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Watching & Waiting (Read 45135 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #15 - Aug 11th, 2009 at 11:25pm
I have been an admirer of the Victoria's Secret models' hair for a long time, since it's so long and tousled and pretty (even though I know the vast majority of them have extensions--one can dream, no?).  It's actually not that hard to achieve the basic look of it.  But I was looking at the online catalog today, and all I could think was, 'Gah! What a tangled mess that would be at the end of the day.  Those girls must have a heck of a time combing that out.'  lol. 

I read an article recently that said men prefer women to look more natural, as opposed to done up.  I mean, they like women to look like they put a little effort into their appearance, but most could care less about what's 'fashionable.' Go men!  Tongue  It's funny to me, though, because the VS models spend literally hours with hair and makeup artists, plus tons of money on spray tans, implants (in some cases), highlights, extensions, and also(to my amusement) I found out today that in order to get their famous cleavage, most of them have to tape their chests as well as wearing push-ups and cookies.  Plus, after their photographed, they're airbrushed, photoshopped, and molded into 'perfection.'  So much for natural, right? 

This kind of illusion makes me very sad, because a lot of women look at that and say, "I want to look like that."  But the reality is that not even the women that 'look like that' look like that.  I wish that more women would look at themselves and see the beauty that's already there.   Grin

Kind of a weird topic, I know, and not exactly hair, but this is something I feel strongly about.
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DFW area, Texas
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #16 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 2:12am
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #17 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 2:57am
I'm glad VS isn't really known by most over here.  Men don't think as deeply as "we" do about these things so they just see someone who they may think appears naturally attractive and not think of the effort put into that video/photo shoot and they don't think of how unrealistic it is for average women with ordinary means to achieve those looks.  The models don't even really look like themselves as models.  I hope the last part made sense.  Thankfully, most mature men know these things and don't have these expectations of women and there are *shock!* men who aren't attracted to so called "perfect" models who actually find them repulsive.  I find most male models and their "perfection" repulsive or at least unattractive so I do believe men who genuinely aren't attracted to women like VS models.  In reality, it isn't that simple what men find attractive.  To insinuate that everyone of the same gender has the same attraction criterias is some what insulting.  That's one of many reasons why I don't read women's mags anymore and never have been a regular reader.

I went through a similar stage with Bollywood actresses and then someone pointed out to me that it's not even their real hair we're looking at.  Shock to me! Grin  Well they have been known to use hair pieces and wigs in the movies.  Sorry, it wasn't my intention to hi-jack your journal. Embarrassed
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #18 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 9:29am
Please.  Hijack away!   Cheesy
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #19 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 11:55am
I heard that they're trying to ban airbrushing in the U.K., because of a recent Twiggy ad.  Personally, I believe that it should be banned everywhere, it's so fake. Tongue 
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #20 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 5:05pm
Ok, this may be the jaded SoCalian in me, but...it's called marketing. If companies advertised their products from a realistic standpoint, they wouldn't make a dime. So of course it's all hyped, enhanced, air brushed, digitally retouched and fake. And people are shocked by this? Really?? The word is DUH. Roll Eyes But we all have to find out the ugly truth sooner or later, don't we?
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Type 2a-b/C/iii...waiting
for longlocks!

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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #21 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 6:39pm
Hey, Yesitsreal, I know its a bit late for a congrats on the journal but...
Congrats! Smiley
Anyways, about the fakey airbrush Victoria Secret models, I'd say I kind of agree with all of you. I think its kind of the sad truth that no one would make a dime if they never touched up anything on anyone or used any type of special effects whatsoever, but at the same time it kind of presents an unrealistic outlook about beauty and looks in general, you know? Especially for young girls nowadays, it just puts more pressure on them to look perfect...and we know that not everyone is perfect, and barely anyone on this planet looks naturally like a Victoria's Secret model. But they don't know that, either. I think it's a pretty big issue, and everyone has different opinions. But that's just my 2 cents.
Have fun journaling!  Smiley
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring..."
J J  
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #22 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 9:47pm

No offense meant, but I disagree.  Dove launched its campaign for real beauty a few years ago, in which they used models of every age, shape, and size, and they promoted loving one's body for the way it really is.  Their campaign emphasizes self-esteem and the fact that every woman is beautiful the way she is.  As far as I can tell, it was a huge success.

