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Trisha 2008 (Read 204230 times)
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #15 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 8:08pm
Congrats on reaching waist length!!!
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WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #16 - Jan 15th, 2008 at 9:02pm
Congratulations on waist length!! Post a pic  Cheesy
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #17 - Jan 16th, 2008 at 12:58pm
Oh and btw, there's nothing wrong with not being a sissy.  Wink

You know, you're right--and I shouldn't feel guilty about not being a wuss.   Smiley

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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #18 - Jan 16th, 2008 at 1:16pm

Wednesday 16 January 2008
Hair:  Thanks, gang   Cheesy  Hubby took a photo yesterday of my length but I've got to finish the roll, or waste 10 shots, before it gets processed.  If that takes too long I'll borrow the office digital camera. 

No-wash day; length is down with slight waves from the night braids.  Okay, now that I've reached waist length I have a decision to make.  And yes, it involves cutting.  Oh calm down--I do not have scissors in my hand!   Cheesy 

So the thing is this...I have layers in my hair.  I would like all of my hair to be the same length.  The shortest layer, the front part of my hair, is at the top of my shoulders.  The choice I have is to chop everything off to make it even with the shortest layer, allowing it to grow out again afterwards, OR put up with the layers until the front part of my hair reaches...I don't know--maybe BSL?  Then I could cut everything to that one length.  *shrug*
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #19 - Jan 16th, 2008 at 4:16pm
Can't wait to see the new pix, Trish!  Cheesy

And yeah, layers suck. I've definitely grown out a few in my lifetime.  Tongue  Maybe you could just keep getting ˝" or 1" trims until all of the layers are gone.
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #20 - Jan 17th, 2008 at 3:18am
I definately second what Angel said... I would keep getting trims and maybe maintain at waist length until the layers are gone.. that way you don't have the massive chop(which leads, often, to the desire to chop even MORE for some strange reason), but you get rid of the layers. I hope you're happy with whatever you decide though!

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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #21 - Jan 17th, 2008 at 12:30pm

Thursday 17 January 2008

Hair:  Yes, maybe you gals are correct.  Right now my hair is in a V shape...so I could begin now having it trimmed straight across, 1/2 to 1 inch, but still keeping the length around the waist area.  I'll have to see if I can talk hubby into doing the trimming.  Years ago he trimmed my hair.  I REFUSE to step foot into a salon.  If he won't do it, then I can probably talk my daughter into it--she's coming this weekend for a visit anyway.  *waggles eyebrows*
Last night before braiding for nighty-night time, I oiled with jojoba.  I haven't done that in forever and my hair soaked it right up.   Smiley  This dry winter air is a killer.  Tomorrow is wash day and I will do so with my Pantene. 

Other:  Our VP, whose office is in our department (don't ask me why) is a fledgling writer same as me.  Some months ago I asked him to read a piece I was working on, to critique it and give me feedback.  He did so, providing me with a much needed sounding board.  Yesterday he asked the same of me--to read the first 2 chapters of a young adult novel he's writing and give him feedback.  I was happy to do it, though having our roles reversed for a change was an interesting feeling, what with HIM being a vice president and ME being an underling.   Shocked  I've heard rumors about him leaving the university this summer.  But I have a feeling that we may continue our writer's relationship beyond his absence.  It always helps to have another pair of eyes read over your work.
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #22 - Jan 17th, 2008 at 8:52pm
Happy belated birthday Trisha and congrats on waist length! Cheesy

I almost had a heart attack when you mentioned cutting your hair to bsl Shocked.  I agree with everyone else that at your length, trimming slowly is a better idea. Wink
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #23 - Jan 18th, 2008 at 7:56am
Wow waist lenght! Congrats!... Oh and Happy Belated B-day!  I haven't gone into a salon in years, just the thought of them trying to run a fine toothed comb through my hair makes me want to scream!  Yeah have your daughter do it if hubby cannot.  I dye my MIL's hair and give her a set once a month or so Cool
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #24 - Jan 18th, 2008 at 3:45pm

