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An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hair (Read 30194 times)

Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hair
Aug 14th, 2008 at 3:39pm
Okay, I've decided to start a hair journal. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, because  I'm pretty sure it'll just start feeding an obsession for long hair. Undecided Well, I don't know if you could really call it an obsession, but i just really want to have long hair. Ever since i chopped off my hair to bob length in around June, (to make it all one length) I've really wanted to grow it out. I don't know, but with me, it's like i always want what i don't have.  Sad     Right now, my hair is about 11'' long and whats really wierd about it is  that it's longer in the back than in the front. It's on the borderline of hovering above my shoulders and actually touching them. The reason I chopped it off in June was because i was growing out these bangs that I absolutely *hated*. I wanted my hair to be all one length (or at least close to it), but right now my bags are about an inch shorter than the rest of my hair. YAY. I was reading some of the forums yesterday and one was about bangs evening out with the rest of your hair naturally once you start growing them. I am SO praying for that to happen. Smiley     Okay so anyway, if anyone even reads this, i'll fill you in on the details. The shampoo and conditioner I'm using right now is Herbal Essences Long Term Relationships. My short term hair goal is BSL, and my long term hair goal is waist length. I have no idea how long it will take for me to reach this. Luckily, my hair growspretty fast (almost an inch a month) CheesyI'll keep you posted on any new happenings with my hair! Grin
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« Last Edit: Aug 14th, 2008 at 6:41pm by Jilayne75 »  

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Jilayne's hair  journal
Reply #1 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 3:55pm
Congratulations on starting your hair journal!!
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Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: Jilayne's hair  journal
Reply #2 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 4:07pm
Thanks, Sakina Smiley
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
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Angel Spun
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Re: Jilayne's hair  journal
Reply #3 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 5:06pm
Hi, Jilayne  Smiley

Congrats on starting your hair journal.

All I can say is have patience, and I know that's a tall order.  Grin  But I grew out bangs and uneven hemlines many years ago. I've also grown my hair long from scratch. My first goal was 24" and I achieved it. My next goal was BSL and I achieved that too. Now, I'm at mid-back length, and girl, if I can do it, you definitely can! Probably much faster than I did.

Hang in there and good luck with your goals!
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: Jilayne's hair  journal
Reply #4 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 5:29pm
Thanks alot for the advice and encouragement, Angel Spun. Grin I'm really happy that there are great people like you and Sakina here on the forums, because sometimes I'm tempted to just quit trying to grow out my hair long and do something else with it. Right now I am SO glad I haven't. Smiley
     By the way, It's great to hear about your succsessful time with growing your hair! Cheesy I'm sure it looks beautiful.What colour is it? My hair is dirty blonde, with natural light blond highlights.
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #5 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 6:57pm
Hi Jilayne, welcome to the world of journaling!
I am growing my hair out and I am only 5 1/2 inches, so I know all about feeling hopeless and wanting to do something else with your hair. Just hang in there and before you know it, you'll be at your first goal!
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #6 - Aug 14th, 2008 at 9:06pm
Hi everyone, thanks for the encouraging comments LivingandLovingx3! You gave some great advice. I hope you reach your hair goals very soon! Grin
I know hasn't even been a day yet since my last post, but i need to write something that i just discovered-I CAN PUT MY HAIR INTO BRAIDS!!- O my gosh am I ever happy. Right now I have them in two english braids that are (admittedly) not that long (barely touching my shoulders) but at least they are braids! Grin
     Just about a half  an hour ago i  conditioned my hair, wrapped it in a towel and left it in for 10 minutes. My hair was wet from when I went swimming in the lake earlier, and so I bet that the natural water, not that shower tap water was good for it too.

-Thanks for the comments everyone! Cheesy
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #7 - Aug 15th, 2008 at 11:47am
Hello and welcome!   Smiley  Aren't those milestones great?
--being able to braid your hair, the first time you're able to bun your hair...  keep up the good work!
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #8 - Aug 15th, 2008 at 4:42pm
By the way, It's great to hear about your succsessful time with growing your hair!  Cheesy I'm sure it looks beautiful.What colour is it? My hair is dirty blonde, with natural light blond highlights.

