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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257352 times)

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #30 - May 19th, 2009 at 1:38am
I just don't know how to get the rollers in vertically.

When I roll up my hair vertically (I'm assuming you mean a spiral type curl), I wind it on the roller starting from the center of the hair, not the ends.  So, with the hair hanging down, I'll place the roller on the center of the sectioned off hair.  Then, I start by spiraling the bottom half of the hair around the middle of the roller to the bottom.  After the bottom half of the hair is wrapped around the roller, then roll the rest of the hair up, spiraling it around the top of the roller all the way up to the scalp.  This gives me waves or spirals depending on the size of the roller.  

I'm always so bad at giving such instructions.  I hope they made some sort of sense. Undecided
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #31 - May 19th, 2009 at 11:39am
Hi, Drear!  I have these : http://www.amazon.com/Wrap-Snap-Go-Hair-Rollers/dp/B000UJ246Y
and I use perm papers to keeps the ends smooth.  Patience is required and be sure not to take too much hair in a section.  HTH
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #32 - May 20th, 2009 at 5:38am
Thanks to both of you.  Ah!  It took me a while to imagine the technique but I think I've got it.  We've got five days off from tomorrow so I'll try it on the front section of my hair.  I want my hair rolled traditionally with the front, top and sides vertical and the back horizontal.  That's a very conventional rolling pattern.  

My retro 1950s plans might be down the drain.  Just spent 2 hrs. ironing all my cottons.  I'll keep the retro bikini and the two short jersey skirts I bought to wear with it but the two pleated flared skirts will probably go back, they're cotton.  I don't know what I was thinking.  We're actually broke.   It has nothing to do with any financial crisis.  This is a chronic state of our personal finanses.  I was less interested in vanity when I was younger.  Wish I'd become interested in a cheaper hobby. Embarrassed Can't even afford real vintage.
The boys have all torn holes in nearly all of their jeans.  *Grrr!*  As if we need more expenses now. Roll Eyes  So my skirts will go back so they can have jeans to wear and I'll do the indecent and very unlady like thing and walk around town in capris and shorts this summer. Wink   In my rural area I doubt anyone was ever "every inch the lady".  The area was more rural and life was tougher then so I can't even imagine anyone wearing heels or gloves in any of the towns around here!  All the way up through the 60s my family in the U.S. had a much higher living standard than my family in Denmark.  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #33 - May 21st, 2009 at 5:06pm
Thanks to both of you.  It took me a while to imagine the technique but I think I've got it.

No problem.  I hope your curls come out nicely. Smiley

So my skirts will go back so they can have jeans to wear and I'll do the indecent and very unlady like thing and walk around town in capris and shorts this summer.

Too bad you had to take back your skirts.  I love weaing skirts and dresses too.  Although, I don't do so all of the time, as I'd like.  My husband prefers to wear athletic clothing.  So sometimes if we're going somewhere, he'll ask me to not "get all dressed up" so we don't look mismatched. Roll Eyes

The area was more rural and life was tougher then so I can't even imagine anyone wearing heels or gloves in any of the towns around here!

I never thought of rural areas.  I'd imagine that you're right and not everyone back then dressed up like Donna Reed. Roll Eyes  

I have an old sepia picture, which I love, of my grandmother and a gentleman from that time.  They were dressed in old 50's style clothing, she in a dress and heels and he wore a suit and hat.  My mother said it was the common daily dress of the time.  Although, they were from the city.  

Yet, I'd imagine that back then, even people in rural areas were still more dressed up than people of today.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #34 - May 25th, 2009 at 3:58am
la diosa, what I see myself wearing is Swirl dresses and skirtwaist dresses.  Very ordinary.  I'm hoping that I can afford some real vintage dresses in those styles some day.  Getting the foundation garments right first should be my top priority though it's hard to be patient but I know it's a waste to get the visible clothing first if I don't have the foundation garments that gave them the shapes they had back then.  Swirls may work with modern panties and bras though.

Those of you who don't have to share your pc should be grateful.  I'm virtually out of touch with online connections real lives by the time Monday roles around because hub needs to use it with his ham radio stuff over the weekend. Roll Eyes

Hair - Wash, condition.  VR yesterday.  Did the cold water thing again! Angry  It's such a shock each time I accidentally mix the vinegar with cold water.  I'll never get used to it.  The question is; When will I learn to remember to use warm water??? Huh  Bunned it.  Unfrotunately my new scarves don't really match the paisley skirt I'm wearing today.  I found an old velvet scrunchie of mine that matches the petrol blue in the skirt.  I found earrings that match the olive green as well and a wine red eye shadow from a Chanel quad one of my SIL's gave me that matches the main background color on the skirt.  Black shirt and black sandals with olive green hose. Smiley  

The boys had four days off.  Well, two week days.  They spent a lot of time in the garden with their dad.  We're getting ready for a flag pole.  The hole has been dug and prepared.  Now we're just waiting for the pole!  I'll have to read the Danish flag laws.  No, I don't think Jolly Roger is legal.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #35 - May 26th, 2009 at 4:06pm
I found an old velvet scrunchie of mine that matches the petrol blue in the skirt.  I found earrings that match the olive green as well and a wine red eye shadow from a Chanel quad one of my SIL's gave me that matches the main background color on the skirt.  Black shirt and black sandals with olive green hose. Smiley

