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Trisha 2008 (Read 204229 times)

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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #405 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 9:32am

Monday 8 December 2008
It's a no-wash day.  I've started braiding my hair at night again, as it's long enough to do that now.  Hair looks good enough today to leave loose, parted down the middle, though I may do a clipped up ponytail later.

9 working days til Christmas break
I mailed my Secret Santa gift on Saturday, so my gal should receive it later this week.  Yay!!!   Cheesy  I also got it together on Saturday evening and readied my Christmas cards for mailing.  They went into the post this morning.  Of course there will be some stragglers.  You know...that group of folks of whom you're never sure if they will send cards or not.  Every year I debate sending Christmas cards and contributing to the paper waste.  But the truth is I enjoy getting Christmas cards!  And I won't very well *get* cards if I don't *send* cards.  Besides, most of my 8 aunts and uncles do not have email addresses, so I'd end up sending some paper cards anyway. 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #406 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 9:38am

Tuesday 9 December 2008
I decided to try washing my hair in the evening for a week or two.  We'll see how it goes.  Last evening was easy to manage, as I had the house to myself.  I did the deed at the kitchen sink; set the water at the right temperature, stuck my head under the faucet to wet all of my hair, shampooed, rinsed well.  Gently towel dried, and combed out my hair, then put conditioner on as a leave-in.  By 9pm my hair was dry.  I didn't even braid it, just slept with it loose.  Looked fine this morning, too.  I believe this method of washing at night instead of morning will work well for me. 

8 working days til Christmas break

It's terribly windy and raining like a big dog here this morning.  The rain was coming down so hard, as I was struggling (and I DO mean struggling) to get my purse and other stuff out of the car, that the drops were ricocheting off the car roof and into my face--mainly onto my glasses.   Sad  And the wind was whipping my poor hair into a frenzy. 
Angry    I should have just called in and stayed home.  Oh well...gotta have the bad to appreciate the good, eh? 

Now the military is telling stepson he can't start basic until he presents them with his estranged wife's SSN card and their marriage certificate...or unless they get divorced first.  *sigh*   Huh  At least that's what he told dear hubby.  Perhaps hubby and I should speak directly with the recruiter, hmm?  Sometimes stepson misunderstands.  Or lies.   
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #407 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 10:03pm
Sometimes stepson misunderstands.  Or lies.

Sorry, that made me laugh! Grin
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #408 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 10:53am

Wednesday 10 December 2008
No-wash day; front is parted in the middle and held back with side combs.  Length is a bit wavy from night braids.  Planning on washing tonight. 

7 working days til Christmas break
Don't apologize, LaDiosa--I laughed too, and I'm the one who wrote it!   Grin

I have to walk across the street in a minute here, to swap the operating system tapes, and it's colder than (insert your own metaphor here).   Shocked  I don't remember a recent December when it's gotten this cold, this fast, and STAYED this cold.  Wouldn't it be freaky if January and February were warm...? 

Found out that one of my remaining aunts has been moved to an assisted living care facility.  She has Parkinson's disease and, unfortunately some dementia.  This is the third of my aunts to contract some form of dementia or Alzheimer's disease (two already deceased).  Naturally, this concerns me, however I cannot help but draw a conclusion about environmental factors.  --The two aunts who died with dementia both lived in larger cities, as did the aunt who was just moved into a "home".  The rest of my mother's siblings all live(d) in smaller towns and in the country (as do I). 
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #409 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 8:50pm
Sorry about your aunt. 

The other day, I was thinking about my aunts and grandmother who had cancer and how they all lived in the same area. Family illness can be tricky because like you said, the enviornment can play a large part.  Your living in the country and breathing fresh air is definitely in your favor.
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #410 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 11:25am

Thursday 11 December 2008
The night washings seem to be working well, especially during this cold weather.  I'm noticing more sparseness at the top of the back of my head (around the crown area).  Don't know if it's a simple case of winter shedding or a more permanent situation.  Time will tell.  In any case, there's nothing I can do about it.  I will not take those blankety-blank chemicals that supposedly restore one's hair; I simply refuse.  I'm prepared to cut my hair short, if need be...I've done it before and I can certainly live with it that way. 

7 working days til Christmas break

LaDiosa, yes, I have to agree with you about living in the country.  My mother's twin sister is now in her early 80s, has lived in the country all of her life, and shows no signs of dementia.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.   Wink

Had a dental check up and cleaning this morning.  Have to get my one and only filling replaced in January.  I think my parents got their money out of this filling though, as it was placed in 1976.   Grin 

Facebook...joined yesterday.   Huh  In a way, I think it's silly.  But then I go, "Eh, why not."  So yeah, let me know if any of y'all are Facebook users and we can add one another.   Cool

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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #411 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 1:46pm
In a way, I think it's silly.  But then I go, "Eh, why not."

I feel that way about my having a MySpace page.  I think it's more for younger people, but whatever.  It's become a good way to for me to keep in contact with and spy on my nieces. Tongue
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #412 - Dec 16th, 2008 at 11:47am

Tuesday 16 December 2008
No wash day; hair is safely put up into a ponytail on this cold and windy day.

3 working days til my Christmas break

Weather certainly stinks right now.  Yesterday my area got smacked with a "wintry mix" (oh, how I hate that phrase!) of sleet and snow.  Driving was do-able but extreme caution was necessary.  Woke this morning to 20 degree temps and more light sleep falling.  However, main roads were amazingly in good condition, so at work I am.  Final exams week and all...yay.   Huh 

Sunday the 21st is my 23rd wedding anniversary.   Smiley 

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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #413 - Dec 16th, 2008 at 4:12pm
Early Happy Anniversary!!
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #414 - Dec 17th, 2008 at 4:00pm
Wednesday 17 December 2008
Wash day; still using my mix and it's working fine.  Length is right around armpit length.  Need to have an end of year photo snapped.

