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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257186 times)

carpe noctem

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #270 - Mar 13th, 2010 at 11:12am
Awwww, kitty! Cheesy

Your hair looks nice, Drear. I've always envied Asian hair. So pretty...
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #271 - Mar 14th, 2010 at 5:36am
Thanks Angel, I'm glad you noticed the cat too. 

Hair - CVR, deep condition.  Beautiful and fantastic today, a sunny Sunday with no plans and I'm certainly not putting on a knit hat or bonnet.  I'm going to stay in and enjoy that this is a very seldom occassion where I've nothing to complain about in regards to my hair.

Yesterday - Of course I didn't do any of the planned things.  Well, listened to all of the music I said I would and everything else in my youtube playlists.  Then I watched 'Coma' on TCM and forgot about my face and nails.  Did the face mask this morning while the deep conditioner was in. 

I think we have a routine now with me doing my CVR, applying face mask and deep conditioner, hub takes his shower, and when he's done I can get in and rinse off.

Today - I will have to get through the piles of laundry, clothes sorting, etc. I said I would.  No choice there so that's all for now.
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #272 - Mar 14th, 2010 at 11:41am
What a cute kitty and a great pic!  And it's so great to see a picture of your pretty face!  Your hair is so shiny and beautiful.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #273 - Mar 15th, 2010 at 11:01pm
I love your pictures, Drear! Smiley  Especially the ones of the cat in the bird house or feeder, the chandelier in your mothers house, the scenic views from your side of the world and most of all the pictures of you!

Sometimes, with everything that you have going on, I forget that you are a young woman.  You are very pretty too, nice to see you! Wink
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #274 - Mar 23rd, 2010 at 6:56am
Thanks La Diosa.

Tinnitus - I've been usually busy and quite honestly not felt I had anything to share.  I was actually in a good period.  Now I'm very affected or certainly aware of tinnitus.  It's not been diagnosed.  I've always been hearing impared, those ear hairs or hearing cells are damaged and have been since I was a baby, I've probably also experienced tinnitus in varying degrees all my life.  It could be stress, and a combination of factors that's making it hard to live with.  I know there's no cure because the reasons and experiences are so different from person to person. 

The tinnitus is worst if it's quiet and it's usually in the left ear or just loudest on the left ear so I'm not conscious of it on the right ear.  Come to think of it,  as a kid I'd turn on the TV or music all the time to escape the so called silence.  It's always been unbearable with complete silence.  I don't know if this heightened awareness is what's affecting me mostly on the psychological level.  I can already see I'm going on and on about it in this journal entry.

Aside from the hearing loss I'm born with (or so it seems) there's "of course" also been noise levels from kindergarten, school, work, music, both being on stage with loud music and in the 80s those in-the-ear earphones were so damn trendy!  I still use earphones when listening to music but they sit on the outside of my ear and I don't turn my music way up but perhaps the damage has been exacerbated by noises I don't detect but that cause damage anyway.  Coffee makes it worse, especially if I drink too close to bed time like I did last night.  I slept for 8 hours but I don't feel like I've slept at all.  I can drown out the tinnitus with regular noise and running water fx.  Sometimes it's so unbearable I can perfectly understand people who erh...choose not to live with it. 

Hair - It's been good.  I've had days where I didn't need a hat but I've kept a hood tightly over my head anyway to shield my sensitive ears.  Hearing impared, ear problems, tinnitus...*sigh!*.  Anyway, nothing's impacted on the appearance of my hair.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #275 - Mar 23rd, 2010 at 4:28pm
Hubby also has tinnitus, so you have my sympathy.  As you mentioned, I'm wondering now if he's had this all along but the condition has just gotten bad enough in the past couple of years for him to really notice?  For example, he's always wanted a fan blowing on us while we're sleeping.  I'm now thinking it's more for the white noise of the motor than the cooling effect.  *hugs*  Sorry you're having to deal with this.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #276 - Mar 24th, 2010 at 2:37am
Trisha, that could be it if it's not a temperature thing.  I can't imagine what it's like if it's constantly loud.  This morning I woke up and wasn't even sure I was hearing anything except the faintest of sound and that could just be regular body or house sounds I'm suddenly oversensitive to.  Unfortunately, I've read of people living tolerably with it for years until it suddenly gets unbearable and out of control.  Since there are so many reasons why people experience tinnitus and they experience it so differently, the "experts" say they can't find a cure but only help you to live with it. 

