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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 251041 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #315 - May 20th, 2010 at 2:11am
Hair - Wash, cond.  Ponytail.  I'll be glad when I get out in the humidity that my hair's off my neck but my scalp will probably itch like hell within a few hours. Roll Eyes

Yesterday - I would've happily missed yesterday.  I thought it was going to be an easy day but I was wrong.  Hub was out driving for his job.  Then while I was watching English ESL pronounciation of "R" tutorials on youtube and else where on the net I got a call from the kindergarten.  Apparently the youngest one was very unwell with a hurting throat.  So I dashed out in shoes, didn't even think to put on sandals though it was quite warm.  I also had to pick up the middle one from school so I'd have to pull him out early and I had to buy medicine for the oldest one.

Of course nothing went according to plan.  I got down to the kindergarten just to find the so called unwell boy, doing just fine, hiding in the top of a tree and shouting his throat doesn't hurt.  They still insisted he wasn't well and I couldn't assess him in the top of a tree so while they worked to get the boy to climb down I walked down to the school and stopped at the pharmacy to pick up the medicine.  All the lower classes were out of their building and bags and jackets were gone too. Shocked  Someone had forgot to tell his mother something! Angry  So I raced around on the school grounds but could only find the older kids and no one knew where the smaller classes had gone.  I mean...for all I know aliens could've abducted them. Wink

So I got back to the kindergarten.  Youngest one was then inside and playing happily, quite well, no hurting throat.  I stayed until 15 mins. before school got out, then dragged the then exhausted little boy down to his older brother's school and thankfully the younger classes had miraculously got back.  I'd sat and talk to some adults about some conflicts at the kindergarten and everyone had forgot to get something to drink.  So I brought home two dehydrated boys.  The middle one still can't explain where they all were.  No, I don't think aliens really abducted them and I don't want anyone to contact WOW.
So a whole day was wasted. 

Today - I've now got piles of laundry a bathroom that needs cleaning and at least I'll definitely make time for that but it's already warmer and more humid than it was yesterday.  The middle one forgot his lunch box and drink bottle and hub insists I bring it to him if he forgets him because the whole point in learning from experience is lost on hub.  I'm also a little worried the middle one will be dehydrated if tab water's all there is on hand.  Sinks and such in schools aren't usually very inviting to drink by.

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #316 - May 20th, 2010 at 8:03am
Wow!   It sounds like yesterday was a real pain in the **)*!! Shocked
I hope today is much better for you! Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #317 - May 20th, 2010 at 12:54pm
Here's hoping the rest of the week and the weekend run more smoothly for you!  *hugs*
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #318 - May 20th, 2010 at 1:15pm
Thanks curlgirl and Trisha.  It just got "better" today. Roll Eyes  I'm exhausted and a little too upset with someone to write more right now. Sad
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #319 - May 20th, 2010 at 6:14pm
Aww, I hope you're ok!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #320 - May 21st, 2010 at 3:10am
curlgirl, I'm fine thanks.  After a night's sleep it's just a point of irritation now.  It had to do with having to run to the middle one's school not once but twice because he'd forgotten two things and I'd reminded him over and over again in the morning.  On my way there with the lunch box and drink bottle which was important yesterday with the heat, the teacher had lent him her cell phone to call home to me but I was already on the run so I had to run back after his gym bag.  The point of learning through experience is lost on hub so he insists the poor thing can't go just one day without his lunch box and drink bottle if hub and son don't see to that it's brought out into the car in the morning.  I was going to ride back to the school on my bicycle but the lock had decided to rust itself stuck. Roll Eyes  So I ran back.  It's at least a couple of miles round trip each time, it was warm and I hadn't had time to eat breakfast or drink before dropping the youngest one off at kindergarten.

