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Short-Long by livingandlovingx3 (Read 121880 times)

Slowly, but surely growing
my 3b/m/ii to mid back.

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Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Jul 2nd, 2008 at 10:53pm
I really, really want to reach my goal this time around. I am a little confused as to what to do about trimming my hair though. Some people say to trim it and other say not to until I am at my goal. What about if I start seeing damage? Nayway my hair is super short and driving me nuts, i think because it is shorter in the back than front, but I know that if I were to cut it, I would regret it later. I'll just have to ride out that awkward stage. Right now I am using Pantene daily moisture in the shampoo and conditioner about every other day. Once a week I use the fortifying conditioner and I also use the leave in spray that is supposed to protect against damage.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #1 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:28am
I suggest trimming the damage off every 8 weeks or so and then you can have healthy long hair.  I could not let it grow to my goal and then have many inches cut of damage.  Personally I'd rather have it a bit shorter and get it healthy than get the length only to lose it.

Do whatever you think you can handle!

What is your goal, btw?
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Slowly, but surely growing
my 3b/m/ii to mid back.

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #2 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 12:53pm
I wanna go to mid back to start. Once I get there and see what caring for it is like I might go longer. Wink We'll see if I even get mid back first!! Grin I know it's gonna take forever, Undecided but hopefully I can stop using my straightening iron and minimize the damage even more. Cool
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wishing I had Long Locks....

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #3 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 3:02pm
Hi there!

I was also addicted to my flat iron until a couple of months ago!  The only time I didn't iron my hair was when I would load it up with anti-frizz serum, mousse, spray gel and hair spray so that my "natural" curl would show up!   Wink

It's not easy, but you can do it!  I started teaching myself how to braid so that on the days I couldn't STAND my hair not being straight - I could braid it!

I also use Restoratives Daily Moisture and I love it!  I use the fortifier on my hair before I braid it at night, and after just a couple days I could see and feel the difference.
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Angel Spun
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #4 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 4:22pm
Accepting your natural texture is the healthiest thing you can do. Fighting it is a losing battle.

My sister uses flat irons too and omg, her poor hair has sooo much damage.  Sad  Nature gave her some great, sexy natural waves and tons of body, but she kills it. Ugh...we can practically hear her hair screaming as she pulls a flat iron through it.  Shocked

As a natural straightie, I can promise you that stick straight hair is overrated. Embrace the wave.  Wink
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #5 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 8:12pm
Thanks! I would braid my hair except it is super short! Cry I did leave it curly today though and it doesn't look bad, but I had to pull my sides back so I wouldn't look wierd.  Shocked Most of the areas that were straightened I had cut off, but there are still a few areas where the hair is longer on the top and isn't as curly. Undecided I did go buy the curly girl handbook, and there is definatley some interesting things in there. I'm gonna try some of the recipies in the back. I am curious as to what type of curl I have.
Excuse the no make up, but it was too hot and it would have liquified in a matter of seconds after application.
You can def tell what parts are still around from my straight perm, but they aren't super straight so I think it's ok to wear my hair curly.
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« Last Edit: Aug 2nd, 2008 at 11:33pm by livingandlovingx3 »  

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Angel Spun
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #6 - Jul 4th, 2008 at 11:11am
It's totally ok to wear your hair curly!  Cheesy  That seems to be what it wants to do naturally anyway.

What great shape & color your curls have too! Very nice. And don't worry about the top/straightened parts - they will grow out eventually. But it seems like you're on the right track and there are plenty of other curly girls around here to help you along the way.  Wink

Oh yeah, and I don't blame you for not wearing makeup in the heat. Bleh! Sometimes, it's just a wasted effort.
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #7 - Jul 4th, 2008 at 12:45pm
Thank You! Smiley
I always feel like my curls are messy, and I am constantly putting my hands in my hair to see if I can feel if it is frizzy  Tongue. I usually frizz it by putting my hands in it, so I definatley have many habits to break. My husband told me last night that he didn't like it curly  Undecided. I told him it will look much better when it has grown out, but there is no way I am going to get it to grow by straightening it everyday until it is grown out Roll Eyes. He doesn't understand  Cry. I am kinda on my own, because my mom has stick straight hair, and as far as I know there are no stylists that really know about curly hair in my immediate area. When I try to tell my husband about what I've learned or plan on doing he isn't interested  Lips Sealed. So it is nice to have a group of ladies to talk to that are or were in my position Smiley.
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wishing I had Long Locks....

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #8 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 11:48am
Your curls are awesome! 

My hair was once done at a hair show.  She cut 11" off and I ended up looking like Trinity from the Matrix!  It was an awesome look, but talk about maintenance!  My hair isn't as curly as yours is, but it's wavy.  It was ironed EVERY day.  The cut and the entire look was pretty intense, so the maintenance was not optional.

