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JL's Journal (Read 11239 times)

Posts: 60
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JL's Journal
Nov 30th, 2008 at 5:32pm
So I've finally started my hair journal!  I was thinking of starting one in the New Year, but what the heck, we're only a month away - why wait?!

Just to give you a quick summary of my hair journey so far *deep breath*: I chucked out the hair-dryer, straigtening irons, bleach and dodgy hair salons about three years ago and have been caring for my hair ever since.  It has taken me about two and a half years to get rid of the bleach and most of the layers (what a nightmare) and return my hair to it's natural thickness.  This evening I cut off another inch so that now my hair is almost sitting on my shoulders.  This is because my hair at the front is about two inches shorter than the back and I am slowly trying to get it to all one length - almost there!

My hair is naturally fine and thin but it is also curly if left uncombed, and wavy when combed.

The products I use at the mo are Pantene Breakage Defence shampoo and conditioner followed by jojoba oil.  Currently I use a WCC routine as my hair needs heaps of conditioner.

My next hair cut will be in two months time and I'll cut an inch off again.  All-one-length here I come  Grin

Some facts about my hair that I've learnt over the past few years:
  • My hair absolutely hates being forced into a style - yup, if I try to blow-dry or attempt any styling whatsoever, my hair will rebound and return to its natural form.  I have shed tears and blood over the years trying to straighten, curl, increase volume, reduce frizz but alas my hair will not tolerate any of that nonsense!  Believe me, I've learnt the hard way  Shocked
  • Cones are a requirement in my conditioner - my hair tangles easily and cones help to detangle and smooth.
  • So far all the leave-in conditioners that I've tried have been rejected by my hair.  I currently use jojoba oil after I have washed my hair and for now it seems content.
  • My hair grows slooowly - less than half an inch per month.  So this is will be a long journey  Wink

Current pic below:

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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #1 - Nov 30th, 2008 at 5:58pm
Congrats on starting your journal! Grin

     I'm glad to hear that you have started taking care of your hair properly and are on your way to longer, healthier hair. I love the colour! You seem to have my same type of waves, though my hair is more course and very thick. I know it may be a tough journey, but it looks like you are well on your way. Good Luck! Wink

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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: JL's Journal
Reply #2 - Nov 30th, 2008 at 7:39pm
Welcome to the world of hair blogging. Wink

So you're a cone gal too, eh? I know how that goes. Cones are absolutely essential for my hair.
I also know what you mean about your hair reverting to its natural texture no matter what. I'm a natural straightie and my hair won't hold a curl for anything. Roll Eyes

Anyway, best of luck as you continue your journey.
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #3 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 9:11am
Congrats on beginning a hair journal, JL.   Smiley  Your hair looks very nice in the photo, good color and wave.  Keep up the good work!
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #4 - Dec 1st, 2008 at 4:17pm
Jilayne:  Thanks for the kind words!  And yes, it does look like we have similar hair texture though yours looks thicker (lucky you!!)  Wink

Midnight Angel: Yep I couldn't resist starting a journal.  I did attempt one on my computer but I could never keep up the motivation to continue writing.  So, I'm hoping having my hair journal online will encourage me to keep it updated!  And yes, a cones gal too - I quite like Breakage Defence - my hair seems happier since using it which is all good!

Trisha:  Thank you  Cool It's funny, I always, always assumed I had straight hair but the wave came to light when I threw out the pesky straightener  Wink

Hair:  Not much to report right now.  I currently have covered the ends and length in jojoba oil and will do a WCC later.

I read (on Wikipedia) that nails grow at a quarter of the speed of hair which is interesting as I swear my nails grow faster than my hair does!!   Huh I'm constantly having to file and shape my nails - but maybe it's more noticeable because they are there in front of you all day  Grin
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #5 - Dec 5th, 2008 at 6:21pm
Hair: I'm continuing to wash my hair on a daily basis and it seems happy enough at the moment.  My order of Camellia Oil arrived yesterday and I'm pleased with the results so far, though it is early days.  I'll pop some more on my hair later and leave on overnight.  

Good news - a short while back I was suffering with a flaky scalp.  I've been massaging jojoba oil into my scalp every day and it has completely cleared up  Smiley

Other: The Christmas tree is up and my house is now looking very festive indeed.  I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet so may have to do a bit of late night shopping after work next week.  Or, leave it until two days before Christmas as seems to happen every year  Roll Eyes

Bye for now  Tongue
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #6 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 3:50pm
Happy 2009!!  Another year, another set of goals/resolutions  Tongue

Hair: I finally got round to identifying my hair type using Fia's system - I'm 2aFii.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that the overall volume of my hair is thicker than I thought it was!

