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Amanda's Hair Adventures! (Read 37819 times)

Long Hair isn't just for

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Amanda's Hair Adventures!
May 12th, 2008 at 2:31am
I figured it would be time to start my journal, seeing as I have decided I am in on this long hair thing for life! And also because I'm kind annoyed at my sister...

The other day she got some food from a take-out place, and found a long-ish hair in her food. (I know, disgusting XD)
Buit then she said "That's disgusting. It was like an Amanda hair!!!!(now to me) People with hair like yours shouldn't be allowed to make food."
And she continued to call my hair gross...

My hair is healthy! Not gross, just long. She seems to have issue with that...
I can;t wait to hear what she says once my hair gets even longer! ^.^
And my other sisters keep criticizing just because I don't have a haircut, it's just long. Angry
And if anyone watched Y&R, one keeps referencing Sharon.
Every girl in my family(which is everyone but my dad XD) all have short hair, except my mom has about shoulder, and is going to get it cut. I'm so alone with my hair!(even my cousins and aunts and grandma have short hair O.o)

Also, I got a new shampoos last week, got this sunsilk voluminizing stuff, and notice my hair seems to be shedding more. I can't decide if it's the shampoo or I'm just paying closer attention what with wanting it to grow out.

And also, this site really knows how to upset a young girl. All those gorgeous hair accessories, and me with no money to buy them! I am determined to save up and buy at least one pair though. All those gorgeous sticks!!*le sigh*

Hahaha, wow. I can really rant about my hair, can't I?
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Shooting Star

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #1 - May 12th, 2008 at 9:15am
Welcome to the world of journaling!

Interesting that your sister found a long hair in her food.  It is much more common to find a short hair.  Long hair is much easier to contain and keep out of food. 

Good luck with your hair goals, I look forward to reading about your journey.
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WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #2 - May 12th, 2008 at 9:47am
Welcome!  I just want to let you know that you are not the only "outsider" in your circle of family and friends.  I am 46 years old and, according to the views and actions of just about everyone around me, should be chopping off my hair to fit into this age category.  No one has ever made negative comments to my face, but I can count on one hand the number of people I know personally who have shoulder length or longer hair.  Not me, sister!  I'm a long hair for life!  Anybody who doesn't like it can kiss my grits!  Cool
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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #3 - May 12th, 2008 at 12:28pm
Welcome!  Enjoy the boards!  Looking forward to reading your journal,too!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #4 - May 12th, 2008 at 5:12pm
Hey, Amanda. Congrats on starting your journal.  Smiley

Were the Sunsilk S&C that you got the Anti-Flat kind in the yellow bottles? I've had those in a gift pack that I got for Christmas & will probably never use them.  Undecided  Do let us know if they're worth trying.

And I, too, am well accustomed to longhair harassment...even though most of the women in my family have long hair.  Huh  Then again, it's just one more thing in a long list of subjects that my parents harass me about. It hurts at first, but I manage to shrug it off.

Just be you and don't let anyone else try to tell you how.  Wink
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #5 - May 15th, 2008 at 12:05am
Thanks guys! Hopefully once my hair gets long enough, they'll just realize to shut up  Tongue
bikerbraid wrote on May 12th, 2008 at 9:15am:
Interesting that your sister found a long hair in her food.  It is much more common to find a short hair.  Long hair is much easier to contain and keep out of food.  

I'll be sure to tell her that if it ever comes up!

And I haven't notice any sort of volume improvement with that shampoo(and yeah, it was the yellow bottle one) so conclusion is: shampoo suckage. While it's drying I can feel and see a little improvement, but then once it's actually dry I don't see anything noticeable.

And I did my first real Search and Destroy mission the other day. Yay! I keep checking it throughout the day like at school and finding ones I missed though. So I'll have to do a better job soon.

And for my personal non-hair life: I discovered today I might fail math...DX If I try really, really extra hard I might get it up but DX  Angry I probably won't make it. Hopefully my parents won;t chew me out too much.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #6 - May 15th, 2008 at 11:32am
so conclusion is: shampoo suckage.

