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Strange As Angels (Read 247538 times)
Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Strange As Angels
Jan 1st, 2009 at 10:58pm
Well, happy 2009. I'm still sick as a dog. Tongue It's been a week, officially.
Fortunately, there seem to be enough recorded House reruns on my TV to keep me occupied for another week. Wink Mmm...Hugh Laurie...

*ahem* Haven't had the chance to measure just yet, since I basically spent the day in bed and didn't get a shower until after 4:30 PM. Just a simple CWC routine with Detangling spray this evening. Hair is drying and actually smelling rather pleasant.

Last night, I picked up 2 more conditioners: Pantene Moisture Renewal and Suave Ocean Breeze. I know I said that I was going to get the Daily Clarifying formula, but there was a deal on the Ocean Breeze. 30 oz. for the price of 24...how could I pass that up? Roll Eyes The fragrance & formula are fine by me.
   Also grabbed a bottle of Suave Kids Detangling Spray, figuring that I could mix it with my Pantene Detangling Spray to save pennies and no one would be the wiser. Well, except for the faint Double Dutch Apple scent, perhaps. Grin

So, that's all for now. Back to House.
Oh, and thanx for the compliment on my av, Tanai. Wink
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« Last Edit: Jan 2nd, 2009 at 4:39pm by N/A »  
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #1 - Jan 1st, 2009 at 11:19pm
sounds cool id like to say WOOO FIRST WOOOO
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&&...&&&&&&&&metal head straight
fishbassin4 ericmerg  
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #2 - Jan 1st, 2009 at 11:20pm
Happy 2009 to you!  Sorry to hear you're still sick-I hope you'll be well soon.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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A womens hair is her life

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #3 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 10:03am
Feel better soon! Smiley
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #4 - Jan 2nd, 2009 at 5:20pm
Thanks, guys. Smiley

Now, I don't wanna jinx anything, but I think I'm on the mend.
The Voice is returning - I actually found myself able to sing along with the radio today. And I'm actually starting to feel better. Granted, that requires mad amounts of drugs, but at least said drugs are finally beginning to have effect.
    Plans for Disneyland this weekend have likely been dashed since my sister cannot get her Saturday shift covered at work and rain is in the forecast. But it's ok - I didn't want to hack phlegm balls all over Mickey & his friends anyway. Roll Eyes

Hair is good. I did the standard Friday WTC this morning, despite being quite pressed for time. Leave-in's are Detangling spray on the length and Enjoy serum on the ends.
    I've decided to hold off my trim until after Monday. I'm going to get my driver's license renewed and want my hair to be as long as possible for the new picture. God knows I need one!

Anyway, I'm not getting a break at work today, so I don't suppose I'll be braiding. I've brought a hairtie and a slim satin headband with me, so I'll just wing it. Wind is not a concern and I have serum in for slip, so my hair can stay down today.

Well, off to make some herbal tea.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #5 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 4:17pm
Hair: Woke up at 5:00 this morning and did a CWC...2nd day in a row. Leave-in's were Detangling spray and Enjoy serum. Hair was mostly dry by the time I'd finished putting on clothes, makeup and jewelry. I combed it out and put on a headband, pushing it forward a bit for a bit of lift in front.
    By the time I'd made it to the DMV, it was totally dry. As I stood in line, waiting for my number to be called, I decided that the ends of my hair were, in fact, too dry. And as I stood in line...again...waiting for my new photo to be taken, I decided that I probably won't use the Enjoy serum anymore. Tongue

Other Stuff: So after renewing my license, I ran to the bank, then the post office, then hit Starbucks before coming to work. My hair stayed down (without the headband - I pulled it off to put my sunglasses on...you just can't wear both simultaneously Tongue) and will until I get my break at 3:00. I really just want it braided and out of the way so I can forget about how dry and awful the ends are.

It would be a busy day by a well person's standards. But no rest for the wicked... Roll Eyes
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Posts: 2375
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #6 - Jan 5th, 2009 at 9:26pm
Do they show all of your hair in your DMV pic?  When I took my last pic I was dissapointed because the picture they took was so cropped that you couldn't see the ends of my hair.  
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #7 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 11:32am
Man, can you tell we're hair freaks or what?!  --We're more concerned about how our hair looks in DMV photos than anything!!   Grin  I just had my license renewed last month.  I've got a stupid smirk on my face, however my hair looks great!!
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Honey blonde 20"/31/33"

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #8 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 3:38pm
Trisha wrote on Jan 6th, 2009 at 11:32am:
Man, can you tell we're hair freaks or what?!  --We're more concerned about how our hair looks in DMV photos than anything!!   Grin  I just had my license renewed last month.  I've got a stupid smirk on my face, however my hair looks great!!

