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Merry Drear's Full Spectrum (Read 257374 times)


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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #90 - Aug 3rd, 2009 at 10:20am
Hair - Got back in shape after a weekend at home and the water quality is better at my mom's than at the place we were the week before even though she lives near the ocean too.  VR as soon as I got home and deep conditioned the two first days I was back.  My hair is so soft and smooth now.  Mom says there's nothing wrong with my cut and that the bottom looks sharp and straight. 

Skin - Still problematic since last winter but back to the condition it was before I went to the holiday house.  I remembered to bring all my cleansers and oil free sun screen for face to my mom's.  

Mom's - Did all the usual stuff we do when we're in Gilleleje which includes large consumptions of icecream, ordering food at one of two stalls at the harbor and enjoying the meal on a bench overlooking the commercial fish trawlers and luxury yachts.  Lots of walking and some shopping.  

I bought new ECCO sandals from their Charm collection.  I won't buy any other brand than ECCO.  The quality is good, the price is fair and it's the brand I've had to most positive experiences with.  Well my feet like ECCo's classic and basic footwear lines.  I've been buying their sandals too large though and couldn't understand why I wore them out so quickly because usually ECCO is very durable.   My mom insisted on buying me some casual flats that look just a bit more feminine than the usual functional footwear I go for so now I have a pair of mary janes that are super cute but they're of some brand I have no experience; Tamaris from their active collection/line.  From what I could find out online it's a decent quality German brand in the same price range as ECCO and they feel just like ECCO shoes on my feet.  I still want to buy a pair of ECCO shoes, possibly ECCO Charm with laces.  Black of course.  I rarely buy footwear in other colors.  Found a quality short sleeved grey knit t-shirt my mom insisted on paying for too.  I found two dirt cheap bras and my mom bought me new black leggings because she was shocked that, that's the only color I don't own leggings in for summer use. Grin So all in all I'm very pleased with my sale finds.

This week - Laundry, gardening, tidy up this house.  Won't bother to clean before everyone else goes back to school and work.  Continue caring for my face skin.

I'm too tired to upload photos.  It may have to wait until next week.  

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #91 - Aug 8th, 2009 at 5:09am
Hair - Wash, condition, this is going to be a miserable day for my scalp because it's supposed to be hot and humid before the thunder arrives. 

Ree Safari Park - (copied from a mail to my dad and only slightly edited) It's hub's birthday today but the weather forecast was better yesterday so we moved the celebration to Friday instead of Saturday.  So today we're just staying home and I'll prepare something special for dinner.  Yesterday we went to Ree Park Zoo with his parents.  It was really spectacular and I was positively surprised.  I didn't know what to expect.  It's a really big place and we didn't feel crowded at any time.  I'll upload photos when the boys are back in school from all three weeks hub, boys and I spent together.

Here's a link to the park's homepage which sadly doesn't do justice to the park:  http://www.reepark.dk/ ; It's divided up in animals according to continents.  North America was impressive with the all the wood.  We walked across a long wooden hanging bridge and I recognized the scent of that new red toned wood (don't know if it really was red wood) and some of it had already greyed which I always thought lent it a rustic charm.  We saw a hawk show too (I doubt the boys remember seeing a similar show five years ago in nord Jylland).  The youngest asked if we'd let him in with the leopards in Africa; "No!".  I saw black swans for the first time ever.  It helped that the weather was fantastic.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #92 - Aug 8th, 2009 at 4:26pm
I saw black swans for the first time ever.

I saw black swans for the first time a couple years ago at the Kansas zoo.  They're beautiful!
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #93 - Aug 9th, 2009 at 8:58am
Hair - VR, wash, deep condition.  Forgot to comb my hair today.  It's hot and sticky and just about to change.  brushed my hair in the afternoon.  Looks okay, not sure about the feel.  I'm using this Garnier olive and lemon deep conditioner until I've used it up.  Then I won't buy it again.  I'll go back to Gliss Rose Oil deep conditioner from the same line I use daily.  My hair photographs awfully.  It's a stupid length and coarse hair can look bad in photos when it's a medium length.  Well, my hair has always looked awful in photos when it's medium length. 

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #94 - Aug 10th, 2009 at 8:00am
Sunday - A bloody scare on the toilet, generally feeling dizzy and stomach cramps landed me at the doctor on call's office at the nearest hospital.  Some tear, nothing serious, and I was reprimanded for stopping D-vitamin supplement intake in the summer. Embarrassed  The man's obviously taken the time to read my medical history. Smiley  He read the D-vitamin deficiency and I admitted that I'd quit taking the supplement out of ignorance.   I suspect the red wine and beef from the night before might be the culprits for the stomach pains.  I'm only a social drinker.  I think I might be among those of Asian origin who lack an enzyme to digest alcohol.  Red meat is difficult to digest for many people.  We don't eat red meat too often for that reason.

I didn't prepare the one in the picture but it's the same I made and no parts were red when we ate it:  http://www.maduniverset.dk/images/R%D8DVINSM%D8RBRAD.jpg  It was well done all the way through.  That's what hub wanted for dinner on his birthday, Saturday.

