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Trisha 2008 (Read 203997 times)

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Trisha 2008
Jan 3rd, 2008 at 4:51pm

I was trying to come up with a snazzy title for my new journal.  But why?   Huh  Why waste money on gold when brass will do?   Wink 

I'm getting over a nasty cold/bronchial thing that I've had for a week now.  Yep, I got sick at the end of my dad-burned vacation.   Angry    Yesterday should have been my first day back at the office, but I took a sick day.  I do have some catching up to do, but nothing too overwhelming. 

I finally ran out of my Pantene and have resorted to using the TreSemme my daughter left in the closet.  Although I'll probably buy more Pantene after payday, which is tomorrow.  My hair just looks and feels really great with the Pantene, so why go back to a product line that doesn't perform as well? 

I don't have enough time to write up a proper entry today, but I did want to start the new 2008 journal and wish y'all a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR...   Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #1 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 11:19am
I'm sorry you're sick, Trisha.  I hope you're better soon!

Happy Birthday and Happy New Year.

I like the title of your journal.  Simple and to the point.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #2 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 1:20pm
Thanks Sakina  Smiley  that's what I'm striving for these days:  simple and to the point. 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #3 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 1:48pm

Friday 4 January 2008

Hair:  No-wash day; hair is up in a sloppy twist.  Winter is starting to affect my length with static, so I probably need to use some oil (jojoba or otherwise).  And okay, I have to admit...once again I'm experiencing the urge to cut it all off.   Shocked  I'm so fickle.  When it's long, I want it short; when it's short, I want it long.  Argh.  And I'm backwards, too...when it's wintertime I usually feel the urge to have short hair, and when it's summertime I want long hair.  What the...?!   Angry 

Other:  I'm still playing the catch up game at work and, although I won't do it today, the battle will be won by Monday or Tuesday of next week.  Right now I'm filling in out front for the secretary, who is at lunch.  We are currently sans student worker until the 14th or so, when the spring semester begins.  One semester after another...they all just blend together at some point. 

It's been farkin' bloody COLD here this week, but today's high is predicted at 45, a veritable heat wave.  This weekend is supposed to see even higher temps, in the 50s and 60s.  Woo hoo!  Is it too early to state that I am very ready for spring?  --I didn't think so. 

My boss took a vacation day today, so I may just leave early myself.  Why not, eh?  Maybe I'll cut out at 3 instead of 4.  Oh, and it's payday, so I need to remember to print out my paystub.  In fact, I'll just do that right now..............done.  Sometimes computers are pretty cool instruments.   Smiley 

For Christmas my brother in law gave me a $100 JC Penny gift card.  I was totally shocked.  Just knowing the way he is, I expected a gift but nothing like that.  So I took advantage of the after-Christmas sale and bought 2 skirts, 2 tops, a nice leather purse and a nice leather wallet.  I found a great pair of leather boots but they didn't have my size (of course--story of my life). 

Hubby and I were supposed to have lunch with his Mom and Dad on New Year's Day, to celebrate my birthday (46, yep that's me  Wink  ).  But because I was sick we had to reschedule.  I think we're supposed to try again this weekend.  And speaking of the illness, I'm feeling better every day. 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #4 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 2:08pm
Why waste money on gold when brass will do?

Because it's gold, hunnay.  Cool  Money spent luxuriously is money well spent IMO. lol!

I used TRESemmé for a little while too, but it dried out my hair horribly!  Sad  I don't know what kind of magic Pantene puts in their products, but...it works! hehe
   And NOOOOOOOO cutting! How many times do I have to hide the scissors from you, girl?  Grin  After all you've been though, I'm sure you're glad just to have hair at all. So as long as it's growing, why not grow it long?  Wink

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday, Trish! And I hope you feel better soon! *hugs*
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #5 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 1:47pm
Thanks, Angel--keep hiding those scissors!   Grin

Monday 7 January 2008
Hair:  Wash day; I'm back with my beloved Pantene Brunette Expressions.  I only used TreSemme two or three times during my vacation, but I swear it did nothing good for my locks.  My length looked drier, it seemed more prone to tangles, and the shine was diminishing.  It's Pantene from now on, baby.   Cool  The urge to lop off my waist-length hair is mostly gone.  Oh, it crosses my mind every now and then.  But when I look at my length in a mirror I think, "Oh, it's so gorgeous--how could I ever cut it off?!"   Grin  Fickle, uh huh.