Grin Yep we may be cross-eyed, sneezing, or look like we posed for a mug shot but if we took a good "hair picture" we're over the moon.  Grin Cheesy Roll Eyes
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Posts: 2375
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #9 - Jan 6th, 2009 at 10:31pm
Man, can you tell we're hair freaks or what?!  --We're more concerned about how our hair looks in DMV photos than anything!! 
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #10 - Jan 7th, 2009 at 7:19pm
You guys are so funny. Wink
I won't know what the new pic looks like for 2 weeks when my new license arrives in the mail. I just hope it doesn't suck!

So tomorrow's my b-day. Weeeeee! I have no idea what to do about it and frankly, I don't really care. Tongue

In hair news, I did a WTC today just because I could. Used Detangling leave-in spray on the length and a little extra EVOO at the ends. I suppose my hair is about as moisturized as it can be at the moment, though it hardly seems satisfied. I'll do a CWC tomorrow and maybe a heavy EVOO treatment tomorrow night before another WTC on Friday. What it really needs is a trim...and I just wrote a reminder on the inside of my wrist to call my scissor lady after work. Lessee how this goes. Undecided

Speaking of work, the idiot sales manager who made a right arse of himself last month trying to incriminate me is in my building today. Angry He already made my mother cater to his requests this morning...now he has his own mailbox in our mail room. So now I get to look at his name every time I go in there. Great. Tongue
   Fortunately, between actually processing the mail, answering the phone, shredding last year's paperwork and IM-ing friends, I've mostly been too busy to worry about his petty butt. Roll Eyes

No one's come to give me a break from my post in the last 3 days, so I've been waiting until after my shift is over to braid my hair. Today will be no different, I see.

So, a new season of The Biggest Loser has begun and it's gonna be a sad one. This particular batch of fatties is in especially bad shape. I'm so rooting for the heaviest contestant. Just 19 years old and such a good attitude...that kid breaks my heart. Sad
   As I've mentioned, I'm not really into TV - especially reality shows. Tongue But this one is quite motivating.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm off to check my e-mail.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #11 - Jan 8th, 2009 at 12:34pm
Hair: Did a CWC this morning as planned, though I didn't quite use enough shampoo - it didn't lather up as big as I would've liked. Roll Eyes But it did its job well enough, I guess. In another few weeks, I'll probably have to make another shampoo blend. Going for months without having to buy any shampoo at all is pretty great and all of the mixing makes me feel like a mad scientist. ... hehe

Anyway, leave-in's today were Detangling spray and more than the usual amount of EVOO. Guess I'll be wearing a contained style today since the ends are greasy. Tongue Probably a braid for work and an updo later tonight. That'll work.

Also, the inner wrist note seemed to work. Last night, I did schedule a trim with my scissor lady for this Saturday at 11 AM. Smiley

B-day Stuff: Yup. Started the morning off with a celebratory Earl Grey latte before putting in the early shift at work. Tonight, I'll be going to dinner with my family, and I'm thinking fish. We haven't been to a fish place in awhile (much to my dismay) and I'd really like to avoid ending up anywhere near Claim Jumper. Grin So yeah...Fish Merchant, Anthony's, The Brig...

Other Stuff: I've been invited to join another band. It's classic blues-based, mostly comprised of guys from my old band, minus a few. And Big Dave/Kingfish will be in command. He's asked me to do backup, duet and lead vocals. So I guess it will kind of be like the Traveling Wilbury's where everybody takes a turn doing lead, harmonies and music, depending on the song. Should be interesting.

Moon Pie (our keyboard player) said that it's customary for him to call his friends on their b-days and sing happy birthday to them, so he asked for my number yesterday. Grin I swear, these guys are the biggest buncha turkeys and I love them for it.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #12 - Jan 9th, 2009 at 2:25pm
I hope your birthday was fun!

I knew the title of your journal was from a song, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what!  It was driving me batty.  Finally it hit me last night at my sister's birthday party, and I slapped the table and announced it, "Just Like Heaven, by the Cure! Duh!" and I got some strange looks.

