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My Hair Journey (Read 111024 times)

yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #45 - Feb 1st, 2008 at 5:57pm
i have decided to do my deep conditioning treatments once a month. i was to see how my hair will react. also just a bit of growth.

i have started college again. i am taking a full load, 4 classes. ill be very busy but i think i can handle it. i am keeping on top of my work so i do not fall behind. i got a 100 on my math quiz and the HW. next wednesday we have a test, im sure ill do well. my other classes are great. all of them are in differnt areas so i get to be well rounded lol.
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« Last Edit: Feb 10th, 2008 at 7:40pm by brunette85 »  

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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: the classic hair journey
Reply #46 - Feb 10th, 2008 at 7:39pm
its been over a year since my new growth stared its way down my head. i have decided to measure its growth as well as the rest of my hair. my new growth is different lengths so i chose the shortest length to measure, this way when i reach a certain length i can trim the hemline to be blunt without worrying about shorter peices.

my new growth measures-in at 8" given this measurement it has been growing 1" per month. if it keeps growing a this rate then it will be at 37" within 2 1/2-3 years. if it grows at a 1/2" per month it will be at 37" within 5 years. major difference in years. i hope i did the math right.

i think this will help me focus on getting my hair all one length. that is a goal i am working towards. hopfully i can make it. im hoping once i hit 37" with my length i can keep it there till the rest catches up and then even out the ends.

i may post in the monthy measure-ins what both my lengths are. im not sure yet as i dont want to confuse anyone. we'll see:)

in other hair news:
i did not use my deep conditioner and i noticed my hair isnt as soft anymore and looks a little less "maintained". however, the static has disappeared. i may decide to re-think my plan: instead of waiting a month, i may change what i use and do the weekly treatments. hopfully i can find something that works like the one i have but does not create static.
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #47 - Feb 10th, 2008 at 9:32pm
8" in a year? Wow. I only get 4. Congrats!  Smiley
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yogalates: mind, body,
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Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #48 - Feb 12th, 2008 at 11:43am
thanks Angel Spun

i know amazing! i think it may have to do with the way i treat my hair now. since i have been here my hair has changed dramatically in its look and feel. i think now that i have a routine and understand more about my hair it gives me confidence and shows up  in my hair. or maybe it just cant stand to be so short and wants to catch up with the rest, lol.
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #49 - Feb 18th, 2008 at 11:25pm
Well, I broke down and used my deep conditioning treatment. My hair was getting too dry and looked a bit unhealthy. The static did return, however, I found some conditoning spray in the back of my bathroom closet. I just misted the area with static and it helped. Smiley

It's vacation week, but I am still going in on wednesday for math tutoring. My math tutor is soo cute. I'll get help from him anytime. Wink
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yogalates: mind, body,
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Posts: 226
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Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #50 - Mar 1st, 2008 at 5:48pm
Today was my was day. My hair is still drying. It should be completely dry in an hour or two. I have been contemplating how I want to wear my hair as it gets longer. I am naturally curly and I have been noticing how my curls look as my hair gains length. My curls are not so poofy and have weight to them. I am starting to like how they look. However, since my new growth is still faily short, i am going to wait until my shortest layers are BSL or waist. I havnt decided which one yet. Then I will wear it curly and see how I like it. Until then I will wear it striaght.

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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #51 - Mar 9th, 2008 at 12:28am
Today I was looking at my hair in the mirror and realized the ends were a little below the bottom of my brastrap. It's a thick strap too. The last time i knew my ends were just touching the top. So this means I have reached my first mini goal of BSL and I reached it last month. lol. Therefore, my goals have changes my an inch. So now I am on my way to Waist. I am so excited. Patience pays off.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #52 - Mar 9th, 2008 at 6:41am
Congratulations Cool

Like the saying goes:  Good things come to those that wait

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #53 - Mar 9th, 2008 at 11:20am
Congratulations!!!  Keep up the good work.  Grin
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #54 - Mar 9th, 2008 at 7:46pm
Congrats on the growth, Brunette85.  Smiley

That's pretty much how it happened for me too. One month, I made it to BSL. The month after that, I passed it. It happens pretty quickly.
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yogalates: mind, body,
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Posts: 226
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Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #55 - Apr 26th, 2008 at 10:04pm
Well, it has been a long while since I have posted here. I have been busy with school. The semester is almost over. Anyway, my hair in the meantime is doing well. I havn't had a chance to pick up my hot oil treatments due to a busy schedual. luckily I am on vacation and plan on picking some up tomorrow and use them in my next wash cycle. i just did a self trim. My ends were in bad shape. I went four months without trimming, but my hair didn't like that so I did trim. I took about an inch off and my ends feel great. I am still at BSL so I am not complaning. I feel with my hair that if there is no quality to my length then there is no room for length. In other words I want health just as much as length. I've still been doing my weekly deep conditioning treatments and my roots and length love it. I have been wearing my hair up more lately. I guess that just comes with having long hair.

