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Trisha 2008 (Read 204227 times)
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #390 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 11:20am
Trisha wrote on Nov 17th, 2008 at 8:57am:
Hubby's heart has been skipping beats, then "flopping" pretty hard to regain its rythm, so today he'll see a cardiologist.   Undecided  I'm praying this will be an easy "fix", with simple medication instead of the S word.  We'll find out soon enough.

I hope so, too, Trisha!
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #391 - Nov 17th, 2008 at 11:26am
That's scary, Trisha!  I hope its an easy fix, too.  Good luck to you & your hubby-I hope everything turns out OK.
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #392 - Nov 18th, 2008 at 9:30am

Tuesday 18 November 2008
No-wash day; hair is up in a high ponytail. 

Well, nothing showed up on hubby's EKG and exam yesterday at the cardio's office--of course.   Roll Eyes  Nice doctor, though--very genial, a good communicator, and not hard on the eyes either!  *ahem*  Anyway...um, the next step is for hubby to have an echocardiogram and a stress test on December 1. 

Stepson is pursuing a path in the Army.  Now, he's talked about joining for the past two years or so, and we've always been like "yeah, yeah, whatever".  He's always had pipe dreams about one thing or another and we figured joining the Army was simply another one of his one-day-I'm-going-to.  But, you know what?  I believe he's really serious about this and I believe he's really going to do it.  Actually, I think if he can just make it through basic, being in the Army could be the best thing for him.  We'll see, though; I'm not going to get my hopes up where he's concerned.  Every time I have in the past, I've been disappointed.  I've also been praying for him more than usual.  Well, not so much for him, but that God would change my heart where he's concerned.  And I've come to realize that stepson will never fit the definition of normal held by his father and I.  What's normal to us is not normal to him.  It probably never will be...  That's not excusing his past behaviours and mistakes, it's a simple statement of fact. 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #393 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 9:02am

Friday 21 November 2008
No-wash day #2; hair is slicked back (with aloe gel for control) and up into a high ponytail.  Once again the wind is pretty fierce today, so I'm happy to have my hair somewhat contained.  Not sure if I'll wash tomorrow or Sunday.  Used my undesirable Pantene Classic Clean shampoo last night to shave my legs.   Grin  The Classic Clean conditioner works well for me as the first "C" in my CWCs.  But the shampoo leaves my hair limp and weighed down.

My cancer support group will meet for lunch today.  Yay!   Cheesy  This will probably be the last time I call a meeting this year, as next month everyone will be busy with end of semester duties.  If January/February 2009 is anything like 2008, we may not see each other until March or April!   Smiley 

Temperature last night was probably around freezing and this morning is right around 25 degrees.   Shocked  That fire in the wood stove sure felt good! 

I'm so happy it's Friday...this has felt like a really long week.  I'm also happy that next week will be a short one.   Cool
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #394 - Nov 21st, 2008 at 11:13am
But the shampoo leaves my hair limp and weighed down.

*nods* I can't use the opaque (white) Pantene shampoos as they coat the top half of my hair with a heavy wax which makes it look like I haven't washed my hair in a week. Tongue
I can only use the clear formulas like Sheer Volume, Ice Shine, Full & Thick and Restoratives Breakage Defense.
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #395 - Nov 25th, 2008 at 9:41am

Tuesday 25 November 2008
Let's see...so, I washed on Friday, the 21st and by only using a comb (no brushes whatsoever), I was able to go 3 days without washing.  On the third no-wash day, yesterday, my hair looked like second day hair.  I did a  WWC this morning.  Was going to do a plain ol WTC, but changed plans mid suds.  I wanted to use a shampoo that my daughter had left in the bathroom closet many moons ago.  Well, I'd forgotten that it's an opaque product and my hair does not like those.  But I already had a handful of the stuff and, rather than try to get it back into the bottle, I soaped up the tresses with it, rinsed, washed with Pantene, rinsed super well, then conditioned with Pantene.  Hair does not appear worse for the wear.  I'm going to continue the comb-only method to find out if I can get consistent results, ie being able to go longer between washes...which would be wonderbra. 