Hair - Wash, condition.  I've been using a comb when I'm out but I'm so used to brushes now that I bought a purse brush today.  Hair looks and feels good if you disregard the stupid length.  It's definitely not photogenic at present length.  But with my hair being so well behaved I'm not complaining.

Back-to-school -
Well, for the oldest boys anyway and the youngest one's back in kindergarten.  He's been wanting to go back for the past three weeks.  I don't think we're bad parents. Grin  I've dusted, vacuumed, been to the pharmacy and grocery store, cleaned up the war zone in the oldest boys' room and that took half a day, and I've still got the kitchen and livingroom to vacuum.  
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #95 - Aug 10th, 2009 at 12:09pm
OOH that does sound scary!  Glad to hear it was nothing serious.  You're probably right about the stomach cramps.  If you don't eat very much red meat, it can definitely give you some trouble.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #96 - Aug 11th, 2009 at 5:28am
Hair - Who cares!  I have bigger problems!  Seriously, this is just a wash and condition day.  I haven't given my hair any thought.  I didn't care what my hair looked like when I had a meeting with social services today.  I didn't even look in a mirror.  Judging by the hair of the guy we had the meeting with, I don't think he cared what his or anyone's hair looks like. Grin  

Social "Services" meeting - With some old guy who retires at the end of the month who could only apologize for the situation; Us being lost in the system, completely forgotten and not getting a meeting in (he said six months but he's wrong) over 8 months.  So now we're supposedly back in the system - they'll try to remember who we are and he'll send his recommendations for our oldest son's needs but we still have to keep contacting them and reminding them of our needs.  In other words; we're expected to hold social services tightly by their ears. Roll Eyes  He was very sympatic to our situation having worked in the field to help families like ours for over 30 years but he's only been in our county for a month and he was only employed as a substitute for a real social worker until they find someone who actually wants that position permanently.  Looong story.....This is the actual reason why we haven't been receiving any help and haven't been able to schedule a meeting.  No one wants to be a social worker for families with one or more mentally disabled members.  I suppose I don't blame anyone for not wanting that job.  I wouldn't want that job but that doesn't change our dire needs.

Skin - Bumpy rashes.  Don't have time to give it any thought, schedule an appointment or try to treat it in any way.  I'm too pre-occupied with the family situation here and the boys needs.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #97 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 2:48am
Hair - Wash, deep condition.  My hair's looking so good I completely passed up on the make-up.  On days when my hair looks its best I don't care about the rest. Tongue

Cold - I'm treating it with every known household remidy.  Good Danish honey, green tea, taking my vitamins, eating healthily, sleeping well and sweating it out.  Dressing like it's already Fall.  I'm so annoyed because I can't have a throat infection from two weeks before I'm supposed to have my tonsils removed and the surgery is scheduled in three weeks and I have an examination on the 25th of this month. Sad  I've been keeping my hans off railings, being fantatically hygienic; carried disinfectant with me every where and washed my hands at every opportunity.  The weather's acting like it's Fall. Sad

So if in the end they won't remove my tonsils and my itchy spots end up covering my whole body, at least I'll have great looking hair! Cheesy
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Posts: 2318
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #98 - Aug 13th, 2009 at 11:01am
BREATHE!  Come on, right now...  In with the good, out with the bad.  In with the good, out with the bad.  *hugs*  Everything WILL get done, you'll see. 
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #99 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 5:14am
Trisha wrote on Aug 13th, 2009 at 11:01am:
BREATHE!  Come on, right now...  In with the good, out with the bad.  In with the good, out with the bad.  *hugs*  Everything WILL get done, you'll see.  

Grin  Cold appears to be over, skin's somewhat better, I'm taking none-prescriptive antihistamines and using a prescription cream, but my hair feels like fish line nylon. Roll Eyes  So now I'm trying to distract from my hair with a colorful, frilly, busy, retro inspired style a'la that Melinda Gordon character.  My make-up's much more colorful than that character though.  Glittery greens, purples, and a blue-pink-purplish eyeshadow with shimmery green and plum eyeliner plus three layers of mascara.  All topped off with an old MAC Vivacious pink lipstick.  As soon as my hair's dry, I'll grab a scarf and tie it into a low ponytail.  That'll be a very colorful scarf too!  Proportions and balance aren't in my vocabulary!  We all have our ways of dealing with our insecurities.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #100 - Aug 16th, 2009 at 11:23am
Hair - Clarifying, then deep conditioning sure helped on the feel of my hair.  It' feels naturally smooth now.  No synthetic stringy feel. 

A none-wasted-lazy-day - Omg!  It's just past 5:15pm here and I've sat on my flat since 9am something.  I've watched the extra material on Dion Dimucci's Heroes, Dion Live from 2004, Ricky Nelson Greatest Hits DVD, The Carpenters Gold Greatest Hits DVD, and Depeche Mode SOTU extra material.  The Dion stuff really had me entranced.  I could watch Dion Dimucci talk about his music, history, guitars, life experiences, etc. over and over again.
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #101 - Aug 16th, 2009 at 1:46pm
Sounds to me like you had a soul nourishing day.  Good for you!