I'm getting ahead of myself.  The first time around the teacher must've thought I was an older student because she happened to come out of the classroom when I walked in to the building and told me I couldn't be in the lower students building and go back to where I needed to be. Huh  I told her who I was and since my son was standing in the wardrobe with her cell phone I could hand it to him without disrupting the class.  Usually I just quietly set it on his wardrobe space without disrupting anyone.  It was then she ordered me to go home and get his gym bag.  As if she assumed I'd been careless.  I was upset with three people there for putting me in a bad light! Angry 

When I came back to the school I was in a real foul mood (partially because I had to walk back with bike being unavailable to me) so I marched in to the class, over to my son's table, said that they'd taken some of my time so now I'd take some of their time, then I leaned down and whispered admonisments at my son but I think my expressions and gestures were very clear.  Then I marched out!  Okay, childish perhaps and I'm going to let this one rest and try to behave like an adult, in other words as if nothing has happened, if I meet that teacher again and greet her, etc. 

When hub called home to tell about his small computer problem at work I was in no mood for it and when he got home, he and our son both got to hear a few truths of what I thought of my day! 

Hair - It survived a whole day up in a ponytail.  No itching, no headache. Smiley  A mid height, not too tight ponytail with a smaller hair elastic is what works best for me.  The larger the hair elastic, the tighter it needs to be, hairs are more likely to break and I'm more likely to think the whole thing is too tight and itchy and have a headache.  Same thing today and probably tomorrow.  Then it's going to get cooler again.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #321 - May 21st, 2010 at 4:18am
Wow!  What a rough day for you!!   (((hugs))) 
I'm glad your ponytail held up for you and didn't give you the itchiness or headache.  Something positive always happens even in the midst of all the aggravations of life.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #322 - May 23rd, 2010 at 4:35pm
Hair - I've survived three days with ponytails now. Smiley  Forgot to CVR but my hair doesn't feel like it really needs it right now so perhaps I can put it off until next Sunday.

Weekend - It's a three day weekend here and we have Monday off too.  We're supposedly celebrating Pinse. Huh  I think everyone else are as clueless as I am so everyone's used the weekend to garden, it seems.  Saturday I went shopping while the boys and hub gardened.  I went looking for basic t-shirts but didn't find any.  Bought two short sleeved jersey blouses and two short sleeved cotton shirts.   Basic, no style. Roll Eyes  I did find two cheap short, A-line skirts. Smiley  I also bought bronzing powder which I hope will look better as blush than blush usually does, or that when blended out, at least gives me cheeks a bit more definition.

Today I planted some flowers and did a bit of weeding but decided that weeding isn't for me so I'm going to take a big shovel next weekend and turn the soil around in the flowerbed in front of our patio!  I don't know what I'll put in place.  More grass for hub to cut? Wink

I'm going to look for some t-shirts online instead.  Danish H&M has an online shop.  I usually prefer online shopping as opposed to brick and mortar shops.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #323 - May 25th, 2010 at 2:00am
Hair - I thought I could leave my hair down today but it's going to be terribly windy, cool again and I've got an afternoon meeting. 

Meeting - It's at the kindergarten.  Some people from the school are coming to observe our son in his "elements" and then we're going to have a meeting compare our impressions of him with the staff at the kindergarten. Embarrassed 

Weekend - We had three days off.  After a day of shopping, a day of gardening, and a day of rest, I feel ready to take on this week.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #324 - May 25th, 2010 at 8:35am
You go,girl!
I hope things turn out well for your son! Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #325 - May 26th, 2010 at 2:49am
Thanks Sakina, the weekend was easier and it was three days.

Hair - Wash, 1 mins. Deep Repair Gliss treatment.  Windy but I'm leaving it down.  Don't like to wear my hair up too many days in a row. 

Thank you curlgirl. 

Meeting - Exhausting, can't even remember what we talked about. Embarrassed  Someone else took notes and will be at the final meeting at the school.  I told hub he has to be at the meeting  even I'm responsible for remembering everything and I'm also responsible for making sure everyone has the same information and understanding of the information. 

They found no melanoma in a dark spot they removed from hub's back but it's been healing slowly.  His hypertentions is unstable, he's upped his dosis, he keeps swinging between headaches and migraines.  I've told him to see a doctor but you know men.....some men anyway. Roll Eyes

I'm going to try to talk to the pharmacy for "my sick aunt" to get them to let me pick up the asthma medicine he paid for yesterday that they didn't have in.  I didn't remember to get his NHS card but I know his SS# which is what they look for on the NHS card and of course it has to match the name you give.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #326 - May 26th, 2010 at 11:06am
Somen men?  I think the majority of men!!! lol  Maybe if you keep working on him (gently) he'll succumb!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #327 - Jun 7th, 2010 at 4:00am
I thought I was going to relax on Friday and read everyone's journals but that was not to be.  I can't remember what got in the way.

