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Luc's Little Journal (Read 74088 times)

wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #60 - Feb 12th, 2009 at 4:52pm
Hair: Same ol' same ol'.   Two evenings this week with added breakage defense and rolled into a bun.  I think I'm still recovering from my trim.  Nice and soft though.  I can't wait for the length to come back.  Maybe I'll measure again for March.

School: got my appointment - I'm a Junior!   Cheesy  I'm so thrilled!  We layed out my academic plan, and since they are beginning to close the West campus, I'll have to take courses on-line or downtown.  I'm not so happy about that, but hopefully I can stick it out until (if) they re-open West.  Another Law test next week.  Looks like I'll be able to finish in two years, if I work myself pretty hard.  The bummer part - the FIVE classes I'm in now will not count for the degree.  

In other news: The recruiting event was only open to the students and alumni of the school that was hosting the event.   Sad  I looked good though!!   Wink  I ended up letting my hair just do it's thing.  It was long, dark, wavy, and very shiny.  After leaving the place, I tied it up so that I could walk to campus.  I'm going to keep training and working on school. I'm back to that waiting thing again - and I'm not very good at it..... Huh
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wishing I had Long Locks....

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #61 - Feb 13th, 2009 at 10:31am
Happy Friday the 13th....

Hair: CWC this morning, then breakage defense and aloe vera gel in the length.  It was wet when I left the house this morning (and 38 degrees outside!!) so I tucked it into my jacket on the way to my truck.  No space heater until it dries....

School: no luck in getting a late add to ASU for spring.  Guess I'll have to just wait for summer to start...   yeah, cuz PATIENCE is one of my strong points!   Roll Eyes

In other news: I love Friday the 13th.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #62 - Feb 13th, 2009 at 5:13pm
In other news: I love Friday the 13th.

Me too. Smiley
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #63 - Apr 2nd, 2009 at 3:30pm
Jeez, I stink at this...   Tongue

Hair: Been pretty consistant.  Every other day CWC, leave in detangler, aloe gel on the waves.  Got some MEGA compliments on the locks this weekend.  The guys are back, and one night, all the folks in my normal crowd seemed to "notice" my hair.  The next thing I know, four different people are asking if they can "pet" my hair.   Shocked  I told everyone about the site!  Said "If you want to grow hair like mine - go to this site!"   Cool

School:  Got into ASU for Summer and Fall classes.  Got the student loan secured.  Now I'm just waiting to buy books and for June 1st when classes start.   Smiley

In other news: Yep, the band is back.  They had a new (to me) set with them on Friday, and talk about awesome.  They are Warner Drive.  Bought a CD, got it signed, added friends to MySpace, can't wait to see them again when they return.   Cheesy

Weight is doing well.  The scale still says 124, but the exercise is toning legs up nicely.  Some of my old clothes fit again!   Smiley  Trying to come up with a non-band-gear outfit for this weekend.  

Guys: I think I made a friend!  Friend of the band is a pilot, and we hung out a couple times during the shows last trip, but things have for sure changed.  We've spent the first week of this trip together.  Emails and texts mostly.  He is trying to understand my anxiety and allergy issues, but it's a lot to expect of one guy!  He also LOVES my hair!  He likes to run his hands down the length while we are sitting at the shows.  I sent him some pics of when it was Trinity short.  He said it looked good, but he likes it long and dark now.  Smart man....  Wink
PS - CrushSinger got married, so we wave at each other and say hi.   Cheesy
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #64 - Apr 13th, 2009 at 6:50pm
Hair: Pretty good with the every other day CWC.  Tried some soft rag curls this weekend...  not bad, but I need practice...  Thinking of dying it again.  My growout line is really getting far, and I'm not ready to be natural..  

School:  Not really a topic yet - major holding pattern here.  Undecided

In other news: The Captain (pilot) has become a major part of my life in the last couple weeks.  He is so awesome.  He passed the family test!   Cool  He absolutely loves my hair and told me to never cut it. Ever.  I had to laugh.  It was just too funny.  We have so much in common.  I don't want to ramble too much and sound like your average 'tweener with a crush, so I'll just bow out .... mumbling "wow"....... Cool
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #65 - Apr 13th, 2009 at 8:22pm
I was in Tempe today and thought of you.  Good luck w/ the Captain!
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #66 - Apr 14th, 2009 at 3:39am
Others tell me they roll their hair up every evening and practice makes perfect.  Some can roll their hair up while watching the news and not really pay attention to what they do. 

Nothing wrong with being a 'Tweener with a crush'. Smiley
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #67 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 6:14pm
Thank you!!