Other:  Filling in again for the secretary over the lunch hour.  I suppose I'll be doing this until next week, when the kiddies come back to school.  Oh well...it provides me with a diversion. 
It's freakishly warm here, with highs in the mid 60s.  Come on, Old Man Winter--we need a good cold freeze to kill off those nasty germs, viruses, and infections.  Get to work!   Wink 
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Angel Spun
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #6 - Jan 7th, 2008 at 5:46pm
It's Pantene from now on, baby.   Cool 

Woooooooooot! We have another convert!  Wink  I can't wait until Maggie finds out. hehehe

I get that cutting urge sometimes too. I look at all of the damage on the length of my hair and think about how a cute, short cut might look on me. Something modern and edgy, possibly colored, etc. I mean, I know that I would rather it be long, but sometimes I just get to thinkin'...ya know?  Roll Eyes  I think that's pretty normal for long-haired people.

Fortunately, I think that our reasons for having long hair in the first place are strong enough to keep us from acting on impulse. We already know that we would regret it later. Besides, consider all of the time, money and effort we put into our hair on a daily basis! Cutting would render all of that hard work useless.

Perhaps a trim, a new style or an S&D would make you feel better about whatever hair frustrations you're having.
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #7 - Jan 8th, 2008 at 1:26pm
Re: Trisha's Tresses
Reply #5 - Mar 14th, 2005, 11:54am

I let it grow for 4 years and it reached down to a little past my waist.  Then when I was 14 I decided to get it chopped off.  Lord knows why...I was probably led astray by a misguided magazine article, who knows.  If I could time travel, I'd go back to 1976 and kick my 14 year old butt.

Self, please take note of the above comment you made back in 2005.  Mm-hmm.   Wink

Tuesday 8 January 2008
Hair:  No wash day.  I'll try to wait until Thursday before washing again (which I seem to be able to do with Pantene but NOT with TreSemme.  harumpf.)  Hair is parted down the middle, with sides held back ala barettes.  Length is down.

Other:  I'm slowly beginning to catch up with work.  Hubby was gone last evening to a lodge function and this evening he'll be gone to a regular meeting.  The brother-in-law may be home tonight but it's hard to tell with his schedule.  So it may just be me and the cats again.   Grin  My daughter called last night; she'll probably come home for MLKJ day weekend (the 19th, 20th, & 21st).  Weather is still freaky with high temps, and today is windy & rainy.  Blustery, I believe Winnie the Pooh would call it. 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #8 - Jan 10th, 2008 at 2:36pm

Thursday 10 January 2008
Hair:  Thursday, wash day, Pantene's Brunette Expressions S+C.   Smiley  Need to get a measurement for January and a photo.  Hair is unofficially waist length.

Other:  Just finished a lunch of pork steak (about 3 ounces) and green beans; dessert was sugar free cherry Jello-o and some Russell Stover sugar free coconut candy.  My weight has plateaued (sp?) in the low to mid 160s.  *shrug*  I know I need to exercise but lack motivation.  I know waiting for motivation never works, so I HAVE to go looking for it.   Roll Eyes 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #9 - Jan 11th, 2008 at 1:35pm

Friday 11 January 2008
Hair:  No-wash day; hair is in a bun and "prettified" with one of Miss Lisa's handmade bun covers.   Smiley  I read in LaDiosa's journal that she's using the baking soda method of cleansing her hair, and I still would like to try that myself.  Maybe if the weather cooperates this weekend, hubby can take some photos of my hair.  *fingers crossed*