As for my "new growth" I am officially calling them layers. They look like layers and others have refered to my hair as being "layered" so that is what they will be called from now on until my hair is all one length.

I am doing well in school and i just took a tour of the college I am going to transfer to. It is wonderful. I love thier seven story library. They even have a gym! Kasey, my son, is in the terrible two phase. He also has been using the potty! Go Kasey Smiley. I have been taking singing lessons and I plan to take piano lessons as well. I have two plans going for me. I will study to psychology to get my B.A. and in the meantime practice singing and piano playing so I can write melody to my songs and hopefull record a demo and see where that takes me. If one doesn't work out then i will have the other and vise-versa. I am very excited about my life at the moment I hope everything works out.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #56 - Apr 27th, 2008 at 1:31am
Glad you stopped in!  I hope you enjoy your break and pamper yourself!!
Gold stars to Kasey!!  I'm starting my voice lessons up again in May.  I love to sing!!!
Good luck with your lessons and school and drop in more when you can!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #57 - May 24th, 2008 at 7:11pm
As I have said, my hair now cantains layers and my new goal at this point, other than length, is trying to grow out my layers. I believe my shortest layer is approximately 10" so I have about 14" to grow for all my hair to be one length. I am also concentrating on my underneath. It has been growing out nicely. A bit slower than the rest of my hair, but growing nonetheless. I would still like to gain a little length, but I think at this point I will just maintain for a while. I havn't made up my mind completely yet. I was looking at my hair and decided to do a little self trim today. I had a lot of split ends so I trimmed the front. Instead of a sideways trim to frame my face, I trimmed straight across. This way my hair will end up with a blunt hair line.

-Does anyone have any experience and advise on growing out layers?

Well, this was my second time taking beginning algebra for school and this time I passed. Yay. On my way to college algebra 127. The difference between these courses is one you get credit for and the other you don't. So I am very happy that I get to go to the next step. Because I have taken almost all of the basic core classes needed for an A.A. degree, I had no choice but to take three online classes during the summer. I have already taken all the other classes they are offering. I have never taken online classes before, hope I can handle it.

I have also been taking singing and piano lessons so I can write songs. I have been pusing a music career on the side. I already have song lyrics written and my piano teacher wants me to bring them in so we can work on them together. I am so excited.
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Shooting Star

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Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #58 - May 27th, 2008 at 4:05pm
My suggestion for growing out layers - get your hair to a basic length that you can work with, then regularly trim your hair to that length.  This may mean you will stay at the same length for 6 months to a year, but once you have everything at one length, it will be a healthy length and you can then let it grow and grow and only do small trims a couple times a year.
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Global Salon Moderator
LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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yogalates: mind, body,
and spirit

Posts: 226
Gender: female
Re: My Hair Journey
Reply #59 - Aug 2nd, 2008 at 5:10pm
Well my hair is too short just soething else. It has so many different layers I dont know what to do with it. Sadly, the shortest ones are too short for me to have it trimmed to that length. That's okay I don't really want to lose mych length anyway. I think I am going to tough it out and wait to trim until October. This was I can try to gain an inch. I think with all the new growth i got my hair didn't know how to react to it. Also I havn't been able to get to Sally Beauty Supply to get my deep conditioning and hot oil treatments. At least I'll have a girst card when I am able to go.

I am taking three online classes this summer. They last twelve weeks. That is the last week of August. Then the next week the fall semester starts. I have been busy. I have also been looking into doctoral programs in California. I just want to be prepared when it comes time to finally choose. I would prefere a school with a combined MA and Psy.D program in the San francisco Bay Area.

My cat Pepper died last month. he was eighteen. I miss him very much. I hope he is happy wherever he is. Now I am just down to my other cat Sox and My dog Roby.

Kasey is doing fantastic. He is two-and-a-half now and very tall. He is 39" and weighs 36lbs. I cannot believe how much he has grown.

I have been exercising for a month and I feel great. I don't even get on the sclae anymore. My philosophy is if you feel great and you are comfortable in your own skin and you can fit inot clothes you like, then it doesn't matter how much you weigh. I am starting to get abs. I can see some change in areas. I know that this isn't going to happen overnight, but if I keep at it eventually I will see and feel the results I desire.

I have already enrolled at USM for my B.A. in psychology. All I need to do now is meet with the trasnfer counselor in september and find out when I can sign up for classes for the Spring semester. Things are happening so fast. This will be my last semester at this college and I will recieve my diploma in May. Wow!
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