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Skyfire '09 (Read 51217 times)
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #60 - Mar 30th, 2009 at 11:37pm
CWC today.  Last thursday, too.  I've been mixing my suave and the BL conditioner half and half for my second C, and using the restoratives on DD.  her hair seems to like it better than mine does.  Anyway, my hair has been softer and more responsive since the oiling.

I also wanted to mention the sensitive spot on my scalp around my right 'corner'.  my dad's side of the family has sort of pronounced 'corners' at the swirl--you know, the spot ones hair parts from.  My mom calls us her 'blockheads'.  Fondly.  Anyway, the other night before I washed there was a very sensitive spot, almost like I had whacked my head into something, but there was no bruise or anything and I don't remember whacking my head.  It's gone now, though.
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« Last Edit: Mar 31st, 2009 at 11:31pm by N/A »  
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #61 - Apr 3rd, 2009 at 11:43am
Today is my brother's birthday.  I will have to call him later.  He lives in another state, so I won't see him.  Sad

Usual CWC today with the TJ shampoo and the conditioner mix, air dry.  Down for now, probably braid later.  Yesterday I WO'd and very lightly blow-fried, because I had to go to work and didn't want my braid to make waves.  Although, it probably wouldn't have mattered.  I did it on low, kept the fryer well away from my hair, and left it a little damp at the end.  I may throw that darn thing away.  It's old and dusty and stinks like something's burning (not my hair; it smells bad even from far away).

One of my coworkers has long thick straight hair, waist length with a deep U and a little layering in the U.  A lady came in with beautifully french braided hair, and coworker asks, OMG, how do you do that?  So the lady french braided her hair.  Coworker then confided to me that she really has intensely wavy hair, but she straightens, and then she decided to take the braid out since she went to the trouble of straightening and she didn't want the braid to give her waves.  So I told her about my sort-of waves, and how I usually keep my hair up or it gets tangled, and she told me my hair was beautiful.  Smiley  She was probably just saying that.  Anyway, I asked her to come to work someday when I'm working without straightening her hair, because I wanted to see it wavy, and she said she'd think about it.

I am so jealous that she can have such beautiful long hair even though she does terrible things to it! Grr!  Pant.  End rant.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #62 - Apr 7th, 2009 at 11:35pm
CW(ACV)C today with my usual stuff.  That's it.
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Posts: 909
Gender: female
Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #63 - Apr 8th, 2009 at 4:33am
I thought the days of straight hair for everyone as being the only right way to wear your hair was over.  I'm really sad that there are still people who don't embrace their natural hair texture when there are so many products on the market to help people keep their hair the healthiest, best looking and best behaving regardless of their hair texture.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #64 - Apr 11th, 2009 at 2:10pm
CWC today.  I washed the 2nd C out right away instead of leaving it in a while like I usually do, because I was daydreaming.  My hair's not quite dry yet, but it feels like it always does.  I may go back to washing every 3 days instead of 4.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #65 - Apr 14th, 2009 at 8:55pm
WC today because I forgot the first C.  My scalp was itchy this morning til I washed.  I think every three days is fine for me.  My hair feels normal.  There's a lot of static today because of the wind.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #66 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 12:08am
CWC today.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #67 - Apr 23rd, 2009 at 8:52pm
On the 20th I oiled and did a WC.

Today a W(ACV)C.  I'm almost out of the TJ shampoo.  I wonder what I'll try next?
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #68 - Apr 26th, 2009 at 11:25pm
CWC, but only put the first C on the very very ends.  The weather has been dry and sort of windy so I've been doing braids and updos.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #69 - Apr 27th, 2009 at 11:09pm
First serious day at new job.  Target.  Still going to change states; will probably transfer this summer.  Rode bike; 2.5 miles each way.  Very sweaty on arrival.  Embarrassed  Rebraided hair when I got there, and one of the other new people said, wow, you can do that without looking?  Smiley
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #70 - Apr 29th, 2009 at 4:24pm
CWC with 1st C very very light.
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #71 - May 3rd, 2009 at 7:55pm
CWC and measured today.  23 inches; I'm back where I started!  Here's a comparison photo:


Not bad, eh?
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #72 - May 4th, 2009 at 3:50am
Ooh, Sky...your hair looks so much shinier and silkier in the 2nd pic. And your ends look much more even and healthy. You're clearly doing something right. Smiley
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Posts: 909
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #73 - May 4th, 2009 at 4:37am
What a contrast!
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Re: Skyfire '09
Reply #74 - May 4th, 2009 at 4:00pm
Thanks, ladies!  I am proud, I must admit, but I know it's all the advice and support I've found on this site that's the key.
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