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The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl (Read 459515 times)

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #15 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 8:06pm
Organic is definately good! When I was about 7, I had a neighbor with a huge garden (the entire one acre lot behind both of our houses!), and she was organic all the way... She even had a tomato plant specifically for me that used to produce some of the biggest tomatoes I've ever seen. One was a full 4 pounds.

Hehe, CurlGirl... it sounds like you and your siblings pretty much have all the bases covered when it comes to pets, eh?  Yeah, my mom made the descicion to take care of a 5 year old, a newborn, and a shepherd-chow mix puppy all on her own! Actually the puppy was born the same day I was.
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #16 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 9:58pm
What a great birthday surprise by having a puppy born on your birthday!
4 pound tomato?! Shocked Man oh man,that must have made one heck of a tomato salad!!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #17 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 10:10pm
heh, it was a weeks worth of tomato sandwiches Cheesy

And oddly enough, it's not the only time I've had puppies born on my birthday. A few years ago, two of our dogs managed to get pregnant before we could get them spayed (lazy parents, really, but that's another story).. Mine, a border collie mix, had 7 puppies on my birthday:D Of course, they were caught in a house fire 7 days later (we were out of state at a funeral). The other had her puppies under the house, either during or hours after the fire. We used to joke that ginger's puppies were fireproof! (unfortunately, cassie's apparently weren't Cry)
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #18 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 10:13pm
I almost forgot to mention,got a hair compliment from a guy who lives up the block this morning!!! Cool Embarrassed  After he told me he thought my hair looked great either in a bun with sticks or down and curly,I told him about this site and shampoo bars and oiling.  Also all the great members we have here!  He wants the address so next time I see him I can give it to him and maybe we'll have a new male member join our ranks! Cool
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #19 - Jul 10th, 2007 at 10:14pm
Cry Cry so sad about the pups!!!! I'm sorry!
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Kami wa onna no inochi
- A womens hair is her

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #20 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 9:03am
Curlgirl64 wrote on Jul 10th, 2007 at 10:14pm:
Cry Cry so sad about the pups!!!! I'm sorry!  

Oh the poor things!  I'm sorry. Cry
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #21 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 11:14am
Aww, poor puppies.  Cry
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Angel Spun
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #22 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 4:14pm
Aww, that's tragic about the puppies.  Sad

But woohoo Curlgirl, getting a hair compliment and promoting us here at LL!  Wink
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #23 - Jul 11th, 2007 at 7:32pm
I agree with all that Angelspun wrote, so I will just say 'ditto".

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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #24 - Jul 12th, 2007 at 4:53am
Thank you, ladies!!  Yes, things looks rather good.....a hair compliment,a sale of a Satin Sox and a sale of Whipped Body Butter!!!  Pretty good for a day,no?
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Southern Louisiana
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #25 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 1:45am
hey, congrats on the sales, CurlGirl! And from the recent pictures, even with the hair up, I can tell you definately deserve the compliments!
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #26 - Jul 13th, 2007 at 10:16am
thank you,my dear!!!  

