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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257177 times)

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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #180 - Dec 3rd, 2009 at 10:45pm
Drear wrote on Dec 3rd, 2009 at 2:16am:
I'm glad the air is cleared.  Gosh, I should be the last one to point fingers at anyone ranting.  I don't expect people to read my entries but sometimes I just need to see my own thoughts in writing.  Sometimes I suddenly see things in a different perspective.

Drear: I always read everyone's posts, no matter how long they are, even if I don't reply.  Smiley  Sometimes I just don't know what to say, but I always care.  Smiley 
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #181 - Dec 4th, 2009 at 4:48pm
Wow, everyone sick at once. Shocked  I hope you guys have a speedy recovery and that your husband is okay.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #182 - Dec 6th, 2009 at 12:43am
Hang in there, Drear!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #183 - Dec 8th, 2009 at 6:17am
Thanks to everyone for replying.  I've just been too mentally exhausted to get back.  First all that sick stuff, then a conflict filled weekend, yesterday I was trying to pull my home back into a presentable state, today I'm doing my nails an nothing else!  Well, not all day long.

I remember that point as a kid where I was old enough for the adult pills and didn't have the option of chewable or liquid medications anymore and I had to learn how to swallow pills.  I used to practice on candy, like M&Ms, Skittles or Tic-Tacs. 

  Oh thanks Michelle, I'll try that one with him. Smiley

Regarding hub - I know not everything would show up on a scan anyway and blood tests are pretty certain if there are no human errors so I trust the results.  Hub seems much better now in that area but he's with a terrible cold that's messing with his asthma.

The boys - colds come and go like they do with kids at that age who are around so many other kids.  I sent them back to school on Friday and everyone was fine.  We have children's paracetamol (or similar) for anal injection only as far as I know.  It causes such a scene each time I have to use one to reduce fever long enough to get someone well enough to eat something which is why they have to be very sick before I'm desperate enough to use them.

Weekend - Saturday and Sunday the youngest one was just sooo irritating!  He caused quite a fuss in kindergarten yesterday.  Then exhausted himself and finally fell asleep in the middle of a rage and hit one eye against a table top.  *Sigh!*.  Nothing serious though. 

Uhm...my mind's still in a whirl which is why this post is so unstructured. 

Hair - My wash, condition, leave-in and sometimes more leave-in before bedtime routine is working really well.  It's just paramount that I don't neglect the weekly vinegar rinse!

It's now 19" and I'll wait 'til it's just past 20" before going for a maintenance trim and I hope my hair will still be 20" when she's done trimming.

I've been toying with the jersey ties and only one velvet scrunchie today.  My hair is as smooth and shiny as ever but the scrunchie won't stay in and my hair looks greasy and thinner when put up. Sad  I could smooth over with a brush but hub's brush has wax on it *yuck!* so there's only my old bubble tipped brush and I read some where that they actually damage your hair.  How, I'm not sure I understand.

I only ever liked the velvet and soft lace scrunchies.  I haven't seen them around here in ages.  I can't remember how I kept them in my hair; Kept them from sliding down.

Hmmm...I feel a thread coming up.....
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #184 - Dec 8th, 2009 at 7:55am
Our new dining table lamp just arrived with the mail.  I hate the tacky clear plexi plastic lamp shade we have now.  The plastic has even developed indentions over time and it's impossible to clean off.  It's just a large clear disc over a small blue disc we bought in IKEA eons ago when I accidentally kicked the box that had our matte glass lamp in it. Sad  The matte white glass lamps are probably the most typically found over Danish dining tables. These are very popular: http://www.tilatbetale.dk/images/Palermo%205%20pendel%20copy.jpg

The next most common are the cones and the halogen chandeliers.  But then we found this assemble it yourself lamp that looks okay in design, I hope it'll spread the light nicely so I said okay when hub really wanted this little project:   http://stormagasinet.dk/makethumb.php?pic=images/produkter/flight/4-flight-35.jp...

So now he knows what to do with this evening!

The "Hvidkløver" aka Flight 55 is the most sold and well known one of the cheap cones in Danish homes but I just felt for something a little different than a standard cone.  We can always change it in the future.  There isn't much of a price difference between the three lamps.  The Flight 28 is a bit smaller than ours but the same shape.  The plastic is supposed to be color proof and stay white.  Supposedly the plastic is of some sort that doesn't attract dust.  Only time will tell...They're all three designed by a sculpturer named Bjarne Urhammer. 

