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Luc's Little Journal (Read 74089 times)

wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #30 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 11:55am
So - Wow.  It's Friday.   Seriously?   Shocked  Things have been just way insane at work.  Huge meetings, people flaking out on work, stress over losing jobs - is this one going to leave?  No, THIS one is.  Well, THAT one's leaving for sure!  holy cow.

Hair: I've been decent to mine this week.  Applying fortifier at night and braiding.  Then rinsing in the morning.  Mostly been up in the Claw of Death all week, but that was just for simplicity.  I got a very nice hair compliment this week!  One of the guys at work knows that I'm growing my hair, and he told me that he has noticed that if it isn't MUCH longer (which it isn't) it looks SO healthy now, and it LOOKS longer!   Smiley  
I also entertained the idea of "dusting", but I'm not really sure what it is.  I was covering for the receptionist for a little while (like three hours), and I started checking out my ends to see if they were split and maybe I would need a trim.  Well, I found ONE split end.  Just one.  So I waited until I got home so I could trim it with good sharp hair scissors instead of the ones I have at work.  I was so happy!  My last trim was some time in May.  

School: Well, I tried to quit the math class, but the system won't let me.  But I sent my instructor an email telling him that I will continue to try, but I did try to quit.  I will just have to take it again in the fall.  My programming class isn't too terrible, but I wouldn't say that I'm doing good either.  I'm going to try to get the test taken and program written today, but I'm keeping one foot in reality where that is concerned!   Smiley

Weight: Not the greatest, because I thinking I'm moving my weight around on my body instead of losing it!  My waist/sides are getting slimmer, but the scale still says the same.  The jeans that I bought three weeks ago aren't as tight - I have to keep hiking them back up.  Guess I should find a belt that I like. I've been swimming a few times this week, and walked 4 miles a day just at work this week!  

In other news: This is our weekend at the retreat!  We are going to the Carefree Resort tonight and returning Sunday.  We got our pedicures last weekend, and I have a new indigo cross on my right leg.  It will be so awesome to get away from homework for a couple days!!
Also - I love my indigo kit!  I followed one of the links someone (was it Lisabelle?)  posted here about dying hair black with indigo, and I've read the Henna page and the Indigo page.  So I ordered the indigo kit and I LOVE IT!!!  My first attempt was pretty sad, but they usually are.  My second attempt looks pretty good!!  I wish I could find my camera to post a pic.   Embarrassed  I printed off tons of pattern ideas from the internet, so I'm hoping to try some more next week.  It's pretty quick now that I get the idea of how it's supposed to work. One of my friends at work told me to "get really good at it" and then I can paint some on her!
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #31 - Jul 23rd, 2008 at 4:12pm
Hair: I've been better about it the last couple days.  It was mostly tied up while we were in CareFree, just because we were doing "stuff".  I braided the sides back on Saturday and had lots of people ask me about it.  That kinda back fired cuz after a couple minutes I was thinking "OK! Haven't you ever seen a braid before?!  Stop touching me!"   Shocked    But I knew that was just panic, so I kept smiling and people went away.   Smiley
I braided it at night without fortifier, and I washed it Sunday and left it down.  Washed/conditioned yesterday, fortified and braided last night, then rinsed/conditioned/oiled this morning.  It's mostly down with a little claw of death today.  I'm hoping to get to use the moisture renewal mask this weekend. 

School: I'm so ready for these classes to be over.  I'm holding my own in programming, but I've given up on the math class.  I'm just waiting for the fall sessions to open for registration so I can take it again - darnit!

Weight: Switched to the South Beach Diet.  My mom got a call from her doctor on Friday, and told her that she needed to be on some kind of Mediterranean Diet.  So, we committed to South Beach.  It's day three.  I'm not doing bad!  I had a single hershey kiss yesterday, but that was my only slip.  Still walking and trying to get time to swim.  We walked so much this weekend, I think we did good!

In other news: The retreat was a blast!  Got lots of time to hang out with Mom and my friend, and her mother-in-law and friend.  We decorated a pair of flip flops in a class taught by our jewelry class teacher.  We found the only pair of small black roses our teacher had!  Cheesy We had wonderful meals (ok - so that's why we started the diet Monday!) and just time away.  Mom's car battery died Sunday when we tried to come home, but then when my brother got up there, and pushed it into another parking spot so he could get close enough to jump it - it started!  WHATEVER!!!  We drove it over to my other brother's place and got a new battery.
I removed my indigo cross yesterday morning.  Time to pick another design to try! Smiley

