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Watching & Waiting (Read 45097 times)

LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #30 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 10:33am
Thanks so much for the suggestions!  I ended up wearing a low messy bun, large gold hoop earrings, and a set of gold bangles.  Looked great!  The bf almost ran off the road staring at me!   Roll Eyes
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #31 - Aug 15th, 2009 at 12:36pm
Grin You go, girl! Wink
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #32 - Aug 31st, 2009 at 12:20am
I'm getting tired of the waiting again.  Maybe I should set a mini-goal and reward myself for reaching it, kind of like my weight-loss program.  Waiting around for waist-length hair can be exhausting!   Tongue 

I've come back down to two days between washings, instead of three.  My hair wasn't getting any less oily after about 3-4 months of stretching days between, and really, on the third day it starts to look like I haven't had access to a shower in a week.  I get tired of doing Dutch braids to keep my oily bangs out of my face, and cornstarch has never worked tremendously well.  I wonder if my hair is long enough to do scalp-only washes?

I'm still using my sulfate-ridden shampoo, but it doesn't seem to do better with my hair (or my scalp) than any other.  In fact, the only shampoo (and really, the only treatment) in the last few months that genuinely seemed to improve the condition of my hair was that Aveeno sample I got in the mail.  But that stuff has ALL KINDS of sulfates and salts and dyes and perfumes.  Ick.  Maybe I'll try Nature's Gate shampoos next.  I wish I could just get a sample, instead of buying a whole bottle though. 

I'm getting kind of impatient with hair care in general lately.  It seems so much easier to just blow-dry it.  And my bangs would look much better.  They have this sort of weird wave when I let them dry by themselves.  Plus, all of my hair just POOFs when I air-dry it.  Wish I could harness its power for good instead of evil.   Grin  And the tangles!!  If I leave my hair down for a couple of hours I can forget about combing it comfortably, especially when it's clean.  I know I shouldn't rip at knots, but it seems sometimes like there are so many that I can't prevent it.  Maybe I need to just do some major S&D.  My hair tends to knot more when it has split ends. 

Wow...sorry about my rant.  I guess I'm just having a 'bad hair month.'  I won't do anything drastic.  I'm just frustrated at the moment.  Does everybody get to that point?  Do you just get over it?
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #33 - Aug 31st, 2009 at 2:59pm
I am also frustrated with my hair length, I just think its par for the course.  I do suggest breaking your goals into smaller ones, and rewarding yourself sounds great!

If the Aveeno gave you results you like, I say use it.  Everyone is so unique, who knows why you do well with that product??  Also, I say blow dry your bangs sometimes if it gives you the result you want.  Bangs need trimming most anyway, so why not?  Unless you don't plan on keeping them, of course.

I also have trouble with knots when my ends are split.  If that's not the culprit, look for a detangling spray.  I like the one from Mop Top.  Also, maybe you need more conditioner or to leave a little in your hair (don't rinse it all out) and that will help.

(((hugs))) we're all in this together, no?
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
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Midnight Angel
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #34 - Aug 31st, 2009 at 4:38pm
Does everybody get to that point?  Do you just get over it?

Yes and yes.

In all honesty, it sounds like you may be taking "hair advice" a bit too literally. They are guidelines - that's all! Moreover, they are guidelines that work for other people - not necessarily for you. There's no such thing as "one size fits all" haircare.

There are those who swear by natural products and only washing once a week, and that's fine for them, but it could sound like a nightmare to others. It's your hair, hon. Do what works for you. If that doesn't match up with the naturalist "ideal," then too bad. If you intend to keep your bangs and want to curl or blowfry them, do it. If you need to wash every day, do it. If sulfates or cones work better for you, use them. There really aren't any rules.

Do you use any leave-in's at all? They're invaluable if your hair tangles a lot. Some people use leave-in conditioners, some use creams or serums, some use oils. You may benefit from one or a combination of those. I know there are other curly girls here who could probably make some good recommendations.

Also, do you know how to do CWC's or scalp washes? They can be great time/hair savers. Wink
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Practice Yoga,give and
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #35 - Sep 1st, 2009 at 10:41am
Yes,we all get fustrated and tired of waiting!  Just be diligent and take care of your hair.  Use what works for you.  Like the ladies have said,they are just guidelines......not set in stone.  What works for some,doesn't work for others.  It's part of the journey!  Learn from your experiences,enjoy the healthy growth,get wiser from any "different choices" you make along the way!
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WWW Curlgirl64  
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #36 - Sep 1st, 2009 at 7:33pm
I don't see a problem with blow drying just your bangs; like Sakina said, you have to trim them often anyway to keep the length where you want it, and plus, it's such a small portion of your hair.  My bangs do the same thing if I don't blow dry them.  It doesn't take much from the hair dryer to dry them, so I think any damage is minimal.  It's not like you're blow drying for 10-15 minutes like you would if you were doing your whole head.
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LongLocks Rocks!

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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #37 - Sep 4th, 2009 at 3:05pm
You all do have a point.  I was taking everything a bit too literally and trying to do everything at once.  I tend to be perfectionistic, so this is a common theme for me.   Tongue 

So, I think I'm going to minimize to stuff I know works; otherwise I think I might go crazy. 

