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Luc's Little Journal (Read 74086 times)

wishing I had Long Locks....

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #15 - Jun 7th, 2008 at 10:37pm
Hair: Wednesday night I rubbed the Fortifying treatment into my braids before bed.  When I took them down the next morning, my hair was kinda stiff - like it had gel in it.  I used a vinegar rinse, then washed with Daily Moisture renewal and conditioned.  Talk about shiny and soft!!   Cheesy  Yesterday was an extremely busy, physical work day and I had my sides braided back (with fortifier) and the back basic braided.  I had to redo the back twice during the day - bumped my head so many times my braid kept falling out!!   Grin   Today, I rubbed the fortifier into the back and had it in double mini cinnamon buns, until Mom called from work to take me to lunch.  EGAD - I can't go out like THIS!! Shocked  I took all the braids and buns out and did a simple french down the back.   Cool  I can't wait to wash it in the morning and see how shiny it is again!
Still haven't tried the sponge rollers - gotta get there.... Embarrassed

School: I started studying at 9.30 this am, and just finished all my programs and both tests about 15 minutes ago.  The Good News:  I got a 90% on the test I was allowed to re-take, and then an 80% on this week's test.  I also got last week's program re-written (thank you teacher for the chance) and this week's program written.  YAY!!!  Smiley

In other News: Brother Luc left this morning for his two weeks in the reserves.  He is going overseas next year, and he needs to learn how to survive over there.  He's in Virginia now, but we don't know when he will be deployed.   Cry He was in Desert Storm and made it, so at least we aren't all new to the idea of him being over there.
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wishing I had Long Locks....

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #16 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 2:43pm
Hair: Today, I have two mini cinnamon buns behind my ears.  I applied a fair amount of fortifier and wrapped them up this morning.  I'll wash and condition at some point this evening.  The last few days have not been the greatest of hair days.  My braids turned out really sad this week.  I actually had a ponytail day!  It only lasted till after lunch before my head started to hurt.  I'm hoping to be able to leave hair down tomorrow.  But if I take my first walk to the bus stop, I'll tie it up and protect it instead.  I'm not having all my hard work ruined by wind and engine exhaust!  There won't be any sun damage though.   Cool

I also found a small fact - my short layer is only 15".

School: Another day starting with studying at 9:30 am.  I stayed home from work today for this again!  I have re-worked the lesson 4 program again and submitted it.  I still have to write the lesson 6 program, take the lesson 6 test, then take the Chapter 3 test for math.  At least if I don't get it done today, there's always Saturday.  Smiley

In other news: Little Man's official birthday was last night.  What a joke!  I'm so happy he had his pizza party last weekend.  Brother Luc called last night while we were all there.  He only had a couple minutes, so we all shouted "We love you!" so he could hear us.  I may have to miss the AstroCreep show - Brother Luc comes home that day and I am his ride home from the airport.  That's ok - I'd hang out with him over a show any day and I can catch the next AstroCreep show.

I'm considering riding the bus to work for a while.  It'll give me a half hour in each direction that I could be using to study, plus there is a half mile walk each way from my house to the bus stop.  That would give me extra money (that's always good) and a guaranteed bit of walking.  My bunny friend asked me how I was going to handle that length of a walk in the sun, when I'm always dressed in black.  I was thinking of carrying an umbrella and changing my shoes so that I'm not walking in my boots, but in tennis shoes instead, and layering on the sun block.  I'm not sure yet. I guess I'm still in the "thinking about it" stage, and I need to work out the details.

Well, back to studying.....
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Shooting Star

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #17 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 9:16am
Commuting via the bus sounds like a great idea.  It gives you study time, walking time and it saves money!!  As for the sun - an umbrella works, or wear lightweight clothing  to cover your arms, etc.  Good walking shoes is always a good idea.

