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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257368 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #210 - Jan 14th, 2010 at 8:54am
Thanks curlgirl.  I can't even bear to think of hub's health right now.  He seems to be doing okay.  I haven't asked too many questions.  I know that's selfish but I'm not expert.  I tend to worry too much, can't keep my concerns to myself and end up blowing things out of proportion and worry others more than needed. 

The soles of hub's winter boots were a "Monday edition".  The rubber simply "burnt" away for lack of better wording.  They were a 2000 model of the good brand ECCO and we bought new Ecco boots for him again because it's still our favorite footwear brand, they were just unfortunate with the soles of some winter boots in 2000. 

Funny how we tend to pick things that had faults some particular years.  Like our dishwasher 1999-2005 an we bought it in 2000. Roll Eyes
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #211 - Jan 14th, 2010 at 4:30pm
Drear wrote on Jan 13th, 2010 at 1:56am:
...Apparently some of my high school classmates never tried washing up by hand.  I had to teach some of them how to do dishes by hand in food science in 1994.

Are you serious?!  We're still doing our dishes by hand!  Wow....that blows my mind.
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #212 - Jan 14th, 2010 at 10:28pm
Great goodness! That doctor's visit sounded awful. Why do they bother doing that weird ordering? Here in the US, when I go in to do blood work, they just go straight down the sign-up list.

Hubby and I did all our dishes by hand until we moved into our current apartment two or three years back. Even now, we still do all of our pots by hand. Dishes aren't that different!

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #213 - Jan 15th, 2010 at 5:10am
People doing washing up by hand in 2010?!  That's truly shocking! Wink

I don't own anything that can't go in the dishwasher and I've even been guilty of placing wooden utensils in the dishwasher when I was younger. Embarrassed  "You" live and learn...

At all the other hospitals we've been to, it goes by number, so you take a number and you know that you'll be called in, in a logical chronological order.  I've never had to wait more than 15 minutes at any other hospital. 

Hair - I've been washing my bangs every evening.  I can't wait for them to grow longer so they fall to the side more naturally but they do flatter my face.  I'm not sure I care for the Diamond Shine Nivea shampoo and conditioner I'm using now.  It's neither doing this nor that. 

Disability diagnosis change - I lost a note I wrote on my youngest son's diagnosis which a psychologist informed me had been changed, over the phone.  It's the same boy, same disability but the diagnosis is called something different now and I don't mind because it actually defines the disability correctly and doesn't need changing as his disability might change in the spectrum as he grows older.  Well, it's a neurological spectrum disorder of some sort.  I'm pretty sure it's neurological developmental disorder.  That's what we call it here.  Before it was called psycho-motoric retardation in Denmark.   That was sort of a "whatever..." diagnosis term.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #214 - Jan 17th, 2010 at 11:05am
Hair - Keep forgetting to VR.  Did deep condition.  I prefer my hair on Sundays but I need to remember the VR to keep my scalp feeling good.  Moved the part further to the left.  I like the sweeping bangs to fall over more of my forehead these days.

Activities - What I like best about Mondays is that I can get back on our regular PC and off this laptop.  I'm becoming more used to it but I still don't like it all that much.  I've been listening to Coast-to-Coast radio interviews on youtube.  I haven't listened to much music this weekend which is highly unusual.  Haven't missed TV either.

Had an extra pork roast with rind and bones in the freezer taking up space. Roll Eyes  The rind wasn't even cut and I would never have bought one with the bones in it but this was a Christmas "gift" from the in-laws.  I love slow cooking but this isn't my idea of enjoyable slow cooking. 

We were supposed to have gone to see some lights being initiated on a tower this afternoon but I had to send hub alone and the boys didn't want to go.  I just didn't feel good about leaving the roast on its own.  There are also some steps in the roasting process I have to be home for.  The company hub works for donated the lights to the tower which is the highest unnatural point in Denmark from sea level.  The highest natural point is officially another spot not far from the tower but actually it's a property where a privatge farm sits.  I guess the owner doesn't want a lot of tourists parking on their property.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #215 - Jan 19th, 2010 at 6:01am
Hair - Odd.  Hair's just fine today despite not having made any changes in shampoo/conditioner routine.  It's difficult to judge my hair when it's warm and dry inside, freezing outside and I'm always wearing a tightly fitting, fleece lined knit hat.  This style:http://4alpaca.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=101 ; I would've chosen something more colorful but it was a birthday present from my in-laws and they must've run out of them in the shops because I went around every where looking for that style. 

Blah - Been a bit down with some sinus and ear problems.  Haven't been getting enough sleep.  That's the only thing that's been different and that makes me so vulnerable to infections from experience so I went to bed at 8:30pm last evening.  Hub's stomach problems keep coming and going.  The boys are only slightly snotty. 