Blow-drying just my bangs really seems to help.  I look more put-together just from doing that.  And I'm increasing my washes to every other day or so.  I like to look clean.  Doing CWCs will hopefully offset some of the drying from washing more often.  I really don't think my hair is quite long enough yet to do scalp washes without getting the rest wet.

The 'regular' shampoo that I started using seems to be helping my hair stay on my head.  That is, less seems to be falling out than when I was using the sulfate-free stuff.  Maybe my head just likes chemicals and additives--who knows?

In a side note, I got a new comb yesterday, since my other one broke.  It's textured plastic with these little round nubs on the teeth.  I examined it closely & couldn't find seams.  So far, I love it.  I combed my hair out with it yesterday and only lost three hairs, which is pretty much unheard of.  And I love even more the fact that I only paid $.99 for it!  Yay for sales at Sally!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #38 - Sep 4th, 2009 at 6:29pm
When I first joined LL, I also tried to do everything all at once.  When you do that, you can't tell what works!  I want perfect hair, too, but honestly-what does that mean??  I've spent a lot of frustration on the idea w/o knowing what it really means.  4 (5?) years later I still don't know!

I'm glad doing your bangs makes you happy-which is really what counts.  My guess is the shedding you experienced from trying the sulfate free stuff was just part of your scalp adjusting.  Could also be time of year or time of month shedding.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #39 - Sep 8th, 2009 at 12:26pm
Well, I've always been a big shedder, but I started following the advice on this website a few years ago, and at that time a lot of my shedding stopped.  I suppose that the shedding this time could be due to a number of reasons, including that I started working night shifts about 6 months ago.  Working this shift is affecting the rest of my body--why not my hair, right (sorry for the sarcasm; I'm frustrated with my job right now)? 

I will say, though, that leave-in conditioners are AWESOME!!  I went to Sally last week and got the Biotera leave-in because Angel suggested it for my tangles.  It works like a charm!  So for right now, my routine is going to be to CWC every other day or so, with the final conditioning being the leave-in, vinegar rinses every week, and just being super-gentle with my hair.  These are the things that I know work, so I'm going to stick with this for a while.  Winter will bring a whole new set of challenges, since my scalp acts up then, but for now I'm going to give my hair a break from changing products and routines so much. 

Oh, and before I forget--does anybody know of a way to straighten one's hair without using a flatiron?  I like the look of my hair straightened, but I don't want to pay the price in damage.  Thanks!
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August 2O1O @ the Louvre

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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #40 - Sep 9th, 2009 at 12:59am
I'm afraid I don't know of any way to straighten hair that is not damaging.
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LongLocks HairSticks Boutique
Healthy hair is beautiful no matter what length it is.
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
Gender: female
Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #41 - Oct 8th, 2009 at 4:56am
I've been leaving my hair down a lot lately--whenever I want to put it up, I never seem to have a stick or hair elastic handy.  I don't like using pencils or pens; they catch my hair on the way through.  Really, though, I think I'm just being lazy.  Maybe I just need a few new hair toys.  I've lost my favorite stick in the move from one apartment to another, and I'm losing hope that I'll ever see it again.  It was a cedar stick that I carved myself, and it was nice and thick so it stayed really well in my fine, slippery hair.  Also, I like the feel and the look of my hair down, but it gets so darn tangled.  I think I'll go to Claire's and see what they have in the way of toys.  The one here has stopped stocking sticks.  I think they must be "out of style."    Cry  I might have to get on the Internet to perpetuate my stick habit. 

The once-per-week honey and vinegar rinses combined with the CWCs with the leave-in are working really well.  My scalp loves honey and vinegar!  The vinegar can be a bit drying to my ends, but the leave-in and almond oil help with that.  It's worth my scalp not itching.  Plus, I think it's time for a trim anyway.  My ends feel a bit rough.  I think it's been almost two months, so I'm not surprised.

I wonder, though...my hair and scalp seem like they 'adapt' themselves to any product I use very quickly--like, in a couple of weeks.  Though the leave-in has helped with tangling, it doesn't seem to work quite as well as it did when I first bought it.  I dunno; maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I love fall!  Especially the food!  Already I've made a ton of butternut squash soup, and am in the process of making chicken soup in the CrockPot.  I'm trying to save money, so I think I'm going to start baking my own bread, too.  That will go nicely with all the soup!

I'm also very excited about Halloween coming up.  I'm going as a rocker chick--hence the question about hair straightening.  I'm usually pretty laid-back about fashion and makeup--most of the time I go pretty natural, so it'll be fun to wear black eye makeup and have hot-pink hair pieces and such.  Halloween is so much fun! 

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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #42 - Oct 8th, 2009 at 4:58am
Wow...I just read my last post.  Sorry for all the jumping around.  It's four in the morning and I'm at work; I get a bit random.   Tongue
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Midnight Angel
Ex Member

Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #43 - Oct 8th, 2009 at 11:15am
Aww, too bad you don't live closer. I'd let you borrow some of the stuff I wear onstage and even help do your makeup. Wink
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LongLocks Rocks!

Posts: 71
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Re: Watching & Waiting
Reply #44 - Oct 9th, 2009 at 2:16am
Aww, that's so sweet!  Thanks!   Cheesy

I am having a little trouble with finding a good outfit.  Suggestions would be helpful if you have any.
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