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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257019 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #15 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 3:46am
My hair - Wash, condition, let it nearly air dry.  Got it into a ponytail with no use of styling products! Cheesy  I've got an alice band over the top to keep the shorter hairs from flying into my face but I'm so happy I'm able to get it all out of my face without the use of styling products.  

The only good thing about products was that I was able to manipulate the bottom of my ponytail into a long curl without the use of heat or rollers or pin curls.  God knows I hate doing pin curls!  My hair isn't suited for it.  Did it twice.  Not worth the two hours, kinks from the bobby pins and frizz.  I can't find aligator clips in shops here.  I haven't found setting lotion either.

Purchases - 4 floral hair clips - 3 small in fuschia, deep turquoise, orange - 1 large soft pink rose, 3 scarves in blue, fuschia, and coral with some different patterns on each scarf.  It'll all arrive within the next 4 weeks from Denmark's H&M online shop.   I'll use the flowers either to decorate the sides of ponytails/buns or to just hold the front back.  I'm hoping they can be used for retro faux styles to create the illusions of rolls.  I'll use the scarves around my hair as bands or around ponytails and buns.

Now they have some other large roses I like better than the one I ordered but they don't have them in stock until June so I'll have to wait but I think I'll definitely buy a couple of those.

I'm treating myself to 1-5 hair toys nearly every time I go to the grocery store to motivate myself to do something with my hair.  I bought 2 barette clips and 2 slim alice bands.  My ponytail looks tidier and classier for those days I'll want to look more elegant than playful and the alice bands don't even hurt my head.  It's faster and easier than loading on products and trying to force everything to "glue" into place.  It looks more polished and natural too. Smiley

Life (and hair in general) - Hub was at the ham radio club last evening.  He goes there every Thursday.  That's nice for me because that means I can use the pc in the evening.  The boys are quite independent now and will help each other find pajamas, get the bathtub filled, find towells, brush teeth, take asthma medicine, etc.  I only have to help the youngest one reach his Pjs and take his medicine.  So it's not as hard and stressful as it was just a year ago with the youngest and a few years ago with the oldest.  

So I sat and crutinized images of vintage hairstyles which I know I won't ever wear because I know about the haircuts required (variations on the middy), the perms you need to get a good curl set because the natural perm look wasn't in so you still set your hair but the perm aids curl to hold and look nicer, brushing, teasing, setting and loading on of products, but I still appreciate the styles in their historical context and from an artistic perspective.  
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« Last Edit: Apr 17th, 2009 at 4:57am by Drear »  
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I may be the spastic one.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #16 - Apr 17th, 2009 at 8:43am
As far as pincurls go I've had some pretty good luck with Got2B pomade.(it's orange inside and in a white can the size of your pam maybe $6 at kmart,walmart,ect)I use bobby pins(like 47 last time i tried) and it turned out wonderfully.But my hair was considerably shorter when I did this and the curls actually bounced. Smiley

Your hair would probably work with this if you tried. Smiley Good luck!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #17 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 1:10am
ForeverFay wrote on Apr 17th, 2009 at 8:43am:
As far as pincurls go I've had some pretty good luck with Got2B pomade.(it's orange inside and in a white can the size of your pam maybe $6 at kmart,walmart,ect)I use bobby pins(like 47 last time i tried) and it turned out wonderfully.But my hair was considerably shorter when I did this and the curls actually bounced. Smiley

Your hair would probably work with this if you tried. Smiley Good luck!

Thanks, but I'd rather use rollers from now on.  I didn't count the bobby pins but all of them were ruined afterwards.  Not worth it to me. Grin
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #18 - Apr 18th, 2009 at 1:36am
I'm also working on being like the lady I want to look like and I'm...excuse, I know this is going to sound cheesy...trying to be a good Christian. 

Totally understand.  People like that are never worth sacrificing your peace and straying from who you want to be as a person.

He had a huge gold watch on and I had to control myself not to laugh at the thought of his watch getting lost "up there". Grin  I think he flattered himself thinking I was flirting with him.  So while examining me with the mechanical "salad tosser"

You're too funny! Grin Grin

I bled like hell all last evening and thought I was going to pass out in the supermarket when I went to look for post natal type pads because that's how much I was bleeding.