Mine's light brown with a distinct red shift (Celtic heritage). And it's in decent condition, but could certainly be better.  Undecided

Congrats on being able to braid.  Smiley
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #9 - Aug 15th, 2008 at 5:51pm
Hi everybody! Cheesy

  Thanks for all of your awesome comments. I can't disagree with you girls, milestones are great! Grin Not much going on today, I didn't have anything to do so I decided to post. I went swimming again....which does bring me to a question: I live on the lake so I go swimming almost every day in the summer. Is this bad for my hair? Will it dry it out? Huh I've been wondering about that. But I do condition and deep condition my hair regularly, so I can't imagine It having too much of an adverse effect on my hair. I'm not really sure. But any comments you have or answers would be great! Smiley
   Otherwise, nothing very eventful happend today. When I took my braids out, my hair was nice and crimped though, which I liked. Almost like when I had longer hair.... Undecided

    Anyways, I'll keep you posted! Cheesy
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« Last Edit: Aug 16th, 2008 at 1:16pm by Jilayne75 »  

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #10 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 11:41am
Okay...I'm on the verge of finally biting the bullet and chopping my hair off almost an inch or more to be equal with the bangs that I'm currently growing out. Tongue I'm not sure wether or not this is a good idea, but frankly I'm just sick and tired of looking at them every day. i just want my hair to be all one length. If anybody reads this, please tell me what you think of it. I'll likely be going to the hair dressers today.  Undecided But in a way, I'm kind of happy that i'm doing it because now it will finally be all one length. its kind of a melancholy type thing. Right now my hair is almost to my shoulders so it will likely be just a little past my chin when I'm done with it. Oh, and by the way, I figure that after my haircut I won't be able to put my hair in braids to sleep with anymore, so does anyone have and suggestions on how to sleep with my hair when it is too short to put in braids? Maybe a high ponytail?

Anyways.. i'lll keep you posted Smiley
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Slowly, but surely growing
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Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #11 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 12:54pm
You could find a way to pin back the bangs so they are out of site, out of mind. From your shoulders to your chin seems more like 2-3 inches to me, and for most people that is half a years worth of growth. But it is all up to you, if your feel that you would be more inclined to grow your hair long if it was all one length then that's what you should do. I personally cut my hair at the start because I had a straight perm and my ends were still straight, but my new growth was curly, and I didn't want to fry my hair anymore by straightening. I read somewhere in a past posting about waiting two weeks before making a drastic change, if at the end of the two weeks you feel the same, then do it.
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #12 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 2:29pm
Thanks alot for the comment! i decided to cut it after all, and so now it is 8 inches long and ALL the same length.  Smiley It's kind of a bittersweet moment.
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #13 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 6:33pm
okay, so I realize that i've been slacking a bit in terms of the hair journal thing. So I'll catch up. I did indeed chop my hair off, which I am actually very happy about. ITS ALL THE SAME LENGTH!! boy was I ever getting tired of those stupid bangs. But anyway, ever since i've decided to go hard core in terms of taking good care of my hair (Like 2 months ago-which was when i decided to grow it out) I've noticed that my hair feels much softer, and shinier. It must be those gummy bear vitamins I've been taking. Grin lol. Oh, and about a week ago, I oiled my hair with EVOO for the first time (I'm just starting to get used to all these little abbreviations Grin) It felt good afterwards, but man, did it ever feel greasy while it was in. I'm pretty sure I added waaay too much. Those kind of things always happen to me.  Tongue Well thats basically it. oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure the "deep conditioner" that I've been using isn't even deep conditioner after all. I think it's just normal conditioner. duh! *hits herself on the head*. Well, I'm still gettting used to this whole thing, so how was I supposed to know that got2b "Deep rescue conditioner" from Wal-Mart Wasn't deep conditioner! It's got the words "deep" and "conditioner" right?! Tongue  Huh I'm so confused. I'll likely be making a trip to buy some sometime soon.

Anyways, I'll keep posting. Please reply and tell me what you think! Smiley

P.S.- I forgot to add this, but my hair is about 8 and a quarter inches long Cheesy
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« Last Edit: Aug 23rd, 2008 at 3:25pm by Jilayne75 »  

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: An '08 account of Jilayne's quest for long hai
Reply #14 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 3:31pm
Smiley Okay so I finally bought real deep conditioner. It's called Pantene Pro-V nourishing hair mask.(I don't know if that names completly right but I'm too lazy to go check) Tongue Anyways, I tried it today and my hair is noticably shinier and softer. Thats all I had to say really because nothing else eventful happend. But I gotta go because I forgot to take my gummy bear vitamins Grin haha. How do they get those things to taste so exactly like gummy bears when they really are full of vitamins?? I guess I'll never know  Roll Eyes

I'll keep posting  but somebody please reply!! It's getting lonely over here!!
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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