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Strange As Angels (Read 255001 times)
Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #555 - Dec 18th, 2009 at 2:34am
Hair: CWC with a vinegar rinse this morning. Didn't use my own shower, so rinsing was a bit sketchy and my hair ended up underconditioned in some spots and overconditioned in others. Undecided Also didn't use ELOO, but the hair's been braided all day so routine hardly matters. So long as the roots are clean and the ends aren't too dry, I'm good.

Finally exhausted my shampoo blend today and mixed up a new one: Pantene Ice Shine & Volume with TRESemmé Anti-Breakage and bottled water.

Etc. Got pulled away for a spur of the moment housesitting job yesterday. My relatives' kitten is a holy terror. One day, $40...not bad. Wink I got a couple of new nail polishes. Spaaaarkly.

Sent out the last of my Christmas cards today. They're black. Naturally. Roll Eyes

My sister's bf has been puking his guts out all night. The bathroom is right next to my room so I get to hear the whole show. ... Lovely.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'm tired as heck.

To the centre of the city where all roads meet waiting for you
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank searching for you
I was moving through the silence without motion waiting for you
In a room with no window in the corner I found truth

            -Joy Division, Shadowplay
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #556 - Dec 18th, 2009 at 11:27am
OMG!!! Shocked  You poor thing!  I'd rather see tons of blood than hear or see what you did!  Blink your eyes and I'm already a mile away!!! I can't bear it from humans!  Pets are a different story.  I can help there.
I've got a jar of earplugs that I bought from Rite-Aid because my husband snores load enough to cut enough wood to build a house!!!!  Love him to death,but the snoring has got to go!  Give em a try! Wink
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #557 - Dec 18th, 2009 at 3:37pm
Yes, I agree with Curlgirl, earplugs are great.  Before my hubby lost 125 pounds, he snored like a hurricane blowing.   Roll Eyes  Earplugs were the only thing that kept me sane...okay, SOMEWHAT sane.   Cool
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #558 - Dec 19th, 2009 at 3:37am
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WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #559 - Dec 19th, 2009 at 10:07am
Hey! I haven't listened to my JD CD's in a couple of years!  I need to fish them out from where ever they're hiding.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #560 - Dec 19th, 2009 at 1:01pm
Curlgirl64 and Trisha: You guys are funny. I'm not really the squeamish type, and I cannot sleep in earplugs. They hurt like mad. Once upon a time, I also had a husband who snored heavily, but I found it much easier to eliminate the source of the problem. Grin

My sister's bf apparently had food poisoning from something he ate while at work. He's better now and back on the beat this morning.

Drear: Ah yes, good ol' Joy Division.

Hair: First CWC yesterday with the new shampoo blend, which is a bit watery. I suppose that's ok.
    Last night, I had to mix up a new conditioner blend as well. It's mostly Pantene Moisture Renewal - I tried to keep the evil, flesh-eating pink crap to a minimum. Actually, I'm trying to pawn the rest of it off on my sister. Roll Eyes
    Yesterday's style was my signature twisted updo. Today, it will probably be a single braid since I try not to wear a ponytail every single day.
    Today's routine will either be a short WC or a CWC. I haven't decided yet.

For the recession, I may end up temporarily switching from my beloved Pantene products. Cry I don't want to, but now is the time to be extremely frugal in whatever areas I can. It's just hair anyway. We've all learned many times over that if we wreck it, time will replace it. Roll Eyes

Etc.: Finally got all of my laundry done last night, barring my mother's control issues. And one of my supposed "friends" is acting a right emo douchebag (again). These things pushed me to the coast at dusk to clear my head and take in a bit of the nightlife. It always helps me find perspective.

Today, I may be recruited to help the 'rents with their Christmas shopping. 6 days, man. If we go to the mall, I may finally be able to get my craptastic phone replaced.
    Monday should make an appropriate cookie day since the weather is supposed to cool down. It's been in the high 70's of late.

The soccer team that I follow oh-so-casually suffered yet another loss this morning. To think that they used to be one of the best. Poor Scousers.