Shocked Did they say if that was normal?
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #19 - Apr 20th, 2009 at 8:41am
Erh...no.  But the bleeding's stopped and I'm feeling okay.  Excuse the reckless way I'm handling my life. Embarrassed
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #20 - Apr 29th, 2009 at 3:39am
Hair - Wash, 1 min. "deep" condition.  I don't know if I really believe in that but I don't dare stop this weekly routine between regular wash/condition and wash/ACV/deep condition. 

Shopping - There are some supermarkets in Denmark that are allowed to be open until 8-10pm.  They're the ones with low profits and those in ports and the nearby town of Horsens happens to be a port so we have a couple of "late" open supermarkets there.  We bought the two oldest summer jackets, the middle one shoes, me some fish oil capsules, new school bags. 

I've just returned from buying cake mix for the middle one's 8th birthday on Friday.  He'll be allowed to bring a big chocolate cake to school.  Then I'll try to put together an icecream layercake for when he comes home.  Wish me luck!  I love to cook but I hate baking.

Council/county/social services - or whatever the equivalent is in your place.  They either don't answer their phones, the lines always seem busy or I get shuffled around before I finally get lost with some waiting tone. Roll Eyes  They don't always answer e-mails either and they don't let you know if your social worker has been changed.

We're not a social "case" as such but yet we are because anyone who lives with a mentally disabled person in their household automatically becomes a social case with own social case # and assigned social worker.  This is of course necessary but I feel uncomfortable about being a social case.  Our oldest son has Autism, the youngest one has automotoric retardation.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #21 - Apr 29th, 2009 at 1:35pm
Good luck with the baking!  Happy Birthday to your son!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #22 - Apr 30th, 2009 at 5:33am
Hair - Tried to wear a hat to go out.  Not so much to protect my hair but more my eyes because I can't wear sunglasses.  I can't afford prescription sunglasses and the optometrist has adviced against the clip on types and any type of "film" would add mm to my glasses and make them even heavier. Sad  I'm not a hat hair fan and aside from making looking easier, the hat didn't do much for me plus it's windy.  My hair's down today with is becoming increasingly unusual.  I prefer ponytails and slim alice bands these days.  

Baking - forgot jam and cream (to whip) for tomorrow so went and got that.  Got a huge chocolate cake in the oven for the middle one to take to school.  I hope he'll bring some home for his brothers.  Not that they'll suffer if they don't get any because I'm also making an icecream cake and a regular layer cake.  

This isn't the norm around here!  I don't know what's gone into my head. Shocked

Oldest school - They have bon fires, play with water and all sorts of other stuff that leads to getting dirty and wet!  They've spent more money on the playground than on learning material.  I know he has autism and I can't expect the same of him as of a none-disabled child but I'm becoming worried about the "focus" at his school.

Middle's school - They're only in 1st grade and some boy has already been bullied out and is transfering "to a school that doesn't allow bullying".  This is one of two boys whom my son was closest to. Sad  My boy's very popular.  All three of my boys are popular but my middle one knows who's good company and who isn't and will potentially be more trouble when they grow older.  He's already talking about that.  He'll be 8 tomorrow.

Kindergarten - Some girls have been trying to frame my youngest one for teasing.  He's no says the adults.  They say the girls are just attention seeking and my boy is more honest than is often good for him Grin so I trust the adults and my son.  

They've asked me if he eats with fork and knife yet and other questions as part of a test to see what they need to work on in his last year of kindergarten to prepare him for school.  No, he can't eat with fork and knife yet and his older brothers are only beginning to get a hang of it at their own initiative.  I've been completely honest and told the adults that I don't have the energy for stuff like that, which may be nice as far as manners go but isn't strictly essential.  JMO.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #23 - May 4th, 2009 at 4:58am
Saturday Hair - applied mousse to damp hair, rolled up on velcro rollers.  Waited 2 hours, blow dried for 15 mins.  got desperate.  Took velcro rollers out.  Blow dried hair, rolled hair up again, blow dried again. Roll Eyes  Waited for hair to cool off, took rollers out, sprayed hair, waited for hairspray to dry, brushed top over, finger combed the rest and it still looked wavish-flat for all of my efforts.  Roll Eyes  A slim alice band to hold the top back behind my ears and the top smooth kept me from looking completely rediculous.  

