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Debr's hair fixations (Read 152071 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #75 - Aug 12th, 2008 at 8:33pm
This is NASTY!!  Just simply NASTY!!!   It is 95 DEGREES and CLIMBING!!!  Man, I wish winter were here.  On the brighter side, I have noticed more white hair today than I have any other time.  Maybe it is getting whiter, or perhaps due to the sunlite factor, I can see it better.  It is white.  Not grey.  White.  The hairs on my scalp are still grey tho.  As the hair gets longer, it becomes more white.  Weird huh??  I also have "updo" headache today.

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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #76 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 10:28pm
AAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!  103 degrees.  Too hot for me  Hairs in a bun and I dont care what the bun looks like  Roll Eyes.  Drinking a lot of water and trying to stay cool.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #77 - Aug 16th, 2008 at 4:20pm
I have had a "splitting canopy" issue for several days now.  I woke up this morning, washed it, put oil in it before it had a chance to start drying (wet oiling).  Hair drys in about 3 hours with this heat.  Bunned, no more splits.  I guess I will have to "wet oil" every time I wash.  I will probably be washing hair daily or at least  more than 3 times a week (scalp gets too oily, oil creeps upward).  I was thinking that maybe I would have to cut my hair off and start over.  I just couldnt understand how to get rid of the splitting.  I do oil my hair but with the heat I just need to do it more and a lot of it.  Seems llike once I step outside, walk to my car, get the mail, whatever, the heat has sucked up any oil and moisture in my hair.  My ends and length were starting to pay the price, (think straw).  Live and learn.  I hope now my hair will be happy with this routine until summer goes away. It did feel softer when I took it down a moment ago to redo the bun. Wet oil and bun will become my new theme hairdo for the rest of the summer. I will be doing some damage control (s & d) sometime this week.  I dont think there is much damage, just dryness.  So on we grow.

Debr  Smiley
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #78 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 9:06pm
I went to visit my dad yesterday.  He was able to carry on a conversation with me for the most part.  His mind did wander in and out a few times.  I did notice he seemed skinnier than the last time I saw him.  I know he eats, but he just looked skinny.  He did ask me if that was my car parked in his driveway, I said no, it was his, I am parked on the street.  O well.  My brother seems very worried about him though.  There isnt enuf money for dad to get long-term care cuz they have LOANED out so much of their savings accounts, and it is not be repaid.  One of the ways dad could get help is to divorce his wife, give custody of her grandkids to her, and sell his house.  Of course, he wont do that.  I dont know if he would have to pay child support even tho he adopted them cuz of his age (79) and his medical/mental condition.  That might be the only option he could get for care.  His illness is really taking a toll on his wife.

It is sooo much cooler today.  Rained last nite, storm is moving in this week!  Yay!!  Hair is also in a better mood.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #79 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 7:23pm
Yep!!!  We had rain off and on all week.  The only bad part about is the temps were in the mid 70s.  YUCKY!!! 

The hair is getting better.  I have been thinking about this experiment I am doing this summer.  I am not getting much length at all.  It is my fault tho cuz I have been cutting it.  The qualitiy is good tho.  hmmm--length versus quality?  Nah, qualiity first.  So---perhaps this experiment is gonna change.  It will become ongoing as there is still some more damage to remove(I still have what looks like thin ends).  I dont know if it the lighting in the room, or if my hair is really thin on the last 6 inches or so.  I can see thru it. It feels as thick as the hair farther up my back, but looks thin.  I will keep trimming and go from there.  I also am finding I really like fingertip length.  I dont know if I plan to stop there tho, I still would like to have my hair knee length at least once before I die.  If I stop at ftp -- I would make my final length goal at 45 inches.  As of my last measurement (April), I only have 4 more inches to go.  I havent measured since then, waiting for October, so I will know how much farther I need to grow to maintain at 45 inches.  Then I will look into knee length after that.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #80 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 8:49pm
Things are definately changing.  I still plan to measure again in Oct.  Then the next step will be to change my hair trimming routine.  I am considering a "trim or dusting" every 2 months, removing at least an 1/8 of inch each time from the length.  I will contine to dust the body every week as I have all summer.  I do like to oil when wet, then put it up.  With winter coming I dont know if I will continue that step.  I am also thinking about leaving my hair at this length (fingertip) until I have cut off all of the remaining damage.  I am thinking this may take a iyear or more, we'll see.  I might just get frustrated with slowness of the procedure and whack off the remaining damage  Wink.