Hair:  Still going strong with every other day CWC, using the curl girl method for wavies.  The routine must be working, cuz I have mega-watt shine and softness.  I'm almost ready to buy more products, and I think I'm going to go back to Pantene.  I was using Garnier this time, and I think the change up has been helping.
I haven't made up my mind about the color yet.  I really can't afford (money or damage) for highlights, which leaves me with WHICH dark color will I dye it?  I'll probably make up my mind after the next person notices both of my grey hairs.   Wink

School:  Got the textbooks for summer semester.  Started reading the first one and jump starting the notes.  Not what I would call riveting, but at least it's interesting.  

In other news:  Yes, the Captain is a huge part of my life.  I took yesterday off of work, and we spent the whole day together, doing a whole bunch of nothing.  Lunch, his guitar lesson (I got to play with teacher's baby!), Guitar Center (bought a piano music book), book store, dinner, watch tv and cuddle.  It was so awesome.  He is encouraging me in so many ways.  He wants to hear me play the piano - which I haven't done in easily 18 years, but I bought that music book and said that maybe I'll play his keyboard for him - it doesn't need tuned like my piano.   Cool  He was beginning to show me how to play a guitar, because I said it would be nice to learn.

Talk about a butterfly....

The down side is coming - he has to go back to work.  He's been off for quite a while, and he finally got the email that he's going to start flying again.  Monday is his first official day that he'll be "on duty".  So, from now on, 18 days a month, he'll be out of town.  Which once school starts won't be so difficult to deal with, but May is just going to byte.   Sad
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #68 - Apr 28th, 2009 at 1:54pm
Hair:  The Garnier products are almost used up.  I'm stretching out the conditioner and using up odds and ends again.  I bought new bottles of Pantene's Curl product.  Maybe it'll help my waves a bit?   Undecided  But I really hope the shine stays.  The Captain loves to run his fingers through my hair, and if it begins to tangle, I'll have to come up with something else!

School:  Actually cracked the binding on the first book.  Not too many notes to be had, but the book is vaguely interesting.  Still gotta finish that Unix class - soon!

In pilot news:  The Captain left this morning for his first assignment since we've been together.  He'll be back sometime Saturday.  I cannot believe how incredibly difficult this is!   Cry  We've only been seeing each other for about a month, and holy cow this four days feels like it's going to be forever!  I got to talk to him a little this morning before he got near the plane and had to start working, and I'm doing my best not to let him hear me pout.  He doesn't need that.  He knows that I'm going to miss him, and he said that he will miss me too.  Awww..   Roll Eyes  I guess I had better get used to this, and get good at it, cuz this is his world.
I played his keyboard for him Sunday night, and he liked it.  I've placed a few calls to piano tuners so that I can play my piano for him someday.  I watched him shave last night.  Since he's been on vacation for a few months, he had a jaw-line beard and full goatee that had to go.  It was so different.  I've hardly ever seen a man shave before, and this was such a huge change.  It was almost like his voice was coming out of a different face.  But again, this is normal for his world, so I will get used to it.
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #69 - May 11th, 2009 at 3:48pm
Hair: CWC for the first time with the new Pantene products this morning, and I am loving the moisture!  The conditioner is SO thick, that I actually rinsed a second longer than I normally do.  I'm hoping this helps those waves out a bit...  And the Captain asked me if I could try to grow my hair to my waist!  Just to see if I could do it. How awesome is that?!

School: I plead the 5th.   Embarrassed
In pilot news:  He was back for a week, and what an amazing week!  He is working with his next door neighbor's wife, getting her to sing, so that she can sing a song for her husband when he returns from deployment.  The Captain plays guitar so she can sing.  It's so cool!  Now, he has left again yesterday and again will not be back until sometime on Saturday.  I have an aunt coming in from Virginia for 10 days, and she already said that she is anxious to meet him!  The family still likes him.  They asked where he was yesterday at the Mother's Day family dinner.

In other news:  Cheesy  The scale read 119.5 this morning!  Yeah!  I'm almost there...  AND I have all this week to work out.  I've dug a lot of clothes out of storage, only to find out that belt-lines have moved just enough in the last three years that most of the old stuff is going to Goodwill.   Shocked  I'm excited about my aunt coming to visit.  She had a daughter that had waist length red hair almost all of her life, so she said that she can't wait to see mine.  I'm still getting the pressure from the rest of the family to cut it though.  But now they seem less worried about my hair and more worried about my weight.  Whatever!   Roll Eyes  At least they are laying off my hair for now....

