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Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff (Read 256573 times)

A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #15 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 3:34pm
Dear Hair Diary,

Washed on Saturday and been doing some interetsting updo's.  Been having fun with my Haragami.  Been feeling awful today so I am staying home from work tonight.  I am just going to rest, I should be good for tomorrow night.  I hate calling in sick....

I noitice that when I am ill my hair refects it.  I looks dull. Undecided

anyway off to bed with me!
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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #16 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 4:54pm
Get well soon, Lisa.  Kiss
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Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #17 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 11:09pm
Feel better soon,hon!
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #18 - Sep 23rd, 2008 at 3:02am
Thank Angel and Curly!  I am feeling alot better now Cool I had some awful dizzy spells which have now passed, thank god!  My medication brings these on once in awhile also my sicatica pitches in as well Tongue  I had one at work the other day but was able to handle it.
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #19 - Sep 24th, 2008 at 12:06pm
Dear Hair Diary

I'm feeling even more better today! Smiley I am doing my beauty ritual right now...having a nice cocolate mud pack Smiley  Been thinking of the things I must do to prepare my hair and skin for the Winter months.  Since I take the bus five times a week and at night as well I have been going over my hats and scarves.  I made a nice belclava last year and will be using that.  It's cute! It looks like chainmail Smiley  Also I need a pair of Thinsulated gloves, they cost alot but are worth it!  My winter coats are still good, so no need to get another one. I need to also get boots.  I have stocked up on Jojoba and emu oil and coconut milk.  It is so very dry up hre in the winter.  I see so many people with long hair that looks like a broom! Tongue

Say I got that kiss my Face night creme and love it...so I got the day creme...it is really good!! Work well with make up too.  Plus I get it from 3 bucks at work which is a bonus! I love employee discounts... Hehe...thinking of work...my boss had been wearing some interesting hair toys..neat barrettes and stuff.  Wish she saw me in the Kanzanshi the other day Wink  I got on made by an artist who us in his 80's and makes them for Geisha...ah Ebay!  Not to worry she will see some neat stuff and who knows...she might loosen up with me! Smiley Roll Eyes

Cannot wait to get the wedding pics to show ya'll my hair and dress.  Happly "the roommate" is not in any pics with me.  I have come to accpet that yes we are roomies and am getting more and more comfortable with it.  I do not have much interest in him and well we do our own thing, no fighting and this is good. Smiley  Ah...peace!!

Anyway I am off one more day of work then two days off!  hhehe!!  On to my next mask...powdered rose petals and yoghert! Heaven..... Cool

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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #20 - Sep 25th, 2008 at 10:09am
Dear Hair Diary,

I wore my haragami lastnight to work.  I did a bun and then put the rest of the hair into the bun so It was a pony tail/bun thing.   I got lots of complements Smiley  hehe all from men btw... Roll Eyes  Wore my new bangles, got them from the Punjab lady at the gas station.  I love them, there so light I can wear them to bed with no worries.  I do take them off to shower as I do not want to ruin them.

Got to days off!!  So I am off to go shopping!!!

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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #21 - Sep 26th, 2008 at 10:58pm
Dear Hair Diary,

I had a great day off!  Me and a friend went to the Six Nations Reserve. Smiley  On the way we stopped at Carluke Orchards and had apple scones and apple cider.  I got an apple cinniom candle that smells divine!  At the Res we had home cooked food and met with some native friends.  The drive up the mountain was beautiful as the tree as all turning red and yellow Smiley  We had such a good time I did not want to leave.  Wish I did not as all I have to come home to is a cranky man I do not love...  Ever here the song My Immortal by Evanences?  It's how I feel.... Embarrassed

Anyway, I have been practicing with my Hair kimono...it takes time to learn but its fun!  Today I wore a double bun using two Haraigamis and put one of my rose clips on the side.  Well tomorrow I am back to work. Tongue  No rest for the wicked!!!
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Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #22 - Sep 27th, 2008 at 11:58pm
Sorry to hear that.  I'm sure it's difficult living in that situation.  How's the apartment search coming?
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #23 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 7:36am
Sorry to hear that.  I'm sure it's difficult living in that situation.  How's the apartment search coming?

Thanks love.  I really do not now as he doesn't talk to much. Tongue  I checked out a few mayself..nothing worth 900 a month... Undecided  So the quest continues...
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #24 - Sep 29th, 2008 at 9:04am
Dear Hair Dairy,

Ah a day off from the grind!  Cool Mind its not a bad job, just not enough training and a looney boss.  Put my hair in a oragami double bun. I have a black one and blonde colored one.  The blonde one makes for a good contrast Smiley

My neck and back have been acting up a bit.  Need to find time to see the Quake! Grin When I get on and off the bus I feel like a 90 year old.

Oh jeez...have you ever been doing your hair in public and find that a pervert is watching you?  I am not going into detail but I was taked my hair down at the bus stop the other night and I was being watched by a man who...well ewwww!  Sorry folks..  guess it could be a complement... Tongue

Anyway I am off!
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #25 - Sep 30th, 2008 at 10:22am
Dear Hair Diary,

Hairs nice and curly today.  Aunt Flo is hear right now, this time she brought dizzy spells with her.  Man I cannot what till it all stops!  

The mother-in-law is coming over today to have her car worked on... Tongue  I do not like having people in the house when I am getting ready for work.  I told the creep that I will not entertain her as I need to get ready and if I miss my bus I will be late and get fired.  He nows so if she starts on me I will just ignore her...jeez I wish these people wouls just get out of my life....

Anyway I am off! Smiley

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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #26 - Oct 1st, 2008 at 12:21pm
Dear Hair Diary,

I need to do a clarfy soon.  I watched some hair video's on youtube lastnght. Saw some neat up do's but was cringing as theses girls ripped there hair with rat tail combs... Tongue   Still some were cool and I am going to give them a try sans the comb!  lol!

I have to get my laptop fixed...the k button doesn't work anymore and I have been using an exrtreal eyboard... Tongue  Thing is they might just give me a new one so I will have do downaload all my stuff onto disks...a real pain in the $%^! Oh well...

Anyway I am off to take a bath! Smiley Smiley Smiley

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Angel Spun
Ex Member

Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #27 - Oct 1st, 2008 at 7:18pm
Laptops are such pains in the keister, oy! I wish I'd known that before I bought mine.  Tongue

And be careful taking the bus, hon. That's how one of my former co-workers got assaulted.  Shocked
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #28 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 12:21am
Laptops are such pains in the keister, oy! I wish I'd known that before I bought mine.  Tongue

And be careful taking the bus, hon. That's how one of my former co-workers got assaulted.  Shocked

I know and I haven't heard from the geek squad Angry  Have to go kick some butt down at Best Buy.

Thanks love,  I carry mace as my area is not the best...
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Isabeau`s Hair Diary N`Stuff
Reply #29 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 12:37am
Dear Hair Dairy,

Did my clairfy today.  Hair fells lighter.  I put in anit frizz then after it was half dry I did my Ojon.  Came out good dispite the rainy weather.  I and go the new Gwen Stefanie purfume's Harajuku Lovers.  There are four and I got the one called Music.  These are really cute with japanese Harajuku girl dolls as the caps for the bottles.  And they are almost imposiable to get!  They only had thee left and are on seroius back order. www.hlfragrance.com  these are neat collectors items, once your finished with the perfume recycle the bottle and keep the cap/doll on top. Cool! I will try to get the other one I want called Love.  Wink

Had dinner with a friend tonight.  We had a pesto, mushroom, goat cheese pizza at a really swanky place. They watiers were a bit snobby..oh well!

Anyway I am off, got to work tomorrow!

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