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Watching & Waiting (Read 45099 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
Gender: female
Watching & Waiting
May 29th, 2009 at 4:23pm
So, I decided to go ahead and start a hair journal, mostly because I seem to be trying so much new stuff on my hair that I'm starting to lose track of what works and what doesn't!   Tongue  I've been looking at a lot of long hair websites for advice.  A lot of them say the same basic things, but there are a LOT of different methods and recipes and stuff to try.  So...I'm recording all of my experiments here.  ::bwah-hah-haa!::  I wonder, though...how much time should I give a product (or recipe or whatever) to work?  Will I be able to tell within a day to use it or lose it?  Or should I give it a week? Two weeks? 

An aside before I start recording:  My computer's 'r' key doesn't work, so I have to Copy & Paste all my 'r's.  If I skip one or two, I apologize.   Wink

Alright.  Where to start?  right now my hair is 20" from my hairline to the ends.  I just had the layering cut out at the start of this month, so it's all one length.  It's naturally blond, slightly wavy, fine, and about normal density. 

As for my routine, I wash & condition every other day (trying to stretch to two days between washings, but it gets very very oily) with Organix Coconut Milk Shampoo & conditioner--it's one of the few I could find without sulfates.  I would do CO washes, but the last one of those I did left my hair heavy, greasy, and all-around yucky.  When I run out of conditioner I'll have to get one that's better at cleansing.  I oil my ends at night with sweet almond oil, and I try to put on a good amount of oil the night before I wash.  I sleep with my hair French braided, as it's not quite long enough to braid just the length.  I rinse about once a week with DWV, but not really to remove buildup; the vinegar seems to help a little bit with my seborrheic dermatitis (I'll use 'SD' from now on).  I deep condition every week, but I've run out of my deep conditioner, and since my car's in the shop, I will be experimenting with other methods of deep conditioning this week.   Smiley 

A lot of my 'experimenting' here will be ways to improve the condition of my scalp as much as my hair.  I was diagnosed with SD as a teenager, and it hasn't improved much since then (I'm 25).  At that time, Head & Shoulders seemed to be the only thing that helped it at all.  I think I've developed a resistance to it, though, so I'm trying to find something that will help the SD but that's good for my hair (preferably something natural--and cheap!   Wink  ).  The SD really doesn't bother me much during the day--an itchy here or there, but at night it gets really bad.  So far the only thing that seems to help it is a DWV rinse, but I'm kind of concerned that doing a vinegar rinse every time I wash won't be good for my hair.  I've also read that ACV is good for SD, but I don't know that it's better than DWV.  Also, doing these rinses only seems to help a little; I'm trying to improve the SD a lot.  I'd like to try rosemary and peppermint rinses to see if that helps at all.  Tea tree is supposed to help too, but the oil is kind of expensive.  Aloe is also supposed to be helpful.  Organix makes a shampoo that has all four plant extracts in it, and I might try that if the rinses work.  Or I may just make my own shampoo.  Just how much buildup does castile soap cause?  Tongue 

As you can see, I've got a lot to try out here.  Wish me luck.  I just hope I don't mix the wrong herbs and make all my hair fall out or something!

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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #1 - May 29th, 2009 at 5:18pm
Welcome to the wonderful, whiny world of hair journaling. Wink
My hair was about 20" when I started too.

Sorry to hear of your problems with seborrheic dermatitis. That sounds like quite the affliction. Sad I think it would be wise to consult your dermatologist before trying any new haircare regimen or product just to ensure that you're not making things worse.

As for the difference bewteen DWV and ACV, there really aren't any. They both have 5% acidity. In my personal experience, I found that DWV seemed to leave my hair feeling cleaner while ACV left my hair feeling softer, but that might've just been my interpretation. ... They both serve the same purpose.

Anyway, enjoy your journaling. ...
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #2 - May 31st, 2009 at 10:35pm
Cute puppy avatar!

Enjoy your journaling!!!
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #3 - Jun 1st, 2009 at 7:21am
Hi and welcome! Smiley  I know how hard it is to keep track of what works and doesn't in the beginning and sometimes you'll find that there are seasonal or other differences in what does or doesn't work.  It actually sounds like you have more control over your hair than I do.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #4 - Jun 1st, 2009 at 8:46pm
I washed and conditioned my hair yesterday morning (meaning I went three days without washing--hope I can stand to keep that up Tongue).  I wanted to see if fewer washes per week would help my scalp, and...

VOILA!  No more itchies!  I never in my wildest dreams thought that washing my hair less would make my scalp better.  Why would I?  One day without washing tended to make it worse.  Hopefully this is a permanent thing.  ::crosses fingers::  I can't believe that my scalp doesn't itch, even after washing.  This is like a miracle.  lol.

So...now I guess it's on to figuring out what works for my hair.  Yay!  The fun part!     Grin
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

Posts: 3399
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #5 - Jun 1st, 2009 at 9:09pm
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #6 - Jun 3rd, 2009 at 4:20pm
I saw something on the TV yesterday that a few months ago I would have agreed with, but after joining this forum, I got really upset about & ended up changing the channel. 

I was watching the Tyra Banks Show where they were doing makeovers.  There was a woman there with hair literally to the floor, and part of her makeover was to cut her hair off to APL!  She was crying the whole time while they tied a ponytail holder on and cut the hair off right above it.  Now, granted, the last four feet of her hair were really damaged, and maybe they should have been cut off , but certainly not ALL of it!  All I could think of was how much work and time and care was being held in that stylist's hand afterward--all to make this girl fit into a mold.  I mean, I like watching makeover shows and stuff like that, but I'm starting to realize that people are all supposed to be different & to assume that we need to all fit into some predetermined box is not respectful to humanity or the One who created it.

