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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257066 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #60 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 8:08am
Hair - Of course it's only after my ends on all layers are fried and split despite my attempt to care for my hair, that the grocery stores begin to stock common brands shampoo and conditioners with UV protection for other than dyed hair.  Last year I had the sense to use the kind for dyed hair even though my hair wasn't dyed.  I lost common sense this year and it's also only now that the hairdresser stocks (very expensive) hair UV protection spray. Roll Eyes  

So for now I'm putting the Nivea Diamond Gloss shampoo and conditioner away for Fall and I'm going to begin to use Gliss shampoo and conditioner again.  Not the oil nutrive but in the wild rose oil repair UV series.  I've used the deep conditioner before but I could only afford the regular shampoo and conditioner today because the boys are running out of sun screen and mosquito stick.  I've got my priorities straight!  We've had so many unexpected expenses this year that anything relating to my vanity is of a very low priority.  I only prioritized sun screen for skin because that's not just an issue of vanity!

Scapped lip -  Around midnight I woke up because a zit was pressing painfully on my upper lip on the right side.  I thought that by applying some zinc zit zapper (erh...it's Garnier but other brands make these gel zit zappers too) and carefully squeezing it out, that it wouldn't be too bad and wouldn't cause more than a needle point scap which I've had before and isn't a big deal.  This time the zit was quite deep and large it turned out so I woke up this morning with two scaps on either side of where the zit had been.  I must've pressed too hard.  I don't need anyone to tell me how well deserving these unsightly scaps are I just need someone to tell me the dos and dont's and any tips on how to make scaps on lips heel faster are welcome too!

I'm going to bed early.  I'm drinking loads of green tea and eating fruits and vegetables.  I don't know if it was stupid or just useless but I dabbed a bit of honey on the scap and just wore sun screen stick on my lips today.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #61 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 1:35pm
I'm happy you can get your Gliss again!

Drear, the word you're looking for is scab, not scap.  Ouch!  Right on the lip!  If you have long fingernails, you can wrap your fingertips in a tissue to be more gentle to the skin.  Also, I think you could take cotton swabs and use the tips to press the skin.  I guess keeping the skin clean and moisturized will help with healing faster.  I hope it heals quickly!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #62 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 3:29pm
Sakina wrote on Jul 2nd, 2009 at 1:35pm:
I'm happy you can get your Gliss again!

Drear, the word you're looking for is scab, not scap.  Ouch!  Right on the lip!  If you have long fingernails, you can wrap your fingertips in a tissue to be more gentle to the skin.  Also, I think you could take cotton swabs and use the tips to press the skin.  I guess keeping the skin clean and moisturized will help with healing faster.  I hope it heals quickly!!!

Grin  You should hear my Danish today. Wink  I'm overtired and stressed.  I know you're right so thanks for the correction.  My boys have been correcting me too.  I've cleaned it and just letting it get air and leaving it alone.  Accidentally got some of my facial cleanser on it which irritated it a bit so I cleaned it again.  *ouch!*
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #63 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 5:23pm
Poor Drear!  Sounds like you could use a vacation!!!  Indonesian is my husbands first language, so I am often correcting him and it has become a habit.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #64 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 6:06pm
Hi, Drear, any antibiotic creme will help zits heal faster, if you are willing to use it.  I, thank the goddess, am past the age of having zits, but when I did have the occasional one, putting antibiotic creme on the incipient spot somtimes prevented them.  Good luck.
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #65 - Jul 2nd, 2009 at 7:43pm
Hi Drear, I sympathize with you on the pimple.  I never had acne as a teenager, but as an adult I do get the occasional breakout.  Last month we had the worst "June Gloom" every day and the humidity gave me the worst breakout I think I've ever had!  I bought a tea tree oil blemish stick by Burt's Bees and gave it a try.  It seemed to work on certain types of pimples but not all of them. 
Pimples on the edge of the lip are the worst!  They hurt so bad when you try to squeeze them.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #66 - Jul 3rd, 2009 at 3:38am
Hmm...I'll have to look into anti-biotic cream.  I've been using honey.  It's fine now, it was fine all evening and night but as soon as I come out of the shower it's soft, swollen and has something slightly oozing from it so I have to clean it up with propanol again and that hurts like hell.  After a few minutes it looks fine but I don't know how long it'll take to heal.  