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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #32 - Jul 24th, 2008 at 9:27pm
Hair: Condition only this morning, and then a leave in conditioner and some anti-frizz stuff.  Something didn't work!!  My hair kept getting bigger and bigger this morning, until I finally tamed the top back into a mini claw of death.  About 10:00 am, I had enough of my bangs and pinned them back with sparkly pins.  THAT only lasted till about 11:00, then the whole thing went up into a full size claw.  ACK!!!   When I got home, I combed it out, applied massive amounts of fortifier and put in double braids.  Tucked the bangs back in micro claws of death.  Maybe tomorrow will be better....   Huh

School: Haven't studied since last Friday - I'm such a loser. Embarrassed
Weight: Going to try a new dinner recipe tonight - Gingered chicken.  Used fresh grated ginger, lemon, fresh pepper and garlic.  I can't wait!!  Smiley  Last night was rosemary, onions, mushrooms and garlic all over chicken.  That was really good.  I'm not so sure how much weight I will lose, but I'm having fun learning to cook stuff!

In other news: Not much going on.  Still searching for design for indigo body art.   Smiley

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #33 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 4:46pm
This crazy monsoon weather is making my hair act weird, too.  For me, a good oiling w/sunflower oil is helping and washing 2 times a week is keeping the frizz and expanding volume in check.

Those recipes sound good!

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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #34 - Jul 26th, 2008 at 10:08pm
Hair: Woke up this morning, took the night braids down, lightly combed it, then put lots of fortifier in and double mini cinnamon bunned them.  Then I had to run to the computer store - more on that in a second - so I took the buns down, french braided the slimy stuff and took off.  It'll stay in it's single braid until the morning.  Then I'll vinegar rinse and wash/condition.  It was so soft when I was putting it back up this morning!!   Cheesy  I'm going to try to oil it while it's damp tomorrow and braid it for church.  I want it to come down eventually tomorrow - I get to see Dad for dinner!   Cool

School: Only one more small program then the final project!  I'm so not sure how this is going to happen.  The only upside is that I'll have to turn the last project in before the boys in the band get here - yay!!   Smiley

Weight: actually got on the scale this morning - 146.  I'm down from where the doc's office said, but I also didn't weigh myself at the start of the diet.  But that's what a journal is for, isn't it?   Wink  Lasted my first Saturday at home while on a strict diet - I'm so proud of me!!   Cheesy

In other news: My home computer crashed!!  My little nephew was playing on it, and kept telling me it was acting funny.  I ran all the updates and cleaners I could think of, and the last time it was starting up, I got the black DOS-looking screen that said "Hard drive failure imenent (or however it is spelled)"!   Holy cow!! Shocked  So, I took it to the shop that I just got my laptop back from.  I was really not ready for this.  But I bought an external hard drive for back ups, and the new hard drive, so at least it will be good now for a while.  This all means that I won't have as much $$ to play with the guys when the get here.   Cry  Not that I won't have as much fun, but its always lame when funds are low.  

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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #35 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 11:58pm
Hair: Well, I broke down this week. Embarrassed  On Monday, I dried and flat ironed my hair.  I was so proud of how long it has gotten, and I was really missing it being straight.  I oiled it after it was done, and kept cooling it after every pass with the iron.  I lightly oiled it Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday before going to work.  It was very soft, and very shiny and lots of folks noticed.  It was nice.  I guess I'll be ok if I only do that every three or four months.  I washed and conditioned today, and then oiled while wet this morning.  My curls were back and happy!  Smiley

School: Still working on that last program.  Then the final....  Sad

Weight: Still going strong.  I had to wear a belt this morning!!   Cheesy  I'll weigh again in the morning.  A friend at work told me that I inspired him to start working out again, so now we "check in" on each other every day - "Did you workout?  What did you do?"  Knowing that we have someone to "answer to" is really motivating!

In other news: The home computer is back, and functional, but not back to normal.  Still working on reloading all the software and stuff.  
Work stuff:  Two people left our company.  One of them means a huge impact on me, and they were both friends.  So today was completely crazy.  Cleaned out one of the desks, cuz I'll get to move into it.  Not what I would call fun, but necessary.  

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Slowly, but surely growing
my 3b/m/ii to mid back.

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #36 - Aug 2nd, 2008 at 12:05am
I miss my hair straight to! Sad
But I think it's only cause it's soo very short.
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #37 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 12:38am
Hair: Better today.  No wash, no rinse.  Just there.   Undecided  I guess it's better.  I put a little braid in behind my left ear.  
AND - I finally heard the comment I've been dreading and still do not have an answer for :  "Ya know, your hair is getting too long.  It doesn't look pretty anymore, even when you iron it.  It's just long - there's no style."
When I said, "OK, but it's healthier and shinier than it's ever been."  I still got, "Well, yeah, but it's just long."   Cry

School: I wrote for help from the instructor and - huge surprise  Shocked - no answer.  Guess I'll give the final an honest effort and take whatever I get for it.