I got my Secret Santa assignment and am deliriously happy with the prospects of choosing a card and gift for my gal.  Yes, I have no life.   Grin 

Tomorrow is the University's annual Thanksgiving luncheon for staff--no faculty allowed, thank you!  I think I'll attend this year; I'm 80% sure I'll go.  I kinda have to psych myself up to attend because there's just so many people and so much noise and...blah.  Must stop talking about it, or I'll think myself out of going!   Tongue  But, hey, I have a new outfit to show off...the black "rose" skirt that I won on ebay and a red top that I bought over the weekend.  So I *really* ought to go...

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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #396 - Nov 26th, 2008 at 9:56am

Wednesday 26 November 2008
No-wash day #1; hair looks good, barely any oiliness at all.  I've got it in what I call a "clipped" ponytail.  First I make a low ponytail, then I flip up that tail and secure it with a claw clip, allowing the ends to fall down and flare out, thus pretty well hiding the clip.  Looks nice and keeps the hair safe & secure.

I look pretty smashing today, if I do say so myself...and I do.   Grin  My black skirt with the red rose pattern down the front is a tad too big...okay, it's about two sizes too large!  But I used that miracle tool, the safety pin, to take up the slack and it looks fine.  The red top I bought over the weekend matches the red in the rose almost perfectly.  And with my hair up and black heels, well, I look good enough for a party.  Which I'll be attending at lunch today.   Smiley 

Awww...!  One of our techie guys just offered to swap tapes for me today.  I'm filling in for the secretary, who snagged vacation today, so he graciously offered to take care of that chore.  How nice of him!  Now I'll only have to walk across the street for the luncheon.   Wink  The University always shuts down early the day before Thanksgiving, and I have no doubt that this year will follow suit.  I'll probably make my pies this afternoon, one less chore for tomorrow. 

Okay, fellow babies, that'll do for November.  Y'all have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving day, be careful if you're traveling, and I'll catch you in December.   Cool
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #397 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 10:15am

Monday 1 December 2008
CWC this morning.  You know, I'd sort of like to start washing my hair in the evenings, but I'm not sure how well that would work for the conditioner part--either one--of my routine, not to mention hogging our one and only bathroom for that period.  I could do it at the kitchen sink--have done that before.  But I usually allow the second condition to sink in while I'm showering; when I'm done washing body parts, it's time to rinse out the conditioner.  So I'd either have to leave my head hanging over the sink/tub while the conditioner sinks in, or wrap a towel around my head for a while.  Hmm...

Hubby decided to move his echo cardiogram and stress test to January.  Obviously the cardiologist isn't too concerned with hubby's condition because he allowed the date to be changed. 

I'll be renewing my driving license today (clean hair-- lalala!).  Hubby was good enough to gather together every piece of evidence I'll need:  birth certificate, marriage certificate, Social Security card, bill with current address.  Sheesh. 

We had a good Thanksgiving with lots of yummy food.  And, and!  I made my first cherry pie with HOMEMADE pie crust...yes, from-scratch pie crust!  I'm so proud...even my brother in law, who is quite the food critic, gave it an A+.   Cool 

I'm out front today, covering yet again for the secretary.  Our last working day for the year is on Tuesday the 23rd.  My workload permitting, I'm seriously considering taking off that Monday and Tuesday, which will give me two full weeks of holiday time.   Cheesy 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #398 - Dec 2nd, 2008 at 11:56am

Tuesday 2 December 2008
No-wash day; hair is in a clipped up ponytail.  My next hair experiment will be to find and use the cheapest shampoo and conditioner my hair will tolerate.  I'm talking a dollar or less.  *waggles eyebrows*  As long as the shampoo is clear, because my hair hates opaque product, and has some cones, I should be okay. 

13 working days til my Christmas break

I've looked at my work calendar; there seems to be no reason I can't take off on the 22nd and 23rd.  Final exams will be over on the 19th.  If any stragglers come in on the 22nd the secretary can grade them.  (I taught her how to do that!   Wink  )  All that's left for me to do is to let my boss know I'm taking off...I guess it would be nice if I *asked* him instead of *telling* him, eh?   Roll Eyes 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #399 - Dec 2nd, 2008 at 12:31pm
13 working days til my Christmas break

Hehe I'm counting down the number of work days I have left until Christmas too!  Love this time of year  Cheesy
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #400 - Dec 2nd, 2008 at 5:07pm
Trish, have you tried mixing shampoos?