My Danish was haulted at 8th grade when I left Denmark and my English is so-so.  My written English is actually better than my spoken English.  For all in the world I can't learn how to pronounce rolling "r's" "th" and "w" the way you do in English so I have sort of a slurred accent and when I was in high school many of my school mates really just thought I had a slur.  So I suppose you can say that I don't speak any language fluently which can be quite frustrating because it probably makes me seem more stupid than I really am.  

MichelleR, I'm getting them in places I never got them in my teens. Roll Eyes  I never had blackheads as a teenager but I have them now on my cheeks and I'm sort of a medical guinea pig for my doc. Grin  I'm also using a Neutrogena face wash for black heads and there regular 2-1 wash/deep cleanser for blemishes once a week and I never thought I'd be needing astrigent cleanser in my 30s.  I still use oil free moisturizers and I try to find grease free facial sun screens. 

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Midnight Angel
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #67 - Jul 3rd, 2009 at 12:29pm
Yeesh. Perhaps now you have some insight as to why you're never supposed to pop or squeeze zits. Not only will they ooze and scab over, the pus is loaded with bacteria, which can infect the surrounding pores, resulting in more zits! It also causes scarring. Not smart.

Different treatments work for different people, but honey won't do a thing for blemishes, babe. Sorry. You should try salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide...or tea tree oil, if you insist on the natural route, though I have no experience with it.

Also, there is no age limit for acne. It's not just a random product of your teenage years that disappears as soon as they do. It is a chemical reaction that can happen at any time for a myriad of reasons. So yeah, no need to be embarrassed about using products that work for you...I'm 29 and still using Clearasil. Wink
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #68 - Jul 3rd, 2009 at 6:30pm
I've used Cetaphil cleanser for years.  They have a formulation for oily skin.  It cleans beautifully and is so gentle for your skin.  My skin feels so good after I use it, sometimes I don't even need a mosturizer.  It won't do any harm and it might help, if you can find it and if your dermatologist approves.
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A womens hair is her life

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Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #69 - Jul 3rd, 2009 at 7:29pm
Also, there is no age limit for acne. It's not just a random product of your teenage years that disappears as soon as they do. It is a chemical reaction that can happen at any time for a myriad of reasons. So yeah, no need to be embarrassed about using products that work for you...I'm 29 and still using Clearasil. 

42 here and still getting zitty! Cheesy I use Clean & Clear gel.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #70 - Jul 4th, 2009 at 4:48am
Yeesh. Perhaps now you have some insight as to why you're never supposed to pop or squeeze zits.

I actually knew better. Smiley  Perhaps if I wasn't going through a period of very disturbed sleep and general stress and concerns I wouldn't have overreacted to something like a zit.  The times I've accidentally scratched out a zit in my sleep, quick disinfection of the area where the blemish was usually works.  

The honey was just to help the scab heal by disinfecting and keeping it soft.  I'd already cleansed and disinfected the area after the blemish was removed.  Appears to be healing relatively nicely so now keeping the area clean is all that matters and then not think too much about it.

Some people have no blemishes for a few years after their early-mid 20s for the blemishes to return again in their 30s when hormonal changes occur.  That's what I've been told and it could appear as if I belong into the latter category.

It's 11:40am here, I got up late after another disturbed night.  I need something to wake up on!  Coffee, quick!  I'm somewhat distracted and irritable and just want to read you ladies journal entries while I try to collect myself and relax. Smiley  If I sound rude and short in my responses, then it's not intentional. Smiley

Cetaphil and Clean & Clear aren't familiar brands here but the products I use are all for oily skin that's easily irritable and treats blemishes of all kinds. Grin  Burt's Bee's is hard to come by.  I'm even going to switch to a slightly costly pharmacy sun screen that's oil free and safe for all skin types including very sensitive types and children.  