Laundry - What do you do when you've loaded the washer with everyone else's clothes just to find your favorite blacks and purples at the bottom of the laundry basket?  You unload the washer, stuff your own clothes in first, the what can fit in of everyone else's clothes! Tongue

Clothes - I thought everything was looking a bit unflattering in my wardrobe.  The year I lost weight, browns, greys, and ruddy wine reds were fashionable.  That's okay if you "belong to a warm season" but I'm a "winter".  Grey looks good on me though.  Along the way, mom and I have found various styles of tops in deep purple.  I've washed a ruddy wine red sweaters so often that it's nearly a clear, more red than purple, violet.  I'm sure that made sense. Wink

When I finish my laundry, I'll be in no shortage of blacks and purples.  I'm still craving other deep jewel tones of blue, green and red.  I find shopping for winter clothes so much more satisfying than shopping for summer clothes which is usually a compromise colorwise and regarding quality.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #216 - Jan 20th, 2010 at 3:25am
Hair - Wash, wash, 1 min. conditioning treatment.  For some odd reason I don't really have a part in my hair today.  It's neither this nor that.  It doesn't really matter as long as I'm wearing my earflap knit hat when ever I'm out.

Doc - Going to have my ears checked.  Really painful Monday morning and a couple of times in the evening.  Felt like electrical shock.  Worst on right ear.  Yesterday I had some discomfort but only felt that shock pain once or twice.  Today my head feels a bit stuffy and there's a general discomfort at my ears but nothing as bad as it used to be pre-tonsil surgery. 

Snow - It's been icy on the roads, streets and trails but that won't be a problem today.  On one hand that's good, on the other I'm not all that happy about having snow blow around my face.  It's snowed for over a month now over different parts of the country.

Physical condition - I've gotta start watching what I eat if I can't get out and walk.  I don't use the mini stepper much because it's difficult to discipline myself when I can't see a goal ahead.  Fx. I know when I've finished walking this round about time for an hour, I'm done for the day.  If I can't do anything else, I usually pop some earphones on, go into the youngest one's room and dance or do strenghtening exercises for 15-30 mins.  I'm still my regular size in clothes, I'm just feeling sluggish and that's what's really bothering me. 

Once the weather changes and everyone gets out I'll have to put up with the "be careful you don't run so fast that you disappear!" comments. Roll Eyes  I know that even at my slimmest, I was in fact right in the middle of the weight range that's healthy for someone of my height and built.  The adult misses start at 34 over here.  Some add an adolescent/not quite adult size 32 on the lower end.  I was on the borderline of a 34/36 when I was slimmest.  I'm smack in the middle of a size 36 which is fine if you're at least 5'4"ft but I'm not.  This is of course not taking vanity sizing into consideration but I haven't had to grab a smaller size yet in any shops without losing weight so I don't think the problem is that big over here. 

I've always had good muscle tone which is another reason why I prefer walking or riding my bike rather than get on the mini stepper.  After a lazy month, I surprised myself at running down to the kindergarten and back again without running out of breath.  I think all the "dancing" is doing some good but it's not quite enough to beat that blah feeling.

Our youngest son has inherited my slim but bulky muscular built.  People who suddenly see him in shorts and t-shirt in the summer are always surprised that he isn't all skin and bone because he just appears very fragile when he's fully dressed.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #217 - Jan 21st, 2010 at 1:45am
Hair - I've got an ear infection so I've got to be careful with getting water in my ears.  I'm a little worried about getting the scalp behind my ears washed and rinsed well enough.  I may have to go to the pharmacy and buy some ear plugs.  I don't know if I'm supposed to boil the plugs after each time I've used them as long as I have an infection?

Infection - It's in the first part so eardrops are supposed to work.  It's cold, ticklish and it hurts on the right ear.  Even though I lie with my head on either side with ear up for 30-60 secs. some of it still trinkles out which probably isn't such a bad thing because I don't know how to administer exactly three drops, into my ear, without having the plastic pipette touch my ears at all.  I had hub do it this morning because I lost my patience.

School sign up - It was the deadline today.  I'd filled out the form long ago but just forgot it until this morning.  Walked down to the school's office.  I have to sign the youngest one up there because it's our district school even though he may not be placed there by the people who are assessing his educational needs and decide where that can be best achieved.  I just worry about a new mix up and a call on the first day of school when he doesn't show up at our district school.

Last year when he was actually elligible to start in school I was summoned like a bad student to the secretary's office because they claimed I hadn't registered him the way I should've.  I'd been told by the kindergarten not to register him because he wasn't ready and that they'd let the school know.  This year the school got their act together and made a new form for those wishing to post pone school start either because the parents or the kindergarten doesn't think the kid is ready.  Then it's up for evaluation but that's not our scenario and the form didn't exist last year.

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« Last Edit: Jan 21st, 2010 at 7:35am by Drear »  
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #218 - Jan 21st, 2010 at 11:44am
Ouch!  I hope your ears clear up really quickly.  I used to get earaches frequently as a kid, and remember the weird cold fingers behind my eyeball feeling when my mom would put the drops in my ears.  It is definitely a two person job!