Today has been nothing short of a miracle so far!!! Roll Eyes Shocked  I managed to take a shower and wash my hair with this over grown boxer puppy staying out of the shower!!!! Grin  Along with shower chair,bowl of acv rinse,a stern talking to about the dire consequences of joining me in the shower....I was able to finally feel like I had washed away all the sweat and work of yesterday!!!!
My disadvantage of being disabled and trying to keep seperated a bichon who does not want to "play boxing match" with this pup,3 cockatiels who can't understand why they can't come out to play and a canary who finds the antics and shenanagins very amusing is nothing short of a skit Abbott and Costello would want in their routine!!!
I am counting down the hours to when "Champ" goes home with my brother!!  8 1/2 more hours out of 26!!!  Woo Hoo!  I get to sleep after this!!!!!  I did manage to sleep at the kitchen table for a couple of hours though.  Champ seems to think that it is necessary for me to not sleep in my futon and always keep him company to amuse him. Roll Eyes
Since he outgrew the crate I gave my brother,I know there is a major sale on crates with Dr. Foster and Smith.   That boy is going to have his own little condo in that crate when he comes to stay with me!!!!  The toothpicks are not going to do the job of keep my eyes open!  Too much sleep depervation!!!!!
Aside from the puppy stuff.....I did wash my hair with CV shampoo bar,not sure which one it was though.  I made an infusion of fresh sage and dried rosemary for my vinegar rinse a few nights ago.  After this I sprayed all my hair with the aloe vera liquid and vegetable glycerin mix and oiled with camellia oil.  Ahhhhh,feels so much better since the heat and humiditiy make my hair feel like 10 pounds on my head!!  Don't get me wrong,I love the curls not  the weight from the humidity.  I usually keep it down in the house and let it air dry enough so I can put it all up in a bun.  The coolness does feel good on my neck and back though! Smiley  One of the benefits of having long hair is letting the coolness of freshly washed hair cool your neck and back!!! Grin
On to more puppy antics!!!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #27 - Jul 14th, 2007 at 7:07am
Now that the cyclone puppy is either at my aunt and uncle's house or coming back to me,I have alittle time to recooperate and straighten up the disaster at my mother's house! Roll Eyes  I find it quite amusing that when Champ jumps on the coach and I yell off he thinks that he can try to hide in the cushions( with his butt up in the air) and I won't find him!!!  He has a great sense of humor and I find it hard to keep a straight face when I have to correct his mischievious ways!!!!
I hope he is as sweet and affectionate when he is full grown as he is now!  I have a feeling he's going to be close to 70-75 pounds when full grown.  He's at least 35 pounds now at almost 5 months old!!!! 
When he's not here I miss him trying to sit on my lap when I'm at the computer.  It's a great balance exercise for me since I use a Giam Balance Ball Chair for the computer!  Lord help me if he catches me off guard!!!  We'll both be on the floor!
I think today I'll take advantage of the beautiful weather and sit outside with my pup!  I think I'll also make pineapple orange fruit smoothies for lunch and salmon brown rice burgers for dinner!  That should hit the spot!  I'll have enough time to digest and be on the Pilates Performer way before bed time!
For the hair news,still shiny and under control in a braid.  The weather has been very cooperative,staying less humid for a few days has helped!  I wonder how long before the humidity is back and I feel like I have the frizzies back weighing 10 pounds again?????? I do love my aloe vera liquid and glycerin!!
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #28 - Jul 16th, 2007 at 7:34am
Another day begins with the Champ!!!!!  I'm so glad my aunt and uncle had him for Sat. and Sun.  The weather played havoc with my symptoms!!  Sad  I was just relaxed and took it easy.  He's back for another day!  Thank God it's not a 26 hour thing!  More training today with Champ depending on his attention span Roll Eyes
Not much happpening in hair news though.  I'm going to try to wash Tues. morning and maybe whip up some deep conditioner treatment.
The weather seems to be cooler this morning and less humid so I'm hoping it stays that way for today.
I bought some Japanese incense,(coils and sticks) and another Japanese bowl for coil burning.  I tried to find an incense burner made out of porcelain or ceramic that was a little square plate without a hole so I could use it for coils.  I searched and googled for it,but no one had it!!!  Sad  I figured if the mountain can't come to you then go to the mountain!!! Grin  I think I willhave to find a pottery or ceramic place near me so I can throw my own clay!!!  I'll make it myself to the specs. I want and the color I want.  I'll also make a little stand for the coils to rest on.  I figure I could use my Arita bowl with ash in the meantime as an alternate for the coils.  I think that would be fun to try to make!!!  I haven't been to a ceramic class since I was 4 years old!  I think it will be alot of fun and a good thing for me to do!  Now off to find a place........where's my Sherlock Holme's hat and pipe when I need it??????  I betcha Champ has something to do with it missing!! Grin
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joeydog 1992
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Re: The Twists and Curls of a Curlgirl
Reply #29 - Jul 16th, 2007 at 5:24pm
Not poor little Champ!!!  He could not have done it!!!

I know friends at work who did pottery after work a couple of years ago.  They really enjoyed it.  I would love to have tried it (oh so unartistic me) but the dogs told me that being left for almost 12 hours a day was all they could handle...Can't blame them.  I guess in life we have to make choices...and since pottery was not offered within 40 km of me...I knew I would not go out after the taking care of my dogs...who need more than food and to go out...but also to be loved, walked and told they are as important to me as I am to them.

I love my little dogs  Grin.  I will miss them when they are gone Cry.  That wont be long I am afraid.

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