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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257385 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #165 - Nov 19th, 2009 at 3:00pm
Hair - I have no sense of time this week so I've completely messed up my routine.  My hair seems fine though so I guess I'm doing something right. I still want a mini trim in December before I measure again in January. 

I tried using my kitchen grade oils as deep conditioners.  They don't seem to do anything for my hair and strangely, I seem to have allergic reactions to everything I eat in the immediate hours after applying oil to my hair so I just have to find a better deep conditioner.

I keep my hair under my coat and knit hats, I don't wash my hair as such, just use enough shampoo to get any dirt off my scalp, condition, deep condition a few times a week and use a leave in conditioner that makes my hair look and feel fantastic.

Unfortunately, it still takes just 4 weeks from a trim before I see little white tips on some of my hairs.  Being able to see those white tips also depends on the angle and lighting I hold the tips on. Roll Eyes

Birthday Marathon - Uhm...wow!  Time flies.  Yesterday was the youngest one's birthday.  It was a marathon of cake and biscuits for the kindergarten.  Then home to more biscuits, dinner and layer cake.  I saved the last batch of biscuits for today. 

He got a bean bag chair, McQueen pillow and more Mcqueen bedding than he already has.  Duplo Lego (needs the larger ones for smaller kids due to his automotoric developmental retardation)  a giant plastic "foam" elephant from my mother. Huh  Well, he thinks it's brilliant so that's fine with me.  A few large plastic cars to add to his growing collection and some big plastic boxes with lids and wheels.  He's got more presents waiting at my IL's on Saturday.  *Sigh!*  "I will survive!"

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #166 - Nov 19th, 2009 at 3:23pm


See, it's not that bad:


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #167 - Nov 19th, 2009 at 10:42pm
Your son is adorable looking!!!!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #168 - Nov 19th, 2009 at 11:29pm
Aw, he is a cutie!  What a smile!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #169 - Nov 22nd, 2009 at 6:08am
Hair - Some Sundays I'm just too lazy or overtired to want to attempt to vinegar rinse and deep condition.  After a scalp shampoo I only let the deep conditioner sit for a minute.  My hair still looks and feels good and I've not applied any leave-in yet.  I will before I go out.  It's cold, raining and windy so I'll tuck my hair under my jacket and knit hat very carefully.

Yesterday we visited my in-laws for a late celebration of the youngest birthday and after I carefully asked how often my SIL had her bob trimmed.  I agreed with her that she looks best with her bob a bit shorter than it is now because if that's the cut she prefers, it looks best on her neck short.  She complimenteed me on my hair too so I thankfully lost the urge to give up and give in I've had this past week. 

Others think my hair looks good, it feels good, so I must be doing something right and it seems worth trying to keep it long.  I find it easier to care for my hair at this time of the year than I do in the summer. 

Make-up -  I'm wearing some make-up again.  I'm not feeling for foundation these days so that affects the colors and formulas of eye colors I wear.  I do wish I could afford to prioritize a concealer.

Yesterday my SIL gave me a Chanel stylo yeux in 'violine' which is purple.  It looks just as good as the navy and jade green stylo pens she's also bought me over time.  The jade green is easiest to apply visibly so I've nearly used it up. 

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Posts: 2375
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #170 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 3:25am
Aww...your son is just too adorable for words! Smiley

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #171 - Nov 25th, 2009 at 7:09am
An Error Has Occurred! The last POST request from your IP was less than 120 seconds ago, and was blocked to prevent overloading the forum. Please try later.

Oh, that happens to me all the time on different forums because I type fast, read fast then move on too quickly to post on another thread/journal. 

Hair - Wash, one minute treatment, leave-in and then out of the door with a knit hat on.  Within 15 minutes of returning, my hair usually falls back into place so it's not a huge issue. 

