 0nly, they know how to measure it.  I know stylist who cannot measure, and I would wind up losing by far too much hair. That is just a thought for now, I am not ready to remove length whatsoever right now.    I am taking more time and patience with it.  Oiling and wearing it up more now, also braiding for work.  It is paying off I know it just by how my hair is feeling.

The smoke smell has left.  I can no longer smell it at all.  Dont know what it was but it is gone no

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #51 - Jun 17th, 2008 at 10:35pm
I am thinking I may have to start absolutely washing 3x weekly if I continue to use condish to wash.  Hair is soooo uuuuggggglllllllyyyyyyyyyy tonite with grease.  It looks like it hasnt been washed in 2 months.  I dont know if it is the type of condish (balsam and protein), or the after washing condish(either Proclaim olive oil or Motions moisturizing, sometimes Hemp oil), or is it cuz it is summer and the warmer temps.  I am sooo confused  Huh.  My scalp is in marvelous shape, no longer having problems so I really dont want to go back to using shampoo.  How else can I get my scalp clean and only clean it 2x weekly?  Hhhhmmmm--a perplexity.  I have been also using ACV/cold water for final rinse.  Thats good.  Should i just bite the bullet and wash it 3x weekly?  See, I am kinda lazy and too wash 3x weekly, I have to get up at 4am.  I do like my sleep.  Whats a girl to do?

Best results so far have been with Suave condish to wash and Olive oil to condish afterwards with ACV/cold water final rinse.  I mite just go back to that routine and see how it goes.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #52 - Jun 21st, 2008 at 5:32pm
I have found these two dry sections in my hair this morning.  I thought at first it was old damage I havent removed yet.  It goes all up and down the length.  Well, after much searching it out, I have discovered it is my hair turning gray in those areas.  It seems as tho those two sections are graying faster than the rest of the hair, so I treated them to some extra  oiling (on damp hair) after washing.  Since summer came on here yesterday, temps jumped from nice mild 70's to mid 90s, I am washing more often.  I simply CANNOT stand that greasy yucky look I get.  I think the hair will be fine.  Shampoo only 2x monthly, then co rest of time, more use of oils, longer rinses, regular s&d.  Hair length is replaced since cutting in May (fingertip).  Plus, I am watching very carefully for any new damage or perhaps excess damage from frequent washings.  I am ignorant here as to whether there will be any effect on my hair.  I just hate the greasy look.

What I am also noticing is that the gray hair is very coarse, curly, while the white hair is very soft and straight.  I will be glad when my hair gets thru "the change" and begins to act normal again.  Whatever normal will be at the time.  I am not sure if I should be treating the gray hair differently from the white.  So on we grow.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #53 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 9:25pm
The temps here are not as high as the other day, but the humidty is!!  I got UGLY about noon, so my hair went up.  I have started using some Amish hair pins a friend got for me, they are marvelous!  Smiley.  The little claw clamp things I was using didnt hold my hair for very long and when the hair begin to "slide", I would get a headache.  Now with pins in it bun stays put.  YEAH!!!  I wore my up for church last nite and my Senior Pastors wife gave me nice compliment.  Gonna wash again tomarrow.

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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #54 - Jun 24th, 2008 at 4:52am
Gotta love those Amish hairrpins!!!  I'd be lost without mine!
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #55 - Jun 24th, 2008 at 11:01pm
I didnt get up to wash this morning.  It was cool outside and with lower temps and humidity, I have a tendency to sleep.  It is supposed to creep up to 95 - 100 later in the week.  I did a braid today and I finally took it out and fingercombed my hair.  I have to wash tomarrow (greaseball).  I didnt get the job I interviewed for on the 3rd.  O well, I aint gonna cry over it.  I am sure God has something for me that is better  Grin

If I wash in the morning I will be sweaty when I get off work, so I mite wait until after work as I have church tomarrow nite.  Although I will be in a bun cuz of the heat. hhhmmmm---I wonder if I could get away with putting some oil in the hair while it is damp, then bunnning it.  Maybe not, then it wouldnt be dry b4 bed and I really hate sleeping with wet hair while the AC is running.  O my what a dilemma.


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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #56 - Jun 28th, 2008 at 7:09pm
Braids and buns are sooo wonderful  Grin.  It is 96 here so far and still climbing.  Hair is in a greasy braid and I will wash tomarrow, then bun it for church.  This was the last saturday I have to work.  My schedule changed so I dont work weekends (saturday) anymore.  My grant was cut back to 20 hours a week which includes time for job hunting classes (I get paid to look for work) yippeeee!  So, I dropped working on saturday.  Now I have a real weekend. 

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #57 - Jun 30th, 2008 at 5:46pm
Its been hot here now for the last few days, I thought of shaving my head last nite thinking that mite be cooler.  Nice breeze flowing over my head and neck, mmmmm, wonderful.  But, alas, I woke up to a full head of hair today.  It is greeasy again, and I washed it  yesterday.  I am thinking that I sweating alot during my sleep and my hair and scalp is what I notice the most.  I really dont want to wash more that 3x weekly, but I dont like the greasy look.  Makes feel dirty even tho I am not.  I wonder what I could do to stop the greasy look or if I have to put with this until fall  Huh?

On a differant note, I turned in 4 job applications by noon today.   Grin Grin Grin.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #58 - Jul 1st, 2008 at 10:21pm
Hair will NOT stay in a braid.  maybe I am just tired, but my hair is being sassy.  I am gonna wash it in the morning and bun it up for work.  Unfortunetly, if it isnt dry when I leave for work it wont get dry in a bun.  Probably wont stay up then either.  Hummmph. 

Whats a girl to do  Roll Eyes.

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #59 - Jul 2nd, 2008 at 7:29pm
My hair won't dry in a bun, either.  I let it down after I get home and hope there's enough time for it to dry completely before bed.

Do you have any micro fiber towels?  I've been using them for years now and they do cut down my drying time.

Also, you might want to check out devacurl's no poo as an alternative to so many CO's:

http://store.devachansalon.com/Detail.bok?no=29 ;

If you want to try it, I think I've got some left that I'm not using.  It has become too moisturizing for me since I do regular scalp oiling.  PM me if you want me to send it to you.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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