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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257365 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #45 - Jun 6th, 2009 at 5:22am
I know it's because the law says you're not allowed to flag for Satan.


Exactly my reaction.  I deleted the next three paragraphs I'd written on my thoughts regarding that law and a few other laws.

Hair - I'm nearly out of Gliss shampoo and conditioner so I decided to give Nivea a chance because it's the same amount in each bottle but at a slightly cheaper price.  Nivea has long been a favorite skin care brand of mine so I hope the hair care line won't disappoint me.  I bought the diamond Gloss shampoo and conditioner.  I forgot to buy deep conditioner.  Back in the 80s L'oreal appeared to be the most sold hair care brand in our supermarkets. I'll be okay as long as they re-stock all Gliss lines in case Nivea's hair care lines disappoint.  I haven't tried Pantene in a long time.

Saturday - Sudden extreme rain and hail here.  My scalp doesn't like it when it gets partially wet.  Then it gets itchy the same way as when I sweat.  Did extreme supermarket shopping and ordered three new bikes for the boys.  Standard, sturdy ones with just three gears.  Nothing fancy here.  We've bought bicycles at our local supermarket which is part of a Nordic supermarket chain called COOP.  The quality of the bikes is fair for what you pay and certainly meet our needs for occassional leisurely rides on weekends or the rare school bicycle trip.  The way I see the kids throwing and pushing each other's bikes outside of the school I don't want to pay so much we'll be sorry.

I'm on hub's laptop so I don't have access to my favorites and I have to type everything in and log onto all forums.  His ham radio also zaps the online connection so I'm lying on our bed which isn't very comfortable.  I hate using different keyboards than the I'm used to so that's all for today.  I'm just going to browse for the rest of the day.  
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« Last Edit: Jun 6th, 2009 at 9:33am by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #46 - Jun 7th, 2009 at 4:41am
Hair - Felt sweaty and yuck so before going to bed yesterday I washed and VR.  I only used a bit of my organic leave-in conditioner before going to bed.  This morning I deep conditioned with olive oil for the first time in nearly 2 years.  We'll see how that works.  Washed it out after 40 mins. I waited for my hair to completely dry to see how it felt and looked before I decided if I needed to use any leave-in condition spray.  It doesn't appear so.  Right now it's so shiny and smooth I can't believe it! Smiley

Why is the shampoo bottle larger than the conditioner bottle in most brands?  I only need a small dab of shampoo to get any dirt or grease off my scalp but I use at least twice the amount of conditioner every day.  

Sunday - Today is some sort of election day.  Hub's gone to vote.  I'll go later so we don't have to wait in line with kids in tow.  I've just deleted a long rant about my neighborhood but I'm stressed.  I no longer feel that we fit in and people who live in another corner of our street (small streets with the same name, part of a neighborhood with similar streets named after poets)  make us feel unwelcome.  They are younger families who've moved to the neighborhood within the past five years and they don't have the same sense of community, friendliness, helpfulness, and tolerance that the older neighbors have.  Long story.....but I guess I have to accept that this isn't the place that we're going to grow old in after all.  

Hub's gone to buy outdoor pot flowers.  I've been missing that all Spring but we had "issues" to handle.  An ant just peed on my youngest.  He used to think they were cute and played with them.  I guess he doesn't feel so anymore.  I'm trying to teach him to leave the snails alone.  He's not trying to harm or kil them but he is moving them around.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #47 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 7:15am
Maybe this is irrelevant to anything but the text is slightly off on the top posted threads.

Hair - My hair's so fantastically shiny and well behaved after I've dumped everything I don't strictly need for cleansing and conditioning my hair and I've gone up to VR twice a week where it was once a week before.  The olive oil deep conditioning once a week seems to help too.  

Sadly, I had to put my hair up today because it's windy as hell.  I have a school pot luck to go to in the late afternoon-early evening and we're supposed to sit outside and eat.  The weather has better change its mind or I'll do my best to encourage a move inside! Angry

School party preparations - I'm making meat balls of minced chicken.  I'm making them relatively large because I'm lazy and I'm preparing them in the oven. Embarrassed  Hey, other parents just order pizzas and bring them in their cardboard boxes.  They don't even pretend to have baked the pizzas themselves. Grin  

Other activities - My middle one comes home from having spent the night in a scout cabin with his classmates.  They're 1st grade so this is a test to see how they'll cope and what adjustments need to be made.  I suppose it's also a test of the parents packing skills. Embarrassed  I forgot both flashlight, teddy bear and a bed sheet but I packed towell and a foam matress which wasn't mentioned. Cheesy  He's thrown his rain pants (two piece set) away.  Oh well, tough luck!  He already had a cold on Monday.  