Tuesday - Lots of crap because of county bureacracy.  Then our front door handle got jammed and because I'd left the computer turned on and therefor online as well, I couldn't call from the phone in the shed. Roll Eyes  Luckily our neighbor had just got home so I could use her phone and camp out until hub could come from work and get a lock smith.  Youngest one desperately needed to use a toilet as well.  The lock smith drove to a wrong town on the other side of one of our major lakes before realizing his mistake so extra time was wasted.  Suddenly all five in our household were camped out in the neighbor's house. Embarrassed

Our door has a plastic frame, glass window and it's practically break in safe.  The lock smith spent 2½ hrs. trying to get it up.  I'd returned at 3:15pm and we weren't in our own house before 6:30pm.  A real drag.  Hub's been wih a cold and his astma has been terrible since Thursday last week.  He forgot to bring medicine with him to work, had none in the car, it was of course in our impenetrable house!  My cell phone was having its batteries charged on the kitchen table as well.  *sigh!* 

When we finally got in and realized there was no way we could hide from our in-laws what'd happened and seeing that we just wanted to get the explaning over with, hub called his parents to explain the situation.  Well, I don't know what transpired and what's been zimmering for some time but my FIL was a real jerk and made all sorts of accusations against my husband about completely unrelated stuff. 

Wednesday - I wasn't sure if they'd actually come to our youngest one's kindergarten for the Christmas decoration cutting party for grandparents and he'd been looking forward to having them visit him in his kindergarten.  I'm glad they grew up overnight and decided to go and act civil.  However, I did prepare the kindergarten a bit without letting out too much.  Just in case they had a disappointed, crying boy to deal with.  Glad that scenario didn't take place.

When they returned our youngest after the party, they were so sheepish but they weren't honorable enough to apologize for some misunderstanding they'd had with hub. No; Instead they blamed my SIL!  Their daughter! Shocked Angry  I don't trust people like that and I very dramatically threw my hands up to my ears.  I've always known him to be a bully, now I know he's a coward too.  Not really a surprising combination. Sad

I did smile, listen, shake hands, and comfortingly try to put my arms around them, tell them everything's gonna be alright.  Everyone knows everyone really has a good heart (this was more a case of me wanting to convince myself) and stroking their arms.  So they finally left in peace. Smiley  Instead of playing a martyr I tried the guilt trip: (to my FIL) "you do know that your son cares very much for you, don't you?!".  I kept repeating that a few times.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #172 - Dec 1st, 2009 at 3:58am
Hair - I think I've found a new routine that involves applying a good dab of leave-in conditioner before bed time.  Then wash and condition as usual the next morning and use a tiny dab of another leave-in, in the morning.  Even the knit hat didn't upset my hairstyle the least.  I could do this routine 2-3 times a week. 

Other - The weather's really cold here in the morning.  It only gets up to 5-7C in the afternoon.  Sorry, I'm too lazy to do conversions.  I'm wearing a dune jacket under a wool duffel coat.  I can't do with less. 

My mom made advent calenders for the boys and hub and I get a daily calendar present but smaller than the other ones.  Got some apricot seed oil for face and body today.  That's interesting.  It's in a very small glass bottle.  I'm not sure how to use it.  Maybe just face and hands?

Hub's got a doctor's appointment.  He's got some strange pains sometimes on the right side of his stomach.  I'm more worried than I'm letting off but I couldn't hold back tears yesterday when he came home.  I don't know what triggered it.  There's nothing he can touch or grab and there's no blood when he goes to the toilet.  At least yesterday the symptoms didn't go away for a couple of hours if he ate but it wasn't there constantly either.  I'm not sure if anything's changed.  I just gave him some details over the phone so he could call the doc.

My dad's with a bad flu and so is his girlfriend and they've bought none-refundable flight tickets to Denmark on the 20th of December so even those this flu or infection of sorts has lasted nearly 2 weeks now, I hope this still gives them enough time to recover.

I've been watching several Coronet educational films from the 1940s-50s.  I know they're unrealistic, poorly scripted, badly directed, and painfully unconvincing in acting but I love them for that kitsch/camp effect.  Drop and Cover!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #173 - Dec 1st, 2009 at 9:29am
First let me say that youngest son is ADORABLE.   Smiley  I wouldn't mind having some of those legos to play with!!  I'm sorry your FIL can't be more of an adult but, hey, that's on him.  And last but not least, I hope everything is all right with your hubby.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #174 - Dec 2nd, 2009 at 4:32am
Thanks Trisha, hub's got the unusual doc. appt. time of 6:15.  We'll see if they have the blood test results back, if anything shows up on ultrasound or if the doc just refers him to someone else. 

N1H1 vaccine - Just got back from the second part of the N1H1 vaccine.  I don't know if it's divided up in two parts else where but here in Denmark they say your immune system can't handle the vaccine in one portion so they give it to you in two portions with three weeks space between the two portions.  Don't know why the three weeks is necessary. 

