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Skyfire '09 (Read 51215 times)
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #15 - Jan 29th, 2009 at 11:25am
At least I've stopped rubbing it roughly with a towel.  That was doing the most damage before I started posting here, that and the snaggly comb and un-careful brushing, and the tight ponytails.

Shocked Shocked

Yeah.  No wonder I had so much damage.  I was lucky to only lose a couple inches.

I have decided to put away most of my hair stuff for the month of Feb.  First I will clarify with a simple W(ACV)C.  Then I'm going to just CWC every three days and see how it goes.  I've been doing too much change too fast.  I think my new shampoo isn't right for my scalp; it doesn't clean enough, but I'm going to stick with it for a month, wash every three days w/o fail.  Then at the beginning of March I'll add ACV's and treatments back in, probably on alternating washes.  Do that for March.  Meanwhile, I am going to practice french and dutch braids, french twists and other updos, which I will comment on and the state of my hair daily.  I predict that my scalp will be greasy, and I'll brush with my BBB to distribute it.  If my hair looks and feels horrible, I may abandon this experiment and start a new one before Feb is over, but I really don't think it will be that bad.  There's only one cone in my whole CWC, Dimethicone in the final C, so I should be able to go a few weeks without an ACV, and it will help me acertain the true benefit of them.  Perhaps ACV's in March, and then treatments in April.  May is when I'll get my next pro trim, 1 inch.  Maybe I'll be out of the TJ's shampoo by then.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #16 - Jan 30th, 2009 at 9:31am
Today I'm going to do that W(ACV)C.  I've decided to mix a little bit of DD's Beautiful Lengths shampoo in with my shampoo.  It has ammonium lauryl/eth sulfate, but I've got to do something to get my scalp all the way clean.  I will use a gob of my Trader Joe's shampoo, a drop of the BL shampoo, ACV, and then my Suave Green Apple Conditioner.  There are no cones in any of this.  Then it's updos all weekend.  If the mixture works, I may use it for every CWC in Feb, or even until I'm out of the TJ shampoo.

I think my mistake was getting the moisturizing TJ shampoo.  I should have gotten the normal or clarifying.  Neither of those would have dried out my length in a CWC.  I may try the TJ shampoo on DD as well.  I wash her hair more often than mine because she gets stuff in it.  That way it will be gone faster.

I just don't want to buy anything more until I'm out of what I have, that's all.  My next shampoo will either be one of the other TJ's ones or a Pantene with sodium lauryl/eth sulfate instead of ammonium.

8:45 update
On my way home from taking DD to school I stepped in nasty doggie "don't".  Tongue ...  It makes me furious when people don't clean up after their dogs! ... I was wearing a new pair of walking shoes, too.  I dispair of ever getting all of it out of the treads.

I also have to borrow money from my mom in order to make rent, because of a stupid error from my stupid bank.  I don't think I'll be banking there anymore.  Today is shaping up to be a fun day.  Angry

Now 11:30am

I did the W(ACV)C, mixing plenty of the TJ shampoo with a drop of the BL.  The conditioner I put first on the ends and then swept the rest of it over my head, to get most of my hair but not my scalp.  My hair feels clean, soft and has way more shine.  Maybe I was overdoing the moisture.  We'll see how it behaves tomorrow.
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« Last Edit: Jan 30th, 2009 at 2:41pm by N/A »  
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #17 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 12:03am
My hair was at its best yesterday.  Today it feels greasy but looks all right.  It occured to me in my shower that TJ's has an open return policy, so I could return that shampoo and get a different one.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #18 - Feb 1st, 2009 at 10:56pm
Today was another no wash day.  My hair was a little better for day 3 than it has been, but still too greasy for my taste.  Washed DD's hair with the TJ shampoo yesterday, and today was no wash for her, and so far her hair seems to like it.  Perhaps I will not take it back, but let her use it.

Went to the park today, took a walk around the lake with Odub and DD.  There were the usual Malards and Canada Geese, and gray geese and other ducks.  This is the second time we've seen cormorants there.  There was something wierd, too, what looked like a cross between a gray and a canada goose.  It was white underneath with gray wings and a gray stripe down its head and neck, with a black beak.  It had that forehead bulb that the gray geese have, and orange feet like them.  Its wings were also deformed, turning sharply up in the middle.  I wonder if it can fly?  Probably not.  It swam fine, though, and ate plenty of bread.  Odub called it a mutant, a goose-mule.

Odub looked it up on Wikipedia, and it's a swan goose, likely a domesticated version that went feral.  Its wings were deformed, though.  Hubbout that?

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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #19 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 1:04pm
CWC today.  I used Beautiful Lengths shampoo highly diluted in a spray bottle and Suave Juicy Green Apple Conditioner before and after, only to the tops of my ears this time.  My hair wasn't looking so greasy this morning before I washed as it seemed last night.  Hm.

Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate is no longer for me.  Even diluting it heavily, using it has made my scalp itch and sting horribly.  My hair feels soft but is fairly stringy and dry; next time I wash I will use the Pantene Breakage Defense Conditioner as the 2nd C.  I believe I will alternate using it and the Suave for a while.