Weight: Doing good!  This morning's weigh in was 142.5!  Still losing, but the size 10s still fit well.  The 8s are still a bit too tight.  That's ok - I'm getting there!

In other news: I got a text from Dad today!   Smiley  It was so cool!  Talk about making my day!  Cuz before that today had really sucked.  I was so busy I seriously had to be reminded it was lunch time!  Not that I wasn't starving, but I was just ignoring it to get all the stuff done!  But I took the break, and was good.  Working on learning all the new responsibilites.  Talk about not fun. Tongue

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Angel Spun
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #38 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 5:06pm
AND - I finally heard the comment I've been dreading and still do not have an answer for :  "Ya know, your hair is getting too long.  It doesn't look pretty anymore, even when you iron it.  It's just long - there's no style."
When I said, "OK, but it's healthier and shinier than it's ever been."  I still got, "Well, yeah, but it's just long."  Cry

... Talk about Bigmouth Strikes Again. I wonder why whomever it was thought that your hair was their business in the first place!
    Try not to let their comments bother you any more than they already have. You're not doing anything wrong. Some people just don't know when to keep their bloody mouths shut!  Angry
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #39 - Aug 8th, 2008 at 11:28am
What Angel said   Cool
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #40 - Aug 9th, 2008 at 6:02pm
Hair: Used Herbal Essences temporary color in Plum Pucker!  The boys are in town, and I felt like changing it up a bit.  It's very, very shiny!  I'm so happy its healthy now.  No cutting yet.  I really don't plan on it.  Maybe a trim, and some off the bangs, but I'm going to keep fighting the negativity and keep it long.  I am keeping it pinned up so others that don't like it can't tell how long it is.  Thank you for Angel and Trisha for helping prop me up!

School: The last assignment isn't working.  I really need to start working on the final.  I hope I at least get a passing grade for this class.  I so don't want to take it again.

Weight: I don't want to weigh myself yet.  Went out to see the band play, and kept to the no carb drinks, but still.  I don't want to see that number go up again!

In other news: (aka guys) Jeez, was I stupid.   Tongue  After leaving the club after the show last night, I had been thinking about a seriously-long-time-ago ex of mine that I had run into about a year ago.  He was still working at a server, and I swung by just to see if he still worked there.  He didn't, and I was basically ok with it.  But when I got back to my truck, it wouldn't start.  Dead battery.  I called roadside assistance, and they jumped it - and get this - when the radio kicked on the Toby Keith song "He Ain't Worth Missing" was playing.  I sat in my truck for a minute and said (out loud) - "OK.  I get it.  I won't do this again."  This was all after seeing the little singer guy that I had crushed on.  His girlfriend and I were pretty friendly - mainly cuz neither of them know how I felt.  So, I didn't get home until almost 4 am, and then had to get up and do homework today.  I guess Someone was trying to tell me something!   Cheesy  Anyway - the driver fixed a wire on my battery, so hopefully it's better now.  And I promise to quit beating myself up.

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #41 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 11:50am
And I promise to quit beating myself up

Atta girl   Cool
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Angel Spun
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #42 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 12:24pm
Oh, honey...karma has spoken.  Grin  You broke up with the guy for a reason (or several). It would do you best to leave the past in the past where it belongs.

Also, a little unsolicited sisterly advice...leave the taken guys alone as well. Especially if they happen to be in a band!  Tongue  That's asking for trouble on both counts.
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #43 - Dec 5th, 2008 at 2:27pm
Yay!!  I found my favorite website again!   Cheesy

I won't try to sum up the last 5 months in a journal entry other than to say "crazy would be an understatement"!

quick version - Hair has reached BSL quite nicely.  I have to pull my hair over my shoulder to keep from catching it in the clasps.   Smiley  Still defending the length.  I dyed it black a couple weeks before Halloween, and I'm really liking the color as it fades as much as I liked it when it was "new".  But now it seems to be thinning at a rate that is truly scaring me...

I SO need to take a new pic!  Shocked

I've lost all but 8 of the pounds I wanted to - checking in at 128 this morning!  Cheesy

Still in school.   Applied to the Arizona State for Spring.  No guys in my life.  Had to buy a vehicle, so I now own a 2006 Dodge Dakota (black).

I SO missed you guys!  
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #44 - Dec 5th, 2008 at 5:59pm
Missed ya too, Luc. Smiley

Congrats on the weight loss, BSL and the new truck. I like Dakotas. Smiley
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