Give it a try!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.&&Life may not
WWW Bikerbraid  
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #18 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 10:00am
I vote for eschewing the chemical-filled sunscreen and, instead, go for long sleeves and a very cool looking wide brimmed hat.   Smiley
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #19 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 11:49pm
Taking the bus is great!  I used to take the bus all of the time and never even realized (until I stopped  Roll Eyes) that walking to and from the bus stop burned so many calories, even though it doesn't feel like a workout at all.  And as bikerbraid mentioned, it also gives you extra study time. Smiley
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #20 - Jun 15th, 2008 at 10:21pm
Hair: Yesterday was spent studying, and all I did was tie it up in a claw of death.  It was SO hot - 113 yesterday, and we were trying to use the swamp cooler and not the A/C.  Tongue  We finally gave up around 7:00 pm and switched on the A/C. A few hours later I rubbed in fortifier, braided and went to bed.  Normal W&C this morning, put two drops (!) of oil on the ends and went to church.  After coming home to a nice and cool house, I got restless.  I dampened my hair with a spray bottle, and began kinda pin curling my hair. It took me an hour and a half!   Shocked  I put a dot of aloe vera gel on each section before I pinned it up.  My layers were a little tough to work with, and I must have used over 100 pins (hair pins and brand-new bobby pins), but it's all up.  I misted all the curls with the spray bottle again once they were all up.  I figure if the idea doesn't work out, I can always wet it again tomorrow and no one will know!   Smiley  I used bigger sections of hair so that my curls wouldn't be too tight, so consequently the pin curl pins laughed at the idea of holding the curls in!   Grin

School: Literally spent 10 hours yesterday on homework.  Got a 60% on the Chapter 3 test.   Sad  Oh well, I'll just have to keep trying.  I got the Lesson 6 program written and submitted and the test taken.  (I don't remember what I got on it.)   Huh  I couldn't bring myself to even crack a book today.  I'm too tired!!  

In other news: Talked with our class helpers today about the church women's retreat.  She agreed to go to the spa with me!  I really did NOT want to go alone, so this will be fun. We are both going the mani and pedi route.  I kinda want to get a facial too, but I'll have to see. My mom and her mother-in-law are also going.  I'm so nervous about this!!  But then, I have an anxiety disorder, so that's nothing new!   Cool

It's kinda noisy in my head sometimes.....
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #21 - Jun 20th, 2008 at 12:50pm
Hair: I haven't been very good to myself this week.  Lot's of time in the claw of death, and no extra conditioning.  I washed once this week, and applied a little leave-in.  Talk about dry!!  So last night, I coated my length with fortifier and braided it.  Used a little vinegar rinse and W&C this morning.  It's happy again!   Smiley  I left it down today, with a little anti-frizz and a "saving grace" braid.  I have no idea what tomorrow holds, but maybe I can oil and braid it for the day.

Oh - and the pin curls?  Not the greatest, but not bad either.  I had SO much volume that one of the guys at work asked if I had extensions put in because "that can't possibly be all YOUR hair."   Idn't he cute?  Roll Eyes    I pulled the sides up in baby ponytails.  It was ok, but not really what I wanted.

School: No math test this week!  But I only have tonight to get the next program finished.  The school server will be down tomorrow for maintenance, so I will not be able to turn in homework.  oh joy.

In other news: Brother Luc returns tomorrow!  If I make it to the AstroCreep show, I'll have to leave it to go to the airport.  I will also be at the show alone - my friend decided to go to Mexico instead.  
I have also decided against riding the bus.  Monday morning I looked at the temperature gauge on my shaded patio, and at 6.30 a.m. (time to leave to catch the bus) it was already 93 degrees.  I could have handled that, but the walk back that afternoon was going to be over 110.  As much as I love the heat, my tolerance isn't the greatest.  I figured if I saved $47.00 in gas, but then spent $50 on a trip to the emergency room, where's the savings?  I'll look into it again when the worst of the heat is over.  Or maybe when the monsoons hit - then it's raining and that's always a good thing.

I did go outside yesterday to warm up.  I wore open shoes to work, and was freezing after lunch.  I am the sick one that loves the desert heat.  I don't like the sun, but I hate being cold.  I like to walk outside and that hot oven blast of dry air warms me to the core in a matter of seconds.    Cool

Weight: Polo sent me a diet and exercise plan that I started following yesterday.  Maybe when he returns in August, he'll be able to see what he's helped me accomplish.  I gained way too much weight during my surgery recovery.  I'm still taking all my vitamins, so I'm hoping the result will be a healthier me.  The last time I was weighed, I was 149.5.  My usual was 118, so I've got a lot of work to do!!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #22 - Jun 20th, 2008 at 7:54pm
I love the heat, too.  Unfortunately I'm in Michigan right now missing out on those triple digits.  I'll be home soon, though.

I agree, a walk home in the afternoon heat would suck no matter what!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #23 - Jun 20th, 2008 at 8:41pm
The good thing is those triple digits will be around for some time, so I'm sure you'll experience them soon enough!