Over here the vaccine is only available to critically ill, people in "key" positions and people with respiratory problems.  Hub and the boys have respiratory problems because of their astma, I'm a "key" person. Grin  Actually, they have too many vaccines and not enough are asking for it so they're allowing for people who aren't in the risk group to get the vaccine.  Usually you have to pay for a vaccine but this one if for free if they decide you have some ailment or illness that's critical or that someone thinks you're a key person.

Didn't feel a thing.  Maybe a muscle felt like it was being pulled while the fluid was injected.  Had no side effects last time.  Hub felt a bit neauseus for the first hour.  We're not feeling anything now 45 mins. after the vaccine.

Hair - I had the choice of getting my hair frozen off or fried off when my hair wasn't dry and we had to go.  It's freezing outside and I'd used a one minute treatment which usually means my hair takes longer to dry.  I don't know if I made the right choice but I chose to fry my hair instead of have it freeze.  I had it on low heat and just did a quick blast around my head.  We're talking max. a whole minute.  I sleep with some leave-in conditioner tonight.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #175 - Dec 2nd, 2009 at 6:25pm
Drear, your son's a real charmer!  I'm glad he had such a nice birthday.

I think you new method of conditioning at night will go a long way to get your hair through the winter.  I hope it works all winter long for you!

When I was in Denmark it was March and not so cold, but quite windy.  I can't imagine handling long hair every winter.  I guess I'd have to keep it braided all the time or a hat wouldn't stay on my ears.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #176 - Dec 3rd, 2009 at 2:07am
I think I've got a working Fall/Winter routine.  The most damage seems to happen in the summer.  I just haven't found a hair sun screen that really works. 

Hen mother? - I'm keeping all three home today.  They started the morning cranky with sore muscles, shaking and headaches.  Then the oldest one threw up half a pill because he couldn't figure out how to swallow it.  That just did it for me!  I just couldn't cope with all of this.  All over the bathroom and overnight I've contracted the worst cold in a long time.  I'd just rather that they're here today where I can observe them. 

Hub -
Went to doc.  Blood tests were fine so the doc wouldn't ultrasound him which I don't understand because it couldn't have been that much trouble.  Hub's been fine for a few days though.  Of course the doc just says to come back if things get worse.  The usual.....
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #177 - Dec 3rd, 2009 at 1:57pm
Some doctors can be so frustrating, like law enforcement who can't do anything until something bad happens.   Sad 
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #178 - Dec 3rd, 2009 at 3:34pm
Drear wrote on Dec 1st, 2009 at 3:58am:
Hub's got a doctor's appointment.  He's got some strange pains sometimes on the right side of his stomach.  I'm more worried than I'm letting off but I couldn't hold back tears yesterday when he came home.  I don't know what triggered it.  There's nothing he can touch or grab and there's no blood when he goes to the toilet.  At least yesterday the symptoms didn't go away for a couple of hours if he ate but it wasn't there constantly either.

I'm sorry to hear that your husband isn't feeling well.  Sad
At least, since it's on the right side, it's unlikely to be appendix related. How long has he been hurting? Does he usually hurt more or less if he eats or if he is hungry? I'd really suggest your husband start a food diary for a while and record what times of day he hurts and what he's been eating. If it's food related, it could be something like food sensitivities, ulcers, excess gas, etc.  You'd be amazed at how painful intestinal gas can be. Then, maybe, the doctor might have more to work with.

I also don't really blame the doc for not using ultrasound. I've had ultrasounds done of my bladder and kidneys and there was prep I had to do a day or two before hand. I've also had cat scans done of my intestinal tract. Both times, even though I'd been having regular inflammation and trouble with those organs, nothing showed up.  Maybe if you call back in to request, they can reschedule him for ultrasound with the correct prep work.

I'm also sorry to hear that your children are sick, too! Does Denmark have chewable cold tablets? I had a friend who couldn't swallow pills, so we always got him the kids' chewable pain/cold relief tablets from the grocery. Grape flavor, if I remember correctly.  Grin

Feel better soon!
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #179 - Dec 3rd, 2009 at 10:41pm
I remember that point as a kid where I was old enough for the adult pills and didn't have the option of chewable or liquid medications anymore and I had to learn how to swallow pills.  I used to practice on candy, like M&Ms, Skittles or Tic-Tacs. 

Hope your husband continues to feel better and doesn't have a relapse.  And I hope you and your kids feel better soon!
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