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Short-Long by livingandlovingx3 (Read 121881 times)

Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #15 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 6:12pm
roomtogrow wrote on Jul 7th, 2008 at 3:15pm:
hey living-
good luck with the growing. i've been growing mine out for over a year from a pixie cut so i know about the frustrating short and mid length blahs.

Only a year!?! Your hair looks longer than mine has ever grown in a year!!!!
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #16 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 6:14pm
I'm sure too, L&L3.    My hair was only 20" long when I joined this site. A lot's happened since then. No heat, better products and regular trims have been my success secrets on this crazy journey too...and so it goes. We can do this, sister.

Thanks it's really great to have all this advice and people to talk to that are actually listening! Wink
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #17 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 7:54pm
Hair is finally dry and I think it looks great!!! Smiley except there are still some straight strands still  Undecided. Here is a pic!!
Ugh, it looks as though I have a few spots I need to direst some curls over to cover!!!
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« Last Edit: Aug 2nd, 2008 at 11:34pm by livingandlovingx3 »  

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #18 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 3:16pm
Your hair looks super cute!!!  The top hairs for me are less curly than the rest so they didn't really show a curl pattern until they got long-collar bone lengthish if I remember correctly.  You can manage that issue now with some pin curls for those straighter hairs.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #19 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 4:17pm
Sakina wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 3:16pm:
Your hair looks super cute!!!

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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #20 - Jul 10th, 2008 at 6:36pm
So I have been using conditioner only for a week now, and I really see no problems with it! The only thing I did have a bit of a issue with is the deep endings treatment. The day after, it seemed my hair was really oily! Shocked I used the lavender spray and my hair curled right up! I also need to use less gel, as today after conditioning, I think I put more than needed in cause my hair felt "stiff" and "crunchy". Tongue At least the products I am using don't contain alcohol. Wink
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #21 - Jul 13th, 2008 at 10:07pm
I did another acv rinse and oil treatment Saturday morning. After conditioning, my hair seemed frizzy. Not sure why it was different this time. Everything seems to be going well. I haven't straightened my hair in over two weeks!!!
I decided to start making my own facial cleanser, scrub, and mask. I also am trying the honey/cinnamon treatment for my acne. I figure it can't make it any worse. I really like the way my skin feel after using the oil cleanser. I use 1 T. castor oil (castor oil helps dry the skin out, so if you have dry skin you may want to cut this) 1 T oilve oil or jojoba oil, I also add 1 T flax seed oil, and 1 drop tea tree eo. I really like that I don't become excessively oily anymore! After this I will either use a brown sugar scrub or put some acv on a cotton ball and wipe my face with it. I have a mask that is supposed to help with oil, redness, and acne that contains oatmeal, milk, half an apple, and some cucumber! I'm wondering why I spent all that money on store bought products!!
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #22 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 1:51pm
So I put some oo on my ends last nigt and left it on all night. Yesterday, my hair felt really dry! Embarrassed I ordered different products, as I don't feel that the one I have has enough moisture. Yesterday was a bad curl day! My hair would not lay right at all. Sad
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #23 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 11:58am
My hair feels dry, no matter what I do!!!! Sad I plan on making the clean and shine hair mask that BB posted later. It just seems that my curls can't hold it together. Specially on the top of my head. Yesterday I ended up with little stray hairs poking out, and I can feel my hair is really dry. I wonder if it is a bad thing to do an oil treatment everyday or every other day? Huh I ordered some Devacare products. reason for the care is I wanted to treat my hair with "gloves" until I get it in shape. Cool I watched the cute little video the ladies made about shampoo being bad for your hair! It's quite cute!!! Grin
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #24 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 1:36pm
So I sent back the products, that just weren't cutting it for me, on Monday. Until my Deva products arrive, I am gonna have to use Pantene. I think I am going to try and do an oil treatment or somethng everyday until I feel my hair doesn't need it. Either that or go to a local Beauty School and do an omni. They only charge $5, and they have a hood dreyer. I was told they can't mess it up! I have had it done about twice in my lifetime, and after every time my hair felt really soft. I wonder if the conditioners in the omni conatin any cones? I don't think my hair minds them as Sakina suggested, but I would rather not use them. I would rather deal with getting my hair back to a moisture level that is healthy, instead of hiding the fact it is dry with cones. Anyone ever go to the salon or beauty school for a treatment like this? My stylist told me I should do a deep condition every week.
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #25 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 12:44pm
Ahhh, yesterday I decided, was a no wash day. But, I played with it too much after spraying with the lavender mist Undecided. I wish I could get it to lay right, but being as short as it is, it won't. I am thinking I am gonna have to oil or something everyday or every other. I am doing the avocado, honey and egg yolk mask this morning. My deva supplies haven't even shipped yet. Undecided