I kept that look for a while, but then when I wanted to let it grow, it was a nightmare.  I let it grow out to a short bob, and then kept it at that length while most of the worst damage grew off.  Then I let it get longer.  I kept the layers cut in just "cuz".  Cheesy

I also understand when people around you do not support your hair choices.  My family is constantly asking me when I'm going to cut my hair and donate it again.  I've found the safest answer is "I don't know.  It's not long enough yet."   Wink  I hope hubby at least doesn't say things to hurt your feelings.  I used to tell people "If you want my hair kept short like that - YOU pay for the colors and cuts, and come over and DO it everymorning for me, and I"ll consider it!"  That usually shut them up. Cool

You'll reach your goal - no worries.  The cool thing about having hair short is that you can SEE how fast it is growing!
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Angel Spun
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #9 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 12:58pm
I used to tell people "If you want my hair kept short like that - YOU pay for the colors and cuts, and come over and DO it everymorning for me, and I"ll consider it!"  That usually shut them up.  Cool

Grin That's awesome. I so have to use that one day.

And I couldn't possibly be married to someone who wanted my hair (or any other part of me, for that matter) to be different than it is. The heck with that! I'm sure there are quite a few men out there who will like your curls, so once you start attracting their attention, your husband might change his mind.  Wink
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #10 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 7:04pm
I had all the straight pieces cut today. I really thought about it and decides that I would be more likely to straight iron my hair if I left it the way it was. Boy, I forgot how much my hair likes to curl!! Shocked It looks REALLy short  Undecided , but I know that it will grow and hopefully even faster now that I am not using all that heat!
I ordered soem Mop Top conditioner, and some curley hair solutions curl keeper and gel. They follow the guidlines for ingrediants listed in the Curley Girl Handbook. We'll see how those products work. While I was at the salon I was lloking at different ingrediants and couldn't believe that everything there contained cones, alcohol, etc... I am gonna wait until my new product arrives and do a ACV rinse, then use them. Hopefully my hair will be rid of all that gunk and I can start new with the right products.
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Slowly, but surely growing
my 3b/m/ii to mid back.

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #11 - Jul 6th, 2008 at 5:02pm
Yay!! I haven't straightened in 3 or four days! I also haven't used shampoo in that many either, and I must say that my hair and scalp don't feel greasy like I thought it would. I am waiting for some product to arrive that I ordered off the internet.
Ugh, but my husband's friend told me it looks as if I have a bird's nest on my head!!! Angry
  Cry wich really doesn't help my self confidence at this point!
The cut I got took off alot of the straight pieces, and I am getting really excited about having long, curly, healthy hair! Wink
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #12 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 3:15pm
hey living-
good luck with the growing. i've been growing mine out for over a year from a pixie cut so i know about the frustrating short and mid length blahs. i also, for a while, would get negative comments about my growing-out hair from well-meaning friends. i found that i had been talking about growing out my hair to them, so they felt they could offer hair advice about cutting it, straightening, coloring etc...since i had already brought up hair. when i stopped talking about hair to everyone except fellow long lockers who have similar ideals of hair care and beauty, other people didn't give me as many comments. occasionally a family member will tell me how cute the pixie cut looked on me and how it was good with my profile and i'll just say "yes, now i can't wait to see how good it will look long". then in my head i secretly plot how amazing my future braids will be!
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #13 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 5:53pm
So I got my products yesterday! Smiley So today I did an acv rinse, I am not sure if I did it right.  HuhI did this first cause I figured there's no point in trying to put the good stuff on top of all the old crud in my hair. Tongue I also used a couple recomendations in the back of the Curley Girl Handbook.
I made the lavender Mist, although I didn't buy large enough spray bottles Roll Eyes, I also did the deep endings, followed by the lemon aid. I have my hair pinned where I want height and am waiting for it to dry Kiss. I must say when I made the Deep Endings it didn't look like enough, but it turned out to be more than enough. My husband hated the smell of the acv. Grin
I always was teased as a kid about my curley, unruley hair. I never really knew what to do with it, and niether did my mom, so I would always end up with shoter hair cuts Cry. I have a few pics of when I was in Preschool and Kindergarten that I actually think my hair looks awsome, and it was long for me!!!!! Smiley
I am just keeping my fingers crossed that by using no heat, better products, etc... my hair will really take off growing and I will have shoulder length hair in no time! Once I hit that milestone, it's off to mid back with ease I am sure! Wink
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Angel Spun
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #14 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 6:07pm
I am just keeping my fingers crossed that by using no heat, better products, etc... my hair will really take off growing and I will have shoulder length hair in no time! Once I hit that milestone, it's off to mid back with ease I am sure!  Wink

I'm sure too, L&L3.  Wink  My hair was only 20" long when I joined this site. A lot's happened since then. No heat, better products and regular trims have been my success secrets on this crazy journey too...and so it goes. We can do this, sister.
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