I've run out of Pantene so I've reverted back to Philip Kingsley and my hair seems happy enough.  I've been using camellia oil on my hair every few days, but only need to use a few drops to cover my hair.

I really need to start eating a healthier diet, with more fish and fruit.  I stopped taking supplements ages ago as I couldn't see that they made any difference but I should still watch the food that I'm eating and make sure I'm getting as much "hair food" as poss.  I enjoy eating fish if I go out but fail to make a nice meal if I have to cook it myself...note to self - invest in a decent fish recipe book.

Other: Had a great Christmas and New Year but it all seems so long ago now!  Still, I've been cheering myself up by making several purchases in the January sales - there are some great bargains out there at the moment  Smiley


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Midnight Angel
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #7 - Jan 9th, 2009 at 6:33pm
there are some great bargains out there at the moment  Smiley 

There sure are! Wink
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #8 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 10:56am
So, today I had another inch and a half cut off of my hair as I'm gradually working towards all one length.  I think I'm on target which is good news - I'll cut another inch off in April and then finally, I can begin to grow my hair long!!  It's just the front of my hair that's about an inch shorter than the rest now since the cut today.  However, it is looking quite a bit shorter so I'm feeling a little blue Sad  I know it's for the best in the long run but I can't help feeling like I've moved a step backwards *Big sigh*

On the plus side, my hair sits a lot better now as the front is gradually evening up with the rest.  I know coming to this forum always makes me feel better as I know everyone has daily battles and you all work hard to keep your locks in tip top condition.

That's all for now - happy, healthy growing to all  Grin
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #9 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 11:05am
(((hugs)))  Hang in there!  I think you've made the right decision, and it is a difficult one!  Getting your hair cut/trimmed is actually good for it, though counter-intuitive for wanting to grow it long.

Maybe buy yourself a new hair clip or decoration to ease your blues and remember you are moving closer to your goals and not away from them!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #10 - Apr 29th, 2009 at 5:51pm
Hello all,

I'm still here and still growing my hair!  I had my hair cut this evening and can finally, finally say that there are no more layers - phew!  I had about an inch off, to even it all out and am pleased with how shiny it's looking.  

It now sits about an inch past my chin, so I guess my next goal is to reach shoulder length.  I'm still debating as to how long I should now leave it until I next get it cut.  At first I thought 6 months, but perhaps that's too long?  It's in good condition so I don't need a cut too soon...I might just have to assess it in the next few months...

Otherwise, I've been trying to keep up with a weekly deep condition.  On recommendation from a friend, I have just experimented with a trial size of Ojan shampoo and conditioner - the shine and protect range - and am pleased with the results.  Although it does leave my hair a little on the flat side, it makes up for this by leaving it really quite smooth and shiny.

Having issues with my scalp again - it's getting a bit flaky, but isn't itchy.  I think it may be a build-up of oil or something, as I have been leaving it a couple of days between washes.  It did clear up before when I went back to washing it every day and oiling it at night time...not too sure what the answer is as I think washing it every day drys out the ends.  I might start oiling the ends again, after I wash, to see if that helps.  The battle continues!

That's me up-to-date on the hair front for now.

Over and out  Wink
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: JL's Journal
Reply #11 - Apr 29th, 2009 at 6:34pm
Good to hear from you again, JL. Congrats on getting rid of your layers. Smiley

6 months between trims is good, if your hair can wait that long.
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Posts: 909
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #12 - Apr 30th, 2009 at 5:18am
Hi JL and welcome.  Good luck with your hair journey, I think it'll be worth the patience.  I know what independent thinking hair is like. Roll Eyes  My hair isn't fine, it's just stubborn.
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Re: JL's Journal
Reply #13 - May 4th, 2009 at 8:33am
Good to hear from you guys!

Well, I'm going to put a new ticker with a countdown of 6 months until the next haircut - however, I may just have to bring this forward if it starts to get a bit untidy at the ends...will wait and see.

I tried something new last night - I washed and conditioned my hair and then applied jojoba oil straight onto my wet hair.  I didn't even towel dry it or comb it.  I just smoothed through the oil as best as I could and left it to dry.  Of course, it took AGES to dry and I was really tempted to at least finger comb, but I stuck it out.  This morning I woke with really smooth hair, and not an ounce of fluffiness in sight.  My hair seemed to sit at lot better and looked really well conditioned.  Now, on the negative side, it did leave it without volume so it just fell flat from the roots...so tonight I'm going to try it again but with a little less oil and see how that goes.  I'm really impressed though - I've spent ages trying to figure out how to get rid of my fluffiness.  I'll let you know how I progress!!

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