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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257683 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #300 - May 9th, 2010 at 7:00am
Curlgirl, headbands can give me headaches sometimes and I don't think they really flatter my face.  There are times when I'm self conscious that my scarves, headbands and ponytails do nothing to improve my "image".

Hair - Gliss Repair 19 shampoo, Garnier Olive and lemon deep cond.  Nice and sleek.  No leave-in today.  I think that would be overload.  I think I need to be careful with this Gliss Repair 19 shampoo and cond.  Using the usual amount might be too much even for my moisture hungering hair. 

Nails - Gun metal grey finger nails.  I think my toes are just beige.  I tried doing French nails again and I don't know if I'd actually like them better if I could do the white tips nicer if I had those strips but something in my brain just want the tips to be darker.  Last time I ended up painting the tips gun metal grey and I quite liked it that way.

It's mothers day here but I'm ignoring it.  I'm just going to pretend like I forgot.  Otherwise, others are just going to try to guilt trip us in to a visit soon and I really have too many other things I'd rather do the next few weekends this May.  If I do anything today, I'll just go for a walk.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #301 - May 10th, 2010 at 5:33am
Hair - First day of Gliss Repair 19 shampoo and cond.  no leave-in today because it's overcast.  My hair is really bouncy and soft and it's almost like it has a volumizing effect on my hair which was unexpected because I thought it was a heavy formula and I feared it would leave a greasy film on my hair.  Lets see if I stay happy with this...I'm going to book an appt. for a trim mid June.  Still haven't decided if I want the top and bangs adjusted or not. 

Walking, walking and getting out there to walk.  It's healthy and therapeutic.  It's all the therapy I can afford money and timewise. Grin

Talked to dad on the phone last evening as I usually do on Sundays.  Okay.....so someone who's no part of our life, who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows my dad's neighbor, got herself caught admitting to gossipping about my dad!  Of course she claims she only says nice things about him but I doubt it.  I don't want her to get a toe back in to our lives in any way!  That woman was so toxic and nearly cost me my "relationship" (familial) with my dad! Angry 

When my dad and I talk about how we deal with the situations we face, I can really see how much I resemble my dad.  But I have learnt from observation and with the risk of being accused of being smug, I dare say that there are many situations I handle much better than he did at my age or even now. Smiley

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #302 - May 11th, 2010 at 3:51am
A bad day so far - I need to rest and it's not even 10am here!  First I discovered gold paint on different parts of my new all weather jacket which would't come off without a rough sponge and it's not completely gone but I have bad experiences with washing waterproof jackets in the washer so now I have to tolerate that fussy look to some spots of the nylon fabric.  Angry  Not an expensive jacket but it's timeless, looks good and I'm broke anyways.

Less than a minute later I was standing outside the front door with the youngest one on our way to his kindergarten when I hear a loud rumbling sound.  I went back in and right where I'd been standing, inside our bedroom, right by the door checking my jacket in the mirror, lies our TV!  I never thought it was smart to have that big heavy thing up on that arm but miraculously nothing happened for 10 years, until it crashed down onto the floor this morning. 

Hub's talking about contacting insurance.  I'm so embarrassed that I didn't insist way back when on placing that TV some where else and certainly not up on that arm. Embarrassed  I don't really want anyone else to know.  Which is also why I haven't told our youngest one exactly what's happened to our TV because I don't want him to "brag" to everyone down at the kindergarten about it. 

Hub's overstuffed the shed so I can't get to any garden gloves.  I used old pieces of denim material to hold the TV and turn it over, shovel everything into the TV box and it's now standing in our utility/entrance room.  I remembered to take pictures of everything before cleaning the mess up. 

I'd actually made a real lady-like effort with my appearance today.  I must look totally comical cleaning up in this outfit but I couldn't get in to our bedroom to change before I'd picked up the broken TV and broken glass.

There's a dent in the bedroom door, some black paint or whatever on the door and our floor and the grout in the tile floors in the hallway is cracked.