Trust me, anything will look better than what we have now!

They had one of the big Danish designer cones by Henning Poulsen in hub's company.  "Someone" actually broke in and stole it.  This has been happening around Danish companies that have the large PH cones: 


PH are just out of our price range: http://www.denstoredanske.dk/@api/deki/files/12032/=319005404.801.png 

To be honest.  My taste isn't very Danish in design.  I'd like something colorful and/or antique with some charm.  I even like Tiffany lamps.  Danish lamp design is mainly about the light and discrete lamp design.  Each to their own...But if I received it as a gift, the PH 5 from 1958 wouldn't look bad over our dining table.  The PH 5 and all its copies used to be a standard over Danish dining tables and it would go well with the mid century modern stuff I'd like to collect in the future along with so many other styles that I fear my home will end up looking like a living history museum. Grin

I just intended to write a short post about this funny new assembly lamp but some how I managed to turn it into a nerdy post about Danish light and lamp culture and history. Huh

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #185 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 3:45am
Lamp - Hub put the lamp together last evening.  It only took a few hours which was way less than I thought it would take.  I thought he's be assembling it from he got home around 5pm until 10-11pm but he was done before 7pm.  Unfortunately he broke one of the "locks" on one of the leaves so that's taped to another "leaf" from the inside and you have to know where it is and be looking from a downward diagonal angle and looking upward to see it.  All in all it's not as bad looking as I'd feared. 

Sure it looks assembled close up but you don't have to stand very far apart or sit very far below before it all looks fine and the light that projects from it is fantastic and just makes it worth it all!  The light is so soft yet it illuminates perfectly over the entire dining table. Smiley  Okay, enough lamp for now!

Hair - It was feeling so perfect yesterday.  I'm not sure I like my 1 min. treatment anymore.  I might use the deep conditioner mid week instead.  I want a better deep conditioner too.  I've got quite a bit of the leave-in the hairdresser mixed for me and I've finally learnt to dose and apply the Nivea leave-in correctly but I hate the smell at first.  It's too strong.  I prefer the slightly gelly liquid leave-in conditioner consistency I can just dab a finger in and apply alll over my hair with the mildest of fragrance if anything.

At least headphones and knit hats no longer leave any marks.  I miss having the ends do their funny little things though.  That's going to happen less and less as my hair grows longer.  I just don't like the very tamed look on me anymore.  I prefer looser soft, quirky, romantic styles on me these days. 

Surprise birthday party and school problems - Yesterday hub went to pick up our middle son from his recreational club at school after work as usual, just to be told that all the boys had gone to a birthday party.  Luckily the teachers knew where the party was and all of his stuff was gone so we assumed he'd taken it with him and it was.  We've no idea how he got to the party.  I was so angry with him yesterday for not telling us he had this party to go to and when to pick him up that I forgot to ask how he got from the school to the birthday boy's home. 

Never mind it's dark at before 4pm at this time of the year.  We were apparently supposed to have picked him up at 5pm but before hub got there it was 5:15pm.  I'm glad the host family didn't put our boy out on the street.

Things weren't helped when some boys from the parallel class (he's in 2A the birthday boy was from 2B and you either invite everyone from your class or all the kids of your gender from both parallel classes) began to tease him shortly before hub found the place and picked him up late so our son was in tears and throwing a fit.  It's a new neighborhood, it doesn't show up on GPS.  The two cellphone numbers I found to the parents online didn't work either.

Our boy is very polite, gentle and sensitive and I think other kids pick up on that and that makes him an easy target.  He was spat on, hit and kicked the first week of school the first year in school, then he's had stuff stolen from him/hidden from him and there's always been small episodes but generally he's a popular boy there are just a few bullies who make life miserable for everyone once in a while and sadly this little hard group is the reason why so many kids from both parallel classes have transferred to other schools but we can't afford that option or logistically make it work. 