Good to know. Looks like I'll be sacrificing mine to the car washing gods.  Roll Eyes

Sorry to hear about your math class. Math is my worst subject. I burned my textbooks in college - bleh!  Tongue  You'll get it eventually though. Probably just long enough to pass the class...then you'll forget all of it.  Grin
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Shooting Star

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #7 - May 15th, 2008 at 11:55am
Unless math is not a required course, I hope you can pull your grade up to pass.  It is really a pain to have to re-take a class you don't like.  (I loved my math classes, but I realize I'm a bit of an odd-duck).
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #8 - May 16th, 2008 at 6:53pm
Hair: A started doing the wash the scalp and condition the length thing. There doesn't actually seem to be a noticeable difference, but if it can improve the health of my hair, then I'm all for it!!
Also: My friend's birthday not-party(he insists on not calling it a party, it's a get-together) is tomorrow...and I don't know what to do with my hair! I want something that'll look good because a boy is going that I'd like to look good for. Which is weird for me. I'm actually trying to look good for a guy, not just because. Weird! So any ideas?? I might just wear it down..but it looks really, really messy that way.

Family Hair news: My mom got that haircut!!! And even worse--It's a bob! Agh, now I really am the only one! But then again...it's their loss of long, luxurious hair. ^.^

School: Yes, Math is required. And the worst part is I passed last semester, so I'd have to take a whole year of the same class...I can't even skip the semester I passed. DX Oh well, still have hopes.

Other: I guess that party thing counts as other news! Hopefully it'll be fun, and not depressing. My friend's girlfriend'll be there, and seeing them together kinda make me upset i don't have someone like that too. Agh, I'm much too young to be upset about such trifles!!(bad attempt at self-motivation XD)

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Shooting Star

Life is short, Break the

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #9 - May 19th, 2008 at 9:50am
Sorry we weren't able to come up with any suggestions for your "party hair".  How did it go?
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #10 - May 19th, 2008 at 6:29pm
My hair actually went great! For a few hours. I used curlers to curl some very small sections of hair, and then the brushed them out so they weren't so spirally. My hair had actually volume!!! But of course it didn't last long...it was flat in like 3 hours with the extreme heat that was going on(like 90 in WA, makes no sense). I might do the style again though, just maybe with a little spray or something.
And it's been in a pony tail all of today and probably will stay that way. I need new ideas that I can do in less than a minute. Also I need new hair ties, because a)metal and b) a chick in my chem class used one, and I doubt I shall ever get it back.

School: My AP Euro teacher slammed us with a project- a gi-HUGE-ant project. We have to plan a trip to Europe, and mark down EVERYTHING that we might need. Hotels, prices, day-by-day destination, pictures of the places. And the worst part is I was absent for a day or 2 of the project(I'm not sure, I was absent twice bu it may have started the second day I was gone) So I'm a day behind everyone else, but due the same day! I've been felling really busy and stressed with school, trying to get everything in by the deadline. Hopefully the stress doesn't make my hair fall out. Shocked

Other: And as I predicted, the party did kinda bum me out. And the boy I wanted to notice me didn't, but whatever. He lives like hours away anyways  Roll Eyes And since then I've just decided I shan't try looking extra nice for a boy every again, it's absurd! I actually wore makeup to that party too, and for a big fat nothing.
Also, just realized I tend to use the word 'actually' a lot. I need to extend my vocab some more.

And I'd like to add that the sunsilk has a good quality: A fresh lemony scent!!!  Grin Personally I really love the smell of it, though you can't smell it when on your hair, while shampooing it's nice!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #11 - May 19th, 2008 at 7:06pm
Ugh, I remember assignments like those. Good luck, kiddo.

As for easy summer styles, I have 2: A single braid and another style that really has no name but works well for hot weather. Basically, you just gather all of your hair in a low ponytail & twist as if to make a low bun. But bring the twisted part upwards - kinda like making a French twist, but without tucking the twisted side under. Just bring the twisted tail straight up and pin it in place on the back of your head - about where you would put a high bun or ponytail. I use 2 bobby pins for this, crossed over each other in an X shape.
    Let the ends of your hair fall naturally, wherever they want. Or arrange them atop your head however you wish, but understand that they will move. It looks better if you oil the ends lightly before putting your hair up this way.

And since then I've just decided I shan't try looking extra nice for a boy every again, it's absurd! I actually wore makeup to that party too, and for a big fat nothing.