Drear, you are one funky chica. Wink

Did the cold water thing again! Angry It's such a shock each time I accidentally mix the vinegar with cold water.  I'll never get used to it.  The question is; When will I learn to remember to use warm water??? Huh

What I do is mix up a vinegar rinse the night before so it will at least be air temperature when used. You can also leave it under the running water of your shower so it warms up a bit before you go to use it.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #36 - May 28th, 2009 at 6:17am
I know the last advice would make sense for me.  I always set it right outside of the shower.  Stupid me!

- Got an important meeting today.  All nerves even though it's not directly about me.  It's regarding my oldest son who has Autism and isn't learniing to read so a psychologist has observed him and done some tests she wants to talk to us about.  I don't know if any of his teachers will be at the meeting.  I don't have it all together.  I have no idea which room or building the meeting will be in and I haven't been able to get a hold of the woman. Roll Eyes  Not sure whose fault it is and it's pointless to blame anyone now.  So I'm trying to look mature, pulled together and confident without wearing such personal style that it draws too much attention to me in the "I'm insecure" way though that's how I'm feeling.

Style today - Don't know why but I don't feel alice bands look professional.  Not even the slim ones so I bunned my hair with more product than I like to and tied a scarf around the knit scrunchy making sure no ends are left out.  I may be taking this all too seriously but this is the only element I feel I can control today.  Being a homemaker I'm used to being in complete control.  That's perhaps the only minus to being a homemaker.  Oh, and I can't take orders from other people anymore.  I'll bite their heads off!

Hair - I used a cheap, family sized shampoo yesterday evening to wash out some products I'd experimented with to make sure I could make this bun look good today.  It actually left my hair look really good but I still used my leave-in organic conditioner.  My hair was super well behaved and shinier than I'd ever seen it so I may go with this routine for a while and see if I keep getting the same results.  The conditioner is relatively expensive but so far it's lasted me a year and I've still got nearly half a bottle left.  I only need to use a few spritzes after each hair wash.  I'll still want to deep condition and vinegar rinse a couple of times a week.  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #37 - May 28th, 2009 at 9:36am
Oh, and I can't take orders from other people anymore.  I'll bite their heads off!

And this is a problem because...??   Roll Eyes   Just kidding!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #38 - May 31st, 2009 at 12:15pm
Trisha wrote on May 28th, 2009 at 9:36am:
Oh, and I can't take orders from other people anymore.  I'll bite their heads off!

And this is a problem because...??   Roll Eyes   Just kidding!

It's not a problem for me, it's just a problem for everyone else. Wink

Hair - It's hot and humid and I've overdosed on conditioner after having a good VR and conditioning yesterday late in the evening.  Then this morning I didn't wash but just used what seemed like a small amount of conditioner.  Result; greasy film and flat hair the rest of the day and itchy scalp. Roll Eyes  Not very attractive and I didn't have time to wash again before going to my ILs.    Washed as soon as I got home.  No conditioner right now.  I'll rinse and condition tomorrow and hope my hair will look and feel alright.  Of course it will, because I'm not going any where tomorrow. Roll Eyes

Clothes - Got a "strolling suit" (directly translated from Danish) from my MIL that's a couple of sizes too big and a bit drap looking.  You know, boxy suit jacket and straight skirt.  I'm hoping I can style it a bit modern and look cool anyway.  I'm thinking cute chemise and some cool wide belt if I can find one.  I might use the parts separately instead.  If I was going to wear it as a set the size would have to be right and the cut more figure flattering.  I don't mind classic and timeless but this just screams "old lady" in the uncool, unvintage sort of way...for lack of better term.  Got a heather/wine colored knit belt that goes with a knit set she gave me in the winter but I'm thinking I might try it with the strolling suit to see if it updates the whole look.  

I wore denim capris in a modern cut with a cute home knitted ivory short sleeved top my MIL gave me last winter as part of two twin sets.  I kept the make-up colorful in blues, purples and pinks.  Everyone approved and I like it when I get a positive reaction from MIL when I style her old clothes in a way she wouldn't have thought of.  Dolphin necklace from dad and multi-colored charms bracelet from mom.  How diplomatic is that?! Cheesy  White wedge sandals...erh...even I can err on the style clueless side. Smiley

On this hot, humid day they prepared lamb roast. Shocked
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #39 - Jun 2nd, 2009 at 7:59am
Hair - Can anyone honestly say that their hair looks good hanging loose when it's hot and humid?  My hair acts up these humid warm days no matter how little or how much I do.  Dosing the conditioner is a very tricky one.  Not conditioning isn't an option!  I've bought a huge bottle of vinegar btw. Cheesy  My scalp itches horribly.  Low pony, sharp parting, alice band.  