Sorry, got carried away, again, again.  Thankfully, I'm a fast typist so this doesn't take much of my time and makes it easier for me to focus on getting stuff done the rest of the day. Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #186 - Dec 9th, 2009 at 9:41am
I'm sorry middle son has to deal with that crap.  I wish I had some advice but I don't.   Sad 
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #187 - Dec 10th, 2009 at 3:35am
Hair - Hmm...don't know what makes the difference on some days.  I do the same on most days yet on some days I think I have the most gorgeous hair and on other days it's either yucky or just bland.

More crap - Had to empty middle one's backpack, turn it inside out, wash and dry it.  There was a leaking sour milk carton in his bag.  They get the small ones in school.  He says he didn't put it in his bag.  We only have his word for it but I can't think of any reason why he'd lie.  He only once naively thought a milk would be okay in the carton from lunch hour where he didn't drink it and until he got home in the afternoon.  That taught him that it ruins his backpack if the carton breaks.  This smelled old!  I know it wasn't in his bag on Tuesday.   Someone else's prank?  Who knows...
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #188 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 3:11am
Hair - Well, at least one thing is under control in my life!  It's been behaving itself very well since I added some more leave-in to my routine, and am more religious about the vinegar rinses.

Irritant - Oldest son dragged his backpack and clothes changing bag along the ground and tore holes in both of them.  He quickly hid his bags when he got home on Friday so we wouldn't notice.  Of course I noticed Monday morning when I went to check that everything was packed. Roll Eyes  I had to lend him my backpack which is a good 13-14 years old now and looks as good as new.  Lets see how long this lasts!  The shops don't have backpacks now unless you have a fortune to spare which we don't but hub ordered one online.  It'll be here on the 23rd. 

Health - Whatever was upsetting my husband's stomach is back again.  It might be some type of stones anyway even though blood tests excluded that because he feels the pain from one place in the front and directly in the same place in the back if you could draw a line through him.  It might be ulcers as well because they can create the same pain.  So he's got a referral for a scan which I have to pick up later today and a prescription on some type of ulcer medicine which should work quickly. 

We're of course unhappy if it's either and especially this close to the holidays but I pray that it's nothing more serious. 

I don't know if it was a mistake to get the second shot of N1H1 vaccine but we're all fine now.  Iv'e read in different places that they've stopped giving children the second shot many places and many adults are opting out of the second shot to get the other half dosis of what's recommended.  Well, what's done is done.  I've read that others were much more ill for days or weeks than we were. 

Today - I've got the youngest one home today.  His carers are taking some class today.  That's good.  Anything that improves their skills in handling special needs kids is good.  We've got to mail a package to my mother and pick up that referral. 

Vanity - LD made me feel very guilty for neglecting my nails Wink aside from cleaning them a couple of times every day because I'm paranoid about that stuff.  So I grabbed the clippers, polish remover and just applied a couple of quick dry nearly clear rose polish.  There!  Looking pulled together. Smiley
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #189 - Dec 15th, 2009 at 9:52am
That reminds me of silly things I'd do as a child, to keep my parents from knowing the stupid things I'd done. Like cutting off hanks of hair close to the scalp when I got pine sap in my hair from climbing trees. As if my parents and all the rest of the world could somehow fail to notice the tuft of new hair sticking straight up when it started growing out again.

I'm sorry that your husband is feeling bad again. At least, if it is ulcers, they should clear up pretty fast with a course of antibiotics. I think they also have really non-invasive methods for clearing out stones, too, if that is the problem.

So I grabbed the clippers, polish remover and just applied a couple of quick dry nearly clear rose polish.  There!  Looking pulled together.
Isn't fresh clean nail polish so nice? That shade sounds lovely.  Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #190 - Dec 16th, 2009 at 7:06am
Grin KNS.

NHC - Yesterday hub called the hospital he got a referral to, to ask how it all works.  got told he could just come in from the street at 8am today.  That sounded great and simple.  Not so!  They only do x-rays like that, scans have to be scheduled and they won't have an available appt. until next year.  Not that far away you might think but with the pains he's in, any day feels like one day too long.  So he called the private HC and got told that they only have to give him an answer about where he can get a scan within 48 hours.  So that'll be Friday.  I don't know if private (or public) hospitals shut down for none emergencies over the x-mas holidays.  I'm really disappointed in both the public and private health care system.  We don't know and for a while won't know if this is something critical that needs to be treated as an emergency.  He's very hungry all the time but can't drink or eat without feeling tremenderous pain while eating and for quite a while afterwards.  If our general doc could do the scan himself he/she probably would've.  I think the first doc seeing him promised something he couldn't deliver over the phone. 