We did Paint Magic last night for the Fire Department and QRU. Ugh, the colors these people pick are unusual to say the least Grin. The person's house that we painted didn't really need our help in my opinon Angry. I am sure there is some little old lady that is by herself that could have used it more. He sat across the street saying ignorent comments the entire night. We have painted houses where even if they were in a wheelcahir, they were out there helping. He actually told my husband to get out of the drink cooler and get to work! I know he was joking, but that just doesn't sit well with me. He told my Father-in-law to get to work, and he replied back why don't you come help? His comment was that he was retired, to which my fil replied, so am I!

I can't believe how long my nails are, and that they are still long! I have been using Jason's tea tree oil on them at night. Supposed to help with chipping and splitting.

I think I will find a babysitter later this afternoon, and venture out on my own for awhile. The kids have me feeling like a maid lately Roll Eyes. My house is chaos, and I feel out of control. I am waiting for my OCD to kick back in so I can get it clean, but I feel overwhelmed.

Sunday I have an appt. with my tattoo artist! Yes I have several. I decided to sleeve myself, and I have gotten sooo many comments on it, but it is no where near completion. I am the type of person that when I decide I want something, I want it then. So doing my tattoo little by little is driving me insane. I can't wait to seee it finished, I think it has even grown on my husband, who was opposed in the beggining. Having said that, my patience factor is going to prove difficult to overcome in my quest for long hair! I want it soo badly. I haven't used my heat appliances in quite a while, but hair seems to be acting strangely. I hope it is just adjusing, and this phase will pass quickly!

Well the timer just rang, so I am gonna rinse.
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #26 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 1:07pm
Ahhh! I just rinsed, and my hair felt like straw! I don't know what I am doing wrong!! So far my venture to healthy hair hasn't turned out any better than before I started, at least then my hair didn't feel like straw!
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #27 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 2:15pm
So I used conditioner only on my hair this morning. Last night I put in some oo and left it in. I used my pantene, as my devacare products have not arrived. Sad After washing, instead of putting in gel, I put a small amount of oo on my ends, and tried not to remove alot of water. It is taking forever to dry, but maybe that is what I was doing wrong. It feels really soft! I am gonna have to blow dry a little cause I am gonna have to leave  in about 15-20 min. and I want it totaly dry before I leave.
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #28 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:44pm

hmmm, i guess its been a little longer than a year...a year and a half now... Smiley but with three trims.
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Re: Short-Long by livingandlovingx3
Reply #29 - Jul 21st, 2008 at 12:17pm
Well, I washed yesterday with conditioner only, and didn't remove as much as water as I normally do, and then put some oo on my ends. It took awhile for my hair to dry, and I had to use my blow dryer ( I had an appointment, and my curls were really sticking together, and I could see scalp in places). I put on a Hot Sock, and turned it on low. It really did the trick. I haven't  been able to find any satin pillowcases, but I did find satin wrap, so I have been putting that on. I must say that it is hard to keep on when your hair is shorter, but it does the trick for now. Products have still not arrived, and no email about them being delayed. They ship via UPS and I got the last products faster through someone else and that was shipped USPS!

hmmm, i guess its been a little longer than a year...a year and a half now...  but with three trims.

RTG: I can only hope for this kind of growth to happen to me!

So yesterday was also my day for more tattoo work on my arm. I was apprehensible, because last time I was there, I left with an awful migrane, and ended up in the ER to get rid of it. I have been getting a few lately, but nothing compared to the four weeks of one every day, and I mean I would be in bed, and no lights! My husband would have to put something over the alarm clock, shut the bathroom door, and even then, the smoke alarm's light would bother me! Dr. gave me topamax, ugh that stuff made me a scatter brain! I couldn't walk in a straight line if my life depended on it. My husband thought it was pretty funny that I would always be bumping into things! Anyway, I am happy to say my usual dose of 4 alleve a night (for osteoarthritis, yes I am falling apart!) put me to sleep and did the trick. I think it is the flourecent lights at the shop that always give me the migranes. He got most of my lower arm finished, there is a little portion on the inside, and the stars need color, then it is on to the upper arm!
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