I'm glad your cold is gone.  I'm afraid that I'm going to get sick now that I'm home. 

Do you do deep treatments on your hair?  If so, how are you doing them and what are you using?
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #102 - Aug 18th, 2009 at 2:06am
Sakina wrote on Aug 16th, 2009 at 1:46pm:
Sounds to me like you had a soul nourishing day.  Good for you!

I'm glad your cold is gone.  I'm afraid that I'm going to get sick now that I'm home.  

Do you do deep treatments on your hair?  If so, how are you doing them and what are you using?

I'm not sure I'm happy with the deep treatment I do on Sunday.  After clarifying I use Garnier's olive and lemon deep conditioner right now.  I think it might work better on less coarse hair.  I'll go back to Gliss rose oil deep conditioner when I've used this one up.  I use Gliss 1 min. deep conditioner for deep repair on Wednesdays.  I've given up on using pure olive oil because the results are so inconsistent.  I've used some monoi oil in the past but that's too expensive.  I'd leave it on for 20 mins. then wash it out.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #103 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 3:26am
Hair - My scalp suffered miserably yesterday when it was hot and humid.  Relief didn't even come after thunder and lightening that was like nothing we usually have around here and it had to start in the evening when I was home alone with the boys.  Thankfully two of them slept through it.  Today was just wash and condition.  It feels like my hair is growing very fast these days but I won't wave from my decision not to measure until Jan.2010.  I'll need 1-2 trims before that.

Skin - It's a itchy hell with urticaria.  Got Locoid cream and Telfast.  However, every three days it acts up miserably and I can't resist from itching myself into a bloody mess.  If I don't do it while I'm awake and conscious I'll do it in my sleep.  Had the same experience between x-mas and NY 07. Except the rashes were in a different place but the itching at night if I'd actually been able to resist itching during the day, was the same back then.  For months after I had huge blotches of beet red "scars".  It's actually gone away.  Couldn't get a dermatologist appt. until 21st of Oct.  I've got the surgery before that.  This is just hell!  

Saw the doctor on Wednesday and all she could do was to perscribe these Telfast anti-histhamines a new perscription of Locoid hormone cream and write a referal to a dermatologist.  

I'm keeping a diary of what I've eaten and what ever else I've encountered or used on days when it's really bad and generally writing down my suspicions.  I don't search the net much.  Every time I look up symptoms for one or other ailment, it always leads to results saying it looks like the symptoms of this or that type of cancer.  If that is the case then I want a doctor to diagnose it pronto but I don't want to morph into a cyberchondriac.

I guess you could say I had a confused 1950s and 70s thing going on the other day  while vacuuming and 90% of my clothes either being in one of three stages of laundry so I was in a short sleeved knit top, knit slip-over, and pin striped pants, straight loose legs with crease (not flared bellbottoms). I think some women wore that style of pants in the 70s. My hair was straight and center parted the way I prefer it until it's grown longer. Then the doorbell rang and a man I'd never seen asked:

"Are your parents home?" I was smiling from ear to ear.

My reply: "I am the parent at home!". I hope I didn't sound offended. He apologized profusely three times; Right on the spot, when he later spoke to my husband after he came home from work and again before he left our house. I kept repeating that he'd caused no offense and that I was very flattered.
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Re: Merry Drear's Full Spectrum
Reply #104 - Aug 21st, 2009 at 3:13pm
I couldn't keep away from th pc regarding my allergies/intolerances any way.  I'm being more careful with the search words I use to try to zoom in on relevant information.  So, a prick-needle test may only be able to prove so much and that may be why despite my sufferings in the grass season and any time I get in contact with pine, I have terrible nettle breakouts.  

Perhaps I need to get some control over that irritated stomach and avoid things like almonds and tomatos which seem to be especially irritating to my system and skin.  Apologies, I'm itching, feeling like hell generally and trying to write this in English.  I'm not sure for who's benefit I'm writing this.  I just feel a need to get my thoughts out in writing.  

I'm hoping that by excluding foods that grass and "bynke" allergics often have problems with, will give the system time to recover so I don't break out again just from touching a child's plate covered in ketchup.  D*****!  I wasn't conscious of it at the time.  The irony is that I've never been a believer of food intolerances and I'm not sure I am convinced yet and I try to put it down to psychological in most people's cases but right now I just don't feel like gambling any more with that mast cell, histamines, erh...that thing that becomes irritated if it's not tight, my skin, etc. all that's making my life a desperate and very distraught experience these days.  

Never did I imagine that anything could feel worse on the outside of my body than the often bloody scalp and eczema I had when I was younger.  Can't keep my skin moisture tight either.  This just motivates me to take extra good care of my hair and to stay in shape so I don't lose my sense of "attraction" completely.  

The thought of a life without fresh fruits and vegetables, and free roam in the great outdoors is unbearable.  I'm really not a suited for metropolitan living too many city trips and large crowds for several hours.  

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« Last Edit: Aug 22nd, 2009 at 8:18am by Drear »  
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