Hair - Why are shampoo bottles always nearly 1/4 larger than the conditioner?!  I use about 1/3 more conditioner than shampoo. 

Youtube - Waylon Jennings autobiography, a bunch of Dion Dimucci, Frankie Avalon(old TV stuff), Bobby Rydell - love his voice, Class of 55 from 77 and 85 with Carl Perkins, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Johnny Cash. GL and GA paranormal stuff.

Reading - Old Carl Bunch interview: http://www.mybestyears.com/InterviewSpotlights/BUNCHCarl020109.html ; I've been thumbing through my costume jewelry books too.  I just need to take my mind off things and I'm letting the boys run a bit mad in the evenings because we have so many Christmas calendar TV serials but the boys don't all want to watch them all so there's always at least one boy running around and playing.  That's fine!

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #191 - Dec 16th, 2009 at 7:24am
Family diplomatics - Our youngest is psychomotorically retarded.  I don't know what the correct term is in English.  On many levels his development is no where near what you would mentally expect for a 6 y.o.  It's close to 2 y.o. in some areas.  He's unpredictable, spontaneous and completely untrustworthy. 

Both my in-laws and my mother nearly had to learn that the hard way.  He could've actually drowned this summer while my mother wouldn't assert herself and just grab him by his hand and hold on to him.  Same situation with the in-laws except my mom and I were with all the boys in a bird park with lots of ponds and the ponds could look like flower beds to a small boy who doesn't know better.

So while I was looking at one thing with the older boys and my mom was supposed to mind the youngest (she works with special needs people so I thought she'd know better) he got angry with her, ran off and she completely lost sight of him.  When she called my cell phone, I went hysterical and panicked.  I really feared he'd drowned.  Thankfully he'd just wandered off to a gravel trail and was talking to a gartner who heard my mother "Gustav" and the gartner asked him if his name was Gustav to which my son answered spontaneously and honestly. Smiley  So Gustav was returned to grandma.  I was still furious with her though.

Then a month ago my SIL nearly got herself and our son injured or killed in my in-laws kitchen when she let him dry off and handle the sharp, pointy utensil knives.  Hub wasn't there.  I only found out because he went out of sight and I know that's a no-no!  But jumping in stopping the situation assertively could've escalated things.  He was waving with it in his hand while talking when I walked into the kitchen and not holding the towel or knife right.  She wouldn't listen to my calm explanation and how I wanted her to stop the situation so she escalated things herself by attempting to wrestle the knife from him to show him how to dry it off.  Btw. talked to kindergarten where personel don't think 6 y.o. especially immature ones shouldn't be handling something like sharp and pointy utensil knvies.  SIL's attitude was that if they got cut, then he'd learn from that.  Well, that's not acceptable to me and it's MY boy!

Later I tried to talk to her over the phone but she wouldn't listen.  I finally felt I had to tell hub.  He was livid but I begged him not to confront her because she's very sensitive and also very stubborn (and immature).

I guess things finally bottled up over a month and last evening hub called his sister to make a few things perfectly clear.  Of course his sister wouldn't listen, thought she knew better but hub had enough and told her to: "shut up and listen!"  He gave the two stories with our parents and an example of something with a nail, board and hammer and how he might on impulse/out of curiosity start hammering on something else or someone and you just can't be close enough or fast enough to stop the situation.

It sounds like she finally accepts that we set the rules the boys  (and others) safety while we of course accept other people's house rules.  At least she admitted that she only studied this stuff theoretically and very superfically when she studied to be a school teacher and later a physiotherapist and that she doesn't know anything about kids.  Good!  Now lets see her act according to her own admission and hopefully responsibly. 

This is not the first nor the last time I have to deal with people who don't understand my boys disabilities and won't respect that they have to accept and be mindful of their disabilities.  It's flattering but simply not good enough when someone says: "but I just take them as I see them and I see them as lovely boys".  There's some truth to that but it's not the full truth nor is it acceptable if you've been told differently to ignore their special needs.