Party - We went to a school party at the oldest school last Wednesday and I brought too much food and cake with me.  So hub had a giant cake with him the next day to work.  Of course they wanted to know what the occassion was and they said they'd like a cake like that more often.  I'd just mixed two packs of ready cake flour stuff. Embarrassed  I love to cook but I hate baking.

The youngest one got a tour of the school while we were at the party.  I regret that I forgot to bring my cell phone to the party.  Hub and I were running in opposites direction after the tour trying to find the oldest boys who'd run off to play while we were given the tour.  I was sweating buckets by the time I'd collected all three boys and got them to the car.  Hub had been at the other end of the school because he heard "some kids" Roll Eyes  well, not our kids.

Gardening - We did a lot of gardening over the weekend.  That was nice.  Alright, I'll be honest, hub did a lot of gardening, I minded the boys.  I'm not big on gardening, I just want to enjoy the results.  I pampered hub and made good lunches and brought him fluid because it was a warm weekend. 

Monday - Today is cool and rainy and I spent an hour trying to find the middle one's class because we'd discovered too late online, that it was a special PE day for all the lower classes.  Turned out they'd been bussed to another town.  I must've looked like a completely incompetent mother to the secretary and principal. Embarrassed  The thing is that they put the schedule out online any where between Friday evening and Monday and we haven't received any notes about a PE day so I don't know if our son just forgot to give us a note.  The secretary and principal don't know how the teachers inform parents of changed schedules.  I'm really unhappy with that school.  This is the umpteenth time I look like a *beep!* because of their strange notice and schedule informing system which I won't bore you with but they sure don't make it easy to check and we never know when between Fri-Mon they'll update the class schedule.  It's not as if we waste our weekend checking their sub-site within the site every few hours.

On top of that, our stupid printer isn't working with regular paper any more, only envelopes so hub can't print out the schedule until Monday at work which is fine on regular weeks where we're just checking homework. 

Yes, we have bigger problems in life too.  All these small problems just add to stress and discontentment.

Us - Doc didn't find out why hub's hypertention is unstable and offered no real sollutions.  My skin is breaking out horribly in hives again despite using prescription cream and taking strong anti-histhamines.  I wonder if skin conditions can be stress related? 

Expenses - A vertical line in one of our panorama window frames is broken.  We chose plastic because we wanted something low maintenace.  The window factory doesn't exist any more and they're not from our town's window factory.  It's beyond me why another supplier was chosen.  I was 23 or so and didn't know the first thing about buying and having a house built in 2000. 

The last car repair bill was a real schocker.  Danish law says that you have to give the price including tax to private people.  Well, the price hub had been quoted (word of mouth) was without tax so the amount we actually have to pay is much higher.  They might be able to get away with this with others who don't know better.  Just another battle.....I didn't ask hub why he didn't get the quoted price in writing.  I guess he feels that since we've gone there since before we owned this car and for over a decade now, he thought we could trust them.  I'm not going to make him feel awful by telling him he should've got the quoted price in writing.

Hair - CVR, wash again because I used mousse with sun screen this weekend and I used the deep conditioner as a regular conditioner because I just want it used up.  My hair would've probably looked great if I hadn't had to wear a hood and the front didn't get soaked any way. 
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #328 - Jun 7th, 2010 at 11:46am
Drear wrote on Jun 7th, 2010 at 4:00am:
I wonder if skin conditions can be stress related?

Stress can manifest itself in many different ways, including (and sometimes especially) physical ailments.
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carpe noctem

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #329 - Jun 7th, 2010 at 1:09pm
I wonder if skin conditions can be stress related? 

Abso-bloody-lutely! Stress can cause all kinds of skin problems. Acne, hives, shingles...you name it. Not sure how long you've been taking prescriptions...sometimes they take awhile to kick in. But if you've been on them for a few months and you're still getting hives, they clearly aren't working.
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