Sunday - Wash, vinegar rinse, deep condition 5 mins. while scrubbing face, body and cutting nails, rinse hair and air dry as usual before brushing.  Very well behaved hair.  Only found one hair that may have looked like it was close to splitting so I cut the tip off.  Nothing else looks damaged.  Hairs keep getting caught in my glasses side bars and broken off that way. Angry

Music - My dad's getting me DM's new Sounds of The Universe' off amazon.  I'm excited.  Other fans are saying I won't be disappointed the way many of us were with the majority of tracks on their last two albums; Exciter from 01' and PTA 05'.  I actually quite liked PTA but I wasn't impressed with all of the tracks which si very seldom I feel that way with any one album.

Some Hits albums with Roy Orbison, Bobby (Ridarelli) Rydell, Bobby Darin, and Dion Dimucci are the only ones I can think of right now where I feel good about all the tracks for lack of better wording.

Dad's also promised to look for some Jerry Lee Lewis and Dion's 'Heros'.  Believe it or not, but I don't own anything by Jerry Lee Lewis! Shocked  Strangely, I've got Frankie Avalon, Bobby Vee, (Stanley jr) Bobby Vinton, and other stuff most people wouldn't admit to owning even less listening to. Embarrassed Grin   There are other similar performers from the same period I don't feel I'm missing.

House stuff - No where near to throwing away stuff, re-shuffling furniture or changing decor on the scale I want to. Sad  I doubt we'll paint as long as the boys are small.  Then we'd have to stock different colors.  Right now it's only one shade of "fashion" white we have  to stock.  "Fashion" white... Huh

I usually hate yellow for reasons I can't explain but right now I feel I need to be surrounded by the color in moderation so I found an old yellow/orange/red table cloth, some yellow candles, yellow bread basket liner and yellow cloth napkins. Smiley  I think that's all the yellow I can handle though and I like that it's concentrated in one area of the living room so it doesn't overpower my senses.  Sometimes yellow can make me very angry, aggressive or just irritable.

Council -
They're not answering their phone and they'e not answered my e-mail. Angry

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #24 - May 7th, 2009 at 5:30am
Hair - Wash, condition, air dry, brush, did kindergarten run, am now experimenting with casual styling that works in a modern context with my retro/vintage inspired style. 

Today: sprayed bottom with salt water spray I never learnt to like and applied mousse wax for layer enhancing I never cared for either.  Fluffed hair around with my fingers to create volume, smoothed top over with brush, then placed an alice band over the top.  Pretty neat and just a little less flat.  It's a bit matte in appearance.  I don't know why, but I associate matte hair look with retro styles and I think it gives hair an etheralness if done "right".  My hair still has movement. 

I just can't bring myself to just throw stuff away.  I won't buy new hair "stuff" when I've used this up though unless I find something that's both organic and affordable. Wish me luck!  I'll never use styling products daily or even weekly though.

Skin - I have blackheads on both of my cheeks and other break outs around my mouth.  I've tossed a lot of old cosmetics.  I'm very religious with gentle cleansing, oil free moisturizers and I'm only using a thin layer of MF mineral foundation but I don't have any blusher left and if I buy new blusher it has to be mineral too.  If my skin doesn't improve despite switching to mineral foundation, I'll quit using any foundation and blusher on my face all together and just use eye and lip make-up.  I won't go on the pill though some say it could improve my skin.  I'm just paranoid about other side effects the pill might have. 

I also need to ask my pharmacy for a sensitive skin, oil free, sun screen for face application.   La Roche Posay Anthelios XL Lait/Lotion was recommended to me by another Dane.  It's sold as a pharmacy brand here in Denmark.  It comes in spf 30 and 50 I think.

Council - On Tuesday I finally got through to them.  Got my social worker on the line just to be told she's quitting her position, doesn't know who's taking over but she'll write in our case file that we request a meeting and let her superior know. Shocked 

Other meetings - Had meeting at middle one's school Tuesday evening.  Not too bad, good in math but a very "weak" Danish reader.  I'm taking over the Danish tutoring from my husband!  He's an awful reader too.  Perhaps stupidly I thought they could both learn to read together.  Now my son reads words that aren't there, doesn't read words that are there, takes a really long time with each word and line and has strange breaks and pauses...just like his dad.

I'm prepping hub for a school meeting at the oldest one's school next Wednesday because it's at 5:15pm which is a really stupid time where I can't be there.  Yes, I'm a control freak but I'm tired of being the only one who knows anything.  So this is my poor attempt at letting go of some control.