I don't expect my SIL to love and care for the boys.  She chose not to have children of her own and that's fine.  But she just wants to borrow ours when we get together so I think it's a given that she accepts the rules we set whether she finds them reasonable or not.  She really doesn't have the competence or experience to judge us or to assume anything about our boys. Angry

This is really stupid.  SIL and I have such good chemistry and talks at other times.  I hate for this to come between her.  I don't know how she handled the tough talk.  I'm not getting involved again though.  This'll have to remain between her and her brother (my husband).
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #192 - Dec 17th, 2009 at 12:01am
LD made me feel very guilty for neglecting my nails

Roll Eyes

I guess your family wants to ignore your son's disability...maybe that makes them feel better about it. Huh  It's completely irresponsible though.  Hopefully, they'll realize it and soon.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #193 - Dec 17th, 2009 at 4:18am
Yeah LD, if it was just one of those cringe worthy disagreements then I could overlook it around them.

Snow -
Every year the snow (when/if it comes) comes as a shock to millions of Danes!  Public transport including trains service aren't prepared, the roads aren't cleared, people are still on summer tires except hub who has the sense to get them on by late Fall.  The kindergarten had to send the youngest one home so ½ hr. after dropping him off by car, I had to send hub back to fetch the youngest.

Hub - The private hospital boasts no waiting lists for scanning but they can't scan him until Monday next week.  With his unbearable, unexplained pain he's been having for nearly a month now, that's so frustrating.  It's as if someone along the line didn't understand how critical this potentially is.  He's taking sick leave for the rest of the year.  Well, he had two work days left.  This just isn't the way we wanted to celebrate x-mas with my dad coming over and all.  If necessary, we're prepared to have hub spend x-mas and NY eve in hospital if things worsen.  I haven't told my dad yet.  I was hoping things would sort themselves and for a week it seemed that way.  The ulcer medicine doesn't seem to be helping so that's probably not it and he didn't test positive for any type of stones in blood tests so I don't know what to speculate.  He had so many blood tests that cancer, etc. should've shown up too. 

I find it hard to get my act together and do anything with others around the house.  I watched a music documentary about blues, hillbilly, honky tonk country, R&B and rock'n'roll.  I missed the first 15 mins of this 50 mins. documentary on BBC Knowledge music.  They're usually good about re-running these things so I'll have to catch it a few times until I've watched it all.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #194 - Dec 19th, 2009 at 10:06am
Hair - The next few days I'll try to use up what's left of this year's shampoo and conditioner bottles.  I take care to tuck my hair under my knit hat and coat but a few sections always manage to free themselves in the front.  I've booked an appt. at the hairdresser on Monday because I feel I deserve some pampering with all the stress and stuff that's going on.

Snow - Hub got out of bed and went out to shovel snow and the boys sleighed for a couple of hours.  Yesterday I fell no less than six times while out but today I only nearly fell four times so I'm getting the hang og gaining my footing before falling or maybe it was just luck today.

I had to buy some essentials for the Christmas Eve dinner on the 24th when we celebrate Christmas because there's supposed to be snow storm tomorrow - Thursday.  So I don't know if I can get out again, if the stores will be able to re-stock their shelves or what's going to happen to hub between Christmas and NY Eve. 

Because of the snow storm warnings I've already written a new mile long list of stuff I need to buy for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Christmas day.  I hope all of this snow storm chaos is over before NY Eve because I don't know how many times I can handle carrying heavy bags home from the supermarket and uphill.  I had a migraine after shopping today.

So this means I won't have any guests tomorrow which I don't mind all that much because I'm not feeling very social since I can't stop worrying about hub. 

Dad -
With the snow storm warning for the 23rd, I've no idea if my dad will be able to drive over here from the eastern part of the country where he'll be with his girlfriend for the first couple of nights in Denmark.  It'll be so sad if we can't meet up now that I haven't seen him in five years, the youngest one can't remember grandpa and I've no idea when we'll get a chance to see him again.  I told him I thought a Christmas visit, while lovely, was a bad idea!

Finished decorating our house and I assembled our dinky, plastic, x-mas tree because my skin reacts badly to pine and I got the tree, our small indoor birch, and our troll branch that hangs from nylon wires from our ceiling decorated and hung lights around the "tree" and the troll branch Smiley 

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