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I'm new -- my hair (Read 4046 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

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I'm new -- my hair
Sep 22nd, 2008 at 10:15pm
Hi, my name is Kathleen and I'm new to this site but I have gone through most of the message board with your guys hair tips to hair pics. But before I post this pic, I must allow myself to introduce myself about my hair from past to present.
Most of my yonger years of my life, my hair has been in a mushroom like shape style and it has gone from being long to my butt and back to short again. I never done anything special with it than and nothing to extreme now may I say. In my early teens though, I have developed a hair disorder that some or most of you might not know (trichotillomania) meaning I literally pull my hair out. As to this day I have been not pulling for a little while now and I'm 23. I have so many different lengths of hair it's hard to count. From really short, short, medium and little big longer and it gets it to fizz like a nest most of time. From what I remember, my hair has a natural waves not to extreme and when it gets long enough, the ends turn into ringlets and the rest of the hair becomes straight. My mom has quite curly, thick hair but with waves and my dad has normal straight hair so a combination I get a little bit of both in my hair. Anyway, enough with my blogging, here is a very recent pic of my hair where I have conditioned my hair in Suave and did a vinger rinse and let it wrap in a towel for a hour and put in leave-in cream and let it air dry.


I'm quite new to treating my hair nicely so is there any advice on how I can improve the texture or overal look of it?thanks.
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Re: I'm new -- my hair
Reply #1 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 10:23pm
Welcome to LongLocks!

You have beautiful hair! Grin I'm not sure how to improve the overall texture and look of it, but I'm sure some of the other ladies and gents will help you out!
Anyways, I'm currently growing my hair out (all one length) from much shorter than yours, so have faith! I hope you enjoy the site and happy growing! Smiley

-Jilayne  Cheesy
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: I'm new -- my hair
Reply #2 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 10:51pm
Hi and welcome, Petitetreat!  Cute screen name.

I love the color of your hair!  I have heard of your disorder, and I'm glad to hear you're getting it under control.

My best advice is to be patient, and keep trying out routines and products until you find what you feel works for you.

To encourage your curls, you might give plopping a try!  I use it everytime I wash.


Good Luck!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: I'm new -- my hair
Reply #3 - Sep 23rd, 2008 at 6:07am
Hello and welcome Cool

I have heard of that hair pulling disorder and I am glad you have stopped doing it.  I am sure that it was hard for you to stop and I hope you continue to control it.

You have very nice hair and thank you for sharing the picture with us Wink

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Shooting Star

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Re: I'm new -- my hair
Reply #4 - Sep 23rd, 2008 at 7:06am
Welcome to LongLocks!

Your hair looks lovely.  The natural waves and body are enviable.  It is not unusual for hair to develop more curl/waves as it gets longer - mine has done that as well. 

As Sakina has already said - trying different routines and products are the best way to find what works for you.  You may find that you have to change products or routines as your hair gets longer.  I think that makes things more interesting (and gives me justification for trying something new!)

Trichotillomania is most common in children and adolescents, so hopefully you have "outgrown" the condition and can move on towards growing beautiful hair.

Good luck!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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