So yeah...it's morning. ...
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« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2009 at 4:05pm by N/A »  
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Accipere quam facere praestat

Posts: 114
Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #561 - Dec 19th, 2009 at 9:01pm
hope you had fun at disney
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #562 - Dec 22nd, 2009 at 1:58am
Fisher2: Thanx, kiddo. I did.

Hair: It was almost noon before I got a shower yesterday Tongue so I had to do a W-CWC with a vinegar rinse between. An extravagant though necessary process. There was no way I was repeating that this morning, so I got in earlier and just did a CW. Used Suave Kids spray conditioner both days, but yesterday I finished the ends with FX Silk Drops serum, which they responded well to. Today it was back to ELOO. I prefer the serum.

My hair was down and just barely dry when my aunt & cousins came over at noon, and they noticed how long my hair had gotten. I guess it's been awhile since they saw it down, and they love to fawn over it. ...
    Although, every time one of them offered a compliment, my mother would instantly try to negate it somehow. When my aunt said, "Your hair is really long now," it was a matter of seconds before my mother mentioned something about my intentions to cut it and donate to Locks Of Love. Huh I have no idea where she developed this notion, so of course I calmly refuted her statement and explained a little bit of my opposition to Locks Of Love.
    One of my cousins remarked, "It's beautiful!" and my aunt followed it with, "You're one of the few people in this family who can actually grow their hair." Mother tried to quash it, spouting nonsense about the obscene amount of product I use to "make it grow." Huh Again, I refuted...and my aunt only smiled, "Well, whatever you're doing, it's working!" Wink Love her.

Anyway, after a little soul searching, I've decided that there's no way in Hades that I could ever part ways with my beloved Pantene. Blending it with cheaper products is bad enough, as is substituting. In the future, I think I'll go back to using 100% Pantene stuff.
Hehe. I feel a little bit like Jack Skellington when he finally came to his senses and decided to stop trying to be Sandy Claws. "That's right, I AM THE PUMPKIN KING!"

Etc.: So it's after 10:30 on the first day of winter Cheesy (my favourite season) and we're still winding down from our first marathon cookie bake in a long time. Hence the reason for my relatives' visit. I think we must've made 7 or 8 different types of cookies, and in no short supply.
    Reminds me of the cookie bear from the Andy Williams Show. He'd be having a total field day right now. Anyone remember him?

Anyway, I should start getting ready for bed. It's been quite a day. Tomorrow I'll do yet another festive, green manicure for Crimbo. 4 more days!
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #563 - Dec 23rd, 2009 at 12:42pm

    Although, every time one of them offered a compliment, my mother would instantly try to negate it somehow.

I would say something here, but I don't want to insult your mother.   Lips Sealed 


Yes!  Yes, you are!  LOL

Reminds me of the cookie bear from the Andy Williams Show. He'd be having a total field day right now. Anyone remember him?

Oh my god, I do! 
"Pardon me, do you have any cooookies?!"   Cool

Merry Christmas, darlin'; I love ya!   Kiss
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #564 - Dec 25th, 2009 at 6:03pm
Trisha: Love ya too, and merry Christmas. Kiss

First Things First: Merry Christmas!

Last night, I walked down to the area known as Starlight Circle in my neighbourhood to test the camera on my new phone. Wink Thought I'd share some of the pix with yous. Enjoy.






My house this year (not in Starlight Circle):

Hair: CWC + ACV rinse + spray conditioner + serum =  Tongue It's pretty stringy today and the ends are pretty gunked. I had hoped to wear my hair down tonight, but that ain't gonna happen, so into a twisted updo it goes. I might shape it around a snazzy hair decoration or pin some garland into it or something. We'll see.

Been using my brush and even a bit of the blowfryer every now and then. Embarrassed Mostly just to see if either will help. I'll admit that I miss my brushes a bit, but the heck with the blowfryer. Does nothing. And yes, I used the low, cool settings. Nothing too terrible.