Thanks for letting me vent!  Wink
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #70 - Jun 1st, 2009 at 6:30pm
Hair: CWC every other day, leave in Breakage Defense, and Aloe Gel.  Same routine.  I guess it's ok.  Although I'm getting mixed reviews now.  I have friends that can't keep their hands off my hair and tell me how pretty it is, and then others that tell me it "just doesn't look healthy like it used to" = used to being when it was shoulder length, layered and multi-color-highlighted.   Sad  My Captain likes it, and I guess right now, that's what matters.  Still aiming for waist length by Christmas, but at this rate - who knows?

School: First official day of school!   Cheesy  Can you believe - our first assignment is to read FOUR chapters of the book and take our first quiz tomorrow!?  Holy cow.   Shocked  Good thing I already read the first three chapters... Cool

In pilot news:  He is back only for today and tomorrow and then gone for another 7 days.  I guess I could look at it that I'll have plenty of time to study and try to work ahead in class so that when he's off for a week later this month, I won't be doing school work while he's home.  He has brought me something from each trip he's been on.  He got to fly to Cabo for two days!  He got to visit our friends in Colorado, and he got a surprise night at home once.  My family still thinks he's just awesome - and so do I!   Smiley

In other news: Massive allergy attack last week left me without a voice.  Why is it that when you try to talk to people, and you're still in the process of losing your voice, they ask "What happened to your voice?"  I started telling people "I left it at home - it was getting me in too much trouble."  Then, when my voice was totally gone, and all I could do was whisper, THEN people felt the need to whisper AT ME because that's how I was talking!  People are funny - simple, but funny.   Grin

Off to see my captain!!!
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #71 - Jun 9th, 2009 at 3:16pm
Hair: So, after a little research, it appears that my hair averages growth of 1/3 inch per month.  Not stellar, but I guess I'll take it.  Still aiming for waist length by Christmas, but we'll have to see what happens between then and now.  The black hair dye (from Halloween) is finally fading out, and I can see my natural espresso color showing through both at the ends and the base.  The same routine I guess is still holding - CWC every third day, Breakage Defense after shower with Aloe Gel, Breakage Defense daily in the length.  I have two lace braids in my sides with the tails joined in the back today to pull it back out of my face. 

The Captain still likes to play with it, and tolerates it when I put it up in a claw of death, but always likes to play with it when its down.  Maybe I should start asking him to rub conditioner or oil on his hands before he plays with my hair?   Wink
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wishing I had Long Locks....

Posts: 106
Gender: female
Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #72 - Jun 29th, 2009 at 1:46pm
Hair: Gotta share this - my biggest critic of growing my hair out finally caved today - well, almost.  She told me "Your hair is really starting to look pretty and healthy again.  It's not stringy anymore.  It could probably still use a bit of a trim just to make sure it doesn't start looking stringy, but it looks good.  Whatever you have been doing is really working well."

Please keep in mind that this is a family member, so she feels she can be brutally honest with me.  I think it's hysterical, because I've been following the same routine for months now!  Grin 

Side note: My aunt has been very sick, and I've been visiting her in the hospital and now the rehab center, and about 6 people have stopped me in various places and told me that I have beautiful hair!  Maybe this family member is listening and trying to see what all those other people see!  One of the ladies that stopped me told me that my hair reminded her of when she was young - but hers was never as pretty as mine!   Cool

The only thing I'm thinking of is starting to use oil more.  My dye job from Halloween is way grown out, and while no one else seems to be able to see it, I can.  It's grown about 5 inches from my scalp, so I'm thinking I could get some pretty decent oil on it.

I'll post this question somewhere else too, but I'm thinking about it now:  If I oil before I go to bed, do I wash, then ACV rinse, then condition in the morning?  Or would that be overkill on the moisture?  Is that possible??   Cheesy

BTW - the Captain is still a wonderful man.  I love spending every minute I can with him, and I miss him so much it almost hurts when he leaves.  I believe that he is a gift to me from God that I really don't deserve.
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #73 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 3:23am
I was just trying to comfort someone on another forum about these types of comments/compliments that may be well intended but "ough!". Roll Eyes  Just like some long hair enthusiasts may be on a crusade to get everyone else to grow their hair long, I know plenty who genuinely don't like long hair and are on the opposite crusade. Grin  Well, it does seem almost religious with some people.  I wish people would just respect that others, unless they ask for advice, probably are happy with the way they wear their hair/clothes or whatever.
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Luc's Little Journal
Reply #74 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 9:43am
Glad you are enjoying your time with the Captain!  You do deserve it! Smiley
See what your hair likes,as far as the oiling wash,acv,contioning goes.  If you need to tweak the routine,your hair will let ya know!  
Wishing the best for your aunt!
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