Vacuum - When the good old Philips broke down we bought a cheap supermarket vacuum cleaner that was supposed to be smart because you can either use a vacuum bag or if your budget's tight, use the included vacuum box with filter.  Now they've discontinued the bags in the size I need so now there's really no option. Angry  For the past few months I've had to clean the box weekly *yuck!*. Roll Eyes  At least we don't lose all the boys little Lego parts.  

Cosmetics - I'm not using anything on my face.  It's going to take some getting used to but my skin seems to appreciate it.  Still can't bear to leave my eyes, lips, and nails natural.  I'm experimenting with colors, shades and finishes I'll usually pass by like deeper "nudes", bronze and gold, and frosty pastels.  They actually look fine on me I just need to get used to them.  Bought Gosh eye quattro in Q23 Goldfinger and a few x-mas' back I got Chanel Les 4 Ombres in 79 Spices.  I like the bottom left color next to the gold in the Goldfinger and the burgundy in the Chanel Spices.  I own a pastel pink nail polish for the first time.  Eerie looking if I must say something positive.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #40 - Jun 2nd, 2009 at 9:22am
I'm not using anything on my face.  It's going to take some getting used to but my skin seems to appreciate it.  Still can't bear to leave my eyes, lips, and nails natural.

I can't bear to wear powder or foundation; I feel as if I'm suffocating!  I do, however, use mascara and the occasional lipstick.  And yes, I bet your skin does appreciate being naked for a change!   Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #41 - Jun 3rd, 2009 at 5:12am
Hair - My poor hair deserves a better owner.  It's another pony day after washing, deep conditioning, then I looked out of the window and saw the rain and wind.  So up in a ponytail, smooth over with some shine, none stiffening wax for long hair.  I'm not sure how I'm supposed to use it and I regret buying two pots of it last year because I've hardly used any of it but I think a few fingers dabbed into it and just run through the hair is enough of this stuff.  It's that Poly brand.  It's hard with a liquid surface, yellow with gold flecks in it.  I think I'm going to have to let go of my pride and let go of these styling products.  Aside from the waxes and the mousse wax, everything else has alcohol denat in it.  Strands of my hair is a bit lighter now than it was last year.  

Sun bleached?  Product damage?  I don't know if that's from the few days we've had sun where I've not even been out for an hour at a time or if it's the use of styling products I've never been addicted to?  I'm not a fan of sun streaks in my hair.  I'm not passing general judgement on sun streaks, I just don't want them in my hair.  The "sun streaks" are very dark brown but next to the rest of my natural "black" or black/brown hair if you insist on being pedantic, it's quite visibly lighter than the rest in some light.  

Part of me is tempted to jump in the deep end and have my hair chopped off right below my shoulders and grow it all back to one length in September or whenever I can afford to pay for a chop.  Last October that was the length of the bottom of my hair so it'll be June 2010 before it's 20" again.  I need to give this some serious thought.  Maybe I should just stick to my original plan of losing an inch or so of the bottom every 3 months.  The progress will be slower but it won't be so drastic a change.  Recently I thought of going only every 6 months and having all layers trimmed.
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« Last Edit: Jun 3rd, 2009 at 7:14am by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #42 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 2:07am
I'm confused.  I carefully looked at the back of my hair in the hallway mirror in good lighting conditions and I can hardly tell the layers anymore.  I've also noticed that my hair grows about 1/4" less each month than it did last year.  I hope this is my hair wanting to even out the layers so I don't have to go for a big chop.  I could go for a 3" chop when I built up the courage and then just continue to trim off ½-1" every three months until it's all one length and then see how often it needs trimming after that.

Hair - Wash, condition, didn't do anything to it.  Looks its normal self and I'm not seeing highlights.  Must've been imaging stuff.
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« Last Edit: Jun 4th, 2009 at 5:18am by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #43 - Jun 5th, 2009 at 9:18am
Hair - Another wash, condition and leave it alone! day.  I rolled my hair up on velcro rollers last evening for practice.  It gets easier but I have no real desire to set my hair anymore.  The foam rollers aren't working for me.  My hair slips off them, the frames fall off and they're hell to get out.  I break too much hair when I use the foam rollers.  The curls from foam rollers turn out super frizzy too regardless of whether I set wet, dry with or without styling products.  I like the waves created by buns.

Holiday - Today is constitution day and to be completely honest, I don't have a clue what our consitution says.  It's not an easy reader like the American constitution which was interesting to learn about in high school and later on again at comm. coll.  I forgot to check where and when there would be speeches today.  Everyone's got their garden flags up around here and at least we're able to join in because we finally have a flag pole.  Smiley  We usually have the long, slim one up for which there are no laws that say you have to take it down.  That one's allowed to stay up at all times. 

Our neighbor has actually experienced that people in the neighborhood have called them late in the evening or night to complain that their flag was still up. Roll Eyes  I know it's because the law says you're not allowed to flag for Satan.  Flag laws - I should make it a point to read them. Wink  Seriously, flagging is a responsiblity I'll leave to hub.
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #44 - Jun 5th, 2009 at 4:56pm
I know it's because the law says you're not allowed to flag for Satan.

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