Now we're trying to coordinate a meeting with a child psychologist at the oldest one's school at the end of the year to talk about what can be done to motivate him to learn things better.  Again, it's the Danish that's the serious issue here. Sad  I hope this isn't just any school psychologist but one who understands Autism too.  Otherwise her examinations of him have been a waste.  Those examinations haven't been explained or forewarned to us either.  I'll definitely want to be at that meeting!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #25 - May 8th, 2009 at 2:45am
Hair - Wash, Condition, air dry, flip head over and spray through top but not directly at scalp with salt water spray, wait for it to dry while finger shaking hair, flip head back over and apply walnut sized amount of Pantene Whipped Wax For Layered Hair through top and lenghts, wait for it to dry while finger shaking hair, brush when dry.  At least this gives me the appearance of natural movement and body without too much lost shine and it's not greasy or coarse feeling.

Friday - Day off for everyone.  Big prayer day.  Erh...well the boys have given their prayers some serious thought.  I can't say the same for their mother. Embarrassed
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #26 - May 9th, 2009 at 2:31am
What language(s) do you speak at home?

Good luck with the reading.  My nephew has Asperger's and he's now 16 years old.  He only recently started to read up to level and I'm very happy for him.  Guess my point is, keep working on it and have faith!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #27 - May 9th, 2009 at 4:00am
Only Danish.  Hub speaks German as well and I obviously speak English but the boys will have to learn those languages in school.  I hope my oldest son will at least be able to read something by that age.  I have faith in the middle son's ability to learn to read up to level within the next couple of years.  I suspect he's a slow reader like many boys. 

Hair - Wash, condition, air dry, wax mousse through entire hair, air dry, tiny dab of shine wax for long hair smoothed over six strands of hair.  Feels and looks really nice.

Connection update? - It looks different, seems to work just fine but there's something that's different.  Even this page looks different. Huh

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #28 - May 10th, 2009 at 7:22am
Mother's day here -  Woke up with a headache and feeling really cranky.  Hub suddenly drove into town and came back with a bouquet. Smiley  We don't usually celebrate mother's day or father's day but the boys appear to have decided that we're going to celebrate it so they woke me up with drawings and we've gone for a walk in the woods and had our first ice creams of this year.

Hair - rinse, vinegar rinse rose hip deep condition from Schwarzkopf.  I think I messed up with the vinegar rinse.  I usually use the plain cheap kind but I suspect it was the red wine vinegar I mixed with water and I'd accidentally mixed the vinegar with cold water *ough!*.   Hair's been looking and feeling great for some time now and I regretted having to put up my hair for the hike so it wouldn't blow all over the place because it's quite windy today.  Other than that, the weather's sunny and only partially cloudly with mild temperatures - 15-18C degrees.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #29 - May 18th, 2009 at 8:24am
Hair - Forgot vinegar rinse yesterday and I don't have time on week days for my rinse/deep conditioning routine.  Wash, condition, bun and go!  I'm praying for lovely waves before hub gets home. Smiley

Weekend - Lazy weekend.  Busy sorting through youngest son's stuff today and making his room more age appropriate.  He's 5½ and he may be retarded but he's not a baby anymore though you wouldn't know better if you'd looked in there this morning. Embarrassed  Bad mom!
H&M - They no longer live up to my expectations.  Two dresses and three skirts were too thin and too short.  Too this or that is of course a matter of opinion but I like a hemline below my knees because a) I'm no longer 20 and b) I'm not a Hollywood star and I don't look like one.  So I'm only keeping three summer shirts, two fabric flower clips/brooches and three scarves for tying around buns and ponytails, and a skirt which is of an acceptable quality and has a below knee hemline.  So I had to trek down to the post office and I'm no wise than to wear wedge sandals with hosiery. Roll Eyes  I don't know what I looked like wobbling down hill with a huge package. Embarrassed Grin 

I still want longer full skirts and shirtwaist dresses if I can find any retro styles that aren't too obviously retro.  I can't afford to prioritize crinoline petticoats now and quite frankly, in my small rural town it might look rediculous which is why I'm also foregoing hat and gloves.  I love vintage/retro styles from the late 1940s-early 1960s that mature women wore but I'm not a reinactor.  I'm too selfconscious for that and would have to live in a more anonymous metropolitan place to feel confident enough to go all the way out.  I don't care if strangers stare or glare but I'd hate for every nosy villager/townie to stop and ask me nosy questions on ever street corner whenever I'm out.  I'm very private and like to keep to myself. 

Last time I curled my hair I got the loveliest bends and volume but nothing that really resembled curls or waves.  I just don't know how to get the rollers in vertically.  I think it's too long for that or my arms are too short. Huh
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