Oh sweetie, that's just life. You win some, you lose most. That's no reason to stop trying. It may feel like a wasted effort, but it's really not. For one, looking good is never a bad thing.  Wink  For two, you never know who's checking you out. Just because the boy that you wanted to notice you didn't, that doesn't mean no one else saw you. Even if it was just your friends or their parents (or perhaps another boy that you didn't notice), someone there probably thought, hey, she looks cute today.  Smiley  See? Never a bad thing.
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Long Hair isn't just for

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #12 - Jun 1st, 2008 at 3:17am
Oh I do intend to keep looking nice for myself(and the sake of looking nice) but I refuse to doll myself up again, it's ridiculous anyways! And someone better have been thinking I looked cute, that hair technically took like 10 hours!(slept in the curlers Cheesy) And I'm gonna try that hairstyle soon! Just need to buy some bobby pins(and clips, as a notetoself)Okay now updates:

Hair: Eh, nothing new. I do enjoy the scalp washing though, I feel like condition only on my lengths is helping it to stay smooth and shiny! Also, I don't use as much conditioner! Although I am all out, so I'll have to go with my mom soon and buy some. Any suggestions on your favorites. Mine was fine, but I feel I could get better results. Maybe I'll try Dove, or something all natural if I find it!!

Family vs. Hair!:My having long hair seems to be increasingly offensive to my sister. Lately she's been bugging me more than usual, and I'm not sure why. Even going so far as to constantly tell me my hair is disgusting(which it is not! I take good care of it!!) and "Mom even said you need to get a haircut" seems to be her mantra around me. Every time I turn around "CUT YOUR HAIR!" from this one sister, no one else says a thing. And my dad actually defended my hair against her!  Smiley I don't understand why my hair is so appalling to her! But her mind has always baffled me, she watches and likes Rock of Love for goodness sake!

School: I really hate school. It sounds immature to say it, but I truly do. But I do enjoy sleeping, so I'm late a lot. If you miss a class unexcused, you get a detention. So of course, coming in 15 into third period would get me a few detention(3 in one shot!) then the next week I came during 2nd, so that added two more. I have 5 detention to serve by next Thursday!! Me and the secretary have it all worked out, thankfully enough. I think the school's late policy is a little absurd, and I now have accumulated more detention in just one week then I've ever had in all the past years put together!(that would be a grand total of 1). Not to mention the rest I got, from being late other times this year. I've probably had like 6 detention this semester, now 11.

Other: A guy friend of mine ruined one of my homemade buttons(like those pins?) Basically I just tape over them with pics, but I work hard on them, and they actually look really good. This boy and I are constantly fighting and plaguing each other. So now I need a way to get him back for ruing it. Any suggestions on horrible, but still funny, pranks? >Cheesy It's really awful, he's mean to me, but makes me laugh so I can;t possibly be mad at him or hate him! So we're playfully mean to each other. And he needs to go down.

Any other news?: Nope...I have done pretty much nothing of consequence. Except beat Oogie Boogie in the video game Kingdom Hearts. (after months of being too afraid to fight him!) Oh, I have been considering trying to persuade my parents over the summer into something called "Un-schooling" where I would guide my own learning, like a form of homeschooling. I actually think would be really good for me, so I'll have to study more about it and use the summer to convince them, if I think it'd be worth it.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #13 - Jun 1st, 2008 at 6:47am
I am very sorry to hear that your sister and mother have been saying rude things about your hair Sad   It sounds like you have told them how bad their negative comments hurt you and of all people your mother should know better.  If and when parents talk like that they expect respect, yeah right Shocked
Hopefully it might just be one of those fazes and they might eventually just keep their comments to themselves.

I used to hate school too, especially high school.  It was only 4 years but it seemed like it took forever Tongue
And now I have been out of school for 25 years and there are times I wish I could go back to school and do things differently.

Good luck and I hope things get better for you Smiley

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Re: Amanda's Hair Adventures!
Reply #14 - Jun 1st, 2008 at 2:10pm
I've probably had like 6 detention this semester, now 11.

LOL, Grin

Sorry to laugh, but your situation reminds me way too much of my high school experience.  I was ALWAYS in detention for being late as well. Getting up early has always been an issue for me.  I remember my Vice Principal seriously asking me if drug use was perhaps the reason that I couldn't get it together Roll Eyes...talk about over reacting. Tongue

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