Hub's a ham, there's me making noises in the kitchen, the boys, the TV, I've lived in a commune house, I don't know if the tinnitus or need for music or some audial distraction came first so perhaps this is what my brain does when it's too quiet for it. Huh  It's exacerbated by stress and fatigue, especially coffee close to bedtime is a real bad thing.  Last time I experienced bad tinnitus I had that ear infection.  I've got an appointment with the doc tomorrow just in case there is something physically wrong with my ears.  Mainly my left ear. 

I've been so tired for no apparent reason the past 3 days.  I'm keeping active, eating well, getting out if there's a ray of sun, and going to bed latest at 10pm.  Have to be up at 6am.  My appetite has gone from a bit out of control on-off the past ten months to having to be very conscious of eating well when I feel hungry because I don't feel very hungry most of the time these days. 

Hair - Forgot I was going to switch to a rinse and only shampoo 2-3 times a week but condition daily.  I want to see if it'll actually improve my scalp condition if I give it a month.  That's only if I can stand it for a whole month.  So I washed, conditioned and applied leave-in as usual.
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2aF/Mii, 33/39.5/45

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the 'Burgh
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #277 - Mar 25th, 2010 at 10:30pm
I'm sorry to hear about your tinnitis!

Sorry, that I cannot help, but I do have two funny-ish stories about tinnitis.

A coworker went to visit his father-in-law at their place for the first time and immediately noticed that there was a strange high-pitched noise in their house. He tried to ignore it, and after dinner, his FIL mentioned how bad his tinnitis was getting! Coworker was like, "oh! You mean that horrible high pitched noise that I noticed when I walked in the house?" FIL is astonished, so the two walk around the house and identify the culprit (I forget what it was), and turned it off. Instant relief! FIL never realized that it was some electronic gadget that nobody else could hear but him, and figured he had tinnitis.

Second story:
As a youngster, my family and I went to visit a cave. In one room of the cave, the tour guides asked everybody to be as silent as possible, because if nobody moved or spoke, the cave was literally one of the quietest places on earth. Within 5 seconds, most people had buzzing ears from the deafening silence. It was really quite fascinating.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #278 - Mar 26th, 2010 at 5:34am
Thanks for the stories.  Sometimes I think I can finally hear things I could never hear before and am just bothered because I'm unacustomed to them.  Other times I'm convinced it's my brain's way of compensating for the silence.  I really can't remember if I've always heard this and then why would it bother me now?  Or if I've always "heard" what everyone hears in silence but now I'm ALSO hearing something new that the brain makes up where it can't hear sound. 

Doc couldn't find anything wrong.  I just know I've got soreness, sometimes pain and damn tinnitus.  I thought along with the hums of freezer desks in the supermarket, the running water in our bathroom (but not in our kitchen) and when a scooter drives by, I also hear a high pitched tone.  Not painful but certainly new to me. 

Doc said I could call an ear specialist but of course they were out of hours when I got home and they only answer the phone Mon-Thur 8-11:30am or so. 

I try not to think or talk about it. 

Hair - Am washing, conditioning and applying leave-in until I've used my current bottles up.  Then I might change my regimen.

Easter - No plans.  I want this house tidied up though before I'll begin to decorate.

I'm just listening to The Belmonts cover of 'Don't Get Around Much Anymore'.  Previously I've only heard Patti Page on it.  Think I like both covers.   

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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #279 - Mar 26th, 2010 at 1:48pm
"Missed the Saturday dance..."
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #280 - Apr 7th, 2010 at 2:05am
"Missed the Saturday dance..."

Yeah, I'd like to get together with a bunch of other people who can't dance either and do some "movements" to danceable music. Cheesy

Hair - I can do with a hood most days so my hair isn't affected by any hat and when one is needed the thinnest one that doesn't leave dents or compress my hair is all I need.  I'm out of 1 mins. repair treatment but I don't know if it ever did much for my hair; Kept it from breaking and my dad's just sent a package which I'll probably have to pay half a fortune for before the post office will let me walk away with it due to tax laws. Roll Eyes  My dad's point of irritation is that if we lived closer by each other, we'd exchange gifts without any costs to us. 