I was pleasantly surprised with a gift from my office buddy who underwent surgery for prostate cancer earlier this year.  It was caught early and no chemo was needed.  I told him he needn't have gotten me a present but he insisted, saying I'd been an inspiration to him this year.  Awww...   Wink  The gift is a box of Fiorentino Italian handmade soaps; here's a good description of the exact box I received:

"Possibly one of the rarest bathing treats from Italy Saponificio Artigianale Fiorentino. The art of handcrafted, natural and 100% vegetable based, produced by an Italian manufacturer that goes on keeping the traditions of this Italian art. Saponificio soaps are without artificial colourings and chemical detergents, perfectly respecting the environment and your health, with a product of the finest quality that truly is an art.

Giardino Reale  Floral 12 Soap Gift Set From Italy. This is the ultimate Saponificio soap set which includes 3-7oz  bars of each: Lavender, Jasmine, Almond & Verbena all individually hand wrapped packaged in an elegant gold and cream gift box. This would be an exceptional Christmas Gift, Wedding Gift, Bridal Shower or any Holiday for that matter. This is a gift that will be talked about long after the soap bars are gone. $68.00"

SIXTY-EIGHT DOLLARS?!?   Shocked  Whoa!! 
Now, I know my friend is a bargain hunter like me, and I know darn good and well that he did NOT pay full price for those soaps...at least, he'd better not have.  But, still--just knowing that he thinks so much of me, well, it makes my heart sing.   Roll Eyes   And since the soaps have no chemical detergents or artificial colouring, I believe I will use them on my hair.   Cool  Or at least try them on my hair. 

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Posts: 2375
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #415 - Dec 17th, 2008 at 4:06pm
Aww...that was very nice of him. Smiley

And happy early anniversary!
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #416 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 9:47am

Friday 19 December 2008
Wash day; hair is parted on the side, as usual, and will be loose all day.  I haven't begun using my fancy-schmancy Italian soaps because I want to get a nice looking(yet cheap!) dish to hold them.  --I feel a trip to The Dollar Tree coming on...   Wink

Final exams are over here at Southeast.  I may see a few stragglers today but it's very doubtful.  However, our office is abuzz with activity, preparing for its annual IT Christmas luncheon.  It's potluck, in the truest sense of the word, so it's always interesting to discover what sort of goodies we end up with!   Grin  Hubby is making his famous baked beans and will deliver those later this morning (and hopefully stay to eat). 

So the bottom line is that Yours Truly isn't planning on working very hard today.  Since I'm taking off Monday and Tuesday, I've already submitted all of my end-of-month jobs.  I've also created and activated a message for my telephone extension, in case anyone calls.  I'll probably visit my office at least once between now and January 5, nothing else to water my plants. 

After all of the sleet/snow/black ice my area received earlier this week, temperatures today are freakishly warm--in the 50s.   Shocked  And, as usual, it's 77 degrees in my office and I have my fan running.   Angry   It's a wonder I'm not sick all of the time. 
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #417 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 5:28pm
hehehe I'm having the same kinda work day, Trish. Potluck & takin' it easy. Cool
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Re: Trisha 2008
Reply #418 - Dec 24th, 2008 at 9:15am

Wednesday 24 December 2008
I've used my fancy-schmancy Fiorentino soap twice now to wash my hair and, I must say, so far I'm happy with the results.  Before the first time, I did a vinegar rinse to get rid of any residue from previous product--and because I hadn't done one in a very long time.  

The lather from the Fiorentino soap is wonderful, as is the smell.  It seems to clean my hair without stripping off too much of the natural oil.  The soap leaves a nice, light scent--not heavy or overpowering.  I know that I must use new products for at least 3 weeks to get a true "sample" of results.  However my initial reaction is one of happiness.  We'll see...of course I'll let you all know how it goes.  

This is day 3 of my Christmas holiday and I'm...well, I'm not off to a good start.  First, the weather has not been cooperating.  Either the temperatures have been at freezing or below, or we've had sleet, rain, or that lovely wintry mix.   Tongue  Today at least the temperature is at 50 and, although we're receiving a light mist, the rest of the week looks promising.  

I guess I envisioned myself taking long walks every day, for exercise and whatnot--well, the nasty weather thus far has put a kabosh on that idea.  Also I...well, I put myself through a little experiment of sorts...suspecting that I would fail, but plowing ahead with it --foolishly--anyway.  

You see, I baked sugar cookies Monday evening.  Now, the primary reason for the cookies was to give away the majority of them to my daughter's grandmother (the mother of her bio. sperm donor).  But I baked WAY too many for just grandmother S -- and yes, I knew full well what I was doing.  If you recall, hubby and I have been low carbing for over 2 years now--no sugar, no flour, very little starches.  So normal flour-based cookies should never touch our lips.  But there were those dad-burned cookies, too tempting with their icing and their sprinkles and, well, into our mouths they went.  *shakes head*  A little experiment, yes, to find out if I have the amount of will power necessary to limit myself in the face of out-and-out temptation.  I readily admit, dear friends, that I do not.   Smiley  

I have gained about 10 pounds since the first of this year.  Is it the end of the world?  Am I going to throw my hands up, say "oh well" and continue to gorge myself on sugar and carbs?  No, silly!  This was but a bump in the roadway, a temporary straying from the lighted path.  The remaining cookies, those carb-loaded temptations now rest in the bottom of the trash bin.  Today I step back onto the path, refixing my position by surrounding myself with only "legal" foods.  

And now, my dear ones, wherever you are, whatever you're doing, however you celebrate, I wish you and yours a very merry Christmas.  I love all of you and wish only the best for you.   Cool

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