Perhaps using a wash cloth to get the scalp behind your ears clean will help control the water around your ears.  At the beauty supply store I got some little plastic ear covers they use for dye jobs.  They're like little shower caps for your ears.  Maybe you can find some near you.

Feel better!!!
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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the 'Burgh
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #219 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 2:31am
Sorry about the ear infection!
I haven't had one since I was a kid, but of what I can remember, they weren't fun.

Are you taking any ibuprofen to help with the pain?

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #220 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 4:38am
I'm not on any pain relief and it doesn't hurt much but when it does it's like electric shock.  I never had problems as a kid and I never wore knit hats.  Now I wear knit hats 6 months out of the year (perhaps a slight exaggeration) and I have nothing but ear problems but the doc said this had nothing to do with cold or wind. 

I'll ask my dad to look for the ear covers.  There's a greater chance of him finding them than me.  Thanks.

It is definitely a two person job!

Thanks, I feel less incompetent now.
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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the 'Burgh
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #221 - Jan 22nd, 2010 at 9:04am
Yup. That's how I remember them, too. Nothing, nothing, nothing, OW! And then you jump involuntarily out of surprise/pain.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #222 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 6:28am
Hair - I'm losing fewer hairs.  I'm not itching as much as I used to after the last hair cut.  I've noticed that a local newscaster who looks like she's adopted from Korea and two other possible Korean adopted designers have the same cut as me except their hair's longer than mine.  I wonder if this is the only haircut Danish hairdressers feel confident doing on Asian hair types? Grin

Ears - Well, I dripped them on my own this morning because it was still dark and I could do it at the kitchen window using the window as a mirror.  But I've yet to find a way to make the drops stay in the ears.  Perhaps that's why the instructions say 3 drops per. ear because they're counting on some to drip out?!  Hub can't drip them so the drops don't fall out either and staying with my head on one side for five minutes before doing the other ear doesn't help.  He says it's the snarkly shape of the inside of my ears that makes it impossible for the drops to fall all the way down. Grin

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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #223 - Jan 25th, 2010 at 11:29am
I had to do ear drops for an ear infection about 6 years ago - it was the pits!  It was hard to get the ear drops in so they went all the way down to the eardrum.  I'd lay in bed or on the couch for 20 minutes hoping that would be long enough, since as soon as I sat up it would all run out anyway.  I think that's just the nature of ear drops.  Of course, the pain got worse and worse over the next 2 days until I ended up crying in the emergency room at midnight.  Turns out the first doctor misdiagnosed a middle ear infection for an outer ear infection and thought the drops would be enough.  The ER doc explained that since the infection was inside the eardrum, the drops wouldn't do a bit of good and I needed oral antibiotics.  By that time I needed a pretty heavy duty narcotic pain killer as well.  Ear infections are a bummer!

I hope your infection clears up soon!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #224 - Jan 27th, 2010 at 3:12am
Tired of our health issues - I've been plagued by middle ear infections all of my life.  I was actually kind of surprised when the doc said it was an outer ear infection.  Never had one before.  Today is the last day of drops.  I'll wait until next week to call the doc if I'm still not feeling better.  The worse you are, the more likely they are to actually get the diagnosis right. Roll Eyes

Random infection - I've got the middle one home sick, youngest one's home against his will because I can't force the middle one out to walk to and from kindergarten.  I'm really irritated with the school.  It's cold over there and he's been sitting and shivering through all of his classes on Monday.  I told him he should've asked if he may go get his jacket and put it on.  Well, that's too late now.  I know cold alone doesn't make you sick but if there are bacteria and you're a little low because you're cold, tired, or whatever, then you're more likely to contract something.  I'd been so proud that we'd actually got off lightly this F/W. 

We've got a bank meeting tomorrow.  It's planned during the boys school hours.  Typical for something like this to hit us whenever we have an appointment some where. Roll Eyes

Hair - Wash, 1 mins. repair condition.  Again, it's not a knit hair day so my hair's feeling and looking great.  19".  ½" growth in one month at this time of the year probably isn't something to complain about.  My measurement might even be on the conservative side.

Nails - I still haven't got started on the 15 nailpolishes my mom got me in a pack for Christmas.  I haven't got started on the oyster pink nailpolish I got as part of the calendar gifts and I doubt I will for a while.  I bought three pink nail polishes last Spring that I'm just rushing to use up because I'm over that pink phase I went through last summer.  Those phases come every few years. Huh 

I'm really craving deep blue nailpolish.  That color of course isn't in the 15 pack.  At least there's a black and purple which is more than one can expect of most standard packs of nail polishes.  There's even silver and gold.  I've never owned gold nail polish so that's a new one.  My first ever nail polish in the early 80s was a glitter silver with flecks of blue and purple.  By the late 80s I'd gone conservatively shocking pink like everyone else but at least my hair gel was still green and purple and really left streaks in my hair.  By 1990 I had "that" purple gel but it doesn't have a tint to it.  I don't use gel now. Grin
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