The big question for me now is: do I try a different Trader Joe's non-lauryl-sulfate shampoo, or do I try one of the pantene sodium lauryl sulfate shampoos?

I measured a hair(!) over 21.5 inches today, and I decided to re-measure my ponytail thickness.  I've gained 1/4 inch!  Hooray!

Other stuff:  Decided to start handwashing my bras.  Not all of them, just the new one I bought a week or so ago.  I really should buy one a month and replace them all, but I hate bra shopping.  I dislike clothes shopping in general.  Nothing that fits me right is ever on sale.  Jeans, t-shirts and zip-front hoodies are my style.  If I was rich I would just have a wider variety of those things in better condition. Plus maybe a few long skirts, and maybe some low-heeled boots.  And funky socks.  If I have a clothes weakness, it's funky socks.  But anyway, I resolve to handwash my bras to make them last longer.
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« Last Edit: Feb 2nd, 2009 at 6:49pm by N/A »  
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Posts: 2318
Gender: female
Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #20 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 3:08pm
I read somewhere that bras should be replaced every 3 months.  --I cracked up!  There's no way women on a normal income (re: poverty level) can afford to do that.  I'm proud of myself if I replace mine every 2-3 YEARS!   Grin
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #21 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 4:01pm
I believe that's only if you only own a few and wear them a few days at a time. Roll Eyes But I might be wrong.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #22 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 5:10pm
I give mine a year usually, tho I understand six months is about right.  My current crop is coming up on two years old, though.  When you have to start replacing some of the plastic bits with safety pins and key rings, it's time to replace them. Wink
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #23 - Feb 2nd, 2009 at 5:25pm
Just for chucks, I played around with my hair on paint today.  A reasonable goal?

...  ...

The first pic is real.  The second pic is what my hair might look like at about 30-32 inches.  Probably will be thinner at the ends when I actually get there, tho.  Wink
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #24 - Feb 3rd, 2009 at 11:54am
No wash day.  My hair feels clean, but is sticking out every which way.  it's in a braid today.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #25 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 2:42pm
No wash day.  Still looking cleaner from the BL shampoo, but my scalp is also very itchy.  Maybe I'll just live with the  greasyness for a while.

It feels greasier than it looks, actually.  And...my hair seems much smoother, more cohesive; less stringy.  Like it's all my hair instead of straggly pieces of string.

I tried to do a french braid today.  I am not thrilled with the result, but at least it's out of my face.  I can't leave my hair down.  I've realized why I always had this short fringe at my temples, and it wasn't because I was sleeping on it (tho that probably didn't help).  It's my glasses.  The hinges on my glasses eats my hair, chew it off at that length.  So if I wear my glasses (which I have to, so I can see) I have to have my hair at least half up.

Ooh, it's clouding over!  I just looked at the weather report and it says rain tomorrow, and possibly thunderstorms on Friday, but clearing over the weekend and possibly showers next week.  Hooray!  We need the rain.  Ever since our big flood on Valentine's Day in 1986, I just don't trust a sunny Valentine's Day.  I do wish we could have something other than flood or drought here.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #26 - Feb 5th, 2009 at 4:22pm

It's raining.

I washed my hair today, CWC with suave, TJ's, panene restoratives.  It is rather stringy now that it has dried.  The ends feel a little dry.  The next time I wash my hair I'll do either an oil or a mask.  My scalp does feel a lot better with the TJ shampoo.  I'm going to keep it for now.

I made a foot scrub out of salt and olive oil.  My feet are in terrible shape, just peeling all over.  So I soaked them, scrubbed them, then slathered them with my cocoa butter lotion.  Maybe if I keep this up they will stop itching and snagging my socks.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #27 - Feb 6th, 2009 at 5:09pm
No wash day.  I just put it up in a bun this morning, and I haven't really looked at it yet today.  It felt all right when I was combing it.  Clean enough, I mean.  I've been noticing a sort of...my hair sticks up in front, instead of just lying down flat.  I can't complain, except it looks like my mom's hair!  She calls it a cowlick and hates it, but IDK.  I think it's sort of charming, especially since it makes these little "horns" on either corner of my forehead.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #28 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 1:04am
No wash today.  My hair is oh never mind.  Odub is standing right behind me reading this and bugging me for the computer.  It's sort of greasy but not as bad as it's been.  Up in a bun today.  Maybe oil tonight.  Undecided.  Fine!  You can have the darn thing!
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #29 - Feb 9th, 2009 at 12:12pm
Didn't wash yeterday, either.

Oiled this morning then french braided.  May wash hair this evening.  Depends on how much time I have and whether or not I have to work.  I'm on call; I'll know for sure if I'm working at 1p.

My hair hasn't been as greasy as it was before.  It's not the grease I mind as much as the parting; often when my hair gets greasy it parts all over, and since my scalp is fairly pale and my hair is rather dark, my scalp shines through like a cheese-beacon.  The french braid has solved the parting problem, though, because it makes my hair stay where I put it.

Going out for a muffin with my mom this morning.  Cheerio!
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