Hair - Still really happy with the Gliss Repair 19 line.  Got a thin alice band on with the bangs free.  A bit childdish but I'm happy I did it because it made it a little easier to see what I was doing while cleaning up.  My hair stuff is also in our bedroom.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #303 - May 11th, 2010 at 8:46am
Sorry about the t.v.!  Glad no one was hurt!
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carpe noctem

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #304 - May 11th, 2010 at 12:51pm
Egad. Shocked One of my family's TV's is up on a metal arm...hope it doesn't have the same result!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #305 - May 11th, 2010 at 10:09pm
Wow, it's weird that it decided to fall after 10 years. Undecided

It's funny, I actually like doing work in nice clothes.  It reminds me of olden times I guess.  Like on the Donna Reed show.  She did almost everything in dresses and heels. Cheesy Although, I don't know if it was like that in real life, as my mother had to explain to me that in real life married couples didn't actually sleep in seperate beds. Tongue
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #306 - May 12th, 2010 at 3:23am
One of my family's TV's is up on a metal arm...hope it doesn't have the same result!

I was surprised it didn't fall down the first night 10 years ago.  Well, something good might come of all of this.  We'll shift the bed around and hub's talking about buying a flat screen that can stand.  Don't ask me where we're going to get the money from. Huh

Although, I don't know if it was like that in real life, as my mother had to explain to me that in real life married couples didn't actually sleep in seperate beds.

Stockings would've been on but they could've worn swirls over their day dress but in the few every day pics of seen of women cleaning or doing more than just dusting and vacuuming, it looks like most of them are wearing the same casuals as teenage girls might've changed into after they came home from school or perhaps their husband's old work clothes. 

Thanks Curlgirl.  I thought of all the worst case  scenarios such as me lying injured or dead under the TV with the youngest one injured or getting injured if he tried to touch anything and all our neighbors are at work.  Which reminds me we need to drill with the boys what you do in case you need to call 112 (our 911) and what to say.  It's actually a few years ago I told them and I don't know if they remember. 

Hair - Wash, 1 min. cond.  This combo is good too.  I've never been too particular about using products from the same line on days where I deep condition but I can see the point now.  I've never had hair before that was bouncy, soft, shiny and well conditioned at the same time.  It's always seemed like I had to choose 1 or a few priorities regarding my hair. 

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #307 - May 12th, 2010 at 5:20pm
I think a refresher for an emergency is a good thought!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #308 - May 13th, 2010 at 12:07am
I am glad no one was hurt, and hope the new tv doesn't cost too much.

Things like that are really startling.  I remember coming up the stairs from the basement, and having the rod in the front closet crash to the floor just I reached the top step.  (The stairs come up beside the closet, so the crash was right next to me.) I nearly fell down the stairs, I was so startled. Shocked
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #309 - May 15th, 2010 at 9:08am
Thanks Melusine. 

Hair - I messed up my hair routine and my hair is as conservative as me so it's really unhappy with this! Grin  I'll CVR tomorrow and try to rectify things.  It's neither dry nor greasy it's just *blah!*

Mini-holiday - Nothing!  Rained out and cold.  Can't do the gardening we'd planned.  I don't actually like gardening but I like to enjoy the results.  I'm fine with potted plants but I hate mowing lawn and weeding which I leave to hub anyway but he's down with a cold.  The oldest and youngest are really sad that we can't get out and garden.  This gardening gene must skip a generation on their dad's side.

The only thing I miss about our previous house was the bricked patio with a large flower bed at the end and fence all around.  That's my kind of "garden".  I'm not into a lot of lawn, flower beds that require regular weeding and hedges.  I hate hedges!  Oh, no need to become so emotional, hub does the hedge cutting too. Tongue

May 15th, 1999 - So it's our 11th anniversary and I only just realized when I looked at the calendar to check some meet dates.  Hub's excused for forgetting.  I'm not especially sentimental anyway.  It's the celebration, enjoyment and just gratefulness for everyday life when it's [nearly] problem free. Smiley

The only thing I'm doing in the way of celebrating is cooking a pot of something colorful, spicy and garlic filled.  That's mainly in an effort to shorten hub's cold though.
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carpe noctem

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #310 - May 15th, 2010 at 11:36am
Happy anniversary, Drear. Sorry to hear that your husband's sick. Sad
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #311 - May 15th, 2010 at 12:44pm
Happy Anniversary,Drear!!!  Whatever you and hubby do I hope you enjoy!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #312 - May 16th, 2010 at 7:08am
Thank you both. 