I love the fall, but seasonal changes always make me a little crazy.  I get wishy-washy with hair change ideas.  So, I figure if anything my journal will be a good place to "sound out" my ideas.  Who knows, something good might come out of it.  Grin.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #81 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 4:32pm
Well----this has been an interesting week.  On wednesday, I went to a job interview at the sherriffs office, I even had my fingerprints done.  Then today I turned in the 7 page job appllication.  The interview went very well. I think I got the job and now it is a matter of waiting about 3 weeks for the security stuff to be completed.  I am just soooo excited  Grin

I trimmed an inch from my hair last nite.  The ends looked just horrible.  I am thinking the heat got to them.  I had been wearing my hair up with oil, but still the ends looked fried.  So late last nite the inch came off and today I did another s & d. After washing, I put some oil based moisturizer (leave in) into my damp hair.  So far, so good. 

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #82 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 6:03pm
Oh, I sure hope you got the job, Debr!!!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #83 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 6:12pm
Good luck, I hope you get the job Wink

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #84 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 10:41pm
I think I am just fried!  I am sooo tired.  Hair is tired too!  We now have a new heat wave for september.  It will be in the early 90's for friday and heating up from there for the rest of the weekend and into the next week.  O fun!  I am sooo ready for winter.

Hair is oily tonite (has hair cleavage) but I dont care.


No more info on job yet!!

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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #85 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 4:33pm
I am sooo ready for winter.

Me too!
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #86 - Sep 13th, 2008 at 6:50pm
Well---I understand what is making me so tired.  Part of it is waiting to hear about new job (caught in limbo) and the other part is standing on my feet for 7 hours every day at my old job.  My right leg hurt from my big toe all the way to my hip last nite.  I finally took to 2 exceddrin and prayed for my leg.  God answered and my leg calmed down so I could sleep.  Still tired today.

I am caught in limbo with hair too.  I am trying to decide if I want to go back to washing it everyday.  The reason is COing it 2 - 3 times weekly isnt working.  My hair/scalp gets greasy but the scalp isnt as itchy anymore.  What to do----What to do????   Actually my hair looked better/fresher wahing it every day.  I have to get up at 4am every day to wash tho, and I am kinda lazy  Roll Eyes.  So we'll see.   

I want winter soo bad.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #87 - Sep 20th, 2008 at 4:51pm
We have been having some lovely fall weather here.  The temps are in the 60 - 70's range.  I just love it. 

I think my hair likes this time of year best cuz it seems to be behaving better, growing faster, and in general easier to deal with  Smiley.  I still have not heard about my new job yet, but it has only been two weeks, and sometimes it might take homeland securitiy 3 weeks or more.  They have to make sure I am not wanted anywhere.  So, I am trying VERRRRY hard to be patient.

I am still thinking very hard about going back to daily washing routine.  Especially if I get the new job.  I actually liked my hair better then.  What kind of s & c would be best for daily use?   hmmmm---sounds like another experiement comin on.  I llke coconut products by suave for co but after a day or two, my hair starts to look greasy.  I did my usual s & d today, but there were only 3 spllits, l knot, and an end I didnt like to be cut off.  Oiling after wet combing is working great, which is also another reason why I want to wash daily.  If I go every other day, then my hair gets greasy.  Maybe it is the time of year.  I dunno.  But I really haite the greasies cuz I feel soooo like a slob.  The oiling is working tho.  It has become the "leave in". 

I was looking at my ends in the church bathroom mirror and they have finally gotten thicker.  I cannot see my hand thru them anymore.  The ends are finally as thick as the rest of my hair.  I am going to continue to trim about 1/2 inch every other month for a while to control taper. 

I also figured out I only need to grow 4 more inches to reach mid thigh.  Ohhh, this is sooo exciting. Grin Grin.

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 549
Gender: female
Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #88 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 7:57pm
I have been under a lot of stress lately!  I have noticed this in the way my stomach is acting.  A loooong time ago, I had ulcers.  In fact I wound up in the hospital with a bleeding ulcer.  had to have surger.  I noticed today that the bleeding is starting to occur again.  Unfortunately, I have noooo money and nooooo insurance.  I went to Walgreens and got some Zantac 75.  Hoping and praying that this med will at least slowdown/stop the acid production.  If it doesnt work then I will need medical care.  What do I do?

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: Debr's hair fixations
Reply #89 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 10:54pm
Take care, Debr.  I hope you can get your stress under control soon.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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