To save money, I decided to fill half a bottle with Pantene shampoo and the other half with a cheaper brand (like TRESemmé or Suave Professionals), and mix the two. Perhaps adding a little water as well. That way, you can use the expensive stuff without shelling out an arm and a leg, and use the cheap stuff without totally killing your hair.

I also bought the prettiest Pantene shampoo bottle that I could find to hold the mixed shampoo. That way, nobody knows I'm cheaping out. Grin Well, except everyone who has now read this. Roll Eyes lol

I also buy the biggest bottles of S&C that I can locate - saves little pennies that way.

It's an idea, anyway. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #401 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 9:19am

Wednesday 3 December 2008
Wash day, hair will be loose all day.  I'm still using only a comb, no brushes, and my oil level has dramatically decreased.  

Angel:  Well, yes and no...   Smiley  My mother was notorious for mixing shampoos and whatnot.  Seems we always had two or three different brands in stock and when the levels got low, in together they would go.  We had some pretty funky colors of shampoo, let me tell you!   Grin  I haven't done it myself in many years, though I don't know why...it would be an effective method, no?  Thanks, I may try mixing this next time around.   Cool

12 working days til Christmas break

Heard from stepson last night; he passed all of the tests and has been accepted into the Army.   Smiley  Next comes the swearing-in ceremony...I think that happens tomorrow but am not sure.  Hubby and I are happy for him, yet we are not convinced he will make it.  You see, with stepson, the trick isn't getting *into* the Army, it's STAYING in.  --Making it past boot basic and beyond.  If he completes boot basic and still wants to stay in THEN we'll be happy.   Wink  

And speaking of Christmas break...I asked for and received the okay to take off the 22nd and 23rd.   Cheesy  Two full weeks of holiday time, woo hoo!!!!!  The hard part will be keeping myself in check until then--I want to be on holiday NOW!   Grin  
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« Last Edit: Dec 4th, 2008 at 9:33am by Trisha »  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #402 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 2:54pm
We had some pretty funky colors of shampoo, let me tell you!  Grin

Oh man, I believe it! Grin
Fortunately, the ones that I use are clear. Suave Professionals has a few shampoos that are clear-ish, but spaaaarkly so they would probably look cool when blended with clear.

Two full weeks of holiday time, woo hoo!!!!!

Wow...just wow. Roll Eyes
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #403 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 9:47am

Thursday 4 December 2008
No wash day; hair is in a clipped up ponytail.  Last night I did some shampoo mixing.  I used the remaining amount of Pantene Breakage Defense (probably a good 3/4 cup), about a 1/3 cup of Johnson's baby shampoo, and about 1/4-1/3 cup of TreSemme.  It's probably enough 'poo to last me to the end of the month!  And I can always water down the mix a bit, to make it stretch even further.  Woo hoo for mixing!   Cheesy  This concoction will get tested tomorrow morn.

11 working days til Christmas break

Waiting on payday, which is tomorrow, to buy Christmas cards and the gift for my secret Santa gal.   Cheesy  Then I need to type and print up my newsletter that will accompany the aunts and uncles cards.  Then it's a matter of sitting my butt down to stamp-write-seal, stamp-write-seal, stamp-write-seal.   Roll Eyes  Although I send out 20-30 cards each Christmas, it really doesn't take me long to do so.  It's only a matter of getting started!   Tongue

Note to self:  The term "boot camp" is only used for Navy and Marine recruits.  Army recruits go through "basic training". 

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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #404 - Dec 5th, 2008 at 9:22am

Friday 5 December 2008
Wash day with my new shampoo mix...smelled good, felt good, hair very clean and shiny, soft, manageable.  All plusses so far.   Smiley  Need to have a year-end photo taken, but there's time. 

10 working days til Christmas break

10 more days  *sigh*  I can't wait! 

Stepson was home for a couple of hours last night.  He's already been sworn into the Army, but there'll be an official ceremony on January 13 for family and friends to attend in St Louis.  --Which is a Tuesday, I see.  I'm not sure if we'll be able to go.  Haven't had a chance to talk to hubby about it and I'll leave that decision to him.  I'm pretty proud of stepson for taking this road.  I just pray he makes a go of it. 
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