The youngest one gets a ride home from having spent the day at another scout cabin.  They're just spending a couple of days there but coming home every afternoon.  

I hope I can find a few minutes to watch some youtube videos on paranormal documentaries.  I like the Haunted Britain, Strange But True?, Paranormal State and some random ones.  Ghost Hunters on occassion though I find the series a bit boring.  I watch make-up tutorials and listen to music as well.  

I'm going to prioritize my own interests more even if it means I have to fit it into the hours I'm home alone during the day.  There's no time for me from the late afternoon, until I hit my pillow, the mornings and any time anyone wakes up at night aren't mine either so I don't feel terribly guilty for relaxing while others are working.  Not much anyway. Wink
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #48 - Jun 10th, 2009 at 12:28pm
hope I can find a few minutes to watch some youtube videos on paranormal documentaries.  I like the Haunted Britain, Strange But True?, Paranormal State and some random ones.  Ghost Hunters on occassion though I find the series a bit boring.  I watch make-up tutorials and listen to music as well.   '

I am a big fan of Paranormal State!  It the only ghost type show I can beleive to be real as I know Lorainne Warren from way back. I get my pants scared off watching it! lol!  I like the make up tutorials too!  My faves are Mentalshiver and Panacea (sp?)
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #49 - Jun 11th, 2009 at 2:08am
Isabelle wrote on Jun 10th, 2009 at 12:28pm:
hope I can find a few minutes to watch some youtube videos on paranormal documentaries.  I like the Haunted Britain, Strange But True?, Paranormal State and some random ones.  Ghost Hunters on occassion though I find the series a bit boring.  I watch make-up tutorials and listen to music as well.   '

I am a big fan of Paranormal State!  It the only ghost type show I can beleive to be real as I know Lorainne Warren from way back. I get my pants scared off watching it! lol!  I like the make up tutorials too!  My faves are Mentalshiver and Panacea (sp?)

PRS aka Paranormal State appeals to me because they seem genuine and passionate about what they do and will try to help the people who have to live with these hauntings if that's what they want.  I would've never heard of the program or any of my favorite British ones if it hadn't been for youtube.

Panacea is one of my favorites too.  I've begun to watch some of the Asian ones too because they address some issues that Lauren (Panacea, Lauren Luke) can't address.  One Asian lady has copied some of Lauren's looks which helps me to get a better idea of what the look could look like on me seeing as I don't have big, beautiful, green eyes with perfectly separated large amount of lid above my eyes. Sad  A few of them also have a complexion that resembles mine though some of them are much fairer.   I'll check Mentalshiver.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #50 - Jun 15th, 2009 at 4:30am
Nothing to say about my hair.

I've got the middle one home with chicken pox.  The worst with the itching and burning is over but I'm keeping him home this week.  I hope the others catch it soon.  I'm in doubt about whether they've already had chicken pox or not because some children are hardly affected by it and I may have passed off red spots that got that scraped look on them later as small play injuries.  Well, we'll probably know if they've had it or not in 1-3 weeks.  Hub and I had it when we were around 3-4 in 1972 and 1980.  Hub was very sick in bed.  I had a high fever and was covered in spots all over.  I had to stay home from kindergarten for a week but I was outside playing in the garden all the time and didn't seem affected at all.

My vaccum cleaner is broken.  Everything's breaking down this year. Roll Eyes  Of course everything breaks at once when we're absolutely broke as well.  It's called lilfe and it's not the worst thing that can happen.  The good thing about having gone through so much crap is that it helps me to put more or less bad situations into perspective and not obsess or break down.  I still can't stop anxiety attacks when one of us has a health issue.   It irritates the hell out of me that I suffer anxiety attacks as soon as someone has something with a cough or their asthma.  I'm still able to care for the sick and it doesn't remove leave me imobile on the floor the way it used to.

nvey and Logona are supposed to be good organic brands but they aren't in the cheap end.  As much as I want to shift to more organic products it's not easy when I can't afford the organic brands.  I can't imagine completely foregoing any use of lipstick or eye make-up and the supermarket hair/body brand isn't working for me.  My hair and body require more moisture and something to trap the moisture than these organic products can provide.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #51 - Jun 19th, 2009 at 3:53am
Hair - Wash, condition, half up-do just to keep my hair off my face in the wind and rain.  Been thundering a lot too.  Carefully used a french clip.  I don't use them very often and I place them over a scrunchy the way I always used to.  I don't know why I forgot that detail when I began to use french clips again.  It's an attempt to safely and comfortably put my hair up but have it looking slightly nicer than a bulky scrunchy.