Other:  The kitties and I had the house to ourselves last night and at one point I got a little freaked out.  Now, I am one of the most sensible, logical, and fearless people you'll ever meet.  I just don't get spooked easily.  But last weekend I made the mistake of watching a show on A&E called "Paranormal States".  Sheesh.  Some of what I watched is still on my mind and, well, yeah--little spooked.  I'm sitting on the couch last night, alone, watching television, and suddenly from the kitchen (which is directly behind the wall of the living room where our tv sits) I hear a subtle noise, as if someone is IN the kitchen.  Immediately I muted the tv and froze, listening for another odd sound--but with 6 cats in the house, it was probably just one of them.  So I calmed down and unmuted the tv.  Then a few minutes later the telephone rang...but there was no one on the other end.   Shocked  It was just too much like the plot from one of those cheesy scary movies!   Grin 

Well, classes for the Spring term begin next week, so all of the little college students will be swarming into town over the weekend.  *sigh*  I'm sorry--this is such a nice place to work when the students aren't around!!   Grin 

No big plans for the weekend...I need to do a little cleaning, and get the laundry done, etc.  Hope y'all have a good one!  *hugs*
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Angel Spun
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #10 - Jan 11th, 2008 at 4:43pm
Wow. I love being scared out of my wits! Such a rush!  Grin
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #11 - Jan 14th, 2008 at 11:29am
Well I wish you'd been with me so you could have held my hand!!   Grin 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #12 - Jan 14th, 2008 at 11:44am

Monday 14 January 2008
Hair:  On Saturday I used the baking soda method to cleanse my hair.  The basic formula is a 1:1 ratio but may be increased for longer hair.  I used 2 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in 2 cups of fairly warm water.  I wet my hair in the shower, poured on the baking soda solution, massaged my scalp and rinsed.  I did not use any conditioner but have slicked on a little aloe gel to keep the frizzies under control.  Tomorrow would be a normal wash day, so I'll keep to the routine for a while.  Using this method is supposed to allow one to clean one's hair only once a week--after the hair becomes accustomed to not having its natural oils stripped away by commercial products.  We'll see.  *shrug*   Huh 

Other:  Eh, not much going on...probably a good thing.  My friend T is having surgery today for a bi-lateral hernia.   Sad  I called her yesterday and the poor thing is so scatterbrained that she doesn't know whether the procedure will be outpatient or if she'll have to spend time in the hospital.  I'm going to visit her after work today.

Didn't really do much this past weekend.  I did the laundry, but did no cleaning.  I guess all of us need those "downtime" weekends. 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #13 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 11:02am

Tuesday 15 January 2008
Hair:  Washed this morning with Pantene.  I was going to stick with the baking soda method for a while but changed my mind upon awakening.  What can I say? --The Pantene was calling my name.   Roll Eyes  Also asked hubby to measure the length this morning.  As you can tell, I'm not the least bit excited about reaching waist length.   Grin  My hair hasn't been this long in decades.  And it feels wonderful to have reached this milestone.  So I've now accomplished two of my initial goals, bra strap length and waist length.  It's been long enough since I set my goals that I don't recall if I had more than two, so I need to revisit my very first journal entries. 

Other:  Went to visit my friend T after work yesterday.  And yes, she was kept overnight because she was experiencing so much pain.  Apparently--and this is something I did not know about my old friend--the woman has absolutely no tolerance for pain.  I have to admit...all of her moaning, groaning, and crying just made me want to smack her.  I know it's terrible of me to say, but that's how I felt.   Undecided  I guess I just have a higher level of tolerance than others.  I haven't called her yet today to find out how she's doing, but I will. 

I had planned on starting a walking routine last night.  I MUST do this; it's ridiculous of me not to.  Anyway, yes, I had planned on using my poor, dusty treadmill when I got home.  But I didn't count on visiting with T for an hour and then my whole timeline was thrown off.  I know...excuses, excuses.  But I *will* walk tonight.  I will!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #14 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 4:31pm
Waist length! You go, girl! And best of luck with the walking routine.  Smiley

Oh and btw, there's nothing wrong with not being a sissy.  Wink
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