Thanks ladies!   Smiley

Friday 18 January 2008
Hair:  Washed and conditioned this morning with Pantene's Brunette Expressions.  About mid morning, after hair had dried completely, I put it up into a messy updo.  I'm having to run a fan in my office because it's so hot and didn't want to risk tangles.  Yeah, I think I'm going for the monthly "home" trim method performed by...well, non-salon folks.   Smiley  This should allow my shorter layers to catch up.  Gosh, it's going to be a long time, though, until my front reaches waist length.  *sigh*  Oh well...what else do I have to do?!   Cheesy 

Other:  Daughter should be home sometime tomorrow afternoon.  The university where I work will be closed on Monday for MLKJ day.  I have no big plans, although my floors need badly to be cleaned. 
And I still have not started walking.  Each evening something happened that prevented me from using the treadmill.  So I'm hoping that tonight or one night this weekend I'll be able to begin a walking routine. 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #25 - Jan 22nd, 2008 at 11:19am

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Hair:  My daughter trimmed my length on Saturday morning and, if I do say so myself, she did a fine job.  After stating in my last journal entry that I would take the trims slow and easy, I, um, well, *ahem*, didn't.   Roll Eyes  I got to studying my hair in the mirror, deciding where I wanted dear daughter to trim, and I thought, "Oh, what the *bleep*."  So I had her cut it to just below BSL.   Cool  From the scraps on the floor, it looked to be about 3 inches that I lost.  You know what though?  It looks and feels SO much better, and this trim also served to satisfy my urge to cut. 

Other:  Finally, finally, finally started a walking routine!   Smiley  My first walk (on the treadmill) was on Friday evening and I've walked every evening since then.  I did not walk yesterday, however Hubby and I cut wood for the heating stove and, believe you me, carrying wood uphill for 3 hours gave me plenty of exercise. 
Tonight Hubby has a lodge meeting and I think Brother in law will leave this morning on a run, so I should have the house to myself. 
Dear Daughter was home over the weekend and it was great spending time with her.  She's grown into such a responsible, independent young woman who can take care of herself in almost any situation.....and I just want to lock her in her room so that she can never leave home again!   Grin  Mothers, oy vey. 
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Posts: 367
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #26 - Jan 22nd, 2008 at 11:58am
if only I could "trim" 3 inches and still be satisfied!!
can't wait till I finally get to that stage Cool
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Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic.  ~Rosalind Russell&&&&&&...&&&&&&
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #27 - Jan 22nd, 2008 at 4:29pm
Well it's great that you feel good about your cut and like you said, eliminated the urge. Wink  I remember when I started on this site our hair was about the same length.  However, I decided to get rid of my layers early because I know I wouldn't have had the nerve to cut it once I got to my coveted waist length. Tongue
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #28 - Jan 22nd, 2008 at 4:52pm
3" isn't too bad. I'm glad that your daughter did a good job with it and that you're enjoying your new length.  Smiley

.....and I just want to lock her in her room so that she can never leave home again!  Grin   

That's funny. The last time I moved out, my parents changed the locks so I could never get back in! lol
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #29 - Jan 23rd, 2008 at 9:17am

Wednesday 23 January 2008
Hair:  No-wash day; hair is in a high ponytail.  I oiled the ends with a few drops of jojoba this morning to help tame the frizzies--curse you, winter air!   Angry 

Posted by: waiting4longlocks Posted on: Yesterday at 8:58am
if only I could "trim" 3 inches and still be satisfied!! 
can't wait till I finally get to that stage

That day will arrive sooner than you think, trust me!   Wink

Posted by: La Diosa Posted on: Yesterday at 1:29pm
Well it's great that you feel good about your cut and like you said, eliminated the urge

Yeah, I believe it was the right thing for me.  It's only hair and it usually does grow back.   Smiley

Posted by: Angel Spun Posted on: Yesterday at 1:52pm
The last time I moved out, my parents changed the locks so I could never get back in! lol

Awww!   Grin

Other:  DANG it's cold this morning--14 degrees.  That 7 minute walk from the parking lot to my building was tremendously unpleasant.  Why aren't we all at home and staying warm, huh?!  I mean c'mon...14 is a dress size, not a temperature!!!   Shocked
Still walking every evening on my treadmill.  Yay rah for me!   Cool 5 days down, 25 to go.
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