Boys - Middle one's in school.  They've not called.  He's the one who had chicken pox.  Then yesterday on the way to the dermatologist, the oldest one's school called to say he was sick and throwing up so hub left me in the parking lot and raced over to the school to pick him up.  He brought the boys back to the parking lot right as I'd finished at the dermatologist.  The youngest one is fine and is in kindergarten.  I'm keeping the oldest one home just because I know the school won't believe he's not sick.  

Danish law says that if your child has too many sick days (which isn't defined in the law) then the school is obligated to report you to social services even if you've been a good parent and not abused sick days and kept them notified each time your child has been sick. Roll Eyes Angry  So parents will try to send their children to school anyway to avoid being reported to social services.

Other stuff - The dermatologist doesn't think my "spots" look suspicious but wants to see me again in 4 months because I'm a darker person with a lot of spots and my skin isn't sun used the way it would've been had I lived in a sunnier climate so I still need to take the same precautions as fairer people and wear at least spf30 in the summer and some spf the rest of the year.  Health care (except for dentist) is free here so they're not after my money at the clinic.  I'm having my tonsils removed in September so it'll be October 22nd before I see the dermatologist again.  The dermatologist was model "perfect", with a smoth complexion. Roll Eyes  It sure didn't make me feel very attractive to have my skin scrutinized by Barbie in person! Shocked
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #52 - Jun 19th, 2009 at 11:39am
(((hugs)))  I hope your tonsillectomy goes well.  I had mine taken out when I was 19 and had a lot of complications, some fluke blood thing and then it changed my singing voice for years.  I hope your result is complication free!!!

I'd bet Barbie didn't always look like Barbie before you met her.  Good luck with your spots.  Maybe they're like a leopards spots-beautiful?
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #53 - Jun 21st, 2009 at 7:34am
Thanks Sakina.  I should adopt your life outlook.  It would probably be the best thing to happen to me. Smiley

Hair - Forgot vinegar rinse.  Used Garnier's Olive and lemon deep conditioner and now I remember why I never became a fan.  It doesn't do this or that for my hair.  So I'll just quickly use this one up as a daily conditioner and deep condition with regular olive oil even though that takes a little longer.  

Shopping -  Bought two new summer dresses and a new night "gown" because I just can't visit my mom for a week and sleep in my holed nighties.  I don't care at home but it seems tacky to bring holed nighties to stay at mom's even if she is just mom.  When it's too hot and humid for capris with short sleeved shirts or polos I prefer to wear shorts with chemises or simple no fuss dresses in soft, thin polyester.  Style goes out of the window when my scalp suffers due to humidity.  It's not been very warm or indeed anything that resembles summer but we've had some unbearably humid evenings.  

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #54 - Jun 25th, 2009 at 3:10am
Hair - It's really irrelevant in the context of what's going on around me but of course it's really well behaved because I'm house bound. Roll Eyes  I wish I could say the same for my scalp but I know it's going to be this way as soon as it gets warm and humid.

Stuff - The youngest one is home with chicken pox.  The oldest one burnt one of his feet yesterday on the beach when he was there with his school.  They let him take his shoes off and he was running around in the sand and didn't see the white ashes from a bonfire from the evening before.  They quickly took my son out into the ocean, drove him back to the school where he sat with his foot in a bucket because his school bus took him home.  In the bus he sat with a wet, cold towel around his foot and the driver carried him all the way into our livingroom where I had a bucket of cold water waiting which he sat with his foot in for five hours.  His foot was bare and dry overnight and he's wearing a sock now.  I'll take his sock off and check him from time to time.