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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #13 - Jan 12th, 2009 at 7:04pm
Skyfire: Grin Grin You know you're obsessed with LongLocks when...
    And my b-day dinner was pretty cool. We went to the Fish Merchant and I got a few giftcards.
    Hope your sis had fun too. Smiley

Hair: Just the usual CWC for awhile. Dad's work schedule is pretty weird these days and I'm not sure what all I can get away with in terms of haircare. Undecided Tomorrow is supposed to be my regular clarifying day. We'll see.
    So yeah, just the CWC + leave-in's + braid thing for awhile. I'll try for a heavy EVOO treatment tonight.

Nails: Yesterday, I came to my senses and decided that the chipped black polish with purple glitter was terribly juvenile and removed it. Tongue I also won't be buying Petites polish again - it's crap. I fished the 2 bottles that I owned out of my collection and tossed them.
    Now, I'm rawkin' a new mani with various brands. Main colour is Purple Pleasure from Revlon's Dark Pleasures line. R.I.P.

Other Stuff: Lately, I've been getting tired way early for some reason. Like 7 PM. Shocked I wanted to resume my power walking routine yesterday evening but found myself too darn tired. WTF, mate? So I stayed up and watched the Golden Globes totally snub House. WTF, mate? Hugh Laurie looks good in a suit though. Ohhh yeah... ...

One thing that certainly deserves mentioning is that a sweet kid from the warehouse at my work bought me a CD for my b-day: AFI's Sing The Sorrow.
    He actually called my desk while he was out on lunch and asked what sort of music I liked, which albums I owned already, etc. When he came back, he gave me the CD and a card. Cheesy What a sweetie. Kinda cute too. Almost too bad that he's a married, Mormon dad who's 5 years my junior. Grin That's my luck in a nutshell. Roll Eyes Anywho...big thanx to the doll in warehouse. The album is good. Smiley

Over the weekend, I bought 2 new teas: decaf coconut chai and mandarin orange spice. The former didn't live up to its potential at all and I've not tried the latter yet.

In health news, I'm just about well. And I plan on getting a power walk in tonight since the next 3 nights will be devoted to music.
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #14 - Jan 13th, 2009 at 5:15pm
Hair: Well, I didn't power walk or do a heavy EVOO treatment last night. Too dang tired. Tongue But I was able to clarify this morning, and I did use a little EVOO as a leave-in.

Also this morning, I began the project of putting all of the hairs that I've collected so far into just 2 separate Post-It packages. By May, I might have enough for a lock.

Work: Received an e-mail today from management announcing that the evil bunghole from corporate has been promoted and will stay at the corporate office in L.A.
Which means, my lovelies, that he can no longer meddle in local affairs and Angel's job is safe for now. Smiley

Music: Gah! Being in 2 bands is tough. Roll Eyes I have no idea how my father manages 3.
   For the past few days, I've been trying to learn the harmonies to new songs for the new band. Tonight, I have practice with band #1. Wednesday's practice with band #2 and Thursday's with band #1 have both been cancelled so I'll have a few nights free this week to power walk if I'm not too exhausted. Tongue
   Band #2 might practice this weekend. Band #1 only has 2 more practices before our show on the 22nd. Oy, oy, oy. Tongue

Other Stuff: Frig my nails, man! New mani is already damaged and I'm too frustrated to care. I'm just leaving them alone for awhile. Angry

Also been trying to figure out what to do with b-day giftcards (sidenote: why is the word "giftcards" so difficult to type?!). I want to get some kind of gorgeous shirt from Lip Service...but I also need to live without spending $$$ until Feb. because car insurance is coming up. Decisions, decisions... Roll Eyes

My new driver's license arrived yesterday, and I'm a redhead! The colour is all wonky - the eggplant purple lipgloss that I was wearing came out looking like hooker red lipstick, my silver eyeshadow came out looking purple and my hair looks redder than Anne Of Green Gables'. The contours of my skin are very red as well - the computer's colours were obviously off, but I love what it did for my hair! Grin Makes me really want to dye it.

You can't see the ends of my hair in the pic, but you can tell that it's long. Smiley
In my previous pic, I was 24 years old and my hair was just barely past shoulder length. I tucked my hair behind my shoulders so you couldn't tell how short it was.
    In the new pic, my hair falls down over and around my shoulders. No hiding. Onward we grow. Wink
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