Well, enough of my soapbox rant.   Tongue  Today I'm doing S&D while listening to the rain and Meerkat Manor.  In a few minutes I'm going to put some warm almond oil on my hair for 30 minutes and shampoo.  Maybe I'll boil some rosemary and put that in there, too.  I love days off!
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #7 - Jun 3rd, 2009 at 5:11pm
Oy, I could not agree more! Makeover shows are painful to watch when they insist on cutting off someone's long hair to make them look trendy. Gah! Tongue

Though, if that particular woman's hair was four feet of damage, she probably didn't put as much care and time into it as you think. Many people with hair that length just let it grow without getting trims or minding the ends at all and it looks dreadful. Perhaps they were doing her a favor. Undecided

If she is the long hair type, she will just grow it back. There's nothing a salon can do that nature can't undo.
    But you're quite right about fitting into the fashion mold. Balderdash! If The Creator wanted us all to be Barbie clones, we would've been made that way. I can understand trying to help someone who is hurting themselves or others with their habits, but conforming to trends solely to please other people is suicide.
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Posts: 909
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #8 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 2:04am
If you personally favor short hair then that's fine with me but I hate how women are "bullied" into having their hair cut for x number of reasons that are based on myths and misconceptions and strange fashion notions.
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #9 - Jun 4th, 2009 at 6:02pm
If The Creator wanted us all to be Barbie clones, we would've been made that way. I can understand trying to help someone who is hurting themselves or others with their habits, but conforming to trends solely to please other people is suicide.

I could not agree more!
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #10 - Jun 12th, 2009 at 2:58am
So, maybe I was too quick to assume my problems with my scalp were over with.   Cry
Today, even after a few days of not washing it still itches around the hairline in the back.  I suppose that I'm going to have to do a vinegar rinse every time I wash, which kind of makes me sad, because my shampoo smells really good. 

On the plus side, my hair looks great when I wash it less, and it feels really good after being washed, as opposed to feeling dried out, which is what it felt like before.  I'm hoping, though, that my hair doesn't smell funny after a few days without washing.  I need an opinion on this, but I don't really want to ask my boyfriend--he doesn't need to know that I go three, sometimes four days without washing my hair, does he?   Tongue  I read somewhere recently that you can put perfume in your hair by spraying it on your brush first (to avoid putting alcohol directly on your hair), so maybe I'll try that.  I'd just hate for it to smell like perfume and dirty hair. 

Speaking of my brush...
I walked into my bedroom the other day to find my beagle Gadget chewing on my boar bristle brush!!   Angry  I don't even know how she got it!  I took it away from her to assess the damage, and luckily (for her) it wasn't hurt too badly.  But now it has little teeth marks all over the handle and head, and it did have tricolor dog hairs and spit in it until I washed it out.   Roll Eyes 

right now I'm pretty sure she's attacking my clothes hamper.  I'd better go save it...
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #11 - Jun 17th, 2009 at 2:57am
I washed my hair last night and then decided to rag curl it.   Roll Eyes  I don't know why anybody would want to do that on a daily basis.  lol.  It took me forever to figure out how to make the rags stay inside the curls, and then I couldn't get the things tied!  After an hour and a few choice words, I got my whole head done (because after all that, there was no way I wasn't finishing what I'd started).

So, this morning I took out the rags, and after attempting to comb it to take out a little of the curl, I looked like a blonde Carrot Top!   In a slight panic (because I had to go out and face the real world later) and stubbornly refusing to give up on the poodle sitting on my head, I called my mother.  Having been a pin curl girl, she had no advice to offer.  So, I started looking for a product that would tame the frizz.  I had previously thrown out all of my hair products besides--you know it--oil.  I put a few drops on the curls from the ear down, and immediately they started to settle into nice, behaved coils.  Success!!  I was able to pull the top half back and get a really nice hairstyle out of what had been a huge rat's nest. 

I now have a healthy respect for all of you curly girls out there, especially the ones that are growing their hair long.  More power to you!
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #12 - Jun 17th, 2009 at 4:56am
I don't know about rag curling but some women can actually absentmindedly pin curl their hair while watching the news and then wrap it all up for the night.  I admirer retro/vintage ladies who are into this for their devotion to style and they say it gets easier the more often you do it but I have ten thumbs and an easily irritable scalp so an easy routine that requires the least messing with my hair is best for me.  Some control the frizz with pomade. Shocked  Okay, if it works for them...Some say setting lotion prevents the frizz.  I haven't been able to find any locally, have recently thrown away all my styling products and I just don't want to mess up my hair now that it's so well behaved.
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A womens hair is her life

Posts: 643
Southern Ontario, Canada
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #13 - Jun 17th, 2009 at 7:05am
I now have a healthy respect for all of you curly girls out there, especially the ones that are growing their hair long.  More power to you!

Thanks!  Ah yes those "poodle moments" as I call them, always happen on important days! lol! Grin
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #14 - Jun 22nd, 2009 at 12:08am
So today I was getting ready for work, and I realized that I only had 5 minutes left before I had to leave, and my hair was all oily, since it's my third day after washing.  I had to throw it up in a pair of low French braids into buns, which ended up looking terrible and loopy because I only had 5 minutes to do it.  Plus it keeps trying to fall out.  My usual style when I have oily hair is a classic, because it binds up my bangs (which are the oiliest part of my hair) and hides the grease.  It's also MUCH easier to do on oily hair.

So here's a question for all of you reading my journal here--What's your cutest 'go-to' style the day before you wash?  You get bonus points if you have bangs.   Wink
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