Here's the site for their mission statement:


I do agree that a certain amount of advertisement is required to sell a product, but I think that the degree to which the advertisers push it is terrible.  I mean, not only does the public feel as though it can't 'measure up' to the standards presented in these ads, but the models themselves must never feel like they're good enough either--they're not only made up and coiffed and primped for hours, but after they're photographed, their pictures are airbrushed, photoshopped, and augmented.  How must that make them feel?
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #23 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 10:18pm
No offense taken. Like I said, growing up 3 hours from Tinsel Town has probably made me immune to the whole "omg body image!!!" phenom. They're just trying to sell. The illusion of perfection can only bother you if you let it. Roll Eyes We're not Barbie clones. Weren't meant to be, never will be. It's a silly thing to want to live up to.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #24 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 10:28pm
(after further thought)...

And, I think that the public 'knows' that this stuff is augmented, but I'm not sure they always realize to what degree on both sides of the camera.  I know I didn't.  Plus, if you see this stuff all the time--ad after ad and commercial after commercial, you really do genuinely start to believe that it's normal to look that way.  I can't tell you how many girls at my workplace (I work at a vet school) have either said that they want to look 'that way,' while pointing at an ad.  And these are intelligent, independent women.  I just feel like they take a woman who was already beautiful and tell her she's not good enough the way she is, whether she's a model or a consumer.

I know that I can't really change the whole advertising system.  It's been the same for a very long time.  But I would like to change the way people, especially women and girls, view it.  I wish that the advertisers would use minimally retouched photos and people who looked more normal, especially clothing advertisers, but I realize that that's unlikely to happen.  I just wish I could change the destructiveness of it.  And I want people to understand that what we're presented with in magazines and on TV every day is not the only way to be beautiful.  I think real beauty shows up in people's little imperfections.  Those are what make us us.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #25 - Aug 12th, 2009 at 10:31pm

Of course you're right.  Eleanor Roosevelt said that no one can make you feel inferior without your permission.  I just feel really strongly about it because I've seen it hurt a lot of people.  Everybody has a soapbox topic.  This is mine.   Smiley
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #26 - Aug 13th, 2009 at 10:34pm
After a brief rebellion from hair growing (I had that itch to cut it off again), I have decided to resume my hair care regimen.  Frankly, my hair looked better when I was taking care of it (duh).  However, I've made a couple of changes, since my hair was getting a little rough, and with the humidity it's getting bigger and bigger.

I'm using a shampoo with sodium laureth sulfate.  I tried the sulfate-free thing, and maybe it was that particular shampoo, but my hair had more frizzies and flyaways than ever.  So...I'm using a L'Oreal Natural shampoo.  It's got a lot of plant extracts, and the cleansers are pretty mild, so I'm using that right now.  It's also got dimethicone in it (I'm pretty sure that my hair loves cones). I think I'm going to try Nature's Gate shampoo next, but I have to order it, and I don't have a lot of money at the moment, even money to spend on my hair.   Wink

I got the layers put back in my hair.  I know, I know...probably not the greatest idea ever, as it makes braiding and such difficult, but it looks a LOT better around my face, and it looks neater when it's down.  When it gets to about mid-back it might look better all one length, but for now I like the layering.  I also asked my stylist about my little fuzzies all over my head--she told me that they weren't broken hairs, that's just how my hair is.  I think it must be new growth or something.  My hair has a natural wave, so it makes sense that the baby hairs would be curly, right?  And they only really stick up when my hair is freshly cleaned and dry (which is when the rest of it is at its puffiest), so I'm not terribly worried about it.

Anniversary celebration with my boyfriend tomorrow.  I'm still wondering what I should do with my hair.  I'm wearing a red cotton halter maxi dress...any suggestions would be helpful.   Grin
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Posts: 301
DFW area, Texas
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #27 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 12:51am
Hmm...red cotton halter maxi dress says "summer" to me.  Maybe a simple ponytail?  You mentioned you got layers cut in.  Maybe you could have some tendrils around your face to dress it up a little.  



Hope that helps.  Have fun with your celebration!  
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #28 - Aug 14th, 2009 at 4:29pm
I also asked my stylist about my little fuzzies all over my head--she told me that they weren't broken hairs, that's just how my hair is.  I think it must be new growth or something.  My hair has a natural wave, so it makes sense that the baby hairs would be curly, right?  And they only really stick up when my hair is freshly cleaned and dry (which is when the rest of it is at its puffiest), so I'm not terribly worried about it.

My hair has the same thing and it's stick straight. I'm not sure I buy the "new growth" theory. Undecided But I do S&D's sometimes to keep them at bay.

I'm still wondering what I should do with my hair.  I'm wearing a red cotton halter maxi dress...any suggestions would be helpful. Grin

Sexy, sistah. Wink A ponytail would be cute, or one of those loop ponytail bun things where you don't pull it all the way through at the end. Big earrings and definitely a fun bracelet. Wink
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #29 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 5:30am
My former hairdresser said it was new growth too.  Whatever, I still hate the look of it!  On my head anyway.
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