Sankt Hans - Tuesday evening was Sankt Hans Evening and that's when we burn witches off and send them to a mountain in Germany called Blocksbjerg in Danish. Wink  Due to the pc brigade most people just have bonfires but without the witch doll on top.  None of the women (don't know why I don't know any men) who have a nature based belief and call themselves witches have ever taken offense to this tradition of burning off a witch doll and some of them delighted in making these dolls themselves for bonfires.  They all celebrated Sankt Hans Evening with the rest of us.

We were tired.  Went to bed early without seeing any bonfires.  Hub had been on the road all day and I was exhausted from caring for a chicken pox sick boy and dragging him through town to pick up his middle, older brother from school and just trying to keep it all together until hub got home in the evening.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #55 - Jun 25th, 2009 at 6:43pm
Hope both of your boys are feeling better!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #56 - Jun 26th, 2009 at 3:43am
The boys - They're actually feeling too good and I have to remind the oldest one not to walk on his burnt foot because it's thankfully healing nicely and he's not feeling any more pain. Smiley  Now I just have three hyperactive boys at home but two of them are still getting a few new spots so I can't let them out just yet.  I'm going to go out of my mind though. Wink

Hair - I wash and deep condition nearly daily now.  Even though I use conditioners or products with UV protection, my hair always gets that brassy look that shows in some light.  I've booked an appointment for the 9th of July.  I was going to wait until September but I guess I can't go six months without a trim.  I found 10 spits yesterday.  They were all in the back, in the same place so I'm reviewing what I'm doing to my hair so I can prevent more stress to that section of hair.  Generally, my hair still appears to be in good condition though.    I had my last trim on Friday, 13th of March.  I hope they don't have to take off more than two inches.  It's not the salon owner I've booked this time but one of her assistants.  She's a fully educated hairdresser like the salon owner.  She only has one trainee and the chemistry between her and I isn't good and my husband had an awful cut by her, she also upset my boys.  All the others are nice.  We only booked the trainee for hub and the boys because she's ½ price.  Here's really a case of "you get what you pay for".

I know we all have to start some where.  I just don't want the assistant to start learning on my hair!
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« Last Edit: Jun 26th, 2009 at 8:17am by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #57 - Jun 28th, 2009 at 4:34am
Hair - It was too warm and humid to sleep so some time after midnight I S/D but only found ends that looked suspiciously like they might split or have recently been part of split ends.  VR this morning.  Deep condition.  Leave-in condition.  Still not satisfied so I used a tiny dab of the Garnier olive/lemon deep conditioner as a leave-in and that did the trick so I think I'll continue to use the deep conditioner as a daily leave-in the rest of the summer or until it's used up.  I need to stick to the heavier cream products.  Sadly, we don't have that Pantene balm everyone in the U.S. is recommending that I try.  Someone suggested that I use regular sun screen in my hair and braid it but my hair isn't long enough to braid and I don't know if there are harmful ingredients in the body sun screens that might hurt my hair.

Boys -
It's like the oldest and youngest are having a second wave of pox because Friday I thought they weren't having any new spots but last night I saw new spots on both of them so I still can't send the youngest one back to kindergarten.  That means we get to sleep in tomorrow. Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #58 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 5:20am
Hair - Wash, condition, spray leave-in, dry hair in towel, run a tiny dab of deep conditioner through hair when it's nearly dry.  This has become my routine on sunny days where I'll be outside.  I still deep condition twice a week with a one minute conditioner or olive oil and I still VR once a week.  Dusting again and found two split ends.  I'm actually looking forward to my trim on the 9th of July.  

Boys - I hope we can send the youngest one back to kindergarten tomorrow.  There are no new spots and they all look like healing wounds now.  I need to split up the oldest and the youngest as much as possible.  Their different mental disablities are incompatible.  One's Autistic and the other one is retarded but very social.  The communication between them is sweet and funny when they get along but it's hard for the oldest one that his youngest brother loves and admirers him so much that he wants to be around his oldest brother all the time and drives the oldest one up the wall with his talking and the youngest one suffocates the oldest one with his frequent displays of affection.  They draw lots of depictions of each other and hearts all around so I'm sure they love each other in that brotherly way through good and bad. Grin  The middle one has a normal brotherly relationship with both of them through good and bad but mainly good too. Smiley
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« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2009 at 7:33am by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #59 - Jun 30th, 2009 at 9:39am
Thank God for small favors!  Having brotherly calm is so important when other factors come into play!
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