Hair - I'm glad I did CVR today.  My hair's back to soft, shiny and bouncy.  Deep conditioned as well.  I'm mainly using this the deep conditiner to use it up.  I've no idea what I'll replace it with.  I may just use the leave-in as a replacement for a while since I'm also just looking to use that one up as well.  Gliss has a new line, I could try the deep conditioner from that line so that when it becomes time to replace shampoo and cond. again, I'll know if I want the Deep Repair again or the new one I forgot what's called. 

Dinner - I cut one of those long pork??? things up, and added wok mix greens and a pseudo, spicy, garlicy, Asian sauce to it and let it sit for an hour.  It was good.  I just sort of grabbed everything within reach that I thought might be commonly used in some SE Asian cooking.  What do I know...We had whole wheat pasta and multi-grain garlic baguettes with it to make sure everyone ate something.  Our boys even prefer brown rice over white rice now.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #313 - May 18th, 2010 at 2:49am
Hair - Wash, cond. Leave-in.  Will probably try a ponytail later if it becomes windier than it already is.

Right now my rural neighborhood sounds like a construction site in a metropolitan area.  I'm not enjoying it.  This is one of the reasons why I prefer to live in a rural area!  However, we do have a window factory in town so I'm used to a bit of noise when I'm out walking but this is like right in my back yard.  It reminds me of when I gave birth to our youngest and they were re-buildning parts of the hospital and they were using power drills right outside the window from the rooms in the ward I was on. Sad  I think we only stayed for three days.  I couldn't get home fast enough.  The middle one was premature and the oldest was difficult to learn to breastfeed so going home the same day as I gave birth wasn't an option.  Mom went home on the day or the day after she gave birth to my brother who's her only biological child.  Oh, I'm trailing off.

Gardening - I've got as far as weeding this year.  Spring has been late in arriving and hub has only mowed the lawn once.  Then he felt too sick to mow the lawn and I'm no good at it.  He has to drive around to clients this week so he was forced to go to work even though it'll probably slow down his recovery.  His asthma and hypertension are both a bit unstable.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #314 - May 18th, 2010 at 9:04am
Update - Ended up with rollers in my hair.    Even after brushing I still thought it was too curly.  I love curls but as soon as I achieve them I find myself rinsing my hair until it's straight or brushing until it's wavy.  I've had curly perms in the past but I've never been quite comfortable with seeing curls on my own head. 

I think a psychologist would say my discomfort with curly hair on myself is quite apparent in the first line of the top paragraph.

I only had a bottle of mousse that offered UV protection and it's warm an humid today.  So luckily the curls fell out on their own.  I made a sharper side part and tucked my hair behind my ears for a soft 60s look. 

Update - Need to do this while I remember so I can remember that this regimen isn't for me.  No more hairloss than usual, no split ends.  But while I realize that some people are happy to use 2-3 styling products and blow dry daily.  Even though I didn't use a blow dryer and only one styling product, this sort of look and feel isnt' for me. 

This evening I washed, deep conditioned and applied leave-in again.  I really checked my hair carefully both before and after the shower.  I'm happy to let loose ends flow free and for random strands to fall out of ponytails. 

I guess I've changed over the past six years.  Six years ago I had a very short hairstyle and used wax and a blow dryer every day.  Three years ago I had a bob I applied mousse to and blow dried nearly daily.  12-15 years ago I preferred the tight full updos, usually done in wet hair.  Now the decision to wear my hair in a ponytail is a major one each time and I usually end up regretting it.  Tomorrow may be such a day.  It's going to be warm and humid again. Roll Eyes  Alice bands are out.  Scarves are just tolerable when used as hairbands.

I should probably be realistic about how long it's sensible to let my hair grow if I find the feeling of having it gathered or pulled up uncomfortable.  I'm going to see if I in the future can afford to try some of the things others have recommended on here to pull one's hair up or away from the face.
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« Last Edit: May 18th, 2010 at 2:04pm by Drear »  
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