Etc.: I have to say that my favourite gift so far has been a pair of 1/3 carat black diamond earrings set in white gold. Thank you, mum & dad. Cheesy

Was also pretty stoked to see that the Disney Christmas parade on TV this morning was sponsored by Pantene. Nice one, guys. Smiley
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #565 - Dec 25th, 2009 at 6:13pm
I like your house decorations the best.  The pics turned out great-what kind of new phone did you get?

Merry Christmas to you, Angel.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #566 - Dec 25th, 2009 at 9:32pm
I agree with Sakina.  Your house looks the best of them.
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Healthy Hair Is My Priority...
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #567 - Dec 26th, 2009 at 11:12pm
LD & Sakina: Thanks, though our lights are coming down in a few days. Undecided
And it's a Samsung Mythic.
And merry Crimbo to you too. Smiley

Hair: Tried out the Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition S&C that I got for Christmas. Tongue It was like washing my hair in olive oil. They both smell strongly of it. The shampoo is way heavy and the conditioner is way light, which is exactly the opposite of what my hair needs. Not impressed.
    Pressed for time, I only slicked a bit of ELOO on the ends this morning before dashing out the door. Once the hair was dry, I wove it into a braid...well, except for one rogue strand. Stupid hair.

Etc.: $#&%, it's cold lately! Been getting into the 30's at night again and of course our heater is broken. Tongue And of course I have the coldest room in the house. Tongue And of course I'm forbidden from burning candles. Tongue They're trying to kill me, I swear.

Aside from freezing, I've also been running around town a bit. So what else is new? Got a few new headbands from The Icing this evening; one leather, one glitter, both black. If only I could coax my hair into wearing headbands again.

Saw a ghost from my past both yesterday and today. An old flame from way back who is an acquaintance of the family. It's always interesting to see people to whom you were once attracted after so many years...to look at them through critical eyes instead of rose colored glasses and wonder what the heck you ever saw in them. Roll Eyes

Anyway, that's enough of my yammering for now. Peace.
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #568 - Dec 27th, 2009 at 11:55pm
WOW!  Loved the Christmas lights pictures, and liked your house best.  Very neat and pretty.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Strange As Angels
Reply #569 - Dec 28th, 2009 at 7:46pm
Mel: Thanks, and yeah, that's my father's decorating for ya. It's always been very neat.

Hair: So I was at Walmart (ugh) last night Embarrassed and noticed that Pantene is cheaping out and has begun removing the bling from their caps. For some reason, that did it for me and I leadfooted it to a salon at the nearest mall and got the pricy stuff. Kenra. Volumizing S&C, leave-in conditioner and serum.

Broke them in today during a W-CWC. The shampoo is ok, but it's a low-lathering formula (must be due to the sodium myreth sulfate), which I don't dig. The conditioner is pretty thin for the money, though not terrible. Both smell heavenly, however. Like banana, melon and something else. Reminds me of something I've smelled before as a kid but can't remember what.

Wasn't overly impressed with the leave-in conditioner either. Like the S&C, it seems average and smells nice. The serum will probably behave in kind. It's ok because I pretty much bought them all for the bottles anyway. Roll Eyes I'm staying loyal to Pantene, but refuse to use cheap looking bottles...for now.

Anyway, no oil or serum today. Hair is back in a braid.

Etc.: SIGH. A huge chunk of my wisdom tooth broke off today while I was brushing my teeth. It didn't hurt, but scared me enough to schedule a consultation with my sister's oral surgeon. I can't possibly afford the surgery - if I could, I wouldn't have waited this long - but I'm going for it anyway. I've already decided to wear my hair in a single braid when I do have the surgery, and the last song I plan to listen to just before is The Killing Moon by Echo & The Bunnymen. That whole "unfortunate, imminent fate" thing seems appropriate...especially if I never wake up.

But, that's weeks away at the earliest and I still have NYE & my b-day to worry about. What to do, what to do...

Walk in silence
Don't walk away in silence
See the danger
Always danger
Endless talking
Life rebuilding
Don't walk away

  -Joy Division, Atmosphere
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