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« Last Edit: Jul 4th, 2009 at 7:15am by Drear »  
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #71 - Jul 4th, 2009 at 7:28am
This weekend - It's still hot and humid so I'm not motivated to do anything.  Hub's away for a 24 hrs. ham radio contest but it's nearby. 

Hair - Was and condition with the Gliss rose oil UV shampoo and daily conditioner.  Feels different than when I used the oil nutrive Gliss series which I expected even though they're both Gliss series, it just takes some getting used to so it's too early to say whether I like it or not but my hair looks fine, feels okay and as long as the UV protection really works then I'm happy because it's a cheap brand. 

Update - Been grocery shopping.  For a combination of reasons I forgot that I had moved my purse from one handbag to another because I have three fabric ones my dad bought in a Fair Trade shop I like to use in the summer and they all meet different needs.  So we ran back and forth like mad with three boys in tow but they were just glad to be out and about...until those "thunder flies" decided to swarm in over our town.  They're small, black, and they "pinch".  Saw a father drive around with his obviously new "toy" car with two sons on the front seat. Roll Eyes Angry  The police never come out to our rural area.  You won't dream of the stuff I see!  WE had ice creams for lunch and the boys are havin hotdogs for dinner.  They had oatmeal for breakfast.  We do cook them real food most of the time. Grin  I'll settle for steamed cod and salad. 

The neighbors just gave us a photo of her youngest daughter at her communion.  It's at 13-14 here.  I really liked her outfit.  There have been a few years where I thought the communion styles were too sexy and inappropriate for church. 

Their youngest daughter wore white leggings with a short, simple white empire dress and a blue alice band with a blue flower on the side, a cute "Victorian" inspired necklace, and white ballerinas.  Just enough to add personal detailing and add some interest to all the white stuff.  All white is lovely too.  Her hair was simple and if she was wearing any make-up it was very natural looking. 

Our middle one is style conscious and interested in apparel and jewelry designs so I wonder what he'll choose to wear for his communion...I hope he understands that it's not supposed to be a fashion show but that he can slightly change his suit/outfit when he gets home for the family party.  We'l take that one when it becomes relevant. Wink

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #72 - Jul 4th, 2009 at 5:10pm
I am pretty sure that you could find Cetaphil and Clean and Clear (a Noxzema product, I think) on-line and order that way, if you wanted.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #73 - Jul 4th, 2009 at 6:22pm
melusine wrote on Jul 4th, 2009 at 5:10pm:
I am pretty sure that you could find Cetaphil and Clean and Clear (a Noxzema product, I think) on-line and order that way, if you wanted.

I just thought of checking the ingredients and seeing if I can get something like that around here if the stuff I'm using isn't similar.  I'd have to buy it from an EU based site or extra VAT/tax is placed on the package if it's from outside an EU country. Roll Eyes  So far, I'm pretty happy with the stuff I'm using.  Smiley
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #74 - Jul 5th, 2009 at 4:09am
Hair - Wash, VR, and regular condition today because I'm alone with the boys.

4th July -
We don't celebrate it here but there were lots of garden parties last night with loud music.  Most Danes are aware that the Americans celebrate something on the 4th of July and since it fell on a Saturday, I think most people used it as an excuse to host loud parties.  This wasn't the warmest weekend we've had and rain and thunder was forecast which we did have a bit of but not enough so it quickly became yucky again. Despite it being very warm and humid, I couldn't open any windows until 1:30am because the music would've woken the boys up and no one played music I like anyway.  So I tossed and turned and when I finally could get some fresh air into our house, I didn't feel like going straight to bed but wanted to enjoy that it was warm enough to sit in the quiet darkness on our patio.  I had about 4 hrs. of sleep but I'm not tired...yet.

My middle one slept with his head in a Lego box.  I moved him back into bed twice before I fell asleep.  They were all up, had eaten oatmeal and toast and were getting dressed when I woke up.  They're really good with that and I'm proud that they help each other so that the one's who have difficulty with one or the other thing gets breakfast and clothes anyway.  Unfortunately, I could see they'd been over by our office table which we don't want.  Hub had left a basket out which has the thing for testing batteries so the two oldest nerds tested batteries in anything they could find with batteries in. Grin  It's not the worst thing they could do.
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