I hope things are going OK for you in Michigan.  Maybe you could walk outside and think "Wow.  It's June and I can sit outside without worrying about heat stress."   Smiley

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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #24 - Jun 25th, 2008 at 8:41am
Hair: Going to wash today.  I really should have done it yesterday!!  Going to try CWC and see what happens.  If it's over done, it still wouldn't be worse than what I had yesterday!   Embarrassed  The base of my hair (& my face for that matter) have been getting really oily.  I rubbed fortifier in the length before I braided last night.

School: Been studying.  Have a test due and another program on Saturday.  My instructor told me to "Stop being surprised." when something works.  HA!   Grin  He has NO idea who he's dealing with!

Weight: Two people at work commented that they think I've lost a little!   Cheesy  I'm refusing to weigh myself for a little while longer now.  Started walking leg lunges this weekend.  I'm up to 10 per set!   Roll Eyes  I'm hoping to get to two sets by July 4th.  Still following the carb diet - mostly. Tongue

In other news: Did not go to AstroCreep.  Just didn't have it in me to go by myself this time.  Also turned down the Motorhead concert in August.  I'm not sure if I just don't want to go outside or what it was.  The guys return in August, and I'm hoping to make it to plenty of their shows, but I'm going to be in big trouble if they return during finals.
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #25 - Jun 25th, 2008 at 12:32pm
Still following the carb diet - mostly.

As in low carb?  Hubby and I have been low carbers for 2 years now.   Smiley
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #26 - Jun 25th, 2008 at 2:01pm
I'm trying to be low carb, but will all my food allergies, its not very easy.   Smiley  I was really good at counting fat grams instead of carbs, but I'm trying.

Hair didn't turn out too bad today.  I have a top half braid.  I applied some anti-frizz, since those clouds outside that made such a beautiful sunrise this morning mean that it's a little humid out there.
Yes - I was awake at sunrise.   Tongue
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #27 - Jul 1st, 2008 at 3:25pm
LittleLuc wrote on Jun 20th, 2008 at 8:41pm:
The good thing is those triple digits will be around for some time, so I'm sure you'll experience them soon enough!

I hope things are going OK for you in Michigan.  Maybe you could walk outside and think "Wow.  It's June and I can sit outside without worrying about heat stress."   Smiley

Yep, when I walked off the plane last night and was washed in heat I thought, "Ahhh, there's no place like home!"

Walking outside in MI right now is, "Holy crap!  Run for cover!!!" as you get dive bombed by giant mosquitos!!!  I totally forgot about that.  I've been living in AZ 9 years now and am so glad not to be bothered by those buggers!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #28 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 11:40am
Argh!  My computer froze and I lost my post!

Sakina:  I had to fly to San Luis Obispo in May once for work, and I didn't think to pack anything to keep warm.  I ended up buying a sweatshirt at the college to keep from freezing!  When I stepped off the plane in Phoenix, my coworker and the other folks on the plane thought I was insane because I accidentally said out loud "Oh yes. I'm home!"  

Hair: I haven't been very good this week.  It's only been washed once, and either pulled up, braided, or just there.  It was in side 'tails for work on Thursday, with RWB ribbons.  I'll treat it today though.  Some deep conditioning, and up so it can all soak in.

School:  Spent another 10 hours on it yesterday, and I'm not much better off.  I found out that I'm also too far into the class to drop it.  So, my choices are: drop it and see what kind of grade I get, continue and see how I do, but either way - I can re-take the class in the fall semester.  I'll just be out the money. Undecided

Weight: Not doing bad, but not great either.  This week was so insane I didn't get ANY walking leg lunges in, but all the running around at work should count for something!  My dieting is going good, and I think I'm losing a little.  I might get on the scale when I measure my hair.  

In other news: I wore a skirt for the first time in over a year, and boy did I get razzed for it!  My favorite two comments were "Wow.  I didn't know Goth could look that pretty." and "That vampire look does well on you."  I guess those were compliments, but they made me laugh.  Grin  I'm considering wearing a skirt again before the next 15 months are up.  It just that I'm now the IT person, and crawling under a desk/workstation because a connection goes out is kinda difficult.

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Angel Spun
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #29 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 1:10pm
OMG, I hate when that happens to me at work! On the rare occasions that I have time enough to put myself together in the morning, I almost always hear about it at work. "Oh, you look so pretty today!" and "What's the occasion?" and "Are you going out after work?" UGH! One day, my boss even went so far as to say, "Have fun on your date later tonight."  Angry

So I kinda know where you're coming from. But I also kinda like the surprise factor. Just when you think you have me pegged, BOOM! I throw a curve.  Wink
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