Neither one of us are going to profit from the contents of the packages we send each other.  This is old stuff like my dad's old toys.  Even in the case where we buy something new for each other it's not the same as ordering something from a shop in the U.S. or Denmark and even then, it's not my fault if there's stuff I'd like that they don't sell over here or in another EU country so I think it's unfair if I'm punished for choosing to buy something in the U.S.  I don't because I can't afford surprise s/H/duty costs.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #281 - Apr 7th, 2010 at 2:39pm
You could host an Improv Jam and play whatever music you wanted.  Since its improv, you could use all kinds of movement!

I'm sorry its such a pain for you to send and receive packages from Denmark.  How frustrating!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #282 - Apr 8th, 2010 at 1:59pm
Hair - If I like a hair care line or just a brand, I can be guaranteed that regular supermarkets will discontinue them. Sad  Gliss long hair care line has been dropped from the supermarkets, Pantene has a classic line, volume and???, and smooth something???  I haven't used Pantene since returning to Denmark.  I'm not switching to GF and I've never tried Sanex.  There's of course every supermarket chain's own brand. Roll Eyes
So I've begged hub to take me to a larger supermarket in the nearest city tomorrow evening.  If they have Gliss long hair care line I'll stock up for the rest of the year.  If not...I'll stand in the hair care aisle for 15 minutes and debate with myself.  I suppose I could try another Nivea hair care line.  The diamond shine is so-so.  I need real hair care and not just cosmetic enhancement of my hair.  I'll continue to use the Gliss 1 mins. repair cond. on Wednesdays as long as the supermarkets stock the repair line.  I just ran out.

Update - I can see that both Gliss, Niveau and Pantene carry lines our local supermarkets don't stock.  Pantene's Repair & Protect sounds like something my hair might like or Nivea Nutri Cashmere.

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« Last Edit: Apr 8th, 2010 at 3:24pm by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #283 - Apr 9th, 2010 at 2:44am
Hair - Wash, cond. leave-in.  I can't afford a better leave-in so when I've used this one up, I'll be buying the same one again.  Nivea Repair leave-in.  Blue with orange top. 

Morning - I woke myself up "singing": 'Even Cowgirls Get The Blues'.  Luckily hub was already in the shower.  It woke up the youngest one too.  He stated matter of factly that mommy can't sing but he can.  He's so right about that.

Laundry - 3-4 loads just because I was lazy yesterday and skipped it all together.  One day of skipping and this happens!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #284 - Apr 13th, 2010 at 5:10am
I didn't feel like going shopping over the weekend.  We our first real Spring weekend this year so I chose to be outside instead.  It's going to get cold again.  So I'm making the most of it while we've still got warmer temperatures.  According to the dermatologist, unlike most people, I'm not getting enough UV rays and that's part of the reason for my skin issues because I've been sun/UV paranoid like all my fellow fair Danes.  I still need to wear sun screen like everyone else, just not SPF 50 and above like others and right now I'm only using spf 8 on my face.

Hair - Everything was fine until last evening.  I panicked over something in the oven that had got stuck so I forgot to turn off the hot air mode and I worried that the front of my hair got fried so immediately after tackling the situation I went and rinsed my hair and applied a big gob of leave-in conditioner.  This morning I think I condition overloaded so I don't like the feel of film on my hair. 

Christmas again! Cheesy - Dad sent me a package with five, no less than 5 view-masters!  There's one from the 70s that looks the way I remember them and the other four are from the 90s or so.  The reels are from 1946-1996.  The boys love the but there are strict rules for playing with these view-masters Exclaim

Hub got some multi-tool (apperently men can never have enough of these) and a ham radio magazine.

I got interior decorating magazines Huh  I don't know what dad's implying and vintage costume jewelry.  Seriously, I think my dad noticed my keen interest in thumbing through brochures and magazines again and again of various home decors, paint catalogues, kitchen & bath brochures and all things interior and home related.

I don't have time or the right lighting for photographing the jewelry yet but there are some jj cat pins, a small hobe´ pin and other cheap unsigned pieces, some with cats.
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