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My Hair Journey (Read 111054 times)

yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #30 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 10:23pm
well, i normally wait until saturday to wash my hair, but since we have had lots of snow fall i have been outside shoveling and wearing a hat. this had made my hair really greasy and oily and just plain gross. so i got in the shower and let the cold water run down my hair. i did not use any conditioner just water. my scalp felt soo much better.

when i got out i was looking in my bathroom closet and went to put some jojoba oil in and decided for fun to see what would happen if i put vanilla in my hair as well. i know that it smells good, but i dont know if it will have any effect on my hair.

does anyone have any experience with vanilla?
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #31 - Dec 23rd, 2007 at 11:19am
i had posted before about hair seeming shorter than it is. well at the begining of the month my hair was at 24" no growth since last month and i decided today i would messure to see if it was any closer to 25" and everytime i messured it said 23". maybe im not messuring right. i dont know what to do. its funny though, it seems to look longer than what it is messuring. Any ideas?
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #32 - Dec 23rd, 2007 at 12:24pm
The most accurate way to measure is to start from the middle hairline on the forehead and measure to the very end of the longest part of your hair in the back.

I would also recommend having someone doing the measuring for you because if you do it yourself the measurement might not always be as accurate.

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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #33 - Dec 27th, 2007 at 7:51pm
well, i hope everyone enjoyed thier christmas, i sure did! my son kasey had a ball opening up the presents and playing with the wrapping paper lol. i got some money so i can go shopping for clothes. thank god all my clothes are either too small, from having kasey, or falling apart, too old.

i have started exercising again, louise solomon's yogalates. this is a great program and i love yoga. i have been wanting to do bellydancing. ive always loved how beautiful it looks. does anyone know where i can find GOOD DVD's?

i think my hair has grown, but i cant be sure. it looks longer but i havnt measured. i wont until the first. then on the 5th i wil have a slight trim no more than a 1/2 inch if that. then  i will measure again.

i cant believe it my son will be 2 on the 2nd. hes so big. time goes by fast.
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #34 - Dec 28th, 2007 at 11:37am
as i said i started exercising and well it snowed here yesterday about 4 inches. so i eneded up shoveling and i guess with the yogalates and the shoveling it made me extememly tired cause i slept until 11 a.m.

well since ive started this i would also like to change the way i eat. there are many foods out there that i like but i know i should limit or cut out all together. i was hoping to do a sort of vegetable fruit diet. right now in the mornings i drink carnation instant breakfast. and that seems to be working as far as keeping me from eating whatg should be for breakfast lol. anyway i was just wondering if anyone knew where i could find recipies on fruit dishes and dinners made with vegatables?

now im looking to lose about 40 lbs. this may be  alot but i want to accomplish this once lb at a time. just like woth my hair one inch at a time. i think im also going to start going on a daly walk. i dont know how much this will help, but i do know that walkign is good for you and can help lower blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease.

so if anyone can help me in any way i would greatly appreciate it thanks Smiley
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #35 - Dec 28th, 2007 at 5:25pm
Walking is a great way to lose weight, gain endurance, lift your mood and keep your heart & lungs healthy. But there are a few provisions...

Number 1 is that you must be walking for at least 15 minutes at a brisk pace at least 3 times a week. Just meandering around the mall or up and down the block isn't going to help.

Number 2 is that the air you're breathing must be reasonably clean to help, rather than harm, your lungs. If you live in a major city, industrial area or ghetto, you are better off staying indoors on a treadmill because air quality in these areas is not the greatest.

Number 3 is that you must constantly challenge and push yourself. When your normal walk becomes too easy, walk faster, take a different route (preferably one with hills) or carry small weights or water bottles in your hands. If you keep walking at the same rate all the time, you will maintain your current weight and not lose any.

Number 4 is stay safe and be careful! A lot of crazy things can happen out there, so use common sense. Look both ways before crossing a street, use crosswalks properly, obey signs and signals, remember that people in cars might not always see you and you might not always see them, etc. Basically all of the safety precautions that you learned as a child.

This is something that I know a little bit about because I power walk about 10 months out of the year. 40 minute treks, every other night. I have found it quite effective.  Smiley
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #36 - Dec 28th, 2007 at 6:51pm
thank you AngelSpun i will keep all you have said in mind. i used to walk alot before i had my son and have gotten out of the habbit. and when its winter out like this i tend to not want to do it even more. i do want to get in shape more than i want to not go for a walk so this goal for me is something i will work very hard to accomplish.

i did more yogalates today. boy i feel great and tired all at hte same time. i know it going to take at leat 2 to 3 weeks before i see any change but it will be worth it. i have this crazy habbit where i work out for 3 months and then for some reason i stop. so this time when i reach that point. i will stop and remember why i am doing this. and hopefully i will continue and be rewared.
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #37 - Dec 30th, 2007 at 7:29pm
yesterday was a wash day. it felt so great. i decided to incorperate my oils when in the shower. my hair loves it and i feel its extra protection.

tonight im cooking hamburger helper for my son. somehting he likes, yippee Smiley it just so happens that his 2nd birthday is on the 2nd. hes gettng so big. hes having a party and everything. well gtg.
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #38 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 8:44pm
Happy New Year EverBody!! Smiley My son's Birthday is tomorrow, he'll be 2!
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #39 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 9:06pm
well it turns out that i only gained a 1/2 in of growth this month so i have set my counter for another month.
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Posts: 825
Southern Louisiana
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #40 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 10:28pm
Happy birthday to your son, Brunette!

and don't worry, 1/2" is the average growth rate, so you're still doing okay. Smiley
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“It’s easy to love somebody before you really know them. The trick is to keep loving them once you do.” ~ Mackenzie Blaise, --> TalesOfMU.com&&
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #41 - Jan 2nd, 2008 at 8:38pm
Hi all,

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy this site and all it has to offer Smiley
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« Last Edit: Nov 1st, 2008 at 10:32am by brunette85 »  

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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #42 - Jan 5th, 2008 at 4:30pm
today i went to the salon and got a 1/2 inch trim. she also evened up the ends a bit so now my hair is closer to one length. my hair is now back at 24", but it looks and feels great.  i will also reset my timer. i also got my eyebrows waxed. i like them. my eyes look more open and awake. i also went to wal-mart and picked up some make-up and exercise pants.
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #43 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 11:29am
as i have said i had a trim on the 5th so now my plan is to not cut for a year. i will see where my ends are at in 6 months. i dont think i will grow to waist this year but im hoping to get to at leat 28".
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #44 - Jan 28th, 2008 at 5:51pm
well, it has definately been a while. i havnt had much to report so that explains it. lol. now, however i do. i have read about how other people have had problems with shedding. well i am at that point. but i dont think of it as a problem. hair grows in cycles and one of the stages is your "old" hair gets pushed out by the "new" hair so when you think you are losing hair in a way you are but you are also gaining new growth. so i take comfort in the fact that this shedding is just a phase my hair has to grow through so i continue to enjoy it at every stage and length.

in other news i have started a new semester at college. i am very excited but i know i have a challenge ahead of me. i am taking 5 classes. 4 is considered full-time. so far everything is going good except for one class. we have online quizzes for our assigned chapters. i took the quizz and sent it everything was fine. when i go to check my email i have a email telling me that my instructors email does not exist. so it ook it again and sent it again getting the same result. i know that the email was correct becaue i checked it 5 times to make sure there were no errors. this is not a good start to the semester. i emailed my